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by Kyuske
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Romance/Love · #1269685
....Life between people correspond into a vast experience....
Quick Note:The main character's name is pronounced [Sai-yor-an]

Unexpected Changes

Chapter One: It started when You called out to Me

"....So this is what life is like....The life of one that is worthless....Or is it....the life of one who believes he's worthless...."

         It was a very small apartment, this was the place he resided in. This place was covered in dirty clothes, and discarded food from nights before. It was obvious to anyone who entered this domain, that the current resider wasn't a person of "perfection". This "resider" was a young male teenager about the age of sixteen. He was newcomer to the age, but most people who know this boy don't mind his age. They focus more on the fact that he lives alone. Alone in this isolated apartment, the place he calls his "home".
         This boy was standing in his bathroom, staring at himself in the mirror. His eyes were half open, it was a sign of sleep deprivation. He didn't get much sleep from having to support himself by work, as well as his rising school agenda. If you asked, he'd probably reply he didn't sleep at all. His eyes were the color of the dark misty sky at night. Some would call this type of eye color mysterious, others would find it very beautiful. But to him he only thought it was a dull color, just because it belonged to him.
         His black hair was mess, being it's mid length it tended to go this way and that while he was sleeping. "....Why do you hate me so hair....always getting me into trouble...." The boy said to himself with a sigh. He said that aloud to himself because his teachers always nagged him about how his hair was never in a "neat and presentable" state. He never really cared much for being presentable anyway. The way he saw it, for an appearance to be presentable the person had to be present. So what they looked like shouldn't make a difference as long as they were at the appointed place to do what was necessary. Of course this way of thinking was considered illogical and immature to most.
         "....Well then....I suppose it's time for another day of my meaningless existence...." The boy said aloud to the mirror once again, as he picked up a dark blue toothbrush. Then with his free hand he picked up a small tube, squeezing out a lightish blue liquid onto the pure white bristles of the miniature brush's end. Then he raised the brush to his teeth and began scrubbing left, right, up and down. This continued for a full minute until his teeth were as white as the brushes bristles. The boys' teeth were one of the few things he had decided to keep clean. This only because he didn't want the pain of which is designated as a toothache.
         Spitting the left over foam into the running sink below, he lowered is hands into the rushing stream of water emitting from the sink's spout. A small puddle formed in the small bowl that he formed with his hands. Raising his hands to his mouth he let the water slide smoothly into the threshold of his mouth. Swishing and swashing the water caught any residing foam that was left inside the crevices of his teeth. Then spitting the water out back into the sink, the boy felt a slight refreshing feeling. "....I guess....this is what they call....sparkling refreshness...."
         The boy said walking out of his bathroom. "....It's starting to get late...." He continued coming into a hallway, and making a direct path into a corresponding room in front of him. This room had a small bed in it and a closet at it's foot. This was obviously were the boy slept, for whatever small amount it was. In fact he rarely slept in his bed at all, he mostly just collapsed on the couch when he arrived home and slept in that paticular spot every night.
         He opened the closet gazing at various pairs of clothes, colors of this and that. Then off to the side away from the other clothing in it's own little corner was a pure black school uniform. Above where it hanged on a small wooden pole was a poorly drawn sign. The sign stated "I hate this uniform" in an extremely bold and cruely placed letters. If the words weren't a statement enough the way they were written made it perfectly clear.
         "....In this lifetime, will it suffice enough that I be made in that which is subtle...." The boy said to himself picking up the hanger which held this black uniform. Slowly he raised both hands to slip off a dark blue button up shirt. He wore this shirt every night along with a pair of linen cloth mist blue pants. The pants were very loose as was all of this boys clothes. He didn't like wearing tight clothing, it wasn't exactly his strong suit.
         He slipped on the uniform's black pants across his legs and then a plain white short sleeve shirt over his chest. The final piece, a long sleeved shirt designed as a jacket. Well at least it would be long sleeved if he hadn't had it tailored with what little money he had saved for "small" emergencies into a short sleeved shirt. Apparently he hated sleeves just as much as having tight clothing.
