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Shikamaru steals Temari's diary for a romantic setup! |
The Diary of Temari Chapter One One day, Shikamaru was walking in the woods to his favorite spot to lay back and watch the clouds. It was on the way that he tripped over something in the woods. When he looked down, he noticed that it was a book! He was about to kick it and go on his merry way, but then he noticed the title: Temari's Dairy DO NOT READ. IF YOU DO, I WILL GET MY LITTLE BROTHER TO KILL YOU! Luv, Temari. He wanted to read it, but he knew that it wasn't the right thing to do. So he started back on his merry way. But then, the wind blew it in front of him, and blew the diary open! He was very tempted to read it… but he still didn't read it. Until he saw his name in it… then he looked. He had never read a girl's diary. He had no idea what sorts of troubles girls go through... But that was all boring to him. The only thing that kept him reading was the fact that there were a lot of things about him in it. "Dear diary," he read aloud, "I have fallen in love with one of my worst enemies. He has short, black hair tied up in a ponytail, a net shirt, and always thinks everything is troublesome and a drag. He is sooo cute! One day, we'll get married…" Shikamaru was stuck on that book from the very first sentence. He didn't want to put it down, so he took it home. At home, he was in his room for hours! Most of the time, he was just skimming it until he found anything about him. When he found some, he read it aloud again. "I saw that guy I like again. I found out that he comes from the Nara Clan. I would just DIE if he talked to me!" Shikamaru was shocked. Secretly, he had been crushing on her, too. But now, he knew how to get her! Chapter Two The next day, Shikamaru called Temari on his cell. The phone rang and rang, but nobody picked up. He was going to hang up, but he heard Temari's voice answer, "Hello…?" He put the phone back to his ear and giggled, "Sup, Temari? This is you- know-who." "…Yeah… Is this Shikamaru…?" "None other, Babe! So, I was wondering if you wanted to talk sometime soon. Maybe we could train for our next big battle again?!" "Sure! I'd love to! Can I come at 4:00pm?!" "Any time you want is fine with me, Temari!... Just don't bring your brothers… Gaara kinda creeps me out, and I think the other one is gay. Don't you think…?" "…Yeah…Sure…Think… See you tomorrow!" They both hung up their phones, and went to bed. The next morning, Shikamaru spent five hours getting ready for his "training" with Temari. His dad came in and gave his son a funny look. "Uhhh… son…? Are you going somewhere…?" he asked. "Um… No, not really… Do you mind getting out, now? I'm busy." answered Shikamaru. "…Son, I know going on dates can be a drag, but… you can always come to me for girl advice…" "No thanks, I'll be okay… Hey! Wait! How did you know it was a date?!" "…Well, two reasons… For one, the whole village can smell your new Tag Cologne… Second of all, you talked about it in your sleep… Let me tell you something, son… You dream some nasty stuff when you think of girls before bed… You're a chip off the old block!" "Lay off, dad! I need to meet Temari!" A knock came from the door, and Shikamaru could tell it was her. He opened it and let her in. She looked around and coughed. "Is something wrong Temari?!..." asked Shikamaru, patting her back. "…Oh… *cough!* It's just that… *cough! Cough!* you're wearing too much cologne… *cough!*" she answered. Shikamaru's dad came out of the kitchen and looked at his son and his date. "…Told you that you wore too much cologne… Is this the girl…?" "Go away, dad! We have to train!" yelled Shikamaru. His dad left the room, and Temari and Shikamaru went outside. When they got there, they sat down and looked at the sunset. "Do you mind if we don't practice? This sunset is something I hardly ever see. So…" asked Shikamaru as he scooted closer to Temari, "let's just sit here and watch it for a while!" Temari crossed her legs and looked at the sunset. "This is nice, but… I have to leave soon. I walked here too slow. Gaara doesn't like me staying out after sunset…" "Oh… Okay. Well, this is goodbye, I guess… See ya…" said Shikamaru