Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1272128-Imagine-That-Series---Story-1
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Erotica · #1272128
(Series - Story1) Day dreaming becomes a steamy sensual interlude for Sandra.
Sipping coffee, looking out the kitchen window, she sighed.  The house was quiet.  Her mind was not.  Life and love had not been as fortuitous as she had once believed it would be.  A bitter divorce left her jaded.  Sandra longed for the intimate love of a decent man.

The phone rang.  She winced.  Knowing it was her brother on the other end.  She stalled.  Wondering if she had it in her to answer the barrage of questions laden with concern and meddling, she moved to answer. 


“Hey sis!  G’ mornin’!  How’s your week?”

“I guess it was alright.  You know, work, come home, go to work, come home again.  How . . .”

“Ya know, e’ry week it’s the same with you!!”

Exasperated, Sandra moved to the kitchen table.  “And what is wrong with the same with me?”

“How ‘bout ya come over tonight?  We’re havin a get t’gether.  Few friends, grillin, beer, cards.  That guy I work with, Jimmy?  He’s gonna be here.  M’be you and he, ya know, might get y . . .” 

Staring out the window, she watched a cardinal take flight from the yard next door.  She didn’t want anything to do with her brother’s grand plans to set her up with Jimmy or anyone else for that matter.  He had been the ring leader ten years ago setting her up with her ex husband.  No thanks.

Movement caught her eye.  The neighbor was strolling across his back yard.  No shirt on.  Must be getting ready to work in his yard.  Scenery will be worthy today, she thought.  What a gorgeous chest!!  The shoulders and arms on that man!!  Arms that would know how to embrace a woman gently.  Shoulders that a woman could rest her head on and feel safe.  A chest that spoke protector. 

“Sis, ya hearin’ me?  How ‘bout it?”

“Look Lonny, I can’t . . . no, actually the truth is, I won’t be over for a get together.  I appreciate your concern for me and my, uh, lack of a social life.  Truly, I am alright,” Goodness, it’s nuts having to beg off getting together with your brother because he’s as overbearing as any mother could be!

“You and Laura have a good time.  Give the kids a hug from me and tell everyone I said hello.”  Sandra kept her eyes pinned on the activity next door.  Her neighbor had pulled the law mower out of his shed. 

“Am worried ‘bout you, closin’ y’rself off best I can tell.  ‘Right then, will call ya nex’ week.  Luf ya Sandy!”

The handsome stranger walked back toward his house.  Cut off shorts exposed well defined legs.  His thighs were muscular.  Strong and defined calves were the icing on the cake.  Remarkably sexy is all she could hear now in her train of thoughts. 

Relieved that the subject was dropped easily, Sandra smiled, “Love you, too Lon!  Bye.”

Sandra laid the phone on the table.  She was not about to move away from her front row seat.  This show was the most rewarding entertainment she’d been offered in a while.  This show she could afford.  Not to mention the possibility that she could have a starring role in it.

Yea, right.  You won’t talk with him.  Frowning, Sandra pushed the ugly thinking out of her mind.  Inhibits the fantasy world’s creativity! 

Grinning she watched as he returned to the garage.  He reappeared moments later.  Watching his biceps flex as he lifted the gas can.  Dark skin shimmering in the sunlight reflected muscles that were sensuous, provocative even.  Prolifically, he was unsurpassed in the handsome hall of fame. 

He turned, looking straight at her.  Smiling as he set the gas can down, he waved.  Sandra felt heated desire role through her.  Realizing she was caught staring, her face flushed and she shyly smiled in response.  He motioned for her to come out as she continued to stare openly at the wonder of his magnificent physique. 

Feeling electrifying anticipation dance across her, Sandra went to the back door.  Stepping outside, the mid morning heat of the sun felt cool compared to the warmth that resided within her.  Looking over she saw her neighbor leaning, forearms resting across the top of the chain link fence.  He was looking at her with adoration. 

