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Rated: 13+ · Other · Action/Adventure · #1271728
In which a princess is raised by thieves. Prince's Point of View
How could she know what was to happen? How could anyone? The girl's whole life was about to change and nothing could be done to stop it.

No, I take that back. There were several things that could have stopped it. Her father, the late great King Shawndran of Grahice/Garpike could have taken down his sword and went to battle against the rebels fighting in the northern part of his kingdom. He could have searched for allies amongst other kingdoms who were being plagued by pirates from islands to the south.

And most importantly, he could have quit ignoring Williamsba of Dremad. Williamsba had gained his throne by killing the previous king. He was keeping his throne because of his Black Guard, paid mercenaries loyal only to him. He had been sending Shawndran several offers of alliance, as their kingdoms were aligned along the border of the Fibryn Ocean.

But instead, Shawndran chose to ignore his and everyone else's offer of alliance amongst the pirates and live the carefree life he chose, alone in his own little world with his beautiful blond queen, Jeffra.

Where had it gotten him? Nowhere. He was dead now and his daughter was in for a hell of a life.

I stood against a tree, watching as she was marched by me. She was still dressed elegantly, in a beautiful silk dress that hung loosely on her. Her hands were bound behind her back, other than that there was no bindings on her, but that was enough to make her vulnerable to all of the men.

She was in the middle of the band of rebels, being led by a bandit on horseback though she was herself on foot. The bandit in charge of her, a large nasty looking man with a red bandana around his neck, held the end of the leather rope that bound her and so often he would viciously yank it and make her stumble. If she didn't catch herself, she would be dragged along the dirt road until she managed to find her grounding again. Her once blue dress was covered in dusty dirt and she had several bloody wounds on her face and hands.

As if that wasn't painful enough for the young princess, she was also vulnerable to the other men. She was only on her twelfth year, thank God. If she had been any older, the men would have already raped her. As it was, several were already contemplating it. The bandit lord at the front of the column and his second-in-command at the end of the column were the only other men on horseback. The other forty or fifty bandits walked between the three horses. Various men walked up to the princess from time to time and rudely grabbed her developing breasts or said inappropriate things that made her blush.

When they were out of sight, I turned back to the woods. Presently there was nothing I could do for her and again I was struck by the fact that there might not be any reason for me to do anything.
She was a princess- I was a mere Thief. What right did I have to interfere in a war between Kings? She was a pawn in their game.

Except she was also a Princess of my realm. Technically, she was now my Queen, as her parents were dead. I owed her fealty, whether I was a thief or not.

Not only that, I had a nephew her age. And anyways, what kind of man could turn his back on any child, especially a girl child? If someone didn't save her, she would end up as the child bride of Williamsba. He would use her to bleed royal blood into his line. When he had an heir by her, he would probably cast her to the men accosting her now.

Dammit, I couldn't allow that to happen. I would never be able to sleep again. I had to help her. Even if she was never to regain her kingdom, she couldn’t be allowed that fate.

Mind made up, for the moment, as if I hadn't made the choice before, I sank into the woods, following the invisible path that I knew led to the thief camp set up within this part of the kingdom.

I approached the camp unnoticed. I had to be unnoticed, there were too many dangers in letting a group see me before I was ready for them too. Any sign of weakness among the Thieves of this kingdom will ultimately result in death- especially for one like me. I may be a fellow thief, but I was one of the unbound thieves that were not assigned one camp.

Most of the Thieves under our Thief Lord are bound. Very few are unbound and I was a special case on top of being unbound, for I was the Thief Lord’s brother. His twin brother, as a matter of fact.

As there are those everywhere that disagree with my brother, if I were to get captured, it would cause him quite a bit of trouble.

I hung out in a tree along the outskirts of the clearing that hid the camp, simply observing. These few moments before I make myself known have saved me more than once. Hell, these moments have even saved my brother a few times.

At first glance, the camp appeared just like all of the others. There were two lines of small huts built of wood, each with a window on either side of the door. In the lane between the houses, women in wide skirts and tight bodices chatted with each other as they cooked or sewed. Several young men, finally allowed out of my brother’s training camp and posted to an assignment, practiced with swords and knives in the clearing past the camp, with several young women looking on and two joining in.

