Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1272703-Yet-another-untittled-short
by john
Rated: E · Other · Comedy · #1272703
Ever woke up somewhere and had no idea where you where or how you got there?
Through the heavy canopy over head the sky above was almost

completely blocked from view. The thick tree trunks around him were like none he’d

ever seen before. They looked more like serpents reaching for the sun than trees.

Where was he, and how did he get here? The last thing he remembered was

standing outside his home surveying his crops and then a bright light flashed in the

sky and nothing… total blackness.

Rising himself from the sand covered earth, he sat there and looked around him, the

plants looked strange to him as well. All around him thick multi colored shrubs

dotted the landscape. As the ringing in his head subsided, the sounds of his

surroundings crowed in on him. The sound of the ocean crashing against the shore,

high pitched squeals filled the air above his head. And the sound of what he thought

was the sound of some poor deranged person cackling in the distance… in every

direction. Over to his left shoulder he caught movement out of the corner of his eye.

Slowly he turns to face what ever it was he had seen. He finds himself almost face

to face with a green ape like animal. The animal’s face popped out from a red and

blue bush. Its face was close to the same size and shape as his only covered in

green fur. The thing just hung there, inverted in its floral curtain. It hung there

looking in the man’s eyes for a long silent moment, before screeching and

disappearing back to where ever it was that it had come from. Not knowing what

else to do… he passed out cold.

The second time he woke up, he was a little more careful about what he did. This

time, he sat stock still and allowed his thoughts to catch up with him. He went

through the facts as he knew them; fact one. His name was Terry Thatcher, he is a

citizen of the United States of America. He is a farmer living in the state of

Mississippi, and in three days… the bank will foreclose and take everything he

owned. The last thing he needed was to be kidnapped…abducted or what ever had

just happened to him.

Again, he caught movement behind him… this time, he took a little more care

where he put his face. As slowly as he could he turned to face towards the

movement, scooting away as he did so. There… hanging upside down in the same

bush as before, it seamed that… it… too… was acting on the side of caution.

“Who… or what are you?” Terry asked softly not expecting any response.

It seamed taken back by this and righted itself on the ground in front of him.

“I say… it’s not like you’re all the much better looking.” The strange

beast said as it brushed away leaves that gotten stuck in it’d fur. “Leave it to a

human to ask something like that the first time ‘IT’ makes contact with a new being.”

Terry didn’t know what to say… how… could this thing understand him. Much less

have the ability to speak, let alone English.

“Wait a second, who are you calling ‘IT’?” Suddenly he was less

frightened than insulted.

“I am calling you… an ‘IT’, what… are you as stupid as you are ugly?”

The small animal said as it walked around him.

“Now hold on right there, I at least have to excuse of never having seen

one of what… I’m sorry… who ever you are. It seams that you, on the other hand,

know something about who I am.” Terry spoke now feeling cockier with each

passing moment.

“I.” The animal spoke as eloquently as he had before. “Am Markus, the

second knight of the ninth order of the fifteenth sect of the tenth class of the

southern loge of the eastern hall of the third house of western royals. And… who

may I ask are you?” Terry could not believe what he was hearing was coming from

this being before him.

“I am Terry Thatcher… of… ah… um… member of the farmers of the

Delta, of the state of Mississippi.” He knew it was just a load of hooey… but it was

the best he could come up with on such short notice.

“Is that it?” Markus ask as he raised his eye brow and tilted his head to

the side looking at Terry.

“Yea… that’s it!” Terry said somewhat deflated.

“Hun. None the less… what are you doing here on my beach?”

Markus said as he sucked on his teeth staring out into the distance.

“What am I doing on ‘You’re beach’ how would I know… I just woke up

and you attacked me.” Terry snarled.

“I did no such thing… you were in my way, it was all I could do to keep

from running you over.”

“What kind of person goes running through a place like this in the first

place?” Terry barked.

“I’ll tell you. The kind of person that likes to keep in shape, besides… I

have never had anyone popping up in the middle of my morning run before.”

“Well….” Terry tried to think of something witty to say… but came up

empty so he gave up.

“So you have no idea, where you are then?” Markus asked after a


Terry just shook his head looking down at the ground.

“All right… come with me.”

“Where are you taking me?” Terry asked.

“There’s a place in town that deals with this sort of thing.” Markus said

over his shoulder as he walked away.

“Could you answer me one thing?” Terry asked trying to keep p with the

strange little beast.

“As long as it’s not a stupid question.”

“Where is it, exactly, that we are?”

Markus took a deep breath before responding as he walked.

“We are on the… ah forget it… you wouldn’t believe me if I told you. Just

keep up with me and don’t ask any more questions, Jarat will explain everything to

you when you get there.”
© Copyright 2007 john (johnthornhill at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1272703-Yet-another-untittled-short