His eyes devoured every thing before him.  She felt them tickle her toes.  She watched as he stroked her calves.  She felt a shiver as his gaze caressed the inside of her thighs, rising to the hem of her sundress. 

Uncontrollably, she took a step forward as he stopped at her hips.  A grin shifted across his lips.  His visual walk up her body did not cease.  His eyes circled her waist.  Resting for a moment to cup her breasts, his eyes sparkled as they took in her natural beauty.  They massaged her shoulders and danced on her neck.  Lifting to her lips his grin turned into a warm smile full of desire. 

As his eyes came to meet hers she felt a current of electricity run down her spine.  She compulsively walked toward him.  Drawn magnetically to stand in front of him.

What are you doing?  This is nuts!!  You can’t possibly go over to this man after he just undressed you with his eyes!!  Rude!!  Her thoughts were left unattended.  Out of character this may be.  She noticed something between them was ignited.  It was not going to be squelched.  It had a hold on both of them.  She could see it in his eyes.  She could feel it in her core. 

She could smell him, masculine and sensually musky.  She wanted to reach out and touch his shoulders.  Refraining, she extended her hand, “Hi, I’m Sandra”.

His hand gently encased hers, locking her eyes to his.  She was swimming in his stare.  Her legs trembled with excitement.  She felt herself welling with unbridled desire.  Wetness pooled between her legs. 

“I’m Jared,” he said as he raised her hand to his lips.  “I very glad to finally have the pleasure of meeting you Sandra!”  He opened his hand as his lips kissed hers.  As her hand stayed under the touch of his lips a seductive smile grew on his lips.  Returning to reality, she brought her hand away from him.

Looking down, she tried to gain her composure.  As the thoughts climbed into her head, her conscience cried out, No you don’t!!  You are not going to blatantly invite . . .

Glancing up into his eyes, she returned his seductive smile.  “After you finish mowing your lawn, you are welcome to come over.”

“That sounds like a wonderful idea!!  Let me get this done, get a shower and I’ll be there in say, an hour?”

“How’s this sound?  Get your lawn done, come next door and get a shower and be here in say, a half hour?”

He beamed, smiling broadly.  He nodded his agreement.  Turning back to his yard, he reached for the lawnmower.  Turning it on, she watched for a moment longer.  Phenomenal!

She went back inside.  Sighing, giddy with anticipation.  She straightened up the house.  Freshened herself up.  Hearing the motor die outside she gasped.

You fool!!  You are asking for trouble!!  No!!  Not this time.  She was going to ride the wave of spontaneity and enjoy herself!!

The backdoor hinge squeaked in protest.  “Sandra?”

She came around the corner into the kitchen.  “Come in.  Want some water?”

“Sure, thanks!”

She reached for a glass out of the cupboard.  Turning to get the ice out of the freezer, she felt him watching her again.  Immense desire rose within her as the cold air from the freezer blew across her face and chest.  Her nipples responded to the chill air and stood erect beneath her dress.

Putting the ice into the glass, she turned toward the sink and stopped.  He was as aroused with desire as she was.  Passion making his brown eyes black he looked up when she stopped. 

Sweat extenuated the definition of his muscles.  Her nipples remained erect with the exhilaration of his presence.  He had noticed their taught standing beneath the cotton.  His lips parted slightly as he imagined himself taking one, then the other into his mouth.  She broke their stare, clearing her throat.  Filling the glass with cold water, she handed it to him.  “You're hot.  Cool off a little.” 

“You are hot too, Sandra.  Thank you!”  He reached for the glass.  Drinking the water with slow pulsing swallows.  His eyes would not leave her.  She was blushing under his observation.

“The shower is upstairs.  Fresh towels and wash clothes are out for you.”

“Thanks.  I’ll be back in a little bit, then.”  He set the glass on the counter.  Moving past her, their bodies brushed together.  An inaudible gasp came to her lips.  She watched as he strolled across her living room and turned to climb the stairs. 

