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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Drama · #1265766
After Interrupting, a life is changed
They think I’m crazy, but I’m not. It’s been a misunderstanding, but no one will listen to me. But today, I’ll tell the true story.
A few weeks ago, I was a shy, smart, talented college student. I had everything going for me. I was getting good grades. I had a nice roommate, but something was missing.
Now you wouldn’t think that a lack of love would drive a girl crazy, but believe me it can. It wasn’t love itself, but how love can be manipulated to the point of no return. Well, as I was saying, I was a normal when the spring semester started. My life changed during my second class: Creative Writing. I sat in the back as I always do, just so I don’t draw attention to myself.
The first thing the teacher had us do was go around the room, saying our name and our favorite author. I saw a group of boys at the front of the room. I tried to ignore them, but they kept looking at me.
When my turn came I was truthful, “My name is Nicole Johnson and I like to read James Patterson.”
I didn’t pay attention again until it came to the group of guys.
“I’m Josh Schoff. I like John Sandford,” one said.
“My name is Ben Schreiber, and I read Stephen King,” another spoke.
“My name is Theodore Crook, and I read Edgar Allan Poe.”
The last guy looked at me and said, “I’m Joseph Clark and my favorite author is also James Patterson.”
I quickly diverted my eyes back to my paper, and started writing again. When class was over, I packed up my stuff and headed to the door. I went out the front door of the building, and headed down the stairs. I walked along the sidewalk minding my own business.
Suddenly, a hand grabbed my shoulder. I jumped.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” a male voice said.
I turned to see one of the guys, but didn’t really remember which one.
“I guess you’re so jumpy from reading all those James Patterson books. I’m Joseph Clark,” he said jutting out his hand.
“Nicole Johnson,” I shook his hand. “You like James Patterson?”
“I love him,” he said smiling. “Well I’ve only read a few books, but it was captivating.”
“I have all of his books in my room if you would like to borrow one,” I said blushing.
“I’d like that,” he said. He had startling blue eyes.
“So Nicole, what are you going to major in?”
“It was going to be Elementary Education, but then I dropped that and changed it to sociology. You?” I said.
“I’m going for sociology too, I’m concentrating on criminal justice.”
“Really? That’s cool. I haven’t decided what I want to become,” I said looking at him, finding him staring at me. “So, what books have you read?”
“What?” Joseph asked.
“Which books have you read by James Patterson?” I asked laughing.
“Um…Kiss the Girls, Along Came a Spider,” he said.
“Is that all? You really haven’t read that much,” I said.
“I can never find his books at my hometown library,” he said.
“Where is that?” I asked.
“Hamel, MN?” he said.
“You’re kidding, right?” I said.
“No, why?” he said cocking his eyebrow.
“My aunt used to live there in the apartments,” I said.
“Really, my parents lived a mile from there,” Joseph laughed.
“Now I understand. Your library was tiny.” I smiled.
“Yeah, they had a two person capacity, including the librarian,” he said.
I laughed as we arrived at my dorm door. It was locked, so I pulled out my keys.
“Do you have a roommate?” Joseph asked.
“Yeah, but she’s at school right now. Where do you live?” I asked.
“Next door, second level,” he said.
I sat on my roommate’s bed, opening the box. Inside were all the books of James Patterson. “Take your pick.”
Joseph knelt near the box, “Which is your favorite?”
I looked at them a moment, “They’re all really good. I like Cradle and All, and When the Wind Blows. They’re sort of science fiction. But if you want a usual book, um…Hide and Seek is really good. Just pick one.” I said.
“I’ll take your word on it,” Joseph said grabbing Hide and Seek. “So what are you doing tonight?”
“Same thing I do every night: stay in my room, play with my turtle, and watch movies.”
“Do you mind if I come by and watch a movie with you?” he asked.
I smiled, “That would be fine.”
With that, Joseph left, but he returned around eight and we sat next to each other during the movie that he had chosen. When the movie was over, Joseph didn’t let me go.
“Joseph, I have to change the movie,” I said.
He looked me in the eyes, “Only if I can get a kiss.”
I blushed and kissed his cheek. He let me go, but I didn’t stand up. I leaned in and kissed him on the mouth.
“Wait, wait,” Joseph said pushing me off of him. “I think we’re moving too fast.”
