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by Faye
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1269531
Yo Ho Yo Ho a pirate's life for me.
Rem looked out the window of her cabin. How beautiful are the waves in a sunset’s light. A knock interrupted Rem’s thoughts. She sighed and then got up.

“Rem, Cap’n wants ye in his cabin now. He wants to talk to ye,” said May.

“Ok, coming,” replied Rem. She walked out; she could hear the waves as it rocked the boat. The spray of the waves hitting the crew members. She knocked on the Captain’s door.

“Come in.” The Captain said from inside the room. Rem opened the door and went inside.

“You wanted to see me, Captain?”

“Yes, Rem,” said Captain Barbossa. He wanted this meeting done and over with so he got to the point, “May will get hurt if she marries Touya. Do not tell her or you will suffer consequences. Savvy?”

“Aye, Captain,” said Rem.

“Ok. Ye’re dismissed,” said Captain Barbossa. Rem turned and opened the door. She looked for May and spotted her. May was washing the railing and was next to Touya. Night fell quickly and dowsed the ship in darkness.

Rem woke up and looked over to see May was not there. Rem put her robe on and walked out onto the deck. In the shadow of the mast was Touya and May. Rem smiled. After moments later someone snuck up on her and put his arms around her. Rem turned to see who it was.

“Alphonse!?” Rem exclaimed, blushing. Alphonse put a finger up to his mouth, signaling her to speak lower. Rem understood.

“What are you doing?” Rem whispered to him.

“I’ve wanted to say to you, for the longest time…” He looked at her; his eyes sparkled as the reflection of the moon shined down at the ship. “If we don’t survive, you know, if the Kraken comes for us…I want this to be the only time we could be together for once…”

“What is it?” Rem whispered to him, still a little red.

“The thing is…I love you.” Alphonse laughed slightly. “I-I finally have the guts to say it.”
Rem laughed. “How brave of you.” Alphonse smiled; he took her hands and held them tight.

“Do you, Rem Sparrow, return my love?” He asked with a slight smile now. Rem nodded and smiled gleefully.

“Yes.” Rem hugged Alphonse, he returned it back.

Meanwhile something simular was happening to May and Touya. May stood with Touya kneeling in front of her.

“May Sparrow, will ye take me as yer husband?” asked Touya. May looked at Touya in awe.

“Aye,” said May. She walked over to the railing with Touya following. The seconds that they stood their turned into minutes until May finally said something. “Touya, it be late. I am going to turn in.

"Night,” said May, kissing him and going to the cabin.

“Night, May,” said Touya. May lay in bed pondering and then went to sleep. Touya looked out to sea with the moon to his face. A body floated on a piece of a ship. Touya quickly sounded the alarm.

"On deck!!!! All hands!!!!"

The crew came onto the deck and all looked over board until Rem pointed out the wreckage of a ship. May, Touya, Rem, and Alphonse realized this was done by the Kraken. May looked with horror on her face. This is how my father died… She looked on but did not shed a tear. Then out of the darkness a shadow loomed over the Pearl. The crew turned to see the wretched ship, The Flying Dutchman. May’s horror turned into anger.

Rem looked at Alphonse and Alphonse looked into her eyes. He took her hand and smiled.

“We’ll make it.” Rem nodded and smiled, they turned back to the ship as it approached. The Dutchman was soon swallowed by the darkness. The crew cheered as the Pearl sped along.


The sun was just starting to peak over the sea when May woke up. She took a deep breath of air and smiled.

“Land Ho!!” said a voice out on deck. May rushed out. The Captain came out and looked.

“Tide be flow out in hour.”

The crew anchored the ship and lowered the longboats. Rem climbed down and helped the others into the longboats. May was last to get into one of them and they were off soon.

“All of ye, meet us on the other side,” said the Captain’s first mate from the ship as some of the crew, May and Rem, and Touya and Alphonse rowed away.

It was mid evening when the weary group made it to the other side of the island. Waves became harsher as they moved out to sea. Still they found no treasure.

