Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1271365-The-Time-Capsul
Rated: E · Short Story · Friendship · #1271365
two best friends
Leslie and Xavier both meet in about fourth grade.  Xavier moved in right across the street from Leslie in .  Xavier moved in with his mom and little brother who was but two years younger than Xavier. 
         Leslie looks outside her window and sees a little boy her age, she goes and greets him," are you new here?"
         "Yeah, will you be my best friend? I don't know anybody here" Xavier asks  while kicking some dirt around on to the drive away. 
         "Yeah, sure, but you gotta catch me first. Tag, your it." Leslie tells him as she hits Xavier's arm.and runs off.  Xavier chases her untill he catches her and tackles her to the ground forgetting she was a girl.  "Ha Ha I got you!" he shouts out. "Now your my best friend." 
         "Ouch! My knee," Leslie cries out.  She runs inside.  I don't want to be your friend, you hurt me." She ran inside crying her eyes out. 

         The next day Xavier knocks on Leslie's door to say he's sorry for hurting her.  He brings her a yellow picked flower from her front yard. Staring down at her pink Barbie band-aid on her knee.  "Im sorry i hurt you," Xavier says as he's handing her the flower with the roots and dirt still atached.  "Will you still be my friend?"
         Leslie takes a long pause and stares at the dieing flower."Okay I will forgive you. don't let it happen again." She tells him in a strictly tone. "Come inside, you want some cookies and milk?"
         "Mmmmmmm yum yeah" Xavier takes the offer and comes inside.

         From the day they Leslie and Xavier met it was if the two were joined a the hip. They hung out every day and did everything together.  They stuck out evrything.  They had good times, they had bad times.  They knew everything there was to know about each other.  No one could seperate them from being best friends. 
         When they were about in twelve years old they  made a promise to eachother.  "Promise me you'll tell me when you find her. I wanna be the first person you tell," Leslie told Xavier. 
         "Find who?" He asked questionalbly.
         "When you find the girl of your dreams, the one you wanna marry." 
         "I promise, don't worry I will who else would be better to know first, my best friend in the whole wide world. "
         "I hope you do find her and I better like because if I don't like her and I think she's not good you know i'll kick her but,"  holding her fist up Leslie told him.
         "Thanks for looking out for me," 
         "It's my job as your best friend. you would do the same for me too,"
         "yes I would.  Yes I would," Xavier said.

         Soon they would start highschool together.  They would soon have diffrences in theirselves, but it would'nt matter to them. They would still be the best of friends anyone could be.  Leslie would be more on the popular side.  She was very Beautiful.  All the guys liked her.  She would even join the school dance team.  Everyone loved Leslie and wanted to be her friend. 
         Xavier wasn't really on the popular side when it came to school.  He wasn't the most atractive guy in school  either.  He would be more focused gettting his straight A's.  Xavier was art guy.  He loved art, photography, and poetry.  He became more on the sensitive side, but still girls adored him for that. 
         Even though they were on the opposite sides of their lives they made time for best friends.  Xavier would come to all Leslie's dance performances.  Leslie would come to all Xavier's art shows and poetry readings.  When they both had events on the same days they would still make the effort and appearance to show up.  Racing to get to one another's show. They would'nt miss eachother for the world.
         "Let's make a time capsul,"  Leslie told Xavier one night after a performance.  "With pictures, writing, memories, and things."  Xavier went and grabbed some pictures he took to put in. 
         "How about we write a letter to eachother?" Xavier asked.
         "That's a good idea," Leslie said excited.  "When should we open this?"
         "I think we'll know when the time is right." he said knodding his head.  " Where should we bury it?" 
         "How bout where we first met? you know where you tackled me to the ground," she said laughing and shoving towrds him. 
         "Come on you know I didn't mean it. i was sorry remember I brought you that flower?" Xavier said back.  "But yea that is a good idea to burry it. let's do it"
         The two of them that night burried their time capsul right underneath the tree in Xavier's front yard.  The time capsul included present and past pictures of them together.  A letter about eachother that they arn't aloud to read untill the capsul is unburried. On the tree they burried it underneath they carved somthing special.  They were real curious about what each of them wrote of one another.