I laughed.
“What’s so funny?” Joseph asked.
“I’m laughing because usually I would be saying that.”
Joseph touched my face, “You’re too good for words,” and he kissed my forehead. “Where’s your roommate?”
“Um…I’m sure she’s out with her boyfriend. I’m glad she’s not here,” I said.
“Why? Don’t you get along with her?” he asked.
“I do, but her boyfriend is always here. She will even have him over at night. I hate that,” I said.
Joseph picked up my hand, “Why do you hate that?”
“I feel so uncomfortable. I’m lying on my bed trying to sleep, and I can hear them down there making out. I don’t like being in my room when he’s around. I shouldn’t have to feel that way,” I said.
Joseph took me in his arms, I felt so comfortable with him. We started watching another movie and I fell asleep in his arms on the floor. When I woke up in the morning Joseph was gone. He left me a note saying that he’d call me later.
I went to my classes with a smile on my face.
Joseph caught me after my last class and walked me to my room. “Can I come in?”
I smiled, “I would, but my roommate is sleeping and I have homework to do.”
“What kind of homework?” Joseph asked holding my waist.
“I have math, English, fiction and music,” I said.
“Well I could help you. We could do homework in the lobby,” Joseph suggested.
“Okay, you convinced me, do you have everything you need?”
“No, meet me in the lobby in fifteen minutes,” he said kissing my forehead.
“Okay, I’ll see you then,” I said sneaking into my room.
My roommate wasn’t there, but I didn’t care.

Joseph and I sat in the lobby and studied. We sat next to each other on the floor.
“What are you studying Joseph?” I asked after realizing he was staring at me.
“You,” he said and kissed my neck.
I looked at my watch, “Oh my god, it’s one a.m., I really should go to bed,” I stood up and gathered my books.
Joseph jumped up as well, “Don’t run away. At least let me walk you to your door.”
“I’m sorry,” I said as I walked to my door. “I’m just—“ I opened the door to see my roommate having sex with her boyfriend. I quickly jumped back and shut the door. “Oh my god!”
“I’d say so,” Joseph said.
“Now what am I supposed to do? I’m not staying here. I guess I’ll have to go wake up Ella,” I said.
“Nonsense, you can stay with me,” Joseph said.
“But I wouldn’t want to make you or your roommate uncomfortable,” I said.
“My roommate is at his girlfriends,” he said taking my books from me.
“Okay, I’ll stay with you tonight,” I said. I followed him to his room.
Once in there he opened his dresser, “You’ll need some pajamas,” he said. He took out a t-shirt and pajama bottoms out of his dresser and handed them to me.
“Where is the bathroom?” I asked.
“I’ll leave so you can change,” he said.
I smiled, “Thank you.”
He went out the door and I changed. I looked out the peep hole and saw Joseph standing across the hall. I opened the door, but hid in the closet. Joseph walked in and looked around. I leapt out of the closet and wrapped my arms around him.
“Oh my god!” Joseph said turning around. “You scared me.”
“I’m sorry,” I said smiling.
“Now it’s my turn to change,” Joseph said opening the door.
I stepped outside and sat against the wall. Joseph opened the door and looked around. I grabbed his leg.
“You! You are in big trouble,” he said grabbing my hand and pulling me into his room.
“So this is what you live like,” I laughed.
“Shut up,” Joseph said grabbing me and pulling me in.
He kissed me and he fell onto the bed. After kissing for a few minutes, Joseph pushed away.
“I should sleep on the floor,” Joseph said.
“No, you can sleep on the bed, I can behave,” I said and lay down.
Joseph lay behind me and wrapped his arms around me. I fell asleep.
When I awoke, the clock read 12:57p.m.
“Oh shit!” I said jumping up.
“What?” Joseph said sitting up.
“I’m going to be late for class,” I started gathering up my stuff.
“Skip it!” Joseph said grabbing at me.
“But—“ I said.
“No buts, just come back to bed.”
I laughed, “You need to get up, you have class in a little bit too.”
“Are you going to class?” he asked.
“Well obviously not to my one o’clock, but definitely the fiction one, which I expect you to be at,” I smiled and waved as I headed back to my room.
