Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1266977-for-mrsampson
Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #1266977
the story of a fairy family who needs to save there home in the rainfoest.

  There once was a magical place deep within the rainforests of Brazil. High up in the trees was a small village of fairies, this city was called Jahlulu, and this was a magical city with great wonders. It was a peaceful little city where all the fairies lived in happiness.

The Village was high up in the biggest tree in the rainforest. It was a tree filled with the greenest of leaves and longest of branches. It was highly populated with fairies; it was the best place there was to live. The tree was special to all of them it was there home and there was no place they would rather live. It was located in the most beautiful rainforest of Brazil. They’re where many different wonderful animals that lived along with them in the rainforest. The birds sang such sweet tunes, the monkeys jumped from branch to branch with there young in their arms. Frogs in many bright colors. The sound of the falling waterfall was the most soothing sound you have ever heard. The sunset was beautiful every day following a gorgeous moonlight night. It was the most perfect place on earth.

There was a beautiful fairy named Zuzana. She had long black hair and eyes as green as the trees. She held her self with confidence and was always helping out everyone in the city. She became known as the peacemaker. Whenever there was a problem she was right there to help solve it. Everyone in the city had a great respect or her alough she was so young, only 13. She carried herself like a grown women and always seemed to have the correct solution for everything and enjoyed helping people.

All the young girls looked up to her, she was there hero. She was like the superman of the town. She had a mysterious look to herself that no one could deny. She had a heart of gold and was the kind of person that could bring on brightness to your day. She was amazliy kind hearted.

“Zuzana Zuzana” yells Terry and the other fairy girls “We give up come out come out where ever you are Zuzana.” Zuzana flies down from a high.

“Yaya I am the best hider, you guys never find me!” Zuzana says as she jumps up with joy.

“Where were you hiding Zu” Terry asks her.
“Well if I told u then it wouldn’t be a hiding spot now would I” Zuzana says to Terry with a big smile on her face.
There is aloud-sound “Beep beep beep”
“What is that Zu ?“ the girls run up behind Zuzana in fear.
“ I don’t know, you girls stay here I am going to go check it out.” Zuzana whispers,” and stay quiet and stay under this mushroom.”

Zuzana flies over towards the loud beeping and as she gets closer she starts to hear the men’s voices yelling to each other. She gets up as close as she can without beeping seen.
She sees a big yellow machine, it looks like a monster, and she takes a better look to see what they are doing. And she was horrified by what she saw. Row by row, tree by tree they were cutting them down and then throwing them into this machine that just ate it up. Zuzana felt chills go down her spine; she couldn’t believe what she was seeing.

She quickly rushed back to the girls and took them home. She then went to the only man she knew who could help, her father.

“Father, you will never guess what I saw today when I was out playing it was horrible, I mean I have never seen such a monster.” It was a big fiery machine it cut down every tree in its path and just ate it up. And it might come after our home. Jalulu is our home it’s home to all the fairies what will we do? What do we do father? I have to save the city. The humans didn’t seem scared of it though.”

“Well because they are the ones who are working controlling the machine.”
“ What do you mean father?”
“ The humans weren’t afraid of the machine, because they are controlling it, this is what happened too about just before you were born Jahlulu was not always our home.
“ What? Where did you live father?”
“We lived in place not so far from here by the ocean is was beautiful lovely place. But then the humans came and started cutting down our trees, and this is when each fairy family had their own tree. Many died, because it was a surprise attack we didn’t even hear them coming. That’s why we all moved into one tree so we could be together as one. Thank god darling you were able to see them before they were to get to our home.”
“Well what did you guys do last time how do we get rid of them.”?
“ Sweetheart we can’t they are here for one thing and that is to cut down these trees then they will leave, but until then we must till everyone to pack up and leave.
“Wait father we all just going to let them do this jahlulu is our home and there is no other place like it, it’s my home and I am not leaving.”
“Zuzlulu you don’t understand how dangerous humans can be, and they are a lot more bigger than us they are mean and destructive people.”
“ But father I am not just going to give up my home to these monsters, we know there coming this time, so lets be prepared, we are much more powerful then them. And you can’t let them cut down mother natures beauty like that I won’t just sit through that. We can do it father.”Zuzana says as she jumps up, as she is prepared.
“ Zuzana your right!! we can’t let these monsters take our home once aging we are going to have to make a plan and let the rest of the city know what we are going to do. What do you suggest Zuzana?” her fathers turns to her.
“We just need to scare them off and let them know that this is our home and they can’t just cut it down like that. I think this calls for some of your special fairy dust father, it’s the only thing that will work.”Zuzana replies.
“That will work just fine but we don’t have much so we will have to use it spraining, how many humans did you see?”

“ummmm… there were like 5 or 6 I couldn’t really see all of them.”
“ O that’s not to many we can handle it”
“Father you think we shouldn’t tell the city I mean me and you have it under control and I don’t want to worry them.”
“Your right, we better go get that fairy dust and get a plan together.”
“Ok father, too I love doing this stuff with you we are saving the city together, were the best team father.” Zuana says with the biggest smile of joy.
“ We must go get the fairy dust.”
Zuzana and her father go off into the forest as they are passing by they see the destructions the humans have already done, it was horrible.
“ OoO FATHER we don’t have a lot of time we must hurry. What are these big “x” on them father?” Zuzana asks as she puts her hand on it, her hand get the red spray paint all over her.
“It’s there mark that’s were there headed next, but hurry we don’t have much time and we must get these humans our of here before the others realize they are here. Now where did I put that stuff?” Zuzana father flies up to a huge hibiscus flower,” I know I at it somewhere here.
Well father not only am I the best hider I am the best finder, let me see….

Awe here it is, come on father we don’t have much time I hear those machines going on again. Come on, I’ll take you to them.
Zuzana takes her father to the same spot she had seen the men earlier.
“There are 6 of them. Now Zuzana let me explain to you the way the fairy dust works, just sprinkle a tad on each over the head and they will do what ever you though are at the time. This why it so very important that you concentrate, don’t lose focus we don’t have much. “Her father explains to her.
“I can do it this.”Zuzanna says with confidence. She flies up to the first guy, he swats his hand around.
“Aww these dam flies, there everywhere I can’t wait to get off work. The wife’s anniversary and mine. The man says in a deep tone to the other.
Every time Zuzana tries to get near they faces they throw there hand around trying to swat her out of the way. They Zuzann has an idea, she goes near the machine and throws a branch in there to block up the hole.
And as she assumed all the men went up to the front of the machine to check what was blocking it. They see the branch and start to try and pull it out.
This was her shot Zuzana closes her eyes and thinks really hard of all the good in the world and the wonders of the world and throws the fairy dust over the men.
The men all get up get in to there cars and drive off, never to be heard from again. Jahlulu was saved.

© Copyright 2007 jazmin7 (jazzypha at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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