         Leslie soon got involved with a guy named Chris.  She liked Chris alot.  Chris was gorgous.  Tall, bright green eyes, played sports, and worked out.  What more could Leslie ask for in a guy.  Chrs was the sweetest guy she ever met , carrying her books, writting her little messages, and other cute things like that.  They began to get real serious with eachother.  Leslie spent alot of time with Chris. 
         Xavier soon met a nice girl too.  Jennifer was her name and she shared the same intrests as Xavier.  Jennifer was one of the sweetest girls ever, she'd make him sweet snacks for Xavier, takes pictures with eachother.  Long blonde hair, big blue eyes slim shape, a real cute girl for xavier. 

         "I can tell you like this Chris guy alot Leslie,"  Xavier said talking to her. 
         "Yeah I do Xavier, I really do.  He's so sweet and knows how to treat a girl,"  smiling with eyes filled of love. 
         "Shoot, he better know how to treat you right. otherwise im going to  have to put hands on someone."  Punching his fist in his hand Xavier said.  Leslie just shook her head and laughed. "No joke sis, no joke. I will hurt someone over you."
         "Well I can tell you like Jennifer alot too,"  Leslie told Xavier. 
         "Oh I do she's a nice sweet girl for me.  no one could be better for m, but still she's not as cool as you ."  Xavier said.
          "Hey and like wise about her too. She better not have any lil tricks or treats up sleeves or I'll have to put that  in place okay."  Xavier rolled his eyes and laughed.  "Hey don't  roll your eyes at me. Im serious too.  You don't think I'll hurt someone over you too?  cause I will."  Leslie got up and hugged Xavier .  "Im so glad you're my best friend, Im so glad I met you.  You know I got so much love for you.  Please don't ever leave me.  I'd be so lost without you" 
         "Ah girl I aint going no where.  What would I do without my best friend?  Don't you think I'd be lost without you too.  I love you to with all my heart and no one could come between us. You know I'm stuck with your crazy self, " Xavier said hugging his best friend back.   

         Highschool would soon be coming to an end.  Ofcorse Leslie and Xavier best friends.  Graduation and colloge plans were new ideas to come to them.  Their lives were passing so quick from when they first met.  Both them graduating now from high school collage would be next.
         Things would all be good untill about week before graduation.  Leslie and Xavier went to a movie.  The two were standing in line to get popcorn and snacks. 
         "Oh hell no.  I know that ain't?" Leslie walked away from Xavier to the other line furthest away from them.  Leslie saw Jennifer kissing up on another guy.  Leslie went and poured her drink all over Jennifer. 
         "Hey!" screamed Jennifer.  From the other side of the snack lines Xavier was looking and saw what happend.  He looked at Jennifer and shook his head at her in dissapointment with a brokend heart then walked out the movie theater. 
         " I can't belive you did this to Xavier.  What the hell is your problem? What a dirty..... " Leslie spit right in Jennifer's  face.  The only motion Jennifer could do was stand threre in disbelief. Leslie soon went after Xavier.
         " I can't belive she'd do this to me.  After all I did for her.  What did I do wrong.  All I did was treat her the best.  I did nothing wrong did I?"  Xavier questioned.
         " you didn't do nothing wrong Xavier.  Jennifer is just stupid.  Forget about her. There are plenty of better girls out there for you," Leslie explained to Xavier.
         "Thanks Leslie.  Thanks for what you did back at the movies," Xavier thanked Leslie. 
         "Hey I told you I got your back, didn't I?  No girl is going to treat my best friend like she did,"  Leslie gave him a hug.
         " I did Love her though," Xavier sadly said looking down.
          "I know I know.  Cheer up we'll be in collage soon.  Lots of collage girls oooooo," they both laughed. "It's okay Xavier im here." 

