Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1272013-A-New-Life-Prologue
Rated: 13+ · Other · Fanfiction · #1272013
A girl tranfers to Ouran High School, and goes through all kinds of weird escapades.
  “SAY WHAT?!” the black haired male exclaimed, the sudden jerk of his head throwing his ponytail over his shoulder.
  The blonde female in front of him crosses her arms, “You heard me, Hunter. I’m transferring. You’re my younger brother, so there’s nothing you can do about it,” she sighs tiredly, “I spent my entire Middle School Year at Richard Cat Middle School, the High School version CAN’T be much better. Besides, I heard from Sairus that Ouran’s a good place!”
    Hunter shakes his head and removes his half-rim glasses, “Listen Mimochi, you and I BOTH know that cousin of yours is insane. So you-“
    Mimochi leaps to her feet, “You KNOW that Sairus is all I have left of dad! So watch what you say! I’m going to Ouran and that’s FINAL!”
      She then stomps off in a huff. Her father, her mother’s first husband, died when she was five. But it was learned that when the mother got pregnant with Hunter, they found out it was in an affair with another man. The same year Mimochi’s father died. Thus, Itsume, Mimochi’s mom, married the other man, who died a year later. Itsume refused to marry again, raising on her own two children, each with a different father and incredibly close in age, the difference only a year.
        Mimochi runs to her room on the third floor of her family’s four floored mansion, and shuts the door slowly, waiting for the gentle click before striding to her thirteen foot by five foot mirror and twisting her waist-long crimson tipped hair into a braid. Plopping on her emerald-green bed she moans in annoyance, then grins, “Oh well. At least HE can’t manipulate mom’s decision. But I can’t believe I got moved up a year to freshman…”
      Mimochi is supposed to be a third year middle-schooler like her brother, who was moved up, but was rather pushed ahead as a fifteen year-old freshman, who are generally sixteen where she lives.
      ‘Mew~!’ comes from her window on the left side of her room. Mimochi quizzically looks at the felines she could see on the other side, “Soihou? Mizu, Tsu? How did you three get outside?” she opens the window to allow the silver, black, and blood red cats inside. They leap in enthusiastically, rubbing against Mimochi’s legs.
    These three cats are each part of her talented team of felines, which she uses in secret. Mizu, the black feline with all of his assorted tips white and blue eyes, can write simply by dabbing her tail tip in ink and forming the letters on the page. Soihou and Tsu are telepathic, Tsu being the crimson cat who can speak human, and Soihou, the silver cat who speaks every language but.
    Tsu pads up to Mimochi and sends, ‘We were taken by a male Hindleg whose head fur was a shimmering yellow. He gave us this.’ She gestures with her tail for Soihou to step up, who in turn does so with a small scroll of paper in her jaws, ‘He brought us back up by the tree on the right side of your home.’
  Mimochi delicately takes the scroll and reads aloud, “I have seen and heard of your exceptional talents. Moved up to the next grade automatically, and I know of your family’s wealth. The man who relinquished this to you did not write it, so do not mistake it for his intelligence. I am his peer, and he asked me to do this. In continuation, we would like you to come to the Third Music Room early in the morning on your first day of school. Until then.”
    Mimochi slowly makes her way to her bed and sits down carefully, “This is so weird… you guys think I should do it?”
Each cat meows simultaneously in approval. Mimochi grins, “Well all right!”


  Mimochi slowly walks along, scanning the barren hallways for any signs reading, ‘Third Music Room’.  Her patience wears thin, so when she sees a blonde male heading her way she’s pulls him over, “Hey, where is the Third Music Room?”
    The boy blinks, then grins happily, “You actually came!” He grasps her wrist, and before she could respond they zoom down the hall. The boy stops abruptly in front of a large set of double doors, “My name is Suoh Tamaki,” he opens the doors. Mimochi flinches as a blinding white light and a flurry of cherry blossom petals pour out over her, “and welcome,” strides over to a red throne-like chair, “To the Host Club!”

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