My roommate was gone and I felt relieved. I took a shower, and realized when I walked back into the room that I had forgotten to lock the door as I was showering. When I walked back into my room, I quickly turned and locked it. I turned around to find my roommate’s boyfriend Neil sitting on her bed.
“Hello Nicole,” he said.
“What are you doing here?” I asked stepping backwards.
“You interrupted Amanda and me. I wasn’t finished yet,” he said moving towards me.
“I’m sorry, but maybe you and Amanda should go to your room for once,” I said holding my towel.
Neil had me pinned against the door,” I’ll just have to finish with you what I started with Amanda.”
I used my left hand to hold up my towel, and with my right I pushed Neil away.
“Oh, you like it rough do ya?” Neil grabbed my hand and held it above me.
“Neil, get off of me,” I said as I started kicking.
Neil grabbed me and threw me toward the bed. I hit my head on the furnace. I fell onto the bed, and Neil jumped on top of me. He grabbed my hands and held them above my head. I started kicking, that’s when Neil punched me.
“Shut up bitch,” Neil said grabbing one of Amanda’s bandanas, gagging my mouth, and tying my hands to the headboard. “This is what happens when you piss me off.”
“You’re a pig,” I said after spitting the gag in his face.
Neil grabbed his face, taking off the saliva. He punched me again, and hit my nose. I felt my nose become very painful rather quickly, but I wasn’t about to let him see me cry.
Neil quickly unzipped his pants, and started raping me. I screamed in pain, but Neil put his sweating hand over my mouth. A few minutes passed and finally Neil collapsed on top of me. Neil smiled with an evil grin then leaned in and kissed me.
“Thank you. I’ll see you later,” Neil said walking out of the room.
When the door shut I couldn’t help but cry. I tried to untie my self, but I couldn’t. I gave up. It seemed like forever before Joseph knocked at my door.
“I’m in here,” I yelled between tears.
Joseph came in the room and ran straight for me. “What happened?” he asked as he covered me with my towel and untied my hand.
I jumped into his arms.
“What happened?” he asked trying to comfort me and hold the towel up.
“Neil…he was here…when I got out of the shower,” I said.
“What did he do to you?” Joseph asked holding my face in his hand.
“He raped me,” I said.
“Oh god,” Joseph said hugging me again. “Let’s call campus safety.”
Within an hour I was at the hospital being poked, prodded, and questioned by doctors and nurses. After I had been examined, Joseph was allowed to come into the room.
He immediately came over to me and kissed my forehead, “I’m so sorry,” he said, his eyes watering.
I smiled, “I’m okay. The doctor said I’ll be out of here in a few hours.”
“The cops questioned me out in the waiting room. They think I had something to do with this,” he said.
I grabbed his hand, “That’s absurd, I told them you had nothing to do with that.”
“I’m going to go talk to the doctor about getting you out of here. Then we’ll go to my room.”
“Wasn’t Neil arrested?” I asked as Joseph stood up.
“Yes, but his father got him out already,” he walked to the door.
I lay in the bed and stared at the ceiling until Joseph and a nurse walked in.
“Okay Nicole, here are some clothes, if you have any problems come back,” she said.
Soon Joseph and I were back at the dorms. The first thing we did was go to my room.
Amanda was there waiting. “I’m so sorry,” she said hugging me.
“It’s not your fault,” I said as I gathered some clothes.
“Where are you going?” she asked.
“I’m spending the night at Joseph’s. I think it will be better for me,” I zipped the bag. “I’ll probably be back tomorrow after classes.”
I picked up my backpack and put my books in it. Then Joseph and I headed back to his room. As we walked through the lobby, Neil appeared in the doorway. I froze when I saw him, quickly hiding behind Joseph.
Neil blew me a kiss as he walked past. Joseph grabbed him and threw him against the wall.
“I don’t care if your rich father bailed you out of jail. You stay away from Nicole,” he said sternly.
Neil smiled, and smirked. “I’ll stay away from her, but will she stay away from me?”
Joseph took Neil and threw him to the ground. “Get out of my sight.”
Neil got up and walked away. Joseph took me in his arms and hugged me. We finished walking to his room. Once there I put my backpack by his bed and sat down. He sat down next to me and put his arms around me.
“I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you,” he said.
“Joseph,” I said. “This isn’t your fault. Neil did it, and hopefully he will pay.”