         Graduation finally arrived. 
         " we're finally going to graduate,"  Leslie told Xavier with Chris still by Leslie side she gave Xavier a hug. 
         " I know huh? I can't belive it either," Hugging Leslie back Xavier said. 
         " And can you belive me and Leslie made it this long?" Chris said.  "Almost a year now."  Leslie and Chris had been going out for almost a year now.  " Im sorry to hear about Jennifer," Chris apologized.  " Hey colloge though lots of them there," Laughing he said.
         "yeah so I heard," Xavier said smiling.  " Hey Leslie about colloge," Xavier started to say. 
         "Hey everything is about to start let's take our seats," Leslie interupted. 
          "Can you  belive it's all over now an d a new start now? collage." She said estaticlly talking to Xvier getting home.
         " Yeah I know but in diffrent collages,I been wanting to tell you that, " Xavier slowly said. 
         " What?" Leslie looked confused staring at him with puzzled look on her face. 
         " Im going to Paris," Xavier said.  "They offered me an intern job out there for some art work and photography and I took the job.  It's a great oppertunity for me Leslie," Xavier said trying to explain.  Leslie got up and walked away towrds the livingroom. Her face still with a puzzled and speechless look on her face. 
         " I can't belive it," Leslie said shaking her head staring at Xavier. 
         " Leslie it's a oppertunity in a life time ar'nt you proud?" Xavier said trying to explain.
         "So that's it? Your just going to leave like that?"  Leslie started yelling.
         "Leslie," Xavier tried to interupt.
         " What happend to going to collage together at the same school?  Paris?" She went on.  " You promised you'd never leave your best friend.  Remember?  You promised," Leslie broke down in tears. 
         "Leslie I'm sorry.  Please don't cry, Come on be happy for me," Xavier says trying to hug her. 
         Leslie pushed him away from her. " How can I be happy when your gonna be gone.  My best friend is leaving me.  How am I suppse to get through collage without you?"  She cried even more. 
         "You'll be fine.  Hey you got Chris remember.  Im sure I'll meet a nice girl in Paris and forget about Jennifer.  It will be good for me I can finally move on from her," Trying to explain some more. 
         " There's girls in colloge here, lots of them there," She was saying. 
         " Im not going just for the girls for the learning and experience. 
         "You know what okay fine.  Go to Paris.  I'll be fine.  You're right I don't need you no more.  Mabey we don't need to be friends no more," Leslie said. 
         "Leslie, don't say that.  Your over reacting.  Why are you acting like that?"
         " You have fun, okay. "  Leslie said walking to the door.  She grabbed the door handel.  " I can't belive you're doing this to me.  I don't ever wanna see you again, I don't ever wanna talk to you either.  I hate you.  Bye,"  She opend the front door.
         " Bye Xavier." He walked out her house shaking his head looking down with so much pain in his eyes.  When the door shut Leslie ran to her room.  She broke down to her fullest in tears to drown in.  She cried "why, why , why?" Leslie was so hurt.  She just lost her best friend.

         Summer was here and gone.  Leslie looked outside her bedroom window.  She saw Xavier loading up his suitcases inside his mom's car.  He was leaving to the airport for Paris.  Leslie thought she'd  take a last look at her ex best friend.  She stared down at him for bit with her eyes watering up and running down her cheek.  Xavier soon looked up at her window and saw Leslie staring down at him. He turned away with a lump in his throat.  Leslie quickly shut her window when he looked up.  Xavier and his mom soon drove away to the airport.