Hearing the water come on, Sandra waited a moment more.  The curtain pulled back and she heard him climb into the shower.  She moved to climb the stairs.  She heard him close the curtain.

You’re going to get to the top of the stairs, try the door and it will be closed!!  You’ll feel dumb then!!

Not letting her thoughts break her momentum, she reached for the door.  The knob turned and the latch released.  Ha!  How awesome is this? 

Steam was already billowing throughout the bathroom.  His scent was still present, calling her forward. 

She entered quietly.  Watching his silhouette she smiled.  Jared leaned into the water.  The motion of his body is mesmerizing.  Lured by his movements, she begins to undress.

Lifting her sundress up, she pulls it over her head.  As it comes off, she sees that he has moved the curtain back, watching her again. 

His eyes are upon hers.  They move down ward.  He is licking her breasts with his eyes, kissing her stomach and moving to receive her hips.  As his eyes move to discover the folds of her pussy, she steps forward.  He pulls the curtain back further, inviting her into the shower without a word. 

Nope, not feeling so dumb at all.  What an incredible body.  And how he looks at me!!  As though I were some model all men want.  This guy is remarkable for my ego!!

Wetness and warmth already spring forth from between her legs.  The simple anticipation of what was about to happen made Sandra’s clit swell, fully aroused. 

Jared remained under the water.  Letting the yard work wash off of him.  His eyes making love to her.  He waits watching her.  She is awestruck at the sight of him. 

From the beauty of his face to the sculpted muscle of his legs, he is so gorgeous to look at.  He is a sight to behold in all of his naked glory! Sandra was entranced watching the water wash over his body.  A wet creamy pool of excitement swam between her legs.  Currents of excitement washed over her. She watched water rolling over every inch of his body.  She shuddered with pleasure. 

The water touching his chest glistened.  As it slid down his torso, she watched it move.  Her eyes then moved further down.  They widened at the sight presented to her.  A moment’s panic came leaping forward.  The thickness of Jared’s member was unbelievable.  The length of his hard on was astonishing.  That’s not going to fit inside me!!  What have I gotten myself into now??

Sensing her concern, Jared took her hand in his, “I won’t hurt you.”

She looked into his eyes.  Relaxing, she let him take her hand toward his erectness.  Her fingers opened to circle the fullness of his balls, teasing him.  She let her fingers follow the water racing off down his legs.  Hearing him groan, watching him reflex with pleasure, her hand circled his full shaft.

A welcoming smile moved across Jared’s face.  Her fingers glided around the rim of his defined head.  As she continues to stroke his cock, she watches as he makes love to her again with his eyes. 

He imagines himself being the spray of water lying over her breasts.  Water that is beading up and rolling down her stomach.  The water slides into the hidden spot that he wants to get to know. 

Moaning with the fantasy, Jared moves to stop her hand.  His other hand moves around her hip, pulling her gently closer to him.  He steps closer to Sandra until their entire bodies are touching. 

They stand together.  She lays her head against his chest.  She hears the steady beat of his heart.  She feels his cheek resting on her head.  The smell of him is intoxicating.  His touch is electrifying.  The sound of his moans is erotically inviting.  The sight of him is tremendous.

Sandra reaches around, caressing his butt.  Running circles around the firmness; feeling the shudder of pleasure run through him, she smiles.  Amazing!!  She feels him rising even more.  No fear comes forward this time.  She is calmed by the closeness of him.  She knows he will not hurt her.

She hears him gasp as she cups his balls in her hand and begins to plant kisses across his chest.  Her palm and fingers roll his balls around gently, firmly. She moves her hand between his thighs returning to rub the skin of his balls and rising to stroke his hard on.