Joseph looked at me and said, “It’s getting late, you should go to bed. You have class in the morning.”
“Could you set your alarm please?” I asked.
“Sure, for what time?” he asked.
“7:50a.m. please,” I said lying down.
Joseph fiddled with the alarm for a minute, then lay down next to me. He wrapped his arms around me before I fell asleep.
Neil was on top of me. He was screaming at me things I didn’t understand. It was just a high pitched noise.
I sat up quickly and realized that the noise was Joseph’s alarm. Joseph was still sound asleep, so I carefully climbed over him and turned off the alarm. I walked over to my bag and pulled out my clean clothes. I changed watching Joseph to make sure he didn’t wake up.
Once dressed, I saw I still had 25 minutes before I had to leave for classes. I went up to the third floor and went to the bathroom. Then came back down to Joseph’s room, but he was gone. I sat on his bed and waited. A few minutes passed and finally Joseph came in wearing a towel.
“Where were you?” he asked.
“I had to use the little ladies room,” I said smiling.
“Well if you wait a minute, I’ll walk you to your class,” Joseph said opening his dresser. He pulled out some underwear, but stopped, looking at me. Could you please turn around?”
I smiled and turned around, now facing the window.
A moment later, Joseph came up to me and wrapped his arms around me. He kissed the top of my head. “Let’s get you to class.”
“Do you have class too?” I asked.
“Yeah, it’s English 102,” he said sitting down.
“How long does that one go?” I asked.
“Until 9:50, so I’ll meet you outside your classroom,” Joseph said as we picked up our backpacks.
We walked to class and he kissed me before saying, “Wait for me, okay?”
I smiled, “I will, don’t worry about me.”
The class was very boring. I had taken it only for review before I took the required course. When the class was done I packed up slowly, then went into the hallway. Joseph wasn’t there, so I stood outside the door. I was watching down the hallway, so I wasn’t looking at the doorway.
“Hey baby doll,” a voice said grabbing my hips.
I turned and jumped to see Neil. “Get off of me,” I said in a whisper.
“Oh, did I scare you sweetheart?” Neil said pinning me against the wall.
“Neil, stop it,” I muttered.
Suddenly Neil was thrown against the opposite wall. Joseph held him there. “I warned you!” Joseph said punching him.
I grabbed Joseph and pulled him off, “Joseph stop.”
Joseph took some deep breaths, then we left. When we got back to Joseph’s room, he was still breathing hard.
“Joseph, calm down,” I said standing in front of him.
That’s when Joseph started crying. I started rubbing his head, and finally I straddled him on the edge of his bed.
“Why are you crying?” I asked hugging him.
He held me for awhile, then finally looked up at me. “My sister was raped by our step father when she was a kid and I was 14. When I found out about it I told him to get lost or I’d call the police. Everything went well for awhile, then he just started randomly showing up. One night he came and kidnapped my sister. The police found her body a few days later.”
“Oh my god,” I said pulling him into me.
For a few minutes I just sat there holding him. I rubbed his back, and he breathed deeply.
“Let’s go get some lunch,” he finally said.
I smiled at him, saying, “I like that idea.”
We gathered our backpacks so we could sit in the cafeteria until our next classes. Once we sat down and had started to eat, Joseph lightened the mood.
“Hey Nicole, how about after our classes, I take you somewhere special?” he asked smiling.
“Will I like this place?” I asked.
“If you don’t mind the cold,” he said.
“So I should probably dress warm?” I smiled.
“Actually I wanted you to wear a bikini,” Joseph said winking at me. “Yeah, you should put on some layers.”
“Where are we going?” I asked grabbing his hand.
“I’m not telling, so don’t ask,” he said, continuing to eat.
I didn’t ask anymore as we ate, but as soon as we were outside again I started pestering him again. We walked to my class, and he kissed me before he left.
“I don’t need you to come pick me up,” I said. “My next class is just right over there.”
So we went to our classes and Joseph picked me up after they were both done. We went to my room and picked up some warm clothes. I changed before we went to his room.
When we got into his car, Joseph started the engine, turning towards me. “Do you trust me?” he asked.
I smiled, “Of course I do.”
“Okay then, will you let me put this blindfold on you? Just to make the surprise better?” he asked.