         About a few days later Leslie's phone rang.  She quickly ran to answer it.  She looked at the caller I.D. the phone read Xavier's number.  She looked twice and almost did'nt want to answer. 
         " Why are you calling me?" Leslie said answering the phone. 
         " Leslie.  It's Mary , Xavier's mom," she said not sounding to good.
         " Oh..... hi....," Leslie said slowly sounding confused.  " What's up?"
         " Leslie, It's Xavier," Mary said trying to explain.
         " Isn't he in Paris?" she asked. Xavier's mom broke down crying.
         " Xavier never made it to Paris sweetie," Mary said.
         "What do you mean,"
         " His flight over there did't make it.  Leslie his plane crashed,"  Mary said crying.  Silence was all Leslie could say.  The only thing she could think of was her last words to Xavier. 
         " What happend?  Is Xavier all right?  Where is he?" Questions was all she could ask. 
         " He's in a acoma right now.  Doctors say it does'nt look good.  He's here in the I.C. unit at the hospital," explained Mary. 
         " Oh my goodness. Can I see him.  I'm on my way."  Leslie quickly left to the hospital.  All she could think of how awful she treated Xavier.  She wanted to take everthing back. 
         Leslie finally arrived at the hospital.  She found Xavier's mom. 
         "This way," Mary lead Leslie to Xaviers room.  Leslie broke down in tears over his bed.  Xavier could'nt look worse.  His head all bandaged up.  tubes and monitors everwhere all over him. 
         "Can he hear me?" Leslie asked.
         " Im not sure.  Doctors says it's good to talk to him.  I'll leave you alone with him," Mary said walking out the room.  Leslie sat in the chair next to his bed holding his hand. 
         " Xavier can you hear me?  Xavier I'm sorry for everyrthing I said to you that night.  I want to take it all back.  Can you forgive me?"  Leslie said hoping Xavier would hear her and wake up.  "Xavier please!  I should have been happy for you going to Paris.  I'm sorry.  I really am. Please wake up. Please,"  Leslie begged and begged with so much pain in her heart.  Leslie walked out the hospital room and hugged Mary and Xavier's younger brother.  Leslie drove home crying and praying to God all the way home.  When she got home she went and cried herself to sleep. 

         The next six months would be hard.  Xavier still had'nt awoken from the acoma.  Still on life support.  Everyone had faith though for him to pull through.  Leslie would visit Xavier every day bringing flowers and pictures to decorate his room.  She'd talk to him every day telling him memories of theirs and trying to apologize still for their last words that were said.

         One Sunday afternoon Leslie came in to visit.  She was sitting next to Xavier in a chair.  Holding his hand and crying.
         "Xavier I know you can hear me.  Xavier I'm so sorry I said what I said that night.  Forgive me please Xavier please,please.  I need you.  I'm sorry," crying heavily she sobbed. 
         " Sorry for what? " Xavier's word struggled to get out.  His eyes opened. 
         "Xavier? " Leslie stopped crying for a second  and stared at him.  " oh my God Xavier," She screamed.
         " But what are you sorry for?" Xavier qustioned. 
         " For what I told you that night.  You know when I told I hated you on graduation night?" She said reminding him.  Xavier stared blanly at Leslie. 
         " I don't even know who you are,"  Xavier said. 
         " It's me Leslie!  Your best friend since we were little,"  As if Xavier was joking Leslie played along back.  But Xavier still stared with a blank look on his face shaking his head.  The door to the room opend.
         " Hey Leslie."  Xavier's mom greeted her.  She then gasped for air.  " Xavier?  My baby!! " She ran to him and hugged him.  " Your awake! Thank you Jesus You brought my baby back." 
         " Will somebody tell me what happend to me?" Xavier asked. 
         " Baby you don't remember the plane crash?"  Xavier's mom said.  Xavier shook his head. 
         " I don't remember anything.  I don't even know who you guys are,"  Xavier said. 
         " It's me mommy sweetie and Leslie, your best friend,"  She said trying to explain.  He still shook his head.  She just broke down in tears.  " My baby don't remember anything".  She called the doctor in to ask why.  The doctor came in to examine Xavier. 
         " Well Xavier did have some trama to the head.  That explains the amesia."  The doctor explained to Mary and Leslie. 
         " Amesia?"  His mom asked.  " When will his memory come back?" She asked. 
         " I don't know?  It may never come back,"  The doctor said.  His mom and Leslie started to cry more.  " What you need to do though is bring Xavier to famillar places.  Tell him some memories.  Bring him around some famillar people he knew."  The doctor explained to them.  " starting tomorrow.  I'd like to keep Xavier over for one more night to run some tests. " 