while getting up, disappointedly. "Shikamaru, I was just wondering…" He stopped. "…Would you…" His heart skipped a beat. "…like to walk me home…? It's a long way, and being the Kazekage's sister, people might want to kidnap or kill me. Gaara probably won't there be to protect me, so…" He turned around and gulped really loud. Maybe the diary was really hers… Maybe she does like me… Oh no! She's getting up…! Okay… Look cool… Temari took his arm in hers. "… So I need a big, strong ninja from Konoha to protect me!" Shikamaru blushed and hesitated to answer. He was too nervous. Finally, he answered, "…Sure. Let's go!" Chapter Three On the walk home, they started talking. "Shikamaru…?" asked Temari, "I have a question." "What is it?" "Well, it's about a guy. I really like him, but I don't know if he likes me back. Do you know how I feel?" "…Yeah. I have a girl I like that way, too." "Really? I bet that girl likes you back just as much… and maybe a whole lot more. Don't you think the same for me?" "Yeah, sure. I hope so…" They arrived at the Kazekage's mansion, and Temari opened the door. "Thanks for walking me home. It was nice to talk to you outside of ninja stuff." "No problem! Well, see ya!" Temari closed the door and Shikamaru ran back to his house. It was late at night, and his dad was asleep, so he let himself in. He walked to his room, and pulled the diary from out from under the pillow. He flipped to where he left off, and started reading. "Dear diary, I can't stop thinking about that special guy! I think he finally started noticing me! I saw him on a mission, gathering flowers. They made him look very sexy. I wish he would give me some flowers… and chocolates. I love chocolates." That gave him an idea… Chapter Four The next day, Temari woke up to a weird sound coming from her window. She listened again, and there were rocks flying at it. She opened the window, and a rock flew at her and hit her in the head. Shikamaru climbed up and looked in. "Oh, sorry. I had no idea you would open the window right then… You okay?" "…Yeah… Why are you here, throwing rocks at my window, anyways?" asked Temari, rubbing the pain out of her butt and forehead. "I was just wondering if you would like to hang out with me today. I have our whole day planned out!" he replied. Temari hoisted herself off of the floor, and climbed outside of the window alongside Shikamaru. "Sure! Let's go! But remember, I have to be back by sunset. Gaara would totally kill the guy who endangered his big sis! Promise…?" "Promise." Back at Konoha, Shikamaru and Temari were strolling around town. There were a lot of good places any girl would love to go on a date to, but they walked right past them all. Even the five star restaurant that took forever to get reservations for. Temari looked back at it with longing eyes. Then she sighed, hiding her disappointment, and caught back up with Shikamaru. "So, Shika, where are we going? I thought you said you had the whole day planned out for us! Come on! Tell me! I'm dieing to find out!" she asked him. He chuckled and shoved her in a playful sort of way. "You'll see… Just wait a minute and follow me." They walked through the forest until they came to a clearing. Shikamaru sat down and motioned for Temari to do the same. She sat down and everything was quiet for a moment. There were flowers everywhere. The sight was breathtaking. Even for Shikamaru. Temari huddled close to her knees and sighed. "So… this is what you planned for today? Just sitting here, doing nothing? This is what you call 'hanging out'? I thought we would at least train!" she asked. "Not quite… Close your eyes." he said. "Why?" "Come on, just do it! I promise you won't regret it." Temari closed her eyes and leaned in close, and puckered her lips. She could feel her face heating up as her cheeks reddened. She knew what was coming. Shikamaru put his finger to her lips and pushed her head back. She opened her eyes and saw the surprise. It was a box of milk chocolates. The kind that melt in your mouth and have more chocolaty taste than anything else in the whole world! He took a chocolate and ate it. "Mmm, good. Try it, Temari! Come on! I spent a lot of money on this!" She ate one and immediately