I smiled and allowed Joseph to put the blindfold on me. I held my and to his and he finished. I held his hand as we drove for what seemed like an eternity. Finally we stopped.
“Okay, just wait a minute,” Joseph said as I heard his door open and shut.
My door opened and Joseph helped me out. He led me about ten feet to what I assumed was the front of the car.
“Wait one second,” Joseph said letting go of my hand, “Okay, now reach up.”
I was confused, but I did. Joseph pulled me up onto a ledge.
“Okay,” Joseph said removing the blindfold. “Open your eyes.”
The view was amazing; Joseph had taken me to a high point in the city. I could see everything for miles.
“Joseph, this is amazing,” I said smiling at him.
“I come here to clear my head, especially after my sister’s death. I liked having an escape. I’ve never brought anyone here,” Joseph said turning to me. He pushed the hair out of my face.
“You know Joseph, you are the best thing that’s happened to me in a long time,” I said.
“Ditto,” he leaned in and kissed me.
I looked down, it was a snow covered hill. “Let’s go down there,” I said.
“Yeah, okay,” Joseph said, his voice seeping of sarcasm.
I jumped off the ledge, sliding on my butt about five feet. I laid on my back. Joseph didn’t say anything, so I laid motionless staring at the sky.
“Nicole?” Joseph yelled, but still didn’t move. I wanted him to come down.
That’s when I heard Joseph jump off the wall and scamper over to me. I smiled when he touched my face.
“That’s not funny,” he said.
“Is your heart racing?” I asked.
“Yes,” Joseph said as he touched his chest.
“Do you like that feeling?” I asked smiling.
A smile grew on Joseph’s face, “It’s a rush.”
“Okay, let’s go!” I stood up and headed back for the wall.
I was hit in the back with a snowball. “What?” I said turning around.
“That’s my revenge for that stunt you just pulled,” he said grabbing another clump of snow, throwing it at me.
I grabbed my own clump and tossed it at him. I ran behind a small bush and made a collection of snowballs. We had a snowball war for about 10 minutes. Joseph and I chased each other, tossing snowballs at each other.
Apparently I had screamed, and someone had called the police.
“Freeze, don’t move! Put your hands up!” the cops yeled.
Both Joseph and I froze, throwing up our arms.
“Miss, come over here, you’re safe now,” one officer said.
The other officer jumped over the wall and grabbed Joseph. He threw him to the ground, plastering his face in the snow.
“Wait, this isn’t right!” I yelled.
“Miss, just calm down,” the officer said helping me over the wall.
Joseph was helped over the wall and put in handcuffs. I was taken to the back of the cop car.
“Can you tell me what happened?” the cop asked.
“Officer, there’s been some sort of misunderstanding. That’s my boyfriend and we were just having a snowball fight. He wasn’t attacking me,” I explained.
“What about your bruises?” he asked.
I took a deep breath, “I was raped the other day.”
The cop cleared his throat, then spoke. “Okay, just stay here a minute. I need to go talk to the man over there.”
I watched as the officer talked to Joseph, then undid the hand cuffs him. They both walked over to me.
“I’m sorry to both of you for our misunderstanding. You’re free to go,” the officer said.
“Thank you officer,” I said grabbing Joseph’s arm.
The cops took off, and I started laughing. Joseph was still speechless.
After a moment he caught his breath. “You think that’s funny?” he asked.
“Yes, I think it’s hilarious,” I started jumping around.
Finally Joseph started smiling, “I can’t believe that just happened.”
“We should head back to the dorms, I need to do some homework so I don’t have to do it this weekend,” I said climbing into the car.
Joseph climbed into his side, and we headed home. “So are you staying in your room tonight?”
“Yeah, I kind of need to get back to my usual schedule. But I’ll try to include you in it,” I said taking his hand.
Joseph held mine until we got to the dorms. He walked me to his room and then up to mine. “You call me if you need anything, day or night.”
I smiled, “Joseph, I’ll be fine. Amanda’s here.”
“Okay, goodnight then,” Joseph said giving me a kiss.
I went into my room to find Amanda on her computer.
“Hey, I’m happy to see you,” she said.
There were flowers on my desk, “What are these?” I asked.
“They came for you,” she said.
I opened the card, reading aloud. “What you know is not true Joseph set it up to turn you blue. His love for you is a joke, to him you’re just something to poke.”