         The next day his mom and Leslie brang Xavier home. 
         " Welcome home baby," Mary said greeting her son as if it was his first time ever at home.  Xavier stared at the strange place around him.  He walked all around the house looking at things.  "Do you reconize anything?" Xavier found his room.  Leslie walked in right behind him.  He picked up the camera that was in his room and stared at the photographs. 
         " Who's is all this stuff?" Xavier asked. 
         " This is your room.  You took these pictures.  You loved photography,"  Leslie picked up more pictures and showed him as she explained.  " You were gonna go to school in Paris for a special photography school or somthing like that.  I'm not sure I did't give you much for you to explain it to me before I kicked you out," She told him.  Xavier picked up a picture in a frame next to his bed.
         " Hey.... is this us?"  Xavier asked Leslie about a picture. 
         " Yeah.  We were in about forth grade," she said smiling.  Leslie found another picture and showed it to Xavier. "Do you remember this? " She asked.  Xavier shook his head.  " We took this at the State fair when we used to ditch school and go every year," Leslie tried to get him to remember. 
         " I told you I don't remember anyhting.  Nothing at all.  I don't remember my mom , my brother or even you."  Xavier said to Leslie. 
         " I wish you'd remember.  Really I do.  I'd like you to forgive me.  There's so much in my life I wanna catch up on," Leslie said with a tear crawling down her cheek. 
         " What is this whole thing about anyways you keep saying sorry for?" Xavier asked. 
         " It's a long story.  On graduation night you told me you wer'nt gonna go to colloge with me.  You said you were going to Paris.  I threw a big tantrum and said I Hated you and did'nt wanna be your friend any more.  Just alot of words and comments I'd wish I never said to you."  Leslie said.
         "Oh." Xavier responded back with his head down.  " Well what's the stuff you said you wanted to catch me up on if you don't mind telling me."
         " Well I been going out with Chris since highschool.  You knew him.  Well we're still together and about a month ago Chris proposed to me and I said yes.  We're getting married in a couple months. You can meet him again if you want. " Smiling and as happy as she can be she told Xavier.  To her it felt like the old times when she'd tell him things.  Although Xavier didn't seem to care to much, just trying to make good conversation. 
         " Well I'm going to let you rest now.  I'll come visit you tomorrow. "  Giving Xavier a hug and left.  Xavier just  layed in his frustrated and thinking. He soon feel asleep. 

         Over the next few weeks Leslie came over everyday trying to trigger Xavier's memory.  She'd try and show him pictures of memories they had shared together through out their life of knowing eachother.  Leslie would tell him stories of all their adventures and fun they had.  She even tried to get him to take pictures again but he refused to try or relearn anything he used to do. 
         " So I was in to all this sentimental stuff like photography , art and poetry? Ha ha why?" Xavier laughed and shook his head. 
         " So you still can't remember anything Xavier? You don't remember us at all?"
         " I told you no! Not anything! All the stuff you say you're telling me and showing me sems like nothing matters.  You're just another stranger.  Honestly Leslie, I mean no offense or anything but I don't see how I even was your friend." Xavier said to Leslie in a rude tone of voice. Leslie just strared blankly. 
         " What do you mean?  But we were.  We were best friends,"  eyes tearing up not understanding. 
         " You seem stuck up and selfish.  If I were to meet you during now for the first time I probably would'nt like you.  Just by all your stories and the way you treated me because I wanted to go to Paris.  Selfish."
         " I can't belive you?  How could you say that?"  She shook her head and stood up with with watery eyes. 
         " Hey I'm just telling you how it is okay."  Shrugging his shoulders and stood up too. 
         " Well you know what If Xavier comes back call me okay."  Shoving Xavier on the bed she stormed  out.  Leslie hurt once again by Xavier.  She wonderd when it would end. 

