Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1265096-Saved-by-an-old-song
Rated: E · Poetry · Personal · #1265096
We always face tests to prove ourselves. But never forget this famous old song...
Saved by an old song

Gods and Angels have been invoked
Silent prayers have been uttered
Within me, ominous tremblings
Tension building up unfettered

I lay my weapons before me
Tools of plastic, metal and ink
The pen's nib gleams expectantly
Soon, into paper, it will sink

I finger my ruler's long blade,
In hope that my thoughts stay as straight.
I need complete focus today
Or sad indeed, will be my fate

I lift my head and look around
There are many more like me here
I feel a war raging about
A struggle between hope and fear

Grim people walk amongst our desks
Distributing slim little books
At watches, we throw furtive looks

A sudden intrusion of doubt...
Have I learnt all that is needed?
I ought to have done a lot more!
Storm clouds gather over my head

"BEGIN!" A voice booms in command.
Will hardens, to let mind sharpen
I reach out to face the great test,
My hands reach for paper and pen.

Eyes scan questions, memory churns.
Some answers rise forth readily
While others are more elusive
My morale see-saws merrily

I shoot a quick glance at my watch
My time is drawing to a close!
Mind and pulse race at full throttle
Is steam coming out of my nose?

My hand flies across the paper,
But can't quite keep pace with my mind
"PENS DOWN!" bellows the voice again
It sounds so heartless and unkind

I have left so many undone,
I might have got many more wrong,
I will fare poorly, I know it!
But then comes to mind, an old song

"Que sera sera," I whistled.
"For whatever will be will be."
I shrug off the weight and tension,
Feeling no more like a zombie

The furrows vanish from my brow
A smug smile breaks out on my face
The storms of doom are blown away
Bright serenity, in their place

I pack up my stationery
They've done their part, as I have mine,
Anyway, I've done pretty well
With some luck, my grades will be fine

To the exit, I make my way
And laugh, for it's a sunny day

Written for "POETRY IN RHYME - RHYTHM CONTEST-winner"   by Dr M C Gupta using the prompts: "What will be will be"; "Que sera sera".

Have not used an accentual meter. Poem written with abcb rhyme scheme (except the ending couplet, obviously), 8 syllables per line throughout.
© Copyright 2007 VikramAdith (rvtheace at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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