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Rated: E · Short Story · Career · #1271575
The writer becoms the writee in this twisted short story.
         The cool rush of a breeze blew papers around the room .  At a desk sat a woman 20-25 years old, Brunette, short her name was Anna Fetcher . She  was hunched over a typewriter muttering.  All of a sudden she flew out of her chair in a rage and flung her self on the bed sobbing.  The publisher was expecting her book in a week and she had just gotten to the last chapter and all of a sudden couldn’t type.  She had everything in the book she was writing, and amazing title,  Fire  a great character an ingenious plot everything. She just couldn't end the 500 page book. She didn’t know weather to kill of  Jason Pastel, her main character, or have him marry the elf.  Her publisher had said her books were to happy and needed a sad ending but she couldn’t just kill him.  Anna got up and sat back down at the type writer she pulled out the page and got a fresh one , so she could play out the killing part.

“ Jason was sitting at his bed when a messenger came forth to the castle warning of the  danger. “The  Lords army is coming closer it is just barely in the outskirts of Anchorington. Troubled he went to see his love Elda whom he found gone he spotted a note on the vanity. 
  My dear ,
        I must go to  Anchorington my family is there. So to get rid of painful goodbyes I stole away by night. I shall return soon.
Jason was awestruck by his loves choice he raced to his room gathered his things and set off for the city on his noble steed. He must reach her before it was too late. He rode faster and  faster not stopping until he was in the gate of the city. He rode through the streets looking for her,  Then he spotted her by the entrance of a home loading things onto a wagon he embraced her and told her of the peril.  They packed quickly and he saw her out the gates. He had chosen to remain behind and fight of the army.  His army had not been far behind him, they assembled and readied for battle. The city was evacuated .  The soldiers stood at the ready when the gates were knocked open. The war waged  on for days and days, finally Jason engaged in one-on-one battle with lord Thessemer. They fought a cruel witty battle until  Jason was cornered on the edge of a roof below a fire was burning. Thessemer saw his army was defeated but lunged at Jason so that he and Jason tumbled into the inescapable fire . When the army put out the fire they found Jason dead.  So ended his epic and heroic journey of life. “

         She loved it she  typed the words the end. Suddenly the room started to spin and she saw her entire ending flash  before her eyes. Then she landed with  thud inside  Jason’s Bedroom. Elda came running in with book and  wand in her hands. You! She screamed. “ You had a choice on whether  Jason lived or died and you chose to kill him. “

“ It was in the intrest of the book…” mumbled Anna,  “ I didn’t think my book was a real world ….” 

  “Oh yes, you did, you knew Jason was real in your subconsionce.” yelled Elda  Elda shoved  Anna  against  wall. “ I will send you back to your world and you WILL change the ending to a happily ever after, or I’ll bring you back and make you pay for what you’ve cost me.

         The room spun and spun and Anna was back in her room.  She picked up her  ending and shredded it, and sat down at her type writer to type out a happy ending.  From the then on she typed her stories with more care for the character so as never to repeat the accident ever again.  Even without the  deadly ending, her book sold by the millions.  So Anna stuck to her happy endings,
© Copyright 2007 Kitti M Riddle (kitti_m_riddle at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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