Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1270243-Of-Tomorrow-I-dream
by john
Rated: E · Fiction · War · #1270243
a fighter pilots thoughts turn to his wife as he goes down behind enemy lines.
One of a fighter pilots worst nightmare is getting shot down, even worse, is being shot down deep inside enemy territory. With substantial damage to the rear of his craft Caption James Weiss is forced to set back and await his own death.” May Day! May Day! I’m going down. Oh the hell with it. Guys who ever makes it out of this I want you to tell my wife that I will always love her, and she’s what kept me going.” A voice in his head set says to him “Caption stop talking like that. We are all going home Alive!”
“Not this time Jim, there’s no way I’m getting this thing home. The rest of you break and hall ass home. And that’s an order now do it!! Good bye my friends. Fare thee well.”
With that he sat back for this last ride and waited to greet death. As the craft began to spin out of control he slipped into his final dreams. His beautiful young wife sits at the breakfast table with the TV and the radio on at the same time. She reads the paper, praying to find the head line that would bring her beloved home to her. The long black car pulled up in front of the house and she almost cocked on her coffee. She knew what this meant. As the two men moved closer to the house she fell to the floor crying.”No" Alice yelled. "You have the wrong house. He’s alive. You have the wrong house.” Suddenly he found himself standing behind a large group of people in the rain and knew he was at his own funeral. Walking around, he could see the faces of all those he had loved in life. The old man who had been the pastor of his church for as long as he could remember, was now standing at the top of the grave with his head down. Speaking well of him, soon he found himself before his wife and he saw something he hadn’t before. She was with child. She hadn’t told him. His mother walked up to her side. "We will make it my dear. James would want it that way." Her beautiful green eye’s were more than he could stand. Turning his back he heard her scream in Paine and realized. He was no longer in the rain, when he turned he found himself in the delivery room with his wife and she was looking right at him calling his name softly. “James come to me.” He walked to her side and laid his hand over hers and ther eyes locked and they were together again. “What is she doing Doctor?” Ask one of the nurses. “I don’t know, but what ever she’s doing is helping. “I love you so much. Never forget that as long as you live I will be with you.’” His words float from his lips down to her ears softly, as she looked back at him and said. “I know, and I will forever love you too.” And as his son was born he stood there with her. The Doctor handed the new born to his mother. “It’s a shame the father wasn’t here to see this.” The doctor said. And she looked at him and said. ”He is.” Again the scen changed and he watched as the child took his first steeps. But, who was this, that the child was walking to? A new man in his wives life. “Alice, little James is growing up so fast.” The voice was that of His mother and he could see that she didn’t like this new man teaching her grandson. The things her son should have been there to do. “Mama Weiss, he’s looking more and more like his daddy every day.” Then he knew who this man was it was his oldest friend and he knew that both his wife and child could not have been in better hands. And more important to him was that his wife had found happiness again, she had pulled herself thru. Everything blacked out for a moment and the sound of cheering filled the darkness, before the image came into focus like that of a photo. He was at his son’s graudatintion day, his son was valedictorian. As he wiped the tears from his eye’s. He found himself in the ICU waiting room and fear ran thru him. “No I will not see any of them die!” Entering the room, expecting to see his wife, he instead found his mother lying on the bed with his now much older wife and his adult son. Walking to the side of the bed he held the old lady’s hand. “Mama Weiss. take it easy, everything will be fine.” As his mother looked up at him and smiled. “Yes, now that James is here. It will be.” Alice looked at her and said to her. “You know I never told you this before, but he was with me when little James was born. I like to think he is always with us.” Looking into his eye’s the withered old woman spoke again. “Is that right son?” He shook his head and smiled at her, as he lay his hand on her’s. “Yes Mother it will be fine.” No sooner than he spoke the words she passed away. The air was filled with the leaves of fall and all the splendor of there browns and gold’s. Watching the leaves drift to the ground he found himself at a wedding. His son was taking a wife of his own, Alice standing with her husband both now in there golden years. “We have come together today to join these two .....” Tears rolled down his face, but this time they were of joy. Soon he found himself in a darkened room with an old woman in a rocking chair looking out a window. The years had taken there toile on the once beautiful face of his wife, but this made no difference to him. He walked over to her, took her by the hand and she looked up to him “Hello James. I was wondering when you would come for me. It’s been so long, I’ve been alone for so long. I’m ready to go with you now.” “She’s right. It’s time for the two of you to come now. “Turning to see who spoke to him he saw an Angel standing there smiling.” What do you mean?” “You two were meant to be together for all times. But man sometimes has a way of steeping in and messing things up.” The Angel’s voice came to him, soft and warm. “But I don’t understand." Turning back to his wife, the angel pulled at him. “Come there is only one more thing you must do and you will be back with her for all time.” “What are you talking about?” He yelled, but as he turned his head he found himself back in the air craft just in time to meat the ground rushing up to him. He and his plane bust into flames. Brilliant Red’s, orange’s, yellows and blue’s in the corner of some farmer’s felid. His voice crackled over the radio once more, weather he knew he had done so or not his men never knew.
“In the corner of some forgotten field, this pilot sleeps tonight. What’s done is done, learn, love and live tomorrow’s dreams.”
© Copyright 2007 john (johnthornhill at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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