Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1268550-Dragon-Heart
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1268550
just a short story i wrote, please comment.
"Only once in a lifetime does a tale such as this get passed on through the centuries. It is the reason we have gotten to where we are now. It is also a tale of the first and greatest love, the love which no treasure in this day and age can compare to, the one people have forgotten. I tell this tale not only as a story, but as a reminder of what we have forgotten, and in hopes we never forget it again. If you believe this is all just a tale that a young man of 14 has written, that's okay, it's your decision as the reader if you want to read this or not. But if you do read this, at least try to understand my words well, and try to remember what mankind has mostly forgotten, in this tale called Dragon Heart."
Chapter One
This all happened years ago, when the sky was still clear and the air was still fresh, in an era where water flowed purely and flowers bloomed more beautifully than a humming birds' tone on a warm summer day. In a day and age where you could walk down a street and not worry about harm, and in a place where there was no one who couldn't smile about something. But like everything you see, there was a problem. A young boy, no older than his early teens, could not smile about anything. He found nothing amusing, nothing fun and nothing important to him. He was but a shade under tree who was not seen as something important, just something that was there. Alone and sad, this boy was humiliated, bullied on, even hurt, both physically and emotionally. He knew no reprieve.
Yet I lied before. This boy could smile, but only for one; a young castle maid named Lucia. Oh yes, I forgot, this boy was named Dante, a love stricken child. He had always wanted to talk to her, but being a lonely orphan boy, and no doubt tortured by his peers, he had no self esteem, so he had always figured no one cared for him at all. Why would they though? After all, he was shunned, spurned and disgraced. The poor child, alone and hated. Do you, reader, know what it is like to be shunned, disgraced, and feeling unwanted? Even if you do not, think about it, and then understand that if you haven't lived it, you couldn't even comprehend the relentless pull it grabs you with. Ponder this idea; you might see what I mean.
NOw, one day, plain as usual, something not so usual occurred. A ruckus came from the castle, and the castle inhabitants fled away in fear. None injured, none dead, but only one remained in the castle according to them. Their beloved king. He was still in there and, furthermore, he was the reason that they all left. They said it was not a battle, and it was not a fight. What it was, according to the inhabitants, was a newly recovered jewel. A jewel that gleamed a bright yellow, even though the jewel itself was purple. Now reader, you might now think this is going to be a boring story that's just about some dumb old jewel, a fight, a victory, and a happily ever after. But believe what you want, don't judge a book by its cover. If you want to find out what will really happen, you'll have to flip through the pages.
Through the next few days, stories rumored through the town faster than a mad man riding a motorcycle. They ranted and raved and made stories up about the king and his jewel. They said he was greedy and he wanted no one to have the jewel but him. They said he was crazy and drove everyone out just for the heck of it. If you could think of an idea about the king's reasoning, the villagers already thought of them and said, way before you even imagined it dear reader. But the truth-- oh ho! You would've fainted to hear the real truth with your own ears reader!-- was that the jewel was no jewel! No, it was a heart, the still-beating heart of a dragon. Oh yes, this is true, and i was also said that this dragon still moves, and is alive, searching for it's missing heart. Afraid of this, some villagers went to destroy the stone, but all in vain. The stone was unbreakable, and, even in our day and age, uncrackable (mind you reader that is not a word, uncrackable, Bah! Use it in a sentence, I dare you, oh how you will be mocked by using such an unbelievably funny, intelligent, but fake word!) to even our best our best machinery. But it was rumored that the king drove out the castle inhabitants because he was being manipulated by the stone and was forced to keep it safe. The villagers did not know why; it was unbreakable, so why the need to protect it? Well, well, bet you're stumped huh? Well, if you don't read on, you'll never find out why it needed protection dear reader.
Chapter Two
My goodness reader, you're still readng? Well, if you stopped now, you'd never know why the stone needed protection, am I right? Well, if you will stay with me, I'll carry on.
They boy was in an orhanage because, mind you, he was an orphan. The castle inhabitants stayed there too, because there was no room anywhere else in the village you see. That's when it happened. Yes, someone noticed poor, young Dante. Lucia, the maid, came up and asked why I was so alone and gloomy. He told her his sad story and she seemed to understand. Hah! See reader, everyone has someone like themselves, and always someone to care for you, no matter who you are. Am I right? I think so. But Lucia, you see, had a similar past, but got a lucky break. So that, my dear reader, is why the two seemed to click and they soon became friends.
