Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1263191-Curtis
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Psychology · #1263191
A story about an abused teen who gets help from a mysterious boy
         Nicole anxiously peered through the window at out side Galveston, the heat from her breath fogging up a small portion of the glass. Noticing this, she exhaled all of her breath onto the dirty window, making it expand. Satisfied, she placed her boney finger on the glass and drew a circle. She then sat back and examined her work before erasing it with her hand and looking back out the window, that’s when she noticed him standing across the street, looking at her with those chocolaty eyes and that slight mysterious smile. His dark brunette hair was a mess and his attire was not much better. Her eyes scanned every inch of him until they rested on his right eye which was bruised and swollen, it reminded her of the gruesome bruise which had started to form just above her breasts. She winced slightly as her fingers caressed it; this wasn’t the first time she suffered like this at the hands of her drunken step father. A small tear streamed down her weathered face, leaving a salted trail behind it. She turned away in shame, only she didn’t know why she was ashamed in front of him, for his life was exactly like hers, or so she assumed.
From the outside looking in, Curtis, for that was his name, and Nicole were perfect strangers, for they never really shared a decent conversation. It was as if they spoke to each other silently, like a forbidden romance. But that eerie silence they shared was just how she liked it. She didn’t like being asked too many questions, she was afraid of them.One could assume that that was what drew Nicole to Curtis in the first place… Or was it him that was drawn to her?
She remembered her first encounter with him clearly. It was exactly three months ago, she remembered the October air, the way it filled her nostrils with the smell of pine cones and the dead golden leaves. How the sky sent shadows over the earth mostly every day along with its wet presents. She prayed that the sun would grace her with its fervid rays, but praying never really did her any good. She had been walking the streets for hours, trying to walk her sadness down into the ground. The beatings from her step father were particularly bad that month. She had the damn bank to thank for that, with their wicked foreclosure on the house.
She walked down the streets hoping to maybe find something that was missing from her life. Maybe lady luck would shed her charms on her, and fill the emptiness inside, for it was as if someone had shot a hole in her heart with a 44 magnum, she always felt cold. Memories of rapid tears and shaky hands swept through her mind, along with the rain that poured down that day, it was as if God was crying with her. She remembered feeling a presence come up behind her, a presence so strong that it made the hairs on her neck stand erect.  “Mind if I walk with ya?” a kind boyish voice asked. Nicole, startled, abruptly turned around, coming face to face with him. He smiled at her and winked. There was something about his smile that sent a blanket of warmth through her. She hesitated at first, a certain fear growing in her stomach, but reluctantly, she nodded. He smiled a small smile and began to walk beside her, his gaze on the path before them. She took in his facial details, the way his smile seemed to hide something but his eyes not able to hide a thing. This was someone who could understand her, and in a weird way…could see right through her.
They walked side by side, not saying a word for the longest time, but it wasn’t an awkward silence, it was a peaceful one. There was a peculiar comforting feeling about the whole scheme, the way his casual stride let her know that there wasn’t any need for conversation, it was as if he was grateful just to be in her presence.
He walked her back to her God forsaken house and bid her good bye. She asked for his name which he hesitantly gave her. She gave him hers in return. “Things will get better Nicole, I promise.” He smiled again before slowly walking off into oblivion. For a split second, she was afraid that she might not see him again, that the comfort and peace she had felt for such a short time would disappear, but a mysterious voice in her head reassured her that she would indeed meet with him again. She remembered watching him turn the corner, look back shortly, and then disappear. She remembered feeling like she had been touched by an angel.
Suddenly her step father’s rugged voice sounded from the living room, bringing her vicously from her thoughts. “Nicole! Get in here girl and bring me a beer!” She winced from his slurred voice, the bruise on her chest slightly hurting. She brought her head back around to the window, where Curtis was still standing, sorrow clouding his face now. It was like he could read her mind. Sometimes, she almost believed he could.
         She didn’t want to stand up, but her body was like a robot, always taking orders with the forbidden law of never disobeying them. Her feet dragged along the floor, attempting to delay the inevitable, but her legs forced them on. They always did this in the hallway leading into the living room, it didn’t really qualify as a room, it was more like a train station, transporting you to every part of the house. It gave Nicole time to think about what was to come, something she hated with a passion.