I was almost ready to reveal myself, convinced it was safe, when I noticed a woman step out of the last cabin towards the back of the camp, where the younger thieves were playing. One of the young men, a youth of twenty, noticed her and immediately left his group. He gripped her arm and pulled her behind her house. Sensing a problem, I quickly moved through the trees to a position near theirs.

The woman, a mere twenty five years old herself, was a small thing, barely up to his chest bone and maybe half his weight. "Layna," the youth said, releasing her from a kiss as I settled into a new tree. "How are you, my dear?" He asked, putting his arms around her onto her behind and pulling her against his body.

"Mystef, I asked you not to do that any longer." She said, pushing in vain against his chest. She wasn't going anywhere without his permission.

I noticed for the first time, this young lady was wearing all black, with a black kerchief over her hair. She was in mourning clothing.

"Layne," young Mystef said, grinding himself against her body. "He's gone. Accept that he won't be back. We've already layn together once. Just marry me."

"I did not wish to lay to you," the lady said, looking terrified.

Thievery I can accept, I’ve had to in my line of work, but I have never been able to sanction rape. My brother and I were raised to respect women, an attitude shared by few others. I began to emerge from the shadows when a familiar figure appeared behind them. I made myself comfortable once again, knowing I was going to enjoy the coming encounter.

The newcomer laid her hand on Mystef's shoulder and squeezed. He exclaimed in pain and released his captive, swinging around and reaching for his dagger at his waist.

When he saw who had opposed him, his arm fell back to his side. "Madgel!" He exclaimed.

Madgel, an older woman of fifty or sixty years glared at him. She was a heavy, round woman who looked soft all over. She was dutifully wearing a widow's kerchief, but was also wearing a purple bodice over a brilliant red skirt. She too had a dagger at her belt.

Though she looked soft, she is one of the most dangerous women I've ever met. I knew if she felt the need, Mystef would be dead before he could blink, his throat sliced. For a bigger woman, she's as fast and deadly as a snake.

"You were warned, boy." She snarled in a tone that could turn rocks to rubble. "The women of this camp will not accept this behavior. You will not force a woman to lay with you ever again."

The boy was rightfully terrified. Though he was a few inches above the average man, she had him cowering. She herself was as tall as an average man.

"She asked for it." Mystef declared, flinging a finger in Layna's direction. "She wanted me."

Frightened, Layna flew behind Madgel, disappearing behind the elder woman's bulk.

"Besides, the King will support me." Mystef added. "A woman deserves to be married. She should be on her back, legs spread for her man. He'll see that."

"When he comes, you may ask him." Madgel vowed. She shifted so that she held him with her right hand and withdrew her magic stone from a pouch at her waist.

Her eyes grew white as she tapped into the Magyck. Mystef struggled to free himself, suitably frightened as her grip grew even more painful.

After a moment, her eyes cleared. Just as quickly, a man of thirty came around the huts. "Donnielg, lock this boy up. He's had his warning; I take this into my own hands now." Madgel said, finally releasing the boy and returning her stone to its pouch.

"Yes'm." Donnielg said, bowing slightly to the elderly woman. Donnielg was the biggest man in camp, almost two inches past six feet. He gripped Mystef's shoulder and snarled, "You were warned, ladd. Now you'll pay."

Without another word, the two men were gone. Donnielg would be taking the younger man to Madgel's hut. Hers was the most permanent; it had a small basement that served nicely as a jail.

I was prepared now to make my presence known to Madgel, who had power in this camp by virtue of being my brother’s mother, when Layna spoke.

"Madge," she said, with a quick curtsy to show respect for the King's Mother. "I can wait no longer. I promised to wait for the King, but I cannot. I fear this place." She said, clasping her hands to her breast and meeting Madgel's eyes beseechingly. "Please, please say you understand."

"My dear." Madgel's voice grew soft. "You owe allegiance to our King, to my son. You may not leave his camps without permission. He will send the whole Underworld after you."

Layna shook her head helplessly. "I regret that." She said softly. "I can only hope he is fair to me. That man forced me to lay with him; the others his age look at me the same way. The elders of our camp feel that I am not acting a proper widow. If Colemit had seen me in this black he would have been enraged. He hated mourning. I do as well, yet I must wear it to leave my hut. The camp already thinks me in the wrong for refusing to marry Mystef. They say this incident is my fault."