Every day those two talked, played, and had all sorts of fun. And for the first time ever, Dante was noticed, he had friends, and then, he smiled, and he was happy. Everyone was joyous and happy, even in light of the situation. One night though, Lucia told Dante to come talk with her alone. So of course, he went. She started of saying hi and the usual casual talk, but then conversation had become more solemn. She said, " I know why the king is doing what he is, why he's gaurding the stone. I know the dragon is good, for I have met him myself. I trust you, and only you to come with me. Under the cover of the night we shall leave, do you understand? " In shock, he nodded and soon after returned to sleep. The next night was a new moon; they left silently, like a wolf working its way towards prey. Happy and joyous as they were, and as happy as everyone was with them there, the people at the orphanage did not care when they left, and paid no mind while the two were gone. They had disapeared without a trace, not one track in sight; they seemed to float away with the wind carrying them on its shoulders like a father carrying his son. Reader, they left on a mission. Mind you, they did not just leave for the heck of it. Now you may be right about it being a simple story with whatever you might expect, but it is also very different. Do you know what I mean reader? Do you have any idea what I mean when I say it's what you expect but totally different? If you are confused, even if not, I advise you to read on.
Chapter Three
Now, as they traveled through the night, things started to brew in the village. Reader, ever notice that after the "heroes" of the story leave trouble starts to brew. Strange, is it not? If you think it's strange, I'll be glad, because then I'll know I"m not the only one. But after they left, a dark and ominous wind blew over the village. A wizard had come. Sigh, a boring old wizard; sorry i couldn't think of anything better. But anyway, he came in the night silently floating towards the castle.
Before I go on, I must explain about the wizard and what he was like and why he is how he is. He was never a wizard to begin with. He was an evil man, stealing, hutring, and any other sort of crime you could think of, he commited. He was your average common theif but was very evil, more evil than the common theif. But one night, he did something no theif would ever dare to do, something that would make any theif run to the police. He had entered the shrine of gods in that land, hidden far away. Even I do not know where this shrine is, and I"m writing this story! He went in the shrine and stole the scepter of the gods. Now, you all know stealing from a god is absolutely wretched, and normally you'd be cursed. But no, this man got his prize. He got the scepter and with it the power bestowed within it. He had to make a deal though. For the scepter held the essence of the demon Drakma`gia, the demon who almost put the world into total oblivion. The same one who was stopped by the dragon god. The same dragon that lost his heart in the sealing of the demon. The deal was that the wizard had to drink the blood from the dragon's heart and then kill the heartless corpse. As said, even though the dragon had no heart, he was alive just as strong as ever.
Now, back to where we were. This man came to the castle and stole the stone. Powerful as the king was, even with the power of possesion from the heart, he was no match for the man with his scetper, the man who I shall the wizard. He leaves as silently as he had come, and the village remains completely clueless.
Chapter Four
Dante and Lucia were traveling through the woods and they had no idea what to do next. Now, you know about the smurfs, don't you reader? If you do not, they are little blue men who live in mushrooms. Now, Dante and Lucia were in the forest and lost, but they saw mushroom houses ahead. They weren't small and ant sized like smurf houses, but they were mushrooms, and houses nonetheless. How do I know they were houses? Well, they had doors, windows and a green man and a pink girl came out. My god reader! Have you ever known a place where green men and pink women lived? And you know what, they looked just like smurfs but not midget sized.
So we both stood there dumbfounded and these little dudes started talking to us. They talked to us casually as if the two had seen little people such as these. My god! Yup, that's it; I talk to green and pink people all the time. Geez! What do I look like, a crazy person?! That's what both Dante and Lucia were thinking. Finally, the two spoke up. "H-hold up there. You guys can talk?!" "Of course we can," they answered in unison. A couple of hours went by as they talked about themselves, and all about how they live in peace, and Lucia and Dante were the only ones to ever find them. Lucia and Dante needed help, so they asked about how to save the dragon and his heart. The whole day went by and then the next, and they all talked about how to be able to save this dragon and his heart. "We know of the wizard and his ways. We know not how to stop him, but we know he's after the heart and our dear dragon. You are very brave for trying to help, so in return, we shall try our best to help you as much as we can. We are very skilled in the ways of combat, but only physical, not magical. We can teach you but it will take a month at least," say the smurfy people.