“That doesn’t sound right,” Amanda said.
“Who are they from?” I asked.
“I don’t know, they were delivered to the front desk. I just picked them up,” she said.
I looked at the card; there was no florist name on it. I grabbed the phone and called Joseph. “Joseph, there’s something going on here”
Within three minutes Joseph was at my door. I showed him the flowers, then read him the card.
Joseph was quiet a moment, “I…I…that’s not right.”
I looked at him inquisitively. “Why are you acting so strange?”
Joseph blurted, “It’s a lie.”
“Okay, it’s okay Joseph,” I said.
“Who sent these?” Joseph asked.
“I don’t know, there was no delivery company or signature,” Amanda said.
“We need to call the police,” Joseph said pulling out his cell phone. “I’ll call the cops direct line.”
Within a half an hour the cops were at my room. They took the card and pictures of the flowers. They told me not to worry; it was probably nothing. Joseph wanted to stick around, but I told him I was fine. I sent him back to his room.
For the rest of the night Amanda and I tried to act as we normally would. But there was something in the air. We were watching a movie to put us asleep. Around 11:50, our phone rang.
Amanda answered it, then handed it up to me, “It’s Joseph.”
I smiled, “Hello?”
“Hey baby, what are you doing?” his voice was off.
“Watching a movie,” I laughed, this was so not like Joseph.
“Do you want to meet me in the hall? I’m waiting for you.”
“Um…okay,” I jumped off my bed, hanging up the phone. “I’ll be right back.” I walked into the hallway, turning around the quietly shut the door.
My shoulder was grabbed and I was thrown against the wall. I looked up saying, “Not so rough Joseph.”
It wasn’t Joseph, it was Neil.
“Hello babycakes,” Neil said grabbing my mouth and covering it. “You need to listen to me. Joseph is using you. You were just some pathetic cliché bet he made with his friends. Now I’m going to let you go, and you’re going to go to bed.” Neil released my mouth and walked away.
I stood still a minute, catching my breath. I slowly walked back into my room.
“How was Joseph?” Amanda asked smiling.
I didn’t hear her, “What?”
“How is Joseph?” she repeated.
“He’s fine,” I said climbing into my bed.
In the morning I woke up, ate breakfast, then hopped into the shower. Amanda had just woken up when I came back in.
“Hey sleepy head,” I smiled.
A smile came over Amanda’s face, “We should go to lunch today.”
“I’d like that,” I said looking at the clock. It was 10:30a.m. “What time do you want to go?”
“I’ll get up and we’ll go around 11:30,” Amanda got up and hugged me.
At 11:30 we headed to the cafeteria, Amanda faithfully holding my arm.
Joseph came out of one of the buildings, “Nicole, wait up.”
“Let’s keep walking Amanda,” I said ushering her on.
Joseph caught me by the arm, stopping me. “What’s going on Nicole?”
“I don’t want to talk to you right now,” I said, trying not to look at him.
“Nicole, what’s wrong?” he asked.
“Was I a bet between you and your guy friends in class?” I asked.
Joseph said nothing.
“That’s all I needed to hear,” I said walking on, pulling Amanda with me.
I cried as Amanda and I went into the cafeteria and got our food.
“Nicole, what’s wrong? Where did that come from?” Amanda asked.
“I opened my heart to Joseph, now I find out it was all just a bet. I’m devastated,” I said.
Amanda rubbed my arm, “It will be okay.”
I forced a smile at her. After lunch I went to class and Amanda went back to the dorms. At class I got a lot of questions about my face. I told everyone I was in a fight. I told them they should have seen the other guy.
After classes were done I headed back to the dorms. It was Friday and I was thrilled for the weekend. As I walked to my room I thought about Joseph. How could he have done something like this?
When I got to my floor I found Joseph sitting in the lounge.
“Nicole, will you please listen to me?” he said pleading.
“Why? Are you going to lie to me?” I said.
“Nicole, it’s not what you thought. It wasn’t a bet. My friend just said that you were the type of girl who wouldn’t kiss on the first date,” he said.
“So that’s why you insisted on me kissing you when we got done watching the first movie! I can’t believe you! This has all been a lie! I don’t ever want to see you again!” I said as I stormed off to my room.
