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Rated: E · Poetry · History · #1272741
An ode to India’s saintly political leader, the architect of India’s freedom

Gandhi, truly a saint pure.
Source of inspiration sure.

Spirit strong in body frail,
You were not destined to fail.

In a spiritual fight,
You gave the British a fright.

“One cheek slapped, turn the other,
The non-violent charter!

Hate the sin, not the sinner;
To the hungry, give dinner;

Love the lowly, the lepers,
The untouchable sweepers”,

Messages seeming simple,
Yet difficult and noble,

You put these into practice.
You told the Indians this:

“Independence is your right,
But for this you have to fight.

Yet, fight not with bomb or gun.
Violence you have to shun.

Meek non-co-operation
Will help you in your mission.

Facing the bullet, baton,
All pain must be forgotten.

Be ready to sacrifice,
Without showing cowardice.

Let them kill you, but I tell
That your soul is immortal.

Let them put thousands in jail,
In the end you will prevail.

They just don’t have jails enough.
Let them play their rough and tough”.

Gandhi, you were God’s servant.
His path did you represent.

This is what Einstein did say,
When he did his homage pay:

‘Men in future, I perceive,
Won’t be able to believe

That one like him did take birth
And walked in flesh on this earth!’

• Written in aa, 7-7 format,
• Originally written as item 736283, which was deleted 24 April 2005 and this poem was included as entry 493243 in the book MISCELLANEA , "MISCELLANEA. Re-posted as staic item on 6 June 2007.

• M K Gandhi (1869-1948), more commonly known simply as Gandhi, was the architect of India’s independence from the British rule, through his philosophy and practice of Truth and Non-violence.

• "Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth.”—Einstein
Einstein’s tribute to Gandhi, along with those of other great world leaders, can be viewed at—

• Related poem: GANDHI, "GANDHI

MC Gupta
15 August 2003, India’s Independence Day
© Copyright 2007 Dr M C Gupta (mcgupta44 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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