         Leslie stopped worrying about Xavier.  She would look out her window everyday and see him sitting outside.  She could'nt get her feelings hurt by a stranger she did'nt know.  She let him go, she had a wedding to plan and worry about. 

         Xavier still no memory of nothing at all.  He did'nt seem to care to much of anything or anyone.  He would sit around all day watch T.V.  or sit around in the front yard and watch the cars pass by while his lifeless life did aswell.  Xavier soon begain to hate his life of nothing.

         On Leslie's wedding day she looked so beautiful.  She looked like like a princess in a fairy tail.  Her face did't match a happy princess though.  So many thoughts were going through her head.  She was thinking if she was making the right choice in getting married.  She didn't have a best friend to guide through her problems.  She felts so lost.  Everyone of her friends and family talked to her to give her advice but their words didn't matter to her. 

         Xavier sat at home in his front yard under the tree.  He didn't want to attend Leslie's wedding.  He sat under the tree staring liflessly at it.  He looked at the sky above it then looked down at the tree.  He strared at the bark of the tree he noticed somthing.  There seemed to be somthing written on it.  It read " LESLIE AND XAVIER BEST FRIENDS 4EVER".  Xavier laughed and rolled his eyes and looked away.  He then soon looked back at the carving.  He read it again.  Then he noticed an arrow pointing down.  He wonderd what it ment.  He stared at it for a long time as he was trying to remember. 

         Everyone begain to attend the wedding.  The church was the most beautiful.  Decorated with flowers everywhere of red and white.  All the guests were dressed their best.  Everything looked like to be the most perfect wedding of all.  It's just one guest was missing. 

         Xavier kept staring back at the mysterious tree.  He went and got a shovel.  He thought somthing was mabey burried underneath the arrow.  He begain shoveling the grass and dirt.  He wonderd if he would find anything.  He looked down at the dirt.  Down in the hole there lay some sort of a can.  Xavier picked it up and wiped the dirt off.  He opend it up, there was some stuff in it.  He pulled something out, it was some pictures when him and Leslie were they were younger.  He then found some pappers folded.  He opened them and begain to read them. 

         The wedding soon was about to start.  All the guests waited anxiously for the bride to walk.  Chris stood waiting at the alter for his wife to be.  Chris looked handsome.  The music begain to play.  The bride's maids and everyone walked down the asile.  Finally it was the bride's turn.  Everyone stood up as she begain to walk down.  Everyone commeted on how beautiful she was and Chris was a lucky man to have a wife like her.  Leslie tried not to have worry in her face by smiling away cheerfully.  She soon reached the alter.           
         The priest begain his words.  The guests sat down.  Chris stared deep into Leslie's eyes with so much love.  Leslie stared back with so many thoughts going through her head.  She could only think about one person. 
         The church door opened unexpectedly.  " Leslie!" Everyone in the church looked back.  Leslie looked back and saw Xavier standing in the door way and started walking towords her.  Leslie's face lit up. 
         " Xavier? " Leslie said not knowing what to expect. 
         " Leslie you're the one," Xavier said.
         " What are you talking bout about?" She asked.
         " I found it.  It must have been the right time.  Look." he pulled out two pieces of paper. 
         "  Is that...."
         Xavier read the papers.  The first one read:
         " Dear Xavier ,
         We been friends since fourth grade.  You are my best friend and no one can change that.  I love you Xavier.  I Don't know what i would do with out you.  Also you're not like other guys.  You're the sweetest ever.  You don't care what I look like , what I wear , about my make-up or anything.  I know you love me for who I am.  I have alot of hidden feelings for  you that you'll probably never know.  I don't even know how you'd feel when you read this.  I love being with you , being around you.  I love looking in your eyes.  You make feel so special.  I can't explain it.  I hope I never loose you.  I love you.  I hope were friends for ever!
                                                                     Love Leslie "

