Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1274785-Lies-Beneath-the-Mist
by noelle
Rated: E · Other · Action/Adventure · #1274785
After reading "The Odessey" Homer`s Version, I decided to make another "creature".
Lies Beneath the Mist

After setting sail from the horrible Cyclops’s cove, my men and I made it to a different island, named Delos. My men needed rest, so we landed as soon as possible.
As the men got out of the boat, the water was russet and gloomy underneath them. The air was clouded with unusual white mist, as well. Eurylochus, second in command of my ship, found me standing by my lonesome. He slowly, but effectively made it to me.
“By the looks of it, we won’t find food here.”
I nodded, ignoring his ignorant remark, and stood on the boulder so that my men could see me. I spoke out to them in a thunderous voice,“It may not look it, but this land is habitable! Food can be found and we men are to do so. Everyone will split up and search. When enough food is found, light a fire whose flames are easy to see over the mist. That will be our leave.”
Men groaned, but set out.
As I walked, I slew the brush and branches in my way, like slaying a huge demonic monster. The pitch darkness of the forest influenced me to be on my best guard. On top of that, the misty air made me antsy. Anything could attack. Suddenly I heard branches breaking behind the bushes. Instinctively, I was put into attack mode, almost ripping my sword through a young maiden who appeared from the tall bushes. Her long white satin tunic hung loosely over her feet. She had porcelain skin and black hair that curled down to her back. The maiden was an eye-catching mixture of little-girl innocence and just-under-the-surface sensuality.
“State your name and purpose for sneaking up on me.”
“My apologies. I am Amarande, and I was not trying to sneak upon you. I was running from fools.”
“How come they’re after you?”
“I am beautiful and a source of food. Cannot you answer that yourself?”
I sheathed my sword and started to walk.
“Wait! I am as lost as you are! Please let me join you.”
“Do as you wish. I am only in search of food.”
“At such a time, you’ll find predators easily. Night is the haunting.”
She walked past me and led the way. I could only follow the maiden. She seemed to know more than I.
Not far from where we met, Amarande abruptly stopped. In front of us was Eurylochus. He pointed his shaking finger at Amarande.
“Master Odysseus! You dare walk around with this vampire?”
“Mind your manners, Eurylochus!”
“Let me explain, Master. I was in a small village a while ago when she arrived. She acted innocent until I turned my back. She pounced on the children and women first. Sucked all their blood! I was told to capture her before she escaped. For---”
Amarande threw a stone at the man’s head.
“Odysseus is it? He speaks of lies. He lies so he can take me to the village to exchange me for food. I’d never do such a thing.” Tears strolled down her face as she grasped onto my tanned tunic.
“Go back in search of food, I said to Eurylochus, “I wish not to see you.”
He left our sight, and the maiden collapsed to her knees.
“I am sorry. I cannot go much further. I’m too tired.”
“I’ll stay with you.”
Together we sat closely against a tree.
The weather reached cold to colder and the mist thicker. I held my sword close to me. I could see the maiden was frightened as well. She was holding onto me. So, to protect her, I put my arm around her waist.
“Odysseus?” she asked tenderly. “Do you have a wife or a family?”
“I do. My wife Penelope and my only son, Telemachus.”
“Do you miss them?”
“Why do you miss your wife so much?”
I noticed a change in her voice. It had gotten deeper and sensual. However, I could only laugh at her question.
“She is my wife! The love of my life. I’ve been too far from home for too long.”
“So why not enjoy this time you have with me? You’ve been gone so long. She’s probably forgotten about you.”
What she said saddened me. I felt her creep closer to me. Wrapping her hands around my neck and bringing my face towards hers, she kissed me slowly. She let me taste her lips and stole into my mind. She trailed light kisses down my jaw then to my collar. Her teeth were touching my bare neck. I had no idea what she was doing, but I was hers.
“Odysseus… Odysseus…” I noticed Athena’s voice.
“What are you doing Odysseus?” her elegant voice trailed.
Goddess Athena appeared and was standing, glowing, in front of me.
“I don’t know, Goddess.”
“Do not let her control you. She is in disguise. She is using you. Do not forget about your love for Penelope.”
She vanished in thin air.
I quickly regained consciousness and threw the maiden off me. Had I waited any long, who knows what could’ve happened to me. She turned paler and fangs fell from her teeth.
“You vampire! You tricked me!”
“You could’ve been mine!” she hissed.
All of a sudden, she leaned after me. Afraid for my life, I sped off, in what I thought was the direction of the boat.
As I ran, I cleared a path for myself and made Amarande’s path harder to get through. I was in sight of my boat when I became aware of the fire my men lit. I didn’t want Amarande terrorizing all of us.
Anguished at being fooled, I raised my sword, “I must get back to Ithaca and to my wife!”
Once, twice, thrice and her mutilated body fell into the bushes.
I said my prayers to Zeus and Athena, and speedily sprinted to the others.
“We’re leaving now. Get in that boat and let us go.”
Again we set sail, to wherever the ocean would take us.
© Copyright 2007 noelle (noelle_x3 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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