felt the chocolaty sensation. She grabbed another and another. She gobbled one after the other. Shikamaru busted out laughing. "What's so funny? I thought these chocolates were mine! So what's wrong with me eating them?" she asked. "Nothing's wrong with you… yet." He answered, "But if you eat too much, then you'll become fat! Nobody likes a fat girl!" He took her hands and took some chocolate out and ate it. "Heh… That? Coming from a guy who steals candy from a girl? If you have your way with those pieces of candy it will be you who becomes fat. Nobody likes a fat boy, Shika! Heh!" She poked his stomach. Then he poked hers. The next thing they knew, they were laying on the grass, tickling their guts out. They got tired, and just stared into each other's eyes. It was as if they could see right through each other, and knew each other's secrets. Shikamaru never felt closer to anyone before. Literally! They were so close; they could smell each other's sweet breath. "The clouds are really lovely in the sunset… Aren't they?" Temari asked, not taking her eyes away his. "They sure are… I can't imagine anything prettier… except…" he replied, looking from Temari, to the clouds, and then back to Temari. "Except me… Right…?" "…Right. How did you know?" "…Because… I was just thinking the same thing about you… I always have… I love you, Shika, with all my heart." She said, "…And that is the oldest line in the book. I could see that coming a mile away!" She stroked his hair from his ponytail and curled the little pieces on the back of his neck ever so gently, then gracefully moved it to his cheek. With her other hand, she started to unzip his jacket. Then he put his arms around her waist and pulled her body closer to his. "I think so, too. For now on, it will be just the two of us…" he replied as they leaned in to kiss. (A little hint for you guys... Um, i'm not that type of person who writes every little detail about what they did... They had sex, yes, but i'm not telling everything... Sorry if it's less romantic ^.^ If you're not satiphied, please send a comment with a detailed description of what they should do! But nothing TOO nasty...) Chapter Five The next day, they awoke to the sounds of birds. The grass was covered in dew, so it made them kind of wet. Leaves were all in their hair, and dirt was smudged and spread all over their clothes and skin. "Good morning, Temari. Did you sleep well?" asked Shikamaru. "Sure did. And especially with your arms wrapped around me… OMG!!" she replied. "What?! What's wrong?" he asked, sitting up and yawning. "I was supposed to come home before sunset! Gaara's gonna KILL me!! I have to go home, now!" yelled Temari as she straitened her clothes and put her hair back up. Shikamaru put his shirt and jacket back on, and slid in his shoes. "Okay then. see ya later, Temari! I'll call you, okay?" "Okay! I'll be waiting! Love you! Bye!" Temari blew a kiss to him and he waved back. Then they both headed home. When Shikamaru got home, his dad was watching TV while sitting on the sofa. When he saw his son, he scooted over and motioned for him to sit down. He did. "…Where have you been…? I was worried sick…" he asked, looking at the dirt, sticks and leaves all over him, "You know, son, you can really be a drag sometimes… How did your date go with that Temari girl…?" Shikamaru didn't answer, but he blushed really red. "…Well… by the way you're all torn up, and the fact that lipstick is smudged all over your face and neck, it means only one thing…" Shikamaru looked at his dad and yawned. "…Oh…! And you're yawning…! That proves it… You were out all night having sex with that Temari girl...!" Shikamaru smiled. "You're right. I guess nobody can fool you this early in the morning! Are you mad at me for staying out all night doing that…?" asked Shikamaru. His dad merely flipped the channel and chuckled. "…Of course not…! Actually, son, I'm proud…!" "Proud of what…?" "…Proud that my son will be a chick magnet…! Now that you're not a virgin anymore, the girls will be all over you…! I was never like that at your age…! You're now living my childhood dream…!" "…Okaaay… Kind of creepy… Well, I'm gonna get some sleep… See you tomorrow morning…" said Shikamaru