Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1269212-Where-Did-She-Go
Rated: E · Poetry · Women's · #1269212
seeking the woman in my dreams
Where Did She Go?

I felt her presence before I
saw her timidly crossing the valley.
Lithe movements across streams and
through the tree strewn plain,
Lilting laughter echoing from hill
to cliff face and back again,
Long flowing gown fluttering softly
in the gentle Summer breezes,
Then she was gone.

I experienced her in the lecture
halls asking pointed questions
of tired old lecturers that had
rote answers to offer her mind.
An enquiring mind that tantalised
and tormented those around,
A mind that mesmerised and influenced
the minds around her
Then she was gone.

Deep in the night and in gentle
afternoons I knew her body,
supple and lively as it delighted
and enticed in passion and love.
Arms that held and hands that
touched softly and sensuously
Seeking out secret places,
stroking, caressing and loving
Then she was gone.

With aching muscles she birthed,
and birthed again and again,
Her body wracked from pains and
her mind tormented from life,
That comes and goes in flashes
of hurt, hate and torture,
Birthing and burying, aching and
grieving, as life ebbs and flows
Then she was gone.

I looked for her, this woman
this tower of strength and power.
I sought her in the halls of learning,
and the garrisons of love,
I searched among the tombstones
and in the birthing places,
Calling out her name in the beautiful
valleys and streams
But she was gone.

At last weary and worn from my journey
I leaned against a lintel
Sighing that she was gone, resting
on a doorstep, I sought no more.
The swishing of a broom was followed
out the door by a haggard face
A crone with broom in hand swept me
from her entry way and I turned
and saw where she had gone.

© Copyright 2007 Cheryl O'Brien (wollemi_poet at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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