The month passes and they are not yet done. Another month passes and they are complete. "You've done well in your training, but we fear we cannot help you much more at this time. These skills are only for fighting in hand to hand combat. You will have no chance in a magical battle, not until you learn magic. Take these phoneshrooms. We are sophisticated in our technology, so when you need or we have information for you, use this phone. The only other things we can do to help you is let you keep your weapons, and tell you how to learn the magic arts. Go through the thorny forest and do not stop! Keep going, the trip is long enough. But if you get distracted, you may never come out, so keep going, and you'll reach Zelk's house in no time, or maybe a half hour, I don't know. Oh, and address him as Master Zelk." These are the words the smurfy people tell them before they go to learn magic. Now reader, you understand that these are not real things and this is just a story right? Because if you do not, and believe any of this is real, stop reading now before your head is filled wiht lies. Thank you.
Chapter Five
The two were traveling along the path shown to them by the smurfy people. After a long trek, they found themselves at the begining of the thorny woods. They looked at each other with long faces, each wondering how they would get through this. They took a step in, but the thorns didn't stab them. It was almost like an illusion, like they weren't even there. The thorns seemed to be there strictly for the purpose of keeping trespassers away. The forest was long and seemed to go on forever, but it was supposed to be a short trek. It was remarkably easy because the knew not to become distracted, thanks to the smurfy peoples' wise words of wisdom. Now reader, wise words of wisdom, duh! What else would it be wise words of, potatoes? Monkeys? That doesn't make much sense now does it? So, I advise you not to say "wise words of wisdom" because you'd only be stating the obvious. And now I will not interrupt this story for a while to come. Please forgive my frequent intrusions. At the end of the woods, they saw an average village house with smoke coming out of the chimney. It looked as though your average Joe lived there, except for the fact that it was in the middle of the thorny woods, and Zelk lived there, not Joe. The door opens, a man comes out.
"Good day to you, kind travelers! I get not many visitors, but I will welcome company any time. Please, come in, come in," said Zelk. So, though somewhat reluctantly, they approached, and they entered. Zelk was a well fed man to say the least considering he was all alone... Well, alone other than the cute but annoying talking plants. He was confident man and an easy going one as well. He wasn't afraid to speak his mind and was also always ready to help those in need. "So, so, so, what brings you to my house in the middle of my wood, and how did you know how to find me," asked Zelk. Dabte and Lucia told him about how they met the smurfy guys and how they told them to come to him for help. They explained that they needed to learn magic and their reasons for doing so. "Well, well, what a story! I think I'll be able to help," says Zelk. And so they began their learning of magic.
While the months passed by, the wizard did his diry work. "Why! Why won't it break!?!" the wizard shouted so violently, so vehemently that the mice and small animals around ran away faster than a bullet train going down hill. An evil, raspy voice came from scepter saying, "The dragon must be slain first, idiot! Only then can you crack the hearts' outer shell! Only then will the true dragon heart be revealed and the blood ripe to be drained of blood, and then I will be freed from this dreadful prison from the gods!!" The wizard left quickly and quietly from his domain, as does a predator when it feels endangered.
Months had passed by and the two children had learned the basics of magic. They needed very much to do well, in order to complete their quest. Their teachings were soon complete! After a day of rest and relaxation with Zelk, they left on their quest.
Chapter Six
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing, riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing! The phoneshroom was ringing. "Hello, this is papa smurfy, come in Dante and Lucia! I will meet you at the rendezvous point!" Now reader, I'm back, knowing full well that you have no idea where this point is. You shouldn't, because I never told you. It was in the field of dragons, the place where the dragon that needed to be saved waited patiently for them. The smurfy people were friends with this dragon, you see, so they told him to wait at the field. Now read on, reader! The phoneshroom deactivated. Dante and Lucia left to go to the field.