         Giving off one soft sight the boy stepped out of his room, grabbing a small school bag laying at the base of his bed on the way. His eyes averted to the mirror inside his bathroom as he headed for his apartment door. At first he didn't pay any attention, but he felt his head peak backwards towards the mirror. Moving slowly in front of the mirror he saw his reflection dressed in the school uniform. Another long soft sigh as he gazed into his image. Countless wrinkles in his clothing, his jacket uniforms jacked unbuttoned, his hair still messy since he was unable to comb it straight no matter how hard he tried.
         "....Why do I get the feeling I'm going to get yelled at the second I walk into the classroom...." He said aloud heading towards his front door. "....I'm leaving now...." he said to his empty apartment. It was a habit he had grown acustom to saying. It wasn't for the fact that he longed for a person to talk to, he was perfectly happy being alone. It was just the fact that he had only been living on his own for two months now, and his foster families liked him to say that when he left the house. It was either confirmation that he was still around or it was so they knew when it was safe for them to stop "pretending" he really didn't know, nor cared enough to think it over.
         Throwing his school bag over his shoulder, his unbuttoned jacket swayed a little bit while he turned the knob with its' corresponding door. Walking forward into the light that is known as the morning sun. Using his right leg, he kicked the open door closed not even glancing back to see if it shut completely. Most people would be sure to lock their door so no one would take any of their possessions. But to him, nothing was of value inside his living environment. "....So why bother...." is what he told himself.
         With slow easy steps he walked beside the guard rail of his apartment complex and headed towards the stairs downward. It was just as he arrived at the stair steps that he noticed another tenant coming up. The boy knew this person fairly well, not from exchanging conversations. No, it was do to the fact that he overheard him talking with the landlord about how he worked during the night. The tenant looked up at the boy and nodded towards him. The boy nodded right back and then with a bit of ease he took his left hand and grasped firmly on the guard rail the stairs just to his left; and with one small leap he lifted his legs over the rail in a very smooth motion. His hand let go of the rail and he dropped downward towards the parking lot. Although the building was two stories tall it wasn't very high to him, so whenever he saw someone else coming up he'd just jump down. "....A way to avoid inconvenience...." he told himself.
         "....Is it that time already Sayoran?...." The boy stood up from his hunched position, the landing wasn't always that easy even though he made this jump a lot. He moved his head to glance behind him a man showering a small flower bed with a water hose.
         "....Hello Mr. Kaito...." the boy, Sayoran replied in a half daze towards the smiling old man behind him. "I see you're heading to school early as always....It's nice to see someone care about there education now and again...." The old man continued his soft smile towards Sayoran, although the boy just returned a half-glazed over look. It was type of look that looked like he was either sleepy or glaring at you intently. Most people with this natural look such as Sayoran were consider mean, even though it was just there normal expression. Of course Sayoran really didn't care if he was considered mean because of the way he looked. You could tell that just by his clothing so why bother with his facial expressions at all. Especially seeing as it would be going against his nature in a way.
         "....It's not that I care for education Mr. Kaito....it's just that....it takes some time to get to school on foot...." The old man still smiling towards the young boy simply nodded and moved the conversation forward. "Ah! I see!" he began, "Well, at least you care to arrive on time my young friend." But Sayoran just continued with his half-glazed stare towards Mr. Kaito. "No...It's just I don't like the hassle of dealing with teachers for being late....seeing as I don't have a very good reputation in school anyway....why cause more problems...."
         Again Mr. Kaito nodded towards Sayoran "Oh now!....I nice young man like you....I'm sure they're are plenty of people who like you at your learning facility!" Sayoran shook his head, turning his glance towards the street ahead of him. "....Not really...." he said walking forward, the old man, Mr. Kaito still smiling that same smile towards him. "Well...I'll be waiting here for another conversation when you return from school Sayoran!" He called out towards the young boy. Sayoran simply waving a hand replying as he continued forward.