Jared presses closer into her.  His breathing coming harder, faster.  His breath is warm and moist in her ear.  She hears the faint groans from deep within him.  He moves his hands across her back, touching the swell of her ass.  Letting his fingers kneed the curve of her buttocks, she pushes back into his hands.  He lets his hands come around her hips, fingers sliding down to the top of the opening of her encased secrets. 

With the movement of his fingers, her clit stands erect in its heightened arousal.  It peers from between her folds.  His fingers glide across the top it.  The motion makes her shake with desire.  Moving herself forward seeking more stroking she moans.  He has moved to kiss her neck.  Her head leans back, groaning with increased yearning.  She lifts her leg to the side of the tub.  Pulling him toward her, her hands are guiding his fully erect member inviting him to discover her.

His fingers move down, sliding into the pool of hot wet juices that are overflowing from deep within her sweet pussy.  His fingers part her folds.  Exploring the silky smoothness he moves back to rub her clit.  Her hips sway with the movements.  He bends his knees as he lets her guide him toward her tight sexual embrace. 

He leans back against the wall.  She moves herself to straddle him.  One leg on the edge of the tub, she supports herself on her other knee. Her creamy wet pussy opens as his engorged head slides between her lips. 

She grips his shoulders.  He holds her hips guiding her onto him.  The penetration of his head into her opening brings a moan from deep inside each of them.  Slowly he lowers her onto him.  She resists offering a sensual tease.  He releases his guidance and lifts his hips into her.  She takes him back into her partially.  Letting her tight muscles embraces his hard on, he responds to the embrace by flexing himself inside of her.  They tease each other with intensity building. 

Jared moves his hands back to her hips.  Sandra’s hands remain on his shoulders.  Together they move in unison.  She takes him all the way into her hot depths.  He gently pushes himself to fill her full of his long full dick.  She can feel the definition of his head reaching the bottom of her. 

Sighs of extreme satisfaction escape from them both.  Their hips begin grinding a slow rhythm together.  Her clit is rubbing against him.  Her ass is rubbing against his balls.  She is looking at the pleasure that is expressed openly on his face.  He looks to see her watching him. 

They smile at each other and he returns to offering kisses moving across her breasts.  His thickness fills her completely.   

Jared brings his fingers to play with her clit.  The stimulation sends Sandra into spasms of pleasure.  Her toes curl.  She starts to ride him hard and fast.  She leans back so he can watch as he is entering her.  He is enthralled by the sight he is seeing.

He is pushing himself in her with each movement she makes onto him.  The energy is reaching a crescendo that is expelled in moans and groans of highly charged pleasure.

As she begins to throb with an explosive orgasm, the pulsing of her tight muscles brings him into his climax.  They embrace each other in a zealous release of juicy cum spewing forth inside of her as her clit twitches with external delight.

As the pulsing subsides, they relax their hold on each other.  Sandra leans back.  Jared lifts her from his lap, planting kisses on her breasts as they come apart. 

Turning, Sandra rinses off and steps out of the shower.  Grabbing a towel she wraps herself up to air dry.  Jared turns the shower off and wraps himself in the remaining towel.  He steps out of the tub. 

She looks into his eyes, “Thank you,” she whispers.

“Pleasures mine, Sandra!” 

She walks out of the bathroom.  Her legs are still quivering from the expansive sensations of satisfaction.  She smiles going down the stairs. 

That was unbelievable!!  I can’t believe I just did that!!  Much better than a ‘get t’gether’ at Lonny’s if I do say so myself, she mused.

In the kitchen, she took another glass out of the cupboard and made herself a glass of water.  Sitting down at her chair by the window, she looked out across the yard. 

Sighing with delight, her mind cleared once more.  Her focus returned and she watched as her neighbor was just finishing his lawn.  If only he knew the wondrous, passionate sex they just had.   

As though he read her mind at that moment, he turned the mower off.  Looking up and right at her, he waved.  She waved back with an inviting smile playing on her lips.  Imagine that!
© Copyright 2007 Irene Moyer (ladyirene at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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