Amanda wasn’t there. I shut the door, locked it and started crying. I cried for a minute then picked things off my desk and threw them on the ground. Then I threw open Amanda’s desk drawer and found her razor blade. I held it for a minute contemplating.
A knock came at the door. I got up and opened it.
Neil burst in, shutting the door. “What are you doing?”
I hid the razor blade behind my back, “Nothing. But you need to leave Neil.”
“What’s behind your back Nicole?” Neil asked back me into the door. He grabbed my right arm as I transferred the razor blade to my left. When he grabbed my left I dropped the razor blade to the floor.
Neil pulled me into the room and picked up the razor blade. “What were you going to do with this?”
“Nothing,” I said.
Neil opened Amanda’s drawer and pulled out the fuzzy handcuffs that Ella and I had bought her for Christmas. “Now it’s time to play.”
I stepped backwards, finding myself against the bed. “Neil I’ll scream.”
“No you won’t,” Neil said grabbing my wrists and putting the handcuffs on me.
“How do you know?” I asked.
“You want someone to end your misery,” Neil pulled me away from the bed. “Sit down.”
I was shaking as Neil pulled me to the ground. “Neil, don’t do this!” I pleaded.
“This will benefit you, and me,” Neil said grabbing my face. “If you scream, I’ll kill you.”
“You’re going to anyway, you practically already have. Why don’t you just finish me off?” I said.
Neil hit me hard across the face and I was knocked out. When regained consciousness I felt very weak. I looked at the floor, it was covered in blood. Neil had slit my wrists!
I started crawling towards the door, but it was difficult because my arms were weak.
Suddenly someone was knocking at the door. “Nicole, are you in there?” it was Joseph’s voice.
“Yes!” I tried to yell, but it barely came out.
“Nicole, hang on,” I heard his footsteps run away, then there was pounding on a door.
Moments later Joseph burst through the door. He came to my side and pulled out his cell phone. I went in and out of consciousness for awhile. I vaguely remember the paramedics barging into the room.
When I awoke I was in a hospital bed. I was shocked to see my parents in the doorway. Their images were vague, but it was them. My eyes soon focused and I could seem them clearly.
“Mom, dad,” I managed to say.
They walked to my side, “We were afraid we had lost you.”
“I’m not going anywhere,” I smiled.
“Why did you do this Nicole? What were you thinking?” my mother asked.
“I didn’t do this,” I stated. “Where’s Joseph?”
“He’s out in the waiting room sleeping. He was exhausted,” my dad said.
“How long have I been out?” I asked.
“Two days,” my mother said looking out the window. “Why didn’t you call us Emily.”
“I call you all the time. You never call me.” I said.
“I mean about being raped. You should have called us,” she said.
“I’m fine mom,” I insisted.
“Well the doctors want to move you to the psychiatric facility for awhile. Just to get you settled,” my father spoke.
“Why? I’m not crazy,” I said.
“I’m going to go get a doctor,” my mother said.
“I want to talk to Joseph,” I said.
“Fine, you can talk to him while I try to find your doctor,” my mother said storming out of the room.
“I’m going to go get something to eat, do you want anything?” my father asked.
“Hot cocoa please,” I said smiling.
My father laughed as he walked out of the room. Joseph walked in, but lingered near the door.
“Joseph, we need to talk,” I said
“About what? The fact that I drove you to this?” he said.
“No, you need to listen. I didn’t do this. Neil burst into my room, handcuffed me, and knocked me out,” I said.
“You expect me to believe that?” he said walking over to me.
“I expect you to trust me. Think about it Joseph. I have a new bruise on my face. No one heard me scream. My keys were taken and my door was locked from the outside. And my hands were handcuffed,” I said.
“Well where are your keys and the handcuffs?” Joseph asked.
“My guess is somewhere in Neil’s room. Where’s the razor blade?” I asked.
“I’m not sure,” Joseph said taking my hand.
“I bet if you find it, and give it to the cops, they would find Neil’s prints on it,” I said.
“I’ll have them do that,” Joseph kissed the back of my and. “Nicole I’m sorry about the bet. I may have gone to your room trying to seal the deal. But I soon realized how great you were. Everything I told you was true. I swear,” he said.
I started crying, “It’s okay Joseph, I forgive you.”
