Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1272929-Creepy-man--in-Lynden-WA
Rated: 18+ · Non-fiction · Drama · #1272929
Lynden is a small WA town. Creepiest thing I have ever seen. On Oak street.
I am going to tell you a story that you probably won't believe. There is no falacy in this story. It is all the dead honest truth.

I grew up in Tacoma, WA. and I moved up to Bellingham, WA. when I was 26. I met my future wife there and ended up moving to Lynden, WA.  It is a very quiet, peaceful town with hardly any crime at all. But the town always gave me the creeps for some reason. It is like a classic scary movie type town. Anyway, I moved into a nice neighborhood and I lived on Oak St. Very classic name for the street, I thought. One night, it turned into nightmare on oak street.  I was sitting on my porch enjoying the fresh air of the night. It was about midnight or so on a Tuesday. I didnt have to work the next day, so I was taking advantage of that. As I was sitting on the porch, I noticed a man walking down the street with a sack over his shoulder. Kind of like Santa Claus. But I also noticed, as he got closer, that the sack was moving crazy like. My porch light was off, so there was no way that I could be seen. This was very lucky for me, because what I witnessed next was with out a doubt, the creepiest thing I had ever seen. The man stopped dead in his tracks across the street and a couple houses down. He was standing directly in front of a neighbor's house that I did not know. For all I know he lived there or something. He put the sack down and stuck his hand in it and pulled out what looked to be a bunny rabbit. ( I would later find out that it was indeed a rabbit) He then let go of the bag and stepped on the opening of it, so that none of the other things in the bag could escape. He held the rabbit up in the air with both hands, and was handling it like he had no fear of it biting him or anything. He then started twisting the rabbit's head viciously. The sounds I heard coming from that rabbit I will never forget. Finally the sounds stopped, and I assumed that it was dead. My assumption was verified when the man pulled the head off of the poor bunny. I was sitting there in disbelief. I was shocked. But I didnt want to get up and cause any attention my way. For all I knew, I could have been next. I really do not want to go into graphic detail, but the man did nine more times within the next 15 minutes. He had 10 bunnies in that bag, and vigorouslyl murdered every one of them with his bare hands right in my direct line of vision. Then the pysho bent down and placed all the heads in a straight, neat line on the front lawn.  As I continued to watch in horror, the man was moving around quickly, and at one point, walked up to the house and started rubbing the decapitated carcus of the rabbit against the wall of the house.  He then started picking up the rest of the bodies and placed them in his sack.  When he was almost finished, I felt a sneeze coming on. For the milliseconds before, I was panicing, but it was too late. The sneeze came out, and it wasn't a quiet one.  The man looked in my direction, but I knew he couldn't see me do to the lack of light. Yet he stared my way, what seemed like an eternity and then turned and started running away in a full sprint.  Within seconds, he disappeared from my sight.  I was still in complete shock of what I just witnessed, but at the same time very curious about what the hell he was doing over there.  I knew that I should be calling the police first thing, but I wanted to see what happened over there. So I got enough courage and started to walk over to where the vicious murders had taken place. When I got there, I saw the whole scene. There was blood on the wall where he had rubbed the carcus against it. On the lawn, all 10 heads were lined up straightly. As I looked closer, I noticed that he had used the bodies as a writing utensil. On the sidewalk, were the numbers 2239 written out in blood. And I must say, that the numbers were printed very neatly, given the creepy circumstances. I was sitting there thinking what significance those numbers had, and then I realized that it was the address of the house that he did this horriffic act in front of.  I looked up, and the same numbers were on the house under the porch light. What would impel someone to do this?  Why would he write the address in bunny blood on the sidewalk? Did he not think they knew what their address was? And the question, that was really burning in my mind was: How the hell did he get all those rabbits in his sack?  I went back to my house and decided not to call the police. I didnt want to scare my wife and kids and cause an uproar in the neighborhood. So I just tried to forget about it and never told anyone. Luckily it rained that night, after the incident, which is very common in Washington, if you never been there. So the sidewalk art and stain on the wall of the house was washed away by morning. As far as the heads were concerned, I really dont know. I never heard anything about them, so maybe the luenetic came back for them, or the homeowners thought the cat did it. We moved away from there shortly after that. I was very avid about moving for obvious reasons, but I never told my wife the real reason. I just pray for the people in that neighborhood now, because you never know if that man will upgrade to people in the future.
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