She looked down, as if tired. "I cannot win, Madge." I shan't try any longer. Three more days. I shall wait three more days for the King. After that..."

She sighed, wiping a tear away as it rolled down her cheek. "I apologize. I realize how awkward this is for you. Please Madge, I beseech you, do not attempt to stop me."

“All things pass, m'dear." My mother said softly. "I will not stop you, if that is your choice. I can only hope our King arrives in time. As for the others, you cannot ever worry about what others think of you. You will never win that battle."

She reached out and tenderly wiped the younger woman's tears off of her cheeks with a heavily embroidered silken handkerchief. "Take off these clothing. You know your man would not approve. Be the woman he loved, even now he's gone."

Layna sniffed, smiling. "Yes'm." She sniffed again and began to leave, only to turn back after a few steps. "Madge?" She asked, softer than ever. "Does it- will it ever stop hurting?"

Madgel smiled sadly. "It will lessen after a while. If you are lucky enough to find a second love, it will lessen even more. But nothing will ever take that pain away. No love will ever be as strong. Your first love is a part of you. Always."

"Did- did you ever find a second love?" Layna asked hopefully.

"No child." Madgel said, looking down. "Some of us are only fated for one love. But I pray you have not the same fate."

Layna curtseyed again and left.

Madgel stayed there for a moment, silent. Then she turned directly to the tree I was in. "Alright Ladd," She said. "You may reveal yourself."

I grinned, despite the sadness the two women had inspired, dropping gently from the limb I had been perched in.

I stood before her, hands clasped behind my back as she took me in. Damned if she couldn't make me feel five again. I knew what she would say; she said it all the time.

My black hair needed cut. I had let it grow so long I had to sweep it back into a horsetail.

My green eyes looked tired. I hadn't been sleeping enough.

My skin was too pale. I hadn't been getting enough sun.

My blue tunic was ripped, my brown trousers covered in mud and blood. Obviously I wasn't being careful enough with myself. Exactly how old did I think I was? I wasn't a child any longer.

And mostly, I was too thin from not eating enough. Though I was four inches taller than six foot, I was severely lacking in any intimidating stature. I was strong, but I would never be broad.

And I did frequently get so busy I forgot to eat, not that I would admit that to her and let her scold me some more.

I let her rant and then swept her into a bear hug. "Hello Mother." I greeted her, kissing her smooth cheek.

"Our great Prince returns." She replied, hugging me tightly and then releasing me. "If you don't become a more imposing figure, you will be attacked," she warned as always.

Grinning easily, I replied," If they are fool enough to try and challenge me, let them. I welcome them to try.”

My physique worked quite well for thievery and I did have muscle. However, it was a wiry sort of muscle that could easily be hidden with baggy clothing.

She grinned as well. My answer had been the same since I had become Prince. My brother had seized the Kingship at the age of eighteen. I had become his Prince, an honorary title that basically made me his spy. After twenty years as King, the glamour had worn off for him, I still loved my position. Skulking around is what I was intended to do.

Finally she sighed. "So, how much of that were you here to witness?"

"From the beginning." I replied. "And I’m sure that my brother has never met that boy before," I said, offended. "How dare he use Colemit’s name to-"

"You both know his parents." My mother interrupted me. "Phillobate and Cynthiall of the North Camp."

I supressed a curse. How appropriate. Phillobate is the most mysoginistic man I've ever encountered. He and my brother frequently clashed over his manner of dealing with his wife and daughters- with his fists.

"Why is he only now being restrained?" I questioned. "Rape is a serious crime."

She gestured around. "Not exactly around here, boyo. In this part of the kingdom, the most a man gets is a fine and a forced marriage. He did offer to marry her."

"I hate the customs in this part." I spat, disgusted. "Well Colemit is the King of Thieves and his word is law until he is dethroned. He outlawed rape and dammit, if he’s not here to do something about it, I will. These people can take their customs and go to hell. Customs be damned."

With that announcement, I headed towards the direction Donnielg had gone. He had gotten no farther than the front of my mother's hut, I saw as I walked down the camp lane. A large gathering of people were already surrounding them, shouting at Donnielg.

