Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1269835-The-Gateway-issue-2
by matt
Rated: 13+ · Other · Detective · #1269835
Part 2 of my graphic novel.
Issue 2

MG’s apartment (scene setup)

-I get back to my place at 12:13, almost 2 hours exactly since I entered the Gateway Heights apt. complex. I’m no coroner, but the dead girls weren’t dead that long. No, that crime scene couldn’t have been more than an hour old. First photo I took says 02/24/07 11:17, subtract an hour and you got almost the exact time I entered the apts. The fire alarm went off in the building next to where I was parked just before I made my move. Could it be related? If so, why trip the alarm if you’re the killer? Why do it in the building across the street? I never saw anyone leave the apt. building between 9:00 and when I went in at 10:15. Unless, was the alarm to distract me? Did someone know I was watching the door? None of this makes any sense, I can’t go to the GCPD, I’m doing this job illegally, and they could suspect me as much as anyone. Got to trust my instinct, at this point, it’s all I got.-

Throws pictures on table, and sits down. (scene setup)

2 days later, MG’s apartment (scene setup)

-It’s been two whole days since the murder I discovered at the Gateway Heights apartment complex. There has not been one single news report, or obituary describing the murder of the two young females. Someone had to have seen the grotesque image in that complex besides me and reported it, this makes no sense. Only good news this week is that Kane finally paid me off when I showed him the money shot pictures of his wife with that Craybill loser, but my gut’s telling me I’m not through with the Gateway Heights Apartment complex.-

Hours later, in front of the Gateway Heights building, smoking (scene setup)

-I can’t believe I’m doing this, this isn’t my problem, not my case, I’m not with the GCPD anymore. I often wonder why human beings care so much about things that don’t concern them. Maybe our creator, whoever that might be intended for us all to do good, do what’s right. I read all of the news reports about Trancendence, the Cape, and all their friends. With these beings, these “heroes,” they all have so much power, what makes them use that power for good, is it a choice they make, or is it programmed into them upon creation? The one’s who use their power for evil, or even street thugs for that matter, are they a glitch in the programming? Where do I fall, I’m neither hero nor villain, I’m just a man, tying to make ends meet, so why do I care? After everything I’ve been through, why do I care?-

-I’m not in the mood to con my way into this place again, too much on my mind, I’ll just wait till someone comes out. I check the names on the board outside, room 203, it’s blank. This is starting to get interesting. I try to convince my self that someone found the bodies, and that the news just hasn’t reported on it yet, then I remember this is Gateway, and just about every serious crime in this city makes the news in hopes that HE will look into.-

A woman walks out the door; MG slips in before it closes (scene setup)

-I’m nervous as I ride the elevator to the second floor, what if the bodies are still there? No, they can’t be, somebody had to have seen what I saw, they had to. So then what am I expecting?-

Steps off elevator makes his way to the room, tries door handle (scene setup)

The door is shut and locked; nothing looks out of the ordinary. (scene setup)

Knocks a few times (scene setup)

-No one is in there, but when one is, or was, a member of the GCPD they learn how to get into places where they aren’t wanted, especially when court orders in this town are few and far between. It’s an old door, old building, getting in and out is easy if you know what you’re doing, and it just takes a steady hand and the right tools.-

Kicks in door (scene setup)

-I, on the other hand, don’t know what I’m doing, and I’ve never had a steady hand.-

Walks in (keep in mind MG has on gloves from the cold weather outside) (scene setup)
-The place is clean, no blood, no evidence of a struggle, how could someone get in here and clean up the place without reporting what they saw? Did the murderer clean up after himself? Did they leave, and then come back later for the clean up, if they did why would they be so sloppy and leave the door open behind them? Unless, they were still in the room when I was in here… shit, I never left the doorway, there could have been someone hiding in here. If they were in here, they saw me, they had to. As I make my way out of the room I notice the window at the end of the hallway, you can see right across the street into the building I was parked next to that night, a three story office building, the Dave Snyder Insurance Agency. They could have seen me leave the building, got my plates, damn I’m definitely in too deep now. Do I go to Phillips? No, no one in the GCPD will want to help me, not after everything that happened last year. I’m on my own, for good.-

Cut to MG walking out of the lobby, Craybill walks in, they brush shoulders (scene setup)

C-“hey, I know you; you’re the prick that was snapping shots of me and my girl!”

-There’s no way this can turn out good.-

MG-“She’s not YOUR girl, she’s married…”

Interrupting C-“yea and because of whatever you did with those pictures, she refuses to see me anymore!”

Craybill pushes MG against the wall, holding him against it with both hands by his coat collar (scene setup)

C-“who are you, and what did you do with those pictures?!?!”

-I just grin, knowing it will piss him off, knowing it will cause him to react, but at this point I don’t care, he isn’t the person or person’s that I’m worried about right now. I can tell he is about to swing, I can see it in his eyes.-

C-“tell me damnit, what did you do with those pictures?!?!”

-I once read somewhere that 85% of the population is right handed; I’m a play the odds kind of man, so I lean to the left.-

Craybill swings at MG, MG ducks left craybill hammers the wall hard screaming in pain (scene setup)

-He’s hurt badly, which means he is distracted long enough for me to act.-

MG punches Craybill twice in the stomach, Craybill drops to his knees, MG quickly exits the building. (scene setup)

Later, MG arrives back at his apartment. (scene setup)

-I have allowed myself to become involved with the murder at this point, now there is no turning back. There is a chance that the killer knows who I am, so I have to take the precautions necessary to protect myself. The way I see it, the pictures are my best weapon at this point, from what I’ve seen there isn’t any other evidence. I got three shots of the woman on the bed and three shots of the woman on the floor, and I can barley tell them apart. The girls looked very similar, but what is even more strange is that neither of them have marks on their bodies, and both of their throats are slit in the same way. I’m going to need more time and help on this, problem is, I doubt I’m going to get either. The only thing I know for sure is that I’m in possession of the only thing that can possibly take this sick individual down, so I plan ahead.-

The next day, MG is at the local bank getting a safety deposit box for the pictures (scene setup)

-I’m the only one with the combination to this box; therefore, if they know who I am, they will need me to open it.-

Cut to MG in his car (scene setup)

-The drive back to my apartment seems to take forever; it’s almost as if I’m waiting for something to happen. As I reach my apartment, I realize I won’t have to wait much longer.-

MG walks up to his door and sees a note stuck below the peep hole. (scene setup) It reads:

-I know who you are, I know what you’ve got, and now it’s time for me to collect-

© Copyright 2007 matt (nastymatt at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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