         " Dear Leslie ,          
         You know your my best friend in th whole wide world.  No one can take you place.  I can tell you anything and everything.  you always listen to me.  But now i've been developing feelings for you.  Leslie I think you are so beautiful.  You're ther sweetest girl.  I know you don't think of me the way I think of you.  You probaly won't know how I feel untill you read this.  When you read this you'll probaly be married.  I always think of you.  I love you.  I always will.  I hope we're best friends forever.  Your the best Leslie. 
                                                           Love Xavier"

         Leslie had tears coming down her cheeck.  She could'nt belive Xavier's words. 
         " I found our time capsul under the tree we first met.  You know where I tackled you," Xavier said laughing.  " And these pictures.  This one I took of you on your birthday.  I remember that one was my favorite."
         " Xavier you remember?" Leslie said crying.           
         " If anyone should be sorry it should be me.  Im sorry I left like that.  You had every right to be mad at me.  You're right I was being selfish." Xavier explained.
         " Xavier no.." Leslie started to say. 
         " No let me finish.  I was jelous of Chris.  You had him and I did'nt have Jennifer anymore.  I thought I was in the way.  I was wrong for breaking my promise I made about never leaving you.  I hope you can forgive me."           
         " I too should'nt have been selfish and made it all about me.  I should have been happy for you going to Paris.  I acted like a brat.  I was only thinking about myself.  I just loved you too much to see you go," 
         " It's okay I loved you so much I couldn't see you loved by someone else." He stared deep into Leslie's eyes.  Finding the time capsul made me remember everything and you.  How I felt about you.  I had to come here and see if it ment anything.  So do you still feel the same way?" Leslie stared deep into his eyes.  She was speechless what to say.  She did have alot of love for Xavier and she did have love for Chris.  She was so confused.  She looked at Chris, she turned to Xavier.  Could she choose?  would love hurt one of them?
         She ran outside the church not knowing whatelse to do. She thought how many times can she hurt by Xavier. 
         "Leslie," Chris and Xavier both cried out as they watched her run out.  Before Anyone could make it outside they heard a "errrr".  Everyone ran outside to seek the sound.  When everyone ran out they made a gasping sound.
         " Oh my God!" A voice cried out.  Chris and Xavier were last to run outside.  When they were to run outside they were to see Leslie in the middle of the road. 
         " Dude she ran out of no where in front of me," the driver paniced. 
         " It's true.  I saw the whole thing.  Poor dear ran out the church in front of the car," a witnessed explained. 
         " Leslie," Xavier said croaching down next to her.  Her head was bleeding, her white dress was black, scrapes and burns all over her.  Xavier held her hand.  " Leslie your goin to be all right, come on wake up.  You can pull thorugh this," he cried.  " If I can you can."
         The ambulence pulled up.  The paramedics got her and took her away quick and rushed her to the hospital.  Xavier cried hoping she'd be allright.  He prayed and prayed all the way to the hospital. 
         When Xavier arrived Leslies' parents were there too.  They went to go talk to the doctors. 
         " Im sorry to say this but Leslie died before she got to the emergency room.  She must had died on impact of the car."  The doctor broke the news.  Xavier broke down crying on the floor.  He hit the floor and punched the wall. 
         Standing over Leslie's grave Xavier couldn't belive she was gone.  All his memories would just be a finished album in his mind. 
         " To always remember us and never forget,"  Xavier put the Time capsul in her casket.  He kissed the casket as          it went down. 
         " I love you Leslie, I'll never forget you again,"  Xavier walked away. Questions if love couldn't hurt him more.  He felt Leslie's pain of life. 
         Loving someone always involved hurting someone. 
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