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Rated: 18+ · Other · Relationship · #1274095
this is part 2 of my story with my boyfriend
We passed long hallways; narrow ones, too. We finally got to the front room and we walked down the stairs. He unlocked the front door and he opened it for me. I headed towards the car and sat in the passenger seat.

Once we got to the funeral, time seemed to slow down. I had never seen so many sad faces in one place. Everyone looked so depressed; clearly this sibling of Chris’s was much missed. After Chris said his speech, which was very moving, touching, and beautiful, they buried her.

“Let’s get outta here. I hate feeling miserable for such a long time,” he admitted. I nodded and he took my hand and pulled me to the car. We got in and he started the car, driving off quietly so no one would notice he left.

Once we were far enough, he sped up to 45 mph. “So…”—He turned his head towards me—“Thanks for being there with me. It really meant a lot.” He gave me a heartwarming smile, which made my heart skip a beat. “It was nothing…That speech o’ yours was top notch. I loved it,” I complimented.

He blushed and said “Thanks again. So… what do you wanna do now? You get to pick.”

“Uhh…I dunno. Hmm…I guess I’m kinda hungry.”

He laughed and nodded. “Alrighty then.” He drove towards the ramp that goes on the highway. “You’re gonna love this place. It’s going to take a while though.”

“It’s okay. I’m tired anyway, so I’m gonna sleep for a while.”

He chuckled. “Okay, I’ll wake you when we’re there.”

I placed my head in a comfortable position against the headrest of the chair and closed my eyes.

I remember seeing a bright sun shining into my eyes as I blocked as much sunlight as I could with my arm. In the distance, I saw Chris in the water, motioning me to come towards him. I wondered if this was a dream or if this was really happening.

He was wearing bathing trunks, which were blue and green. His sweating, yet glistening body seemed to be calling my name. I walked toward him slowly and he yelled “KRISTIN!” Then, he pointed behind me with terrified eyes.

I quickly turned around and saw a portly man with a beard. He was carrying a knife and blood was dripping from it. I gasped in horror and screamed for help. The man lifted his arm, ready to stab me. I closed my eyes in fear and I felt an aching, scorching pain in my chest.

I opened my eyes and looked down at my torso. The knife was placed where my heart was. My eyes widened and I collapsed to the floor. The last thing that I saw was Chris as he rushed towards me and started bawling over me, sobbing my name over and over.

I woke up and gasped in panic. Chris was still there, sitting next to me in the black Mercedes convertible. “What happened?” he asked concernedly.

“Nothing...Just a nightmare.”

“Awww…Are you okay?” He hugged me softly.

“Yeah, I’m fine…I died in my dream.” He looked at me, horrified. “You’re right. That definitely was a nightmare.”

I nodded and suddenly my stomach growled. Chris laughed. “Guess you really are hungry. Let’s go eat then.” He walked around the car, opened my door, and grabbed me by the hand.

I stepped inside the restaurant and the smell of the varieties of foods blew by me and sent my head spiraling. I nearly collapsed from my hunger. Chris was behind me to give me support.

“Yes, table for two please?”

“Right this way, sir.” The waitress led us to a back room, secluded from all the others. “Your waiter will be with you in a moment.” But before she could leave, Chris stopped her and asked if she could take our order. “No problem, sir. What would you like to drink?”

“Chilled Pinot Grigio…Just bring the bottle. And we’re gonna share the Super Special of the Day.” Then, he motioned for the waitress to get closer. Then he whispered something in her ear.

“You got it, sir. I’ll be back shortly.” It was very suspicious. I mean the waitress was VERY pretty. Was he hitting on her? I gasped a little too loudly. His head turned rapidly towards me and he asked “Are you alright?” I nodded and he placed the back of his hand on my forehead. “Your head is very warm...You have a fever.”

“Once we leave here, we’re going straight home. I can’t have you getting seriously ill.” He sounded very worried. But didn’t he just hit on the waitress? A sharp pain stung my head. I winced and my hand flew to my forehead. I groaned. “Ouch…” He stared at me, analyzing, pondering whether he should leave now or wait until the food was consumed.

The waitress arrived swiftly with two plates and a bottle. She placed the plates in front of us and the bottle in the center. “Thank you for coming fast, like I asked you to.”