I pushed through the crowd til I stood at Donnielg's side in front of my mother's door.

"Majesty," an older man of the camp spoke first. He was fifty, a man named Benarie and on the Council of Four that ran this camp. "What is the meaning of this?" He demanded. "Mystif is a good boy-"

"Who raped a fellow member of this camp." I finished.

Benarie blushed, but shook his head. "Majesty, she is a woman and a widow at that. She needs a husband- now she has one. He is being punished."

"But so is she." I said, trying not to let my anger show. From the way the crowd was steadily backing up, I obviously wasn't succeeding. "Why should she be punished for his lack of self-control?"

He fell silent, unable to answer.

Unsatisfied, I turned to the crowd. I’ve pretended to be my brother before and I had no problems doing so now. I didn’t hesitate to use their trust of the “King” to my advantage. "Where are the other two Elders?" I demanded. "Let them stand before me."

My mother had finally caught up; she was also on the Council. She went to stand by Benarie as two other old women came forward, one with gray hair and the other with white. I had never met either of them.

"The three of you voted against my mother in regards to this boy." I said, knowing how my mother had voted even if we hadn't talked of it. "My law is quite clear here. Forcing a woman is punishable by death. Not only is this boy not yet dead, he was left to attempt to attack the same woman again. Please explain to me whose laws you were following."

The three Elders bowed their heads. "I thought as much." I said with a nod. "The three of you are released from your duties. You will be escorted shortly to the camp for Elders. Away with you."

I allowed them time to fade into the crowd and then turned to address my people. I found who I was looking for immediately.

"My dear Layna, please join me." I said to the only black clad member of the crowd.

She was in the back of the crowd. When she finally made her way to my side, she curtseyed deeply. "Your Majesty." She murmured, her deep blue eyes meeting mine steadily.

"This fine lady's honor has been compromised." I said, raising her hand to my lips. I gently kissed it as I bowed over it. "My law provides death to her offender."

There was faint mumbling amongst the crowd. This group was a custom oriented one.

"Because I am a fair man." I went on, raising my voice over their hushed protests. "I offer instead a fight. If young Mystef wins, he shall be free and marry this widow, as your custom dictates."

I still had Layna's hand. At this announcement, she squeezed my hands so hard it brought tears to my eyes. I blinked furiously to clear them, then issued my challenge," Who will defend this woman's honor?" Who will fight Mystef?"

Murmuring broke out again, but none stepped forward. Layna's grip seemed to grow tighter and tighter until-

"I will."

Donnielg released Mystef and bowed to me. "I will fight." He repeated, straightening.


Finally Mystef finally ended up on his back on the ground, while Donnielg towered over him, sword to his throat.

"Well, Majesty?" Donnielg asked. "What shall I do with this creature?"

Oh I didn't really care. This was why I never dreamed of being King, unlike my brother. I wanted nothing to do with this bunch and their old fashioned morals. But dammit, the woman had been violated. My views were final on this, as was my brother’s law. Besides, I had started this charade; I now had to finish it.

I turned to Layna. "It is your choice, madam." I said gently. "He has broken my law, my law is death. By your word however, I shall allow him to live."

She shook her head, tears gathering in her eyes and immediately I felt horrible. What a choice to make any choose, let alone a fragile woman who had recently lost her husband.

"What would your husband have done if this boy would have violated you and he was still around?" I asked instead, fully knowing the answer.

"He'd have attacked him. Killed him." She whispered. "The man would have been dead immediately. Colemit would have killed him without remorse."

I nodded to Donnielg. "Kill him." I said.

Good man, Donnielg, he immediately stabbed his sword into Mystef’s heart. A stain of blood circled around Donnielg's broad sword as he pulled it back out. Mystef’s eyes rolled into his head, his chest unmoving.

Layna immediately turned away, as did several other people. I forced myself to stare at the body. I couldn't afford to show any weakness- especially in front of this camp if they believed I was their King. My brother’s law is their law; they have to accept his punishments.

"Alright." I said finally. "Everyone return to their duties. You," I said to Layna, "and you," I said also to Donnielg, "Come with me."

I turned and went into Madgel's hut. The two of them followed me, as did my Mother.

