Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1263511-Shadowyn-Arousal-of-dark-elves
by Ivan
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1263511
a story I'm just writing so that i have a channel for my day dreaming
The clashing of steel and agonizing could be heard in a peaceful forest, near the Valkirye mountains. A group of three men were engaged in combat with several farmers.
They were accused of robbing eggs, which they did, but they refused to pay. The
tallest of them was Valmar, his blue eyes shining as he pointed his repeating
crossbow at the unfortunate farmers who crossed with his line of vision. Dashing around the hulking figure was a nimble guy, cutting and slashing throats, blood spurting. He was a very smart weapon-crafter and he was searching inspiration for making his masterpiece, his version of the ultimate weapon. Shadowyn was his name, he had a long dagger passed to him by his father and a sickle he created. His sickle was crafted so that it returned like a boomerang. Finally an old man called Amix, a very wise ex-monk who, he ran away from the monastery because he went horny and wanted to meet girls from all over the land. When he ran away he stole a magic staff that could lit up in fire.

-That's all of them- Shadowyn said-Here.-he gave Valmar the bolts he had retrieved from the farmers.
-Thanks- Valmar said- As useful as always-
-Well, well, we should get going or there will be more farmers on our butts-Amix pointed   
-Yeah, we also don't want to be late for the festival-Valmar said
-Oh come on, the festival is a week away-Shadowyn complaint
-First of all, it's five days away, and second we are quite out of schedule already-Amix said to finish the discussion.

The group continued their way to the Silver Dragon festival. It was a festival held in Yuik city in honor of the guardian of the city. The guardian was Elxius, who was a silver dragon. In the festival he was going to be there watching the shows and tributes that the people of Yuik prepared for him. Shadowyn and the others wanted to be there for different reasons. Amix wanted to look at the women of the city to put them on his book 'Beauty Around the World'. Shadowyn wanted more inspiration for his ultimate weapon. Valmar was looking for the title of crossbow master, there he was going to participate in a target contest for supremacy.They were laughing all day going throughout the forest. Night soon fell and they slept in top of a tree, talking how many weird, stupid or moronic things they've done since they met.

  The next day they walked  very quickly, and so did the day that followed. But the third day, they were assaulted by a silver cloaked bandit. He grabbed a necklace Shadowyn. Had from afar with a chain and tried to take it away, but Shadowyn  was faster and stopped him.

-Just who do you think you are!-
-I'm this world best thief and I'm not alone-

He retrieved his chain and more bandits jumped in the scene.

-This is getting fun- Valmar smiled
-I really think you don't want to mess with us- A somewhat tougher looking figure appeared in the scene too. He wore a distinctive uniform different from those of the bandits. He also wore silver, but his had a dragon crossing with a blade on the chest.
-I take it you are the leader, right?- Amix asked
-Is it so obvious- the character asked sarcastically-
-Enough of that-Amix stopped the man's  words- identify yourself!-
-Okay, I am Silver Sword Kane, one of the Silver Edge four commanders-he replied gallantly.
-Well, Kane, you and your bandits have just signed your doom- Valmar laughed
-Don't take us so lightly, we are elite warriors, not to mention we outnumber you-Kane said
-He has a point-Amix said- We have number disadvantage
-Found you bastard!- two men appeared on the scene, one carrying a bastard sword and the other a heavy war hammer.
-Who the hell are you two? asked Shadowyn
I am Wilf and this here is my friend Desc, and we think that you and your friends might be of help-said the one with the sword pulling it out. He then pressed a button in the hilt of the sword and pressed another, the sword bursting in flames.
-Now that's impressing, but we should begin kicking butts by now- said Shadowyn rushing into action. He slashed one of the bandits aiming for the throat with his sickle but the other one escaped with a wound in the chest.
-They're fast - Shadowyn said amused
One of them fell to the ground, a bolt tucked in his forehead.
-Now that's precision and high quality assassination- said Valmar
-Don't be so happy-said Shadowyn putting on a weird looking glove-I'll show you my latest invention, the spinning dagger!- Shadowyn grabbed the dagger and spun it like a disk.
-Now that's something new-Amix said- I'll have to join the fire then...-Amix put on his gloves and lit up his staff
In the meanwhile Wilf and Desc made sure work of some of the other bandits.Soon there were little left of the Silver Edges.
-You win this battle but I'll even things for when we meet again he threw a dart at Desc and then ran away. Desc fell heavily to the ground and convulsed. Wilf went in his help but there was nothing he could do. Soon enough he laid dead on the ground, tears shining in Wilf's eyes.
-Why my friend, why-he said crying
-Oh c'mon, don't get all teary and stuff now, you'll make me throw up-Shadowyn said taking his tongue out and making funny faces.
-You know nothing he unsheathed his sword and was going to stuck it in his stomach when Shadowyn stopped him
-Why do you stop me?-Wilf asked
-Cause I don't want the sword to get dirty, I want to take it for me when you suicide-Shadowyn said with a solemn look in his face
-How dare you, I'll never give you this sword while I'm alive!-Wilf shouted enraged
-Well technically, if you commit suicide you won't be alive anymore so I can take the sword...-Shadowyn said thoughtfully.
"You are an idiot" said Wilf
"Well then just don't suicide thats it"said Amix
" You are right, Desc wouldn't allow me"  said Wilf putting away the sword
" Yes and you have a lot to live for" Valmar pointed out"Don't look at me like that it sounds cliched but it is true" he continued
"Just let him die if he wants that way I can keep the sword"Shadowyn urged
" On my honor I vow to stay alive to stop you from taking this sword"Wilf said enraged
"Then stop disillusioning me with false death warnings cause I am sensitive"Shadowyn said sarcastically
"Stop it you , I suggest Wilf that you come with, us those people may still want to get revenge"Amix said offering a hand
"I can't believe someone as kind as you hangs out with him"said Wilf
"Well you know Shadowyn is a goof ball and he can sometimes be pretty annoying, but his reasons for not allowing you to suicide are not so empty as just not wanting
the sword to get stained, cause I suppose you have killed many persons with that blade"Amix explained
"You can stop now Amix" said Shadowyn in a menacing tone
"No, I certainly cannot Shadowyn"Amix changed his attention back to Wilf "Shadowyn always has to hide his feelings from the people he doesn't trust just yet"
"Okay... so I do care about you, but you wouldn't have stop your horses just because some stranger told you to" Shadowyn said tired of being used as the sugar in such sweet speech" Your friend won't be happier because you committed suicide to join him in the afterlife, If anything he will think you are gay"
"Which I am not" pointed Wilf as he got on his feet
"I am not saying you are, but you are acting as if the love of your life just got killed"
"Well, now that you put it that way...but any way how would you react if your best friend just died"
"What any good friend would do, bury him..."
"That solves everything?"
"What you want is that i say that you should avenge him so you feel better of going on a quest for revenge"
"Well, yeah, but wouldn't you?'
"I suppose so, but you should start by burying him"
"Okay, lets do it then"Wilf said recovering some of his composure"But will you help me?"
"Yes we will" said Valmar
"I will help as much as I can" Amix said smiling widely
"I'll supervise you guys" said Shadowyn  thoughtfully
Everybody looked at him with a "WHAT???" look in their faces.Shadowyn pretended not tonotice and started giving orders at which the other three looked at each other, nodded and jumped on Shadowyn. Some hurs later they had finished the job while Shadowyn faithfully supervised tied in a tree.
"Well now that we are finished we can go" Shadowyn said looking at them. His face read "Please untie me I have to go pee".That day was the beginning of a new friendship, and of a gruesome chain of events.

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