as he got up and went to his room. Meanwhile, at the Sand Village, Temari got home and lay on the couch, catching her breath. Gaara and Kankuro walked in, and saw her. She saw Gaara and jumped. "Temari, where have you been?" asked Gaara. Kankuro took a good look at her and said, "Temari, why are you covered in dirt… And why are your clothes all torn? What happened?" Temari took a deep breath and started to explain. "Well… Every day, I have been secretly seeing this guy. Last night, we kinda…" "EWWW!! GROSS!! I DON'T WANT TO KNOW THAT!! SKIP THAT PART, PLEASE!!" yelled Kankuro. "…Anyways, I'm going to continue dating him. He's really nice. It's like he knows exactly what I like! Please don't ruin my happiness by killing him, Gaara!" Gaara looked at her for a moment, then answered, "…Fine… I won't kill him… I would like to, but since you're my sister and you love him, I won't… Now go up stairs and take a shower… I don't like the smell of him all over you…" "Thanks, Gaara." said Temari as she bent over to hug him. "EWWW!! BACK OFF!! I DON'T WANT THE SMELL OF HIM ALL OVER ME, EITHER!!" yelled Gaara. Temari hugged him anyways, and went to her room. Kankuro laughed and rested his elbow on Gaara's shoulder. "How does it feel to be the little brother of the village's biggest whore…?" he asked. Gaara pushed him off and gave him a dirty look. "You're the big brother of the village's biggest whore… How does that feel…?" Kankuro screamed and ran around in circles. "NOOO!! THIS IS TOTALLY GOING TO RUIN MY REPUTATION AS A GAY!!" Back in Temari's room, she was taking her shower. It was taking a while to wash out the dirt and leaves from her hair. But she stopped suddenly when she heard a familiar chuckle. She wrapped a towel around her, and scanned her room for any form of life. She stopped short when she noticed Shikamaru at the door. "Oh. It's just you, Shika. I was scared for a minute. What are you doing here? I thought you were going to call." she asked, blushing. He locked the door and walked twards her. "You know me… I just can't stay away…" he answered, blushing as well, "You know, Temari, you look pretty in nothing but a towel…" They backed up and fell on the bed. "That's very sweet…" They were just about to start making out, when something dropped out of Shikamaru's jacket pocket. Temari picked it up. "…What's this, Shikamaru…? It looks like my diary…" she said. Shikamaru gulped really loud and backed off of her. "…L-listen, Temari. I can e-explain!" said Shikamaru, backing up to the door. "That diary had all of my deepest secrets and thoughts… You stole it and used it to get in my heart… I thought you were a good, honest man… How could you, Shika…? Why…?" she sobbed, whipping the tears from her eyes. "I'm sorry, Temari… I just…" he started, "I just wanted you to like me…" "AND YOU THINK THAT STEALING MY DIARY IS A WAY TO DO THAT?!" "Well… Yeah… I said I was sorry…" "SORRY ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH!! I HATE YOU, SHIKAMARU NARA!! GET OUT OF MY SIGHT, OR I'LL GET GAARA TO KILL YOU!!" she yelled, throwing the diary at him. "No! Wait! Just give me five minutes to explain! Please!" pleaded Shikamaru, rubbing his head. "That's it… You asked for it…!" "No…!" "GGGGGGGGAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRAAAAAAA!!!" she yelled. Gaara came through the door and saw his sister crying. He ran over to her and patted her back. "Don't cry, Temari…. What's wrong…? Whatever… or whoever it is that hurt you… I'll kill him…" he said, giving her a tissue. She pointed to Shikamaru, who was now trying to escape out the window. "Oh, it's you. So on top of making my sister cry, you also got to sneak a peak of her in a towel… I should have no trouble killing you, now… Prepare to die, Shikamaru Nara…" yelled Gaara as he used his sand to pick him up and bring him back inside, "Any last words?" Shikamaru looked at Temari the same way he did that night in the forest. "Yes, actually, I do… Temari, I didn't steal your diary. I found it in the woods. I only kept and read it so I could find out how to win your affections!" "But keeping it is stealing it!" she yelled. "But it did help me get close to you, right?" "…Right… That was really lowdown…" "So, if