The inside of her hut was one room, with a small stair at the back right corner leading to the basement. She had her bed in one corner, which was covered with a bright purple blanket. Her small stove was in the next corner along with a small table and cupboard.

I went over to the table and pulled out a chair for my mother. When she sat, I pulled out another for Layna.

Blushing, she took the seat, murmuring, "Thank you, my King."

I gestured for Donnielg to take a seat as I myself sat.

"I wish to speak to the two of you about leaving this camp." I said to Layna and Donnielg. They were both on the opposite side of the rectangular table, facing my mother and I. "Neither of you are going to be welcome here any longer."

"That is quite fine with me." Layna said. "My lord, you may send me anywhere you wish, just please send me from here."

Donnielg simply shrugged. "It matters not to me, Majesty. I don't care what these people think of me. But if you wish, I shall leave. It doesn't matter where you send me."

"I try to keep track of people I know that I am able to trust." I said, desperately trying to figure things out now. I knew I couldn’t let these two remain in this camp, but I didn’t really have any authority to send them elsewhere. On the other hand, I could send them to my brother! "If neither of you have any objections, I would like to send you both to my camp."

Both looked at me in shock. "Majesty, I-" Layna stopped to bite her lip.

They were both surprised. I understood. My brother doesn’t often invite people to live in his personal camp. His camp is where the children live until they are deemed old enough to be posted. Other than the teachers and caregivers for the children, only people whom he trusts or is confident will not betray him are allowed to live there.

Yet at the same time, I was sure that I could trust them to keep quiet about what I had done and knew that his camp would be the best decision for them. My brother would know what to do with them, whether it was to keep them there or to post them elsewhere.

"That would be an honor." Donnielg said, bowing.

Basically my brother’s camp is filled with members of what I jokingly call the Tree Guard, which are various Thieves whom Colemit trusts with all his soul. I work with them a lot and have recommended several of them, all of whom I trust. The ones I recommend make up a special section of the Guard which serves under me called the Shadow Guard.

My brother gave me the Shadow Guard because I usually end up in very awkward situations. I only recommend people there that I am sure would not betray me.

"Donnielg," I said, knowing this was the biggest risk I had ever taken. "Layna. Not only do I want you in my camp, I am going to offer you as candidates for the Tree Guard."

There were of course tests they had to go through to be accepted. No one got into the Guard if the whole guard didn't approve. After that, I would reveal myself and ask them to join the Shadow Guard.

"Why would you give us such an honor?" Layna asked. "My lord, I have caused you nothing but trouble."

I waved it off. "I feel I can trust you." I said simply. It was that simple. My decisions, unlike my brother’s, are all made spur of the moment.

"Now," I said, turning to my Mother. "You already know I don't want you here, and I've accepted that I cannot change your mind. But tell me, exactly how many of these forced marriages have taken place within this camp?"

"I'm sure you have more pressing matters to attend to." My mother said.

"Mother," I said warningly. "I will not be put off. I am sending the Guard in to clean up this camp. I will not let this camp exist in this manner any longer."

"Why are you here?" Madgel asked me. "You usually do not come through this part of the kingdom if you can avoid it."

I sighed. "The princess was just marched through here. I have been following her process. I am debating whether or not to intervene," I added, partly because it was true but mostly because I knew the reactions I would get from my mother. "I am not able to avoid the subject much longer. Two more days marching will have her out of our kingdom."

"Oh, rescue her." Layna said, surprising me with the passion that filled her voice. "No young girl should be left to a vulture of a man like Williamsba."

"I will help you if you go after her." Donnielg vowed. "I do not like the girl's fate myself."

My mother watched me in silence. I already knew her opinion. She would never subject a child to any sort of danger.

I grinned at her. "Oh come now mother, you don't really think I'm going to let her go to her fate do you?" I asked. "I'm waiting for a few of the Guard to back me; we're going to strike on the morrow. They will be here before dark."

I had no choice in the matter. Why I was even pretending so was beyond me. My mother, my nephew, my brother- all demanded that I do the right thing. How could I not?

In the mean time, it was only two hours past noon. "Since I have time to waste, why don't you show me around, Donnielg, Layna? We can allow my Mother to rest a while."
© Copyright 2007 LadyofDragons (ladyofdragons at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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