It was a long trip, but they were almost at the field. Suddenly, a vine creature popped out of nowhere. It came not to hurt them, but prank them. It came and tripped Dante and he almost falls but catches a branch and regains his balance. Instead, a sharp rock trips Dante and gouges his leg. Now, before I go on reader, Dante and Lucia have become very close, and that is not an understatement. Read on. Dante cried out in pain and told Lucia to go on and he'd catch up, but Lucia said no and although he was a little heavy, she tried to pick him up. And hopping, Dante's arm around Lucia's shoulder, they went to the edge of the field to wait until the wound stopped bleeding. Lucia's cries of happiness when he was okay was nice for him to hear yet he still asked why she bothered to help. He said that no one would've cared if he just sat there and rotted away. But Lucia came and hugged him so long, and kissed him, and she yelled in tears, "I couldn't leave you there Dante! I just couldn't! You say no one cares about you but you're wrong! I care about Dante, I LOVE YOU!!!" This was all he needed to hear. A little while after, he said, "I... I'd like to stay with you, forever. Is that okay?" She was still crying and hugging him saying yes, that she would like nothing better than to be able to just love him forever. Now reader, doesn't that just melt your heart? You don't find a love like that these days. All you find are pigs, not to be rude. But honestly, have you ever known such a pure love? Such happiness? I know I have. Well, let's get on with the story. Together, hand in hand, they walked confidently and ready to fight; ready to save a dragon!
Chapter Seven
With the smurfy army ready to assist, and the unbreakable bond of Lucia and Dante, no force could possibly stop them, yet one opposed them. The wizard walked up and then stopped with a howling laugh, "Ahahahaha, impudent fools! You cannot stop me! I'll crush you!" Dante said, holding Lucia's hand tightly, "As long as the two of us stand together, you cannot stop us!" The wizard scoffed, "Well, will just see about that, now won't we?"
Smurfy men ready to charge, Lucia and Dante at the frontlines, the wizard on the other side. It had begun. The wizard struck quickly at Lucia, but Dante's sword quickly deflected it. The smurfy men all charged at the wizard but were all struck down and knocked out with one swift blow. Blow after blow, Lucia and Dante fought valiantly against the wizard, but all in vain. Their magic was used up, their stamina and morale lowered drastically. In a last ditch effort, Dante quickly struck but was knocked away with ease, and heard again the howling laugh of the wizard. Anger was flowing through him. Lucia struck as well but was knocked back as well. All the anger building up in Dante made him go berserk. He got up, barely concious, and swung violently and struck many blows that none could get before. Gashes and cuts in the wizard quickly grew more numerous until the wizard spoke, "Enough!" and Dante was quickly brought down to the ground, his senses returned, strength depleted. "Now I've had enough! I'll kill you all!!!" screamed the wizard as all his wounds healed and summoned up his magic to strike a fatal blow to the two. Suddenly, a light shot out from the two of them and they got up, their wounds healing. Together they said, As long as the two of us stand together, you cannot stop us!!!" As the two spoke, they great bursts of unimaginable amounts of magic blasted out and vaporized the wizard, all that remained was the scepter. As they look to the sky, they realize they had won! They had finally won! As they look again for the scepter, it is gone. Light shined above as if thanks were given to them for keeping the demon sealed within the scepter.
A roar was heard from down the field, and a huge dragon that could be its own island lands in front of them. In a loud and earthshaking voice he thanks the two. He comes back to the castle and decided to stay as long as the two were king and queen of the kingdom. Yes reader, they returned to the village and became the king and queen. All is well, but there is yet one more thing for Dante to do.
A few years later, Dante comes up to Lucia, ring in hand, and asks her to marry him. She joyfully accepted. Joyful wedding bells rang across the town as the two kissed and returned to the castle. And now reader, the ending we all know of and love, the two lived happily ever after. Oh, yes, and before I forget, reader, the heart is returned to the dragon, the dragon stayed with the two, and the dragon gave its riches to the town, and it became the most prosperous town ever. Then not only did Dante and Lucia have a happily ever after, but so did everyone else, except the wizard who was now dust in the wind. And reader, it just goes to show you, not only is true love important, but it is helpful.

Dragon Heart
Daniel Pfister

© Copyright 2007 dpfister (wolfypfister at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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