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by pkl
Rated: E · Short Story · Writing · #1273738
its a small fictional story i wrote down about how we met the 'creator' in a pub.
I and my good friend Junaid were sitting in a bar and discussing about how different our dreams were and how different the places would be where our dreams would take us. Junaid wasn’t drinking, (he has “principles”) and I as usual had had a little more alcohol than I should have. I was in one of my moods, and as a result our conversation had turned towards beliefs. I said “ all these fools who claim to have principles in life and believe an abstinences are just playing the goat, they just aren’t having any fun, and are giving the best possible excuse they for it”. Then Junaid said something quite smart, I personally thought until that moment of time that he was suffering from partial downs syndrome, he proved me wrong and he said “Fun? What kind of fun are you having by getting drunk? You’re just evading reality, you just spent the last 5 minutes puking down the pot! Yeah that’s fun, Fun, FUN. People with principles in life have values and they stand by it no matter what, just being able to withstand the worst the world can throw at them is the most intoxicating thing to them. Belief can make a man take his last step to reach salvation, any man devoid of belief might give up just one step too early, both men traveled nearly the same distance, but the one step sets them apart”.

Our conversation continued like that for sometime and finally broke into a dispute, like it had millions of times on millions of pages of history. It was about then I noticed this woman, she was looking at us and it felt like she had been for sometime. She got up and came over to our table and said “How about I solve that little argument that you boys have stumbled upon? How difficult can it be for me?” I thought it was just another woman offering us her usual self realized, professed and proclaimed genius. So we decided to humor her and asked her how she could do that. She said “a creator usually knows things the creations don’t.” That sure gave us a few laughs. But she insisted that she was HIM. She even said she could prove it, and changed my glass of water into the finest white wine I’d ever tasted (was quite pleased with that). She was ready do more feats of incomprehensible magnitude as we didn’t look impressed. But we realized it would be better for us to just hear what she had to say instead of seeing her tricks, so we told her we believed her.

Then we began our questioning round
Me,“So why us?”
She, “Plain coincidence”
Me,”That means you were here for some reason other than to profess your divine existence to us?”
The holy holiness, “Yes, I needed a good strong cocktail, knew I’d find one here. The civilization on europa is not going as well as I had planned,”
Junaid,”So according to You drinking isn’t a sin?”
The Creator, “Well I’m just your creator. God is something that was created entirely by you beings. But I think it’s quite a good concept, I encourage it among all my other creations. Another good invention was alcohol, the profound effect it has on you carbon based beings is quite simply marvelous. I frequently materialize myself as one of you sacks of carbon filled with iron based liquid propped on rigid calcium phosphate structure and enjoy a drink or two.
Junaid,”Oh so You did create us, gave us the ability of free thought, put us in charge of the planet, but didn’t tell us. Why would You do something like that?
Her mightiness, “Whoa there you’ve gone and assumed things again! You lot tend to do that quite often. Its one of the major shortcomings of you lot. I never put you in charge of anybody, everybody was meant to be equal, but with your development of a complex communication system you managed to gain an upper hand on the planet. I’ve taken quite a fancy to this race, that’s why I haven’t done anything yet to even out the odds. And as for free thought I give every creature free thought (or at least it seems very much like it). Unlike some of my friends I believe that creatures who believe that they have choices and options are much more fun. And what makes you think I owe you explanation for any thing?”
Me, ”Hey I’m sorry if my friend came off a little rude. He just has a strong view of humanity. Believes we are here for a purpose, you are shattering a lot of his beliefs. All he wanted to know is why are we here? Is there any reason at all?”
The one, ”Well your friend is definitely not gonna like this. I and a few of my friends are having this competition on who discovers the most exciting race and records the most interesting history, the winner will be awarded twenty gukiy and one jiug. I seem to have hit the jackpot with my alpha centaury race. You’ll aren’t that bad either, If you’ll could just stop being so self-absorbed, but then that would cut out all the fun from your race. No, it’ll be interesting to see what happens…

I could see the anger building inside Junaid, I knew his emotions well enough to know that if this went on he would gonna punch her, right on the pucker too. He clearly hadn’t believed a word of what that woman had said. I thought it best to get us out of there in the worst case scenario to save us from the wrath of our creator, (Lightning storms, atomic blast, who knows what unspeakable horrors she was capable of?) and in the best case scenario, save us from a night in jail for assaulting some woman. So I quickly but politely cut Her off and took leave on behalf of both of us, told her we had to rush off and assume more things and be typical specimens of our race.

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