My mother walked in, followed my the doctor and my father.
“Miss Johnson, I’m afraid that we are required to keep you under surveillance for 24 hours after a suicide attempt,” the doctor said.
“But it wasn’t—“ Joseph spoke, but I squeezed his hand and shook my head.
“Okay then, in a few minutes, after your parents fill out a little bit of paperwork, we will move you,” the doctor left with my parents.
“Why didn’t you tell them?” Joseph asked.
“Here’s the plan Joseph, they’ll keep me safe. You go to the police and tell them to go find the missing things. They’ll find them in Neil’s room and have to arrest him. And then they will let me out of the psych ward,” I said.
“But you won’t be safe,” Joseph said.
I touched his face, “Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine.”
Joseph stood up and kissed me, then said. “I’m going to go see the police.”
I smiled, “Okay, I’ll call you later.”
Joseph left, and I felt relieved I had talked to him. The doctor came back in pushing a wheelchair.
“I brought you some scrubs to change into. You can go into the bathroom,” she said.
I took the clothes and stepped off of the bed. I was still weak, so I walked slowly. When I came out the doctor stood there with the wheel chair. I sat down and my mother took my hand. The doctor pushed me to the elevator. We went up to the sixth floor where I was wheeled to a room. When I was situated my father handed me a cup.
“Your hot cocoa,” he smiled and hugged me.
“After you finish that I’m going to give you a sedative to help you sleep,” the doctor explained.
I nodded and sipped my cocoa. When I finished, the doctor injected me with a needle. I started feeling woozy right away, but I did hear my mother say she would be back in the morning.

When I got up in the morning I didn’t feel rested. I still felt woozy. After a few minutes a nurse came into my room pushing a tray.
“Here’s your breakfast,” she said.
I smiled and thanked her.
“After you’re finished you can come out and hang in the common area,” she said.
“Okay, thank you,” I said.
The nurse left the room, and I ate quietly. Afterwards I went out into the common area. There weren’t many people, and there was nothing to do. I found a chair near the window and stared outside.
I turned to see Joseph. I jumped out of my chair and ran over to him. I hugged and kissed him.
“I have good news,” Joseph said.
I let him go and backed up, “What?”
“Well I got the cops to listen to me. They got a search warrant for Neil’s dorm room and car. He wasn’t very bright. They found the razor blade on his dresser, the handcuffs in his blanket, and the keys on his key chain. So he’s been arrested for attempted murder,” he said.
I smiled, “Do I get to leave here now?”
“Yes, the doctor will be in shortly.”
I hugged Joseph again, “I owe you big time.” I whispered in his ear.
Joseph pulled way, “You being here is good enough for me.”
I was going to kiss him for saying something so sweet, but my parents walked in.
My mother came over to me, “I’m so sorry Nicole that I didn’t believe you.”
I hugged my mother, “It’s okay. I’m okay.”
My father hugged me too, “I knew you wouldn’t do that to yourself.”
We all sat down and Joseph told my parents what the police had found. Just as he finished the doctor came in.
“Well Nicole, I’m sorry that you had to be locked up in here for a night, so you are free to go,” she said.
I thanked the doctor then we headed out. I rode with Joseph, but my parents followed close behind.
Once back at the dorms, my parents offered to take Joseph and I out to lunch. I let Joseph help me decide. He suggested we just go to the school cafeteria, so my parents could see it. We did, and my parents got to know Joseph. Afterwards my parents said their goodbyes and hdead back to the cities.
Joseph walked me back to my room.
“Would you like to come in?” I asked.
“I think you should spend the night with Amanda, and get back to being friends,” Joseph said opening my door.
I saw the carpet had a hole in it. Amanda was there on her bed. She jumped up when she saw me, running over to me. I hugged her and comforted her. She felt guilty.
“I’ll let you two be,” he said kissing my head, shutting the door as he left.
After I calmed Amanda down, we went into the basement and played some pool. We talked nervously at first, but then started loosening up.

The school year ended well, I passed all my classes. Neil was sent to prison, starting his 30 year sentence. Amanda and I are still friends, even though she still feels guilty.
And as for Joseph, he’s happily engaged to a woman whom he fell for almost three years ago. And I couldn’t be happier.

© Copyright 2007 virgin lily (shades4spankey at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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