I never kept your diary, then we never would have fallen in love. I don't regret stealing your diary, but I do regret not telling you I had it earlier, before last night. You probably don't ever want to see me again, and I can understand that. I would be doing the exact same thing if I was you and had a scary, psycho brother. All I want to say before I die is… I love you, Temari." Temari looked away, picking up her fan. "That's very nice and all, but somebody here has to die RIGHT NOW or I'm gonna go NUTS on somebody! Say goodnight, Shikamaru!" yelled Gaara. Shikamaru closed his eyes and waited for the light. He waited for a longer time than he expected. He opened his eyes and found himself lying on the floor. He had cuts and bruises from where the sand was that was wrapped in bandages. He looked on the floor beside him to find Gaara lying on the floor next to him. Shikamaru screamed and backed up into something. It was Temari. She looked down at him and smiled. "I see you've woken up! I've been waiting for hours! How is your arm?" she asked him, examining his bandages. Shikamaru looked at his arm. He hadn't noticed it before, but his left arm was broken. He also didn't notice that Gaara had bandages wrapped around his head, and was unconscious. "Yeah, my arm's okay… But what happened to him? What happened to me?" Temari frowned and started to change the bandages on her brother's head. They were all blood stained. "After you told me why you had my diary, and how much you loved me… I didn't want you to die. So right before Gaara did his Sand Coffin Jutsu on you, I kinda… bashed him upside the head with my fan. He'll be okay, but the bleeding will continue for a while…" Shikamaru hugged Temari and started crying. "…Thank you…" he sobbed. He let go of her and took a small box out of his pocket. He took it out and gave it to her. "What's this…" she asked as she opened the box. When it opened, she couldn't believe here eyes. Inside of the little box was a 24-carrot gold ring with a large diamond on top. Around the diamond was Temari's name spelled out in rubies no larger than the tip of a pin. "Temari… will you be mine forever…?" asked Shikamaru. Temari hugged Shikamaru as tight as she could without making his wounds bleed, and answered, "…Of coarse I will! I'm the happiest girl in all the Sand Village!" Gaara woke up and saw the ring. "…Oh, that's just GREAT!! Now I have to live with HIM as well… Why couldn't I just die of head trauma…" he muttered. In the end, Shikamaru and Temari had the best wedding that ever happened in the village of Konoha, and they kept Shikamaru's last name. They had three children. Two twin boys named Shika and Maru, one girl named Tema. Shikamaru never learned a lesson about reading diaries. He reads Temari's every day. Gaara learned to get over the fact that his sister loved Shikamaru, and that he wasn't the center of attention anymore. He now spends all of his time ruling the Sand Village, killing ninjas that hurt his family, and telling gruesome stories of death and suffering to his nieces and nephews. Kankuro finally turned straight instead of gay, and met a lovely girl named Sakura Haruno. She married him because Sasuke ran away from the village to seek power, and nobody else would date here because of her large forehead problem. Sasuke heard of this, and married Ino to get back at her. They now have five children, all of which are boys. They are expecting three more… boys… in a couple of months. Ino is dead bored and has to care for their children alone while Sasuke trains with Orochimaru but is secretly dating numerous girls in the Sound Village. Who knows how many girls claim him to be the father of their children. Hinata learned from this experience and told Naruto she loved him. Since Sakura was taken he said the same, and they got married two years later. Naruto became the sixth Hokage of the Leaf Village, and he has to live with Neji and Lord Hiyashi who regret letting their daughter marry him. Their bills go up every day for ramen the Naruto orders. Shikamaru's dad lives in peace and quiet. He is happier than anyone in the world. The End Please rate and review!!! I will willingly accept your ideas for the story! |