“Let us sleep here til they come,” said Touya. The rest of the group agreed. May and Rem laid their mats down. Rem yawned.

“Good night, May,” said Rem looking very tired by now.

“Night,” said May, looking around.

Rem woke up and turned to look at May but did no see her on her mat. Touya also could not find her though he said she had been with him that night.

“Oh, where can she be?” said Touya, trying hard to hide his worry.

A scream pierced the silence.

Touya, Rem, and Alphonse looked at each other. Rem took a lantern and looked around the encampment but did not find her.

Touya and Alphonse came to where Rem was standing.

“Did ye find her?” asked Touya. Rem sadly nodded.

“But I am afraid she is in the hands of Davy Jones,” said Rem.

“No, no that can’t be. We be about to announce our engagment,” said Touya, not wanting to believe Rem.

“Touya, we’ll get her back don’t worry,” said Alphonse.

Rem looked back as a ship, the Flying Dutchman, started to leave, she smirked. First my Father, and now my sister. I see now of what you are doing. Rem turned around and followed Alphonse out of the thicket.

Everyone looked around.

“Who’s our Cap’n now that Barbossa was taken?” asked Marty. Everyone started murmuring to each other. After a few moments, Alphonse spoke out.

“I say Rem should be Captain. She is a Sparrow, is she not?” They nodded and looked at her.

“Will ye be our Captain?” Marty asked. Rem nodded.


May looked at the horizon from the railing.

“Captain, shall we call the Kraken onto them?” asked Maccus.

“No, I do not have the other. The sister is who I wanted, you idiots,” said Davy Jones, his anger rising.

“Cap’n, ye said you wanted the girl,” said Maccus. The crew nodded.

“Still, we will give her to the Kraken, unless she will turn onto our side,” said Davy Jones, smirking. The crew laughed.

“Now where is your sister?” said Davy Jones in a threatening tone.

“She is on the Pearl with the rest of the crew,” said May, darkly.

“Ye all heard the young lady, turn and follow the Pearl,” said Davy Jones, “Once we have the girl’s sister, kill the others.”

“Aye, Cap’n,” said the crew and they went back to their stations. Davy Jones looked at May.

“Thank you for that wonderful information. Now what be yer name, missy?” asked Davy Jones.

“May. May Sparrow. Why do ye ask?” said May. Anger boiled in Davy Jones’ face.

“Curiosity,” was the reply. And Davy Jones walked away. May followed him.

“What are you going to do to me sister,” said May in a threatening tone.

“Never ye mind, missy,” said Davy Jones with the same tone, “That is one thing between me and yer sister.”

May looked at him darkly. Darkness swallowed her mind and heart, enclosing them like a tomb. Rain leaked down from the clouds and ran down May’s face. She looked around; the waves hitting the sides of the ship. Her complection shimmered in the waves. The memory of being at Tia Dalma’s came rushing back to her. May remember that ‘you or one of her family would go to the evil side of life’ and ‘you will rule over the seas until you are overthrown by one stronger than you’. May mulled over Tia’s words.

“May, you are to go to the Captain immediately,” said Maccus from behind May, braking her train of thought. May was tempted to talk back to him but decided not do otherwise.

“Fine,” said May, trying to hide her anger. She turned on her heels and headed to the Captain’s cabin.

“What twas it that ye wantin me for?” said May, sharply.

“Ye will help us capture yer sister or else,” said Jones, “Yer choice.”

“Fine, I will help ye to get me sister,” she said, giving Jones a dark look. May’s thought came back to rest on Rem, Alphonse… and finally Touya. As May strode out of the Captain’s cabin tears ran down her face. Night fell after what it felt like days for May. Jimmylegs, the bo’sun, and Maccus came walking over. May struggled as they grabbed her harshly and threw her into a small room which had a hole. Skeletons hung on the wall making May shiver. Maccus, laughing and taunting May, lock the door. May only hope to escape was to do what she was told.
© Copyright 2007 Faye (asian_blue at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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