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My friendship with Paris Hilton.
I don't know if you know this or not, but I am best friends with Paris Hilton.

Remember when her and Nicole Richie was fighting? Guess who provided

a shoulder for Paris to cry on. Me! Well, she changed once she received her

original sentence. She would not return my calls anymore. She told me that

she could not hang out because she will be busy washing her hair. That was

usually true, but this one time she told me that and I ended up seeing her

at the mall. I confronted her about it and she said "I  just need some time alone

to think." Yea, think about how to get your sentence shortened, I thought.

Think about which high priced lawyer you are going to use or how to

persuade Gov. Schwarzenegger to get on your side.

    Well, I decided to give her some space. I will just write her a letter while

she is in jail.  Martha Stewart was in that same jail and I used to write her all

the time. It only takes 24 hours for an inmate to receive the mail and respond if

you choose air delivery. I used to write Martha a letter on Monday and get

something back from her on Tuesday!

    Paris went in a day early, so I decided to write her a letter as soon as I

found that out. She did not write me back. I was furious! I started talking shit

about her to my friends. She has all the free time in the world now and she can

not write me back!

    She finally called me today. She told me that she is out of jail now. She said

she never received my letter. I believe her. She wasn't really in there long

enough to get mail, I guess.

    Anyways, we are best friends again! I will be spending a lot of  time at her

house now since she is under house arrest.

    (Nevermind, she is back in jail again. The sheriff let her out without the judge's permission. The judge found out and sentenced her back to jail for her 45 day punishment. She will not be able to do house arrest, but she could possibly get out for good behavior. She can get one day taken off for every 4 days she has good behavior.)
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