"....Looking forward to it....Mr. Landlord...."

Part Two

"....All these people....I see their empty, exciting, sad expressions....all of them different....It shows me....how life is a complete mystery...."

         This is what Sayoran mumbled as he passed by the various people going about their daily lives. He caught a few of them glancing towards him, a few even giving a short smile as they passed. Sayoran not even giving a hint of a returning glance more or less a smile. The smiling people noticing this either frowned or sighed at his somewhat rude-ness.
         Moving his head upward he caught a clear sight of his destination. Sayoran saw the image of the towering public school he attended. Even though he could clearly hear the final bell ringing, and see the straggler students rushing inside, he just stood at the main gate gazing at the building. Sayoran knew his school had to be a bit large because of the mass population that belongs to a rather vast city. Not everyone could afford to go to the prestige private school that prides itself on its' unimaginable high class on the other side of town.
         The last trace of the final bell echoed in his ear as Sayoran let out a soft sigh, and looked up towards the main doors of his school with an agitated expression. "....Yet another day of boredom, and useless annoyances...." He said trudging forward, up the steps of the school and opening the main door with his right hand, the other in the threshold of his pockets. The hallway the doorway led into was deserted, clearly showing that classes had started.
         Sayoran knew what was coming next as he walked as slowly as possible towards his classroom. It was going to be yet another yelling for being late and not being properly dressed. Well, technically he was properly dressed it was just that because of the vast wrinkles and his usual messy hair it wasn't "presentable". He made a right turn towards a stair case that led up towards numerous classrooms. The building was built with four floors and an access way onto the roof. It was a bit different from most schools, but it helped out with the uncountable number of students attending it. Not only the extra classrooms. but that access to the rooftop makes it easier at lunch because the cafeteria isn't really able to hold all the students. So some of them decide to eat lunch on the roof access if not the surrounding grounds with the various tree's or beside the principal's private garden.
         Sayoran climbed higher and higher, all the way to the fourth floor. This is were his first classroom was located. Known more clearly to him as "Basic Literature", or "the teacher from hell's" classroom.
         He didn't even bother to knock to ask to be let into the classroom. No, Sayoran not caring at all decided all on his own to be let in. He grasped the doorknob firmly sliding it to it's left and pushed the door forward into a room of onlooking students. The students gazes turning directly from the front chalk board where the teacher was writing something towards him. A few of them gave glances of disgust, others smirking knowing what was about to commence. One of the students had the greatest urge to say aloud "Hey! Look whose late again!". It was those type of people that Sayoran hated the most.
         Never the less he knew all the well that it was a mere signal to his teacher, who was already turned to gaze in his direction with her students. "....Well I believe he is late like always...." Sayoran's teacher said with a bit of a smirk as if adding fuel to the fire of the previous comment. Sayoran himself paying no attention to her comment and just simply shut the open door behind him.
         "....Sooooooo Mr. Sorata! What's the excuse this time may I ask?!...I'm sure we are all dying to hear it...." The teacher's voice showed a hint of enjoyment as the smirked upong her lips curled up even higher, while she folded her arms. The teachers gaze was direcly upon Sayoran as he moved in front of the classroom, that smirk of her following him. But Sayoran didn't even bother to reply to the teachers taunting. He just continued forward towards his desk in the far right corner beside an out looking window into the school grounds.
         This of course didn't go well with Sayoran's teacher at all. That curious little smirk of hers disappearing in an instant he showed the sign of ignoring her. So his teacher got the idea to play with Sayoran's temper a little bit. "Oh I see....no fancy story this morning. No excuse at all as to why you are late. Why you are late basically every single day of the week." Sayoran sighed, turning toward his teacher his fellow "students" watching their favorite morning program. "I don't ever have a fancy story, I'm just late teach...."
         Hook, line, and sinker "it's so easy to play him into a trap" Sayoran's teacher thought as that smirk curled up her lips again. "....Oh really, so you didn't oversleep this time? Oh better yet! Your feet were too tired to carry you faster?! Any of those ring a bell?!...." Sayoran gave a soft sigh and looked at his teacher with the most annoyed expression he could manage with his eyes still only being halfway opened. "....I wonder...." Sayoran began slouching a bit and looking up at the ceiling. "Doesn't a certain teacher tend to spend most of her free time....around....a certain part of town....in a paticular store....always trying to...." Sayoran was cut off before he could finish his sentence. His teacher's smirk had disappeared yet again, and she was pointing towards the far right corner of the room.
         "....Take your seat! Mr. Sorata!...." All the students began to mumble a bit, wondering what Sayoran could have been mentioning. "....Whatever you say Ms. Hinamori...." Sayoran replied, his own little smirk appearing on his expression as he walked towards he seat.
         He sat down with a thud, his school bag falling to the back of his desk. Sayoran then placed his left arm elbow on his desk and rested his head in the palm of his outreached hand. He gave a bit of a sigh and gave his usual gaze outward into the school grounds like always.
         His teacher, Ms. Hinamori gave a loud intentional cough the get her muttering students back in line, so she would be able to speak. "Now! That, that is settled I have an announcement to make." Ms. Hinamori began, her students going into a small uproar just like before. Ms. Hinamori having to give another loud intentional cough to calm them down once more. "We are going to be graced with a new student and she will be attending this lovely classroom as her home room." Ms. Hinamori stopped and looked at her students for a bit, seeing how they wanted to start conversing once again. "....Please try to be nice to her...." she quickly finished as the classroom when into it's uproar for the third time.
         Ms. Hinamori looked over to the far right corner as she let her students converse, waiting the arrival of the new student. She saw that everyone in the classroom was talking back and forth between one another. All except one, that one being Sayoran who was just gazing outward via the window beside his desk. Ms. Hinamori gave a little bit of a sigh and shook her head.
         "....Poor boy...." she mumbled to herself just as a knock came from the classroom door. The room was immediately overcome with a dead silence as a gentle voice called out from the other side of the door.

"Excuse me? Ms. Hinamori, I'm the new student."

To Be Continued
© Copyright 2007 Kyuske (tohrumasa at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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