“You’re very welcome, sir.” So that’s why he whispered in her ear! Well, I was glad he didn’t flirt with her. I was upset with myself for actually thinking that he would do something like that to me. My head throbbed harder.

I grabbed the fork and took the first bite. My head seemed to get a little clearer. I continued eating, speedily, to my surprise. I finally looked up at Chris, to which he chuckled. “You really stuffed your face there. Ready to go?” I looked at the bottle of Chilled Pinot Grigio. “We’ll take that with us. Who knows? We might need it.” He laughed as I lifted an eyebrow.

He held the bottle in one hand and held my hand in the other. We walked out the door and he started the car. Before he drove off, he touched my forehead again. “You’ve lowered a bit. But you’re still hot.”

“I know. Thank you.” He laughed and kissed my cheek. “Yes, you are.” Then, he drove off. I ended up watching at him the whole drive, with my head on the head rest, remembering our night together. When he parked, I hadn’t noticed until he stared at me for a long while. I blinked and he smiled.

“I love you a lot. I hope you know that,” he stated. I nodded and whispered “Me too.” He grinned and opened his door. Moments later, he was at my door and he reached in, but not for my hand. He carried me from the car, closed the passenger car door, managed to open the front door, and walked up the stairs to a different bedroom. He lay me on the bed and placed the covers over me. He sat next to me and smiled.

“I’ll be right back.” He stood up and walked out the door. I was very tired, despite my 20-minute nap in the car. I decided to close my eyes for a second, or at least until Chris came back. I closed them and I fell in the unconscious state.

I saw myself, surrounded by darkness. Then, out in the distance, there was a light. I focused on who was producing this light, but I couldn’t find out. I walked towards it and I saw Chris inside the light. I ran towards him and he spread open his arms, waiting for me.

Once I reached him, he held me close and I told him never to let go of me. He nodded and kissed my lips. “I love you,” he cried. “I love you too,” I replied. I could feel tears come to my eyes and we kissed again.

My eyes slowly opened and I saw Chris, lying next to me in the bed. He smiled. “Good morning, sleepyhead,” he joked. I smiled, energetically, and I stretched my arms as I yawned. I felt some sort of towel on my forehead. It was chilly. I lifted it off and asked “Did you put this there?” He nodded and answered “I put it there to lower your temperature. You were really burning while you were asleep.” I leaned over, closer to him and said “Thank you…I feel so much better now.” He smiled my favorite smile and hugged me.

“So how much better do you feel?” I smiled and giggled, then kissed his lips. “I love you,” he added.

“I love you, too.” He kissed my lips and my neck several times. I wasn’t paying attention to what he was doing. I thought about random things for a couple seconds and then said “I’m hungry again.”

He leaned back to look at me, he paused, and laughed uncontrollably. “What?” I was confused. I had probably been sleeping for HOURS.

“We finished eating one hour ago…”—He took note of my hurt look—“But I could fix up something for you.” He got out of the bed and he walked out of the room. But before he left, he turned around and leaned against the doorway. “What would you like?”

I shrugged and stated “Make whatever you want.”

“Okay, I will.” He put his head against the doorway and stared at me for a moment. Then, he blew a kiss at me. I blew a kiss at him with my hand and he lifted his hand to catch it. Then, he placed the hand over his heart.

I giggled as he left towards the kitchen. I tried remembering how to get to the kitchen, but I had no luck. I got out of bed and after I made the bed, I left the bedroom and went on my search for the kitchen.

I took about five wrong turns and I ended up in the same room a couple times until I finally found the kitchen. It smelled of tomato sauce and spaghetti noodles. I tried not to make a noise as I snuck up from behind him.

Once I reached him, I wrapped my arms around his waist and said “Smells good.” He smiled and when he turned around, he placed his lips on mine. “Mmmm…” I moaned. I took in his icy, cool breath which sent my head spinning. He released me from his grip and walked over to grab a plate.

“Aren’t you eating, too?” I asked, still trying to recover.

“Nah…I’ll just watch you…If I get hungry, I’ll serve myself. There’s a lot.”

I nodded as he placed two spoonfuls of spaghetti on my plate and handed it to me. I took it and set it on the dining room table, which was luckily next to the kitchen.

Stick around for PART 3!!!!
© Copyright 2007 Make me suffer for others (ichigokristin at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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