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A sample of what I do in MUN seeing as someone asked me earlier... |
Committee: Economic and Social Question Of: Effects of Tourism on the Environment Submitted by: Jordan, Cameroon, Ecuador, Hungary. * Bearing in mind that tourism is a multi-million dollar industry, Understanding the tourist industry generates substantial economic benefits to both host countries and tourists' home countries, especially in developing countries Realising that an ever increasing human population is putting more and more pressure on the tourist industry to organise 'luxury' packages and more extensive itinerary, Alarmed by the fact that this vast global business is estimated at $575bn and is therefore leading in export earnings, Fully alarmed by several facts including, a) the destruction of natural heritage through overbuilding, b) ever higher demands on scarce water and energy resources, c) damage to ecologically fragile areas caused by irresponsible development, d) exploitation of workers, Realising that the connection between the damage to the environment and the damage to natural heritage through overbuilding are intricately connected, Having considered the fact that 82.5% of the economy of Jordan is based on tourism and is therefore intrinsic to the continued existence of the country, Noting with regret that this means that the country cannot do without it despite damage to both its heritage, ecology and energy resources, Taking into account that the demands on resources are further destroying land and leading to overbuilding and other issues, Having considered further the balance between economy and environment, 1. Calls for all countries to educate people and tourists, especially those involved in the tourist business, about the negative effects of tourism on the environment; 2. Recommends that UN should set up a sub-body called the UNRTC (United Nations Responsible Tourism Committee) which countries should be urged to join and which would deal with issues such as a) the further education of people on tourism and how it effects the environment, b) the publicising of issues that are of most importance within the area of tourism and it’s harmful effects; c) the availability and ability to find out about issues surrounding countries for those who wish to travel to places on a tourist holiday; 3. Recognises the valuable effort of LAB (Latin American Bureau) which has made a significant contribution to the increase in responsible tourism in Latin America and the Caribbean by setting up seminars, web presence and publishing books such as ‘The Thinking Traveller’ which all help to combat lack of understanding in local areas as well as the countries as a whole; 4. Understands that the pressures and demands of tourism are powerful and asks if it would not be possible for countries who are under greater obligation, as they have more consumers, to respect the local communities further by: a) discouraging the construction of large motorways, road networks and airports for the sake of tourism as this can potentially destroy habitats, wild life and areas of outstanding natural beauty as well as causing noise, air and light pollution; b) Considering aiding countries to set up land – use planning schemes such as the systems in place in the UK where different ‘zones’ within larger settlements are dedicated to different land-uses as well as considering employing the expertise of FID (international federation of surveyors) and IAC (international association of cartographers) to assist with the set up of these schemes; 5. Urges the UN to increase trade with LEDCs with largely tourist based economies so that the resources that these countries have are not exhausted by tourists and can cope with the population. This could be taken further by tourist organisations which could employ the work of local people, allowing for greater expansion of the tourist industry or the continued survival of the industry within these countries without further damaging their environments; 6. Further Calls on member states to address the issues such as endangered species of animal and flora within the effects of tourism on industry, especially as the loss of habitats for this wildlife because of tourism could then damage the ecology, environment and therefore then impact on the industry itself by: a) Identifying the effects of tourism on ecosystems, b) Monitoring flora and fauna populations in tourist areas, c) Using tourism revenues to protect these areas from danger; 7. Designates that the UNRTC should distribute finds to LEDCS to assist in the protection of areas mentions in clause (c) and therefore suggest the undertaking of the following: a) Research into the views of local communities on tourism and its effects in their lives; b) Encourage local people to take a more active role by setting up public meetings before any tourist development within local areas; 8. Further Calls the UN to address the issues such as endangered species of animal and flora within the effects of tourism on industry, especially as the loss of habitats for this wildlife because of tourism could then damage the ecology, environment and therefore then impact on the industry itself; 9. Emphasises the need for countries to join UNRTC as this would enable them to further employ methods of further education within their on countries as to how to handle the effects of tourism. 10. Hopes to combat the need for tourism in LEDCS by weaning countries onto other industries such as agriculture which would reduce the need for tourism and therefore decrease the amount of expansion necessary to attract tourists. |