         The rank smell of alcohol filled her nostrils and gave her an immense headache. She wrinkled her nose and tried to breathe in as she entered the ransacked living room where her step father lay flattened on the couch, beer bottles surrounded him, adding to the smell. His face needed a good shave and his belly a good shrinking. She walked past him as quickly as she could and on into the kitchen in search of his prize. A cockroach scurried across the floor and under the refrigerator which was cracked open. She envied the roach for its ability to hide so easily, if only she were as small as it.
         The fridge creaked as she opened it revealing the large amount of Budweiser’s, not to mention the scarcity of food. Her stomach grumbled at the thought of food. The last time she had had anything to eat was two days ago. Her pale hands grasped a beer and pulled it out of the fridge, the bottle sweating in her hands from the refrigerator door being left open for too long. Her feet made their way back into the living room and towards the drunken man on the couch who was eyeing her down with a lustful look in his eyes. She quickly averted his gaze and stared at the ground, devoid of all emotion. Her hand outstretched, she handed the beer to him from a distance, her bruise beginning to hurt again. He just sat there for a few seconds staring her down, waiting for her to crack and look at him, but she wouldn’t…she couldn’t.
         Tired of the wait, he slapped the beer out of her hand and forced her over to him and on his lap. She struggled slightly but had soon given up, too weak to fight, devoid of all emotion once again. He held her tight, kissing her arms and neck, his musty alcoholic breath invading her senses. His massive brawny hands massaged her skin roughly, hurting her frail bones.  She knew what was going to happen next, and she dreaded it. She tried to find a spot in her mind to hide her self, to disappear to while he had his way with her. Maybe if she tried hard enough, she could pass out, then she wouldn’t have to endure any of it. She whispered for her mother, but as usual, her mother was passed out in the bedroom, to0 drunk to function. No, she couldn’t let him do this; her body had become too frail, too empty. Suddenly, somewhere inside her, a little light of courage sparked, causing her to stir in his grimy arms. She shook her head over and over and began to struggle even more. “…no…please, don’t…no I don’t want this.” She pleaded
         “Shut the hell up you little whore, you’ll do what you’re told.” He muttered angrily, his hold on her becoming stronger.
         “No! This isn’t right, please, let me go!” She pleaded more forcefully this time.  This angered the impatient man. His eyes flashed with vexing annoyance as he flung her down on the couch and slapped her hard across the cheek, a stinging sensation overcame her face, and she felt like it was on fire.
         “Ain’t right? You aint my daughter, you somebody else’s brat. I’m entitled to every inch of you, as a man…I’m entitled to it, no woman gonna tell me what to do, YOU GOT THAT!” He screamed in her face, the rancid breath making her throw up a little in her mouth. His bloodshot eyes stabbed her with anger and lust. She didn’t answer him, she couldn’t. He brought his hand back high in the air and thrust it back down on her face with more force this time, making the whole left side of her cheek go numb. “ANSWER ME!” He commanded. She whispered a timid “yes sir” to him, she couldn’t take it any more, the strength she had found only moments ago had been shot back down again. Now she was back in her emotionless pit of darkness. The man’s weight crushed her bruised and battered body, making it hard for her to breathe. She felt her mind becoming distant from the world around her as she sunk farther and farther into her self, until she was an empty shell.

         It was raining again, which was no surprise, it was always raining. Curtis was walking beside her, his gaze pointed towards the ground. Nicole’s did the same. They had been walking for some time in silence until they came to the beach front. She walked out into the sand and removed her sandals from her feet, letting the grainy earth sieve through her toes. Curtis didn’t take his shoes off; he only looked at her with sullen eyes. He wanted to ask her something, but she could tell he was afraid too.
         “How’d you get that bruise on your eye?” She questioned him, breaking the ice. He responded instantaneously. 
         “Same way you got yours.” His gaze dropped to her chest which she had instinctively covered although there was nothing to hide for her clothing had done the job. Her face reddened and she continued walking, Curtis nipping at her heels. She knew he had already known, he always knew. “I know what he did to you today Nicole, it’s written all over your face. Don’t you wanna talk about it? Maybe I can help?” He questioned like a detective interrogating a witness. This angered her; she hated being questioned about this stuff.
         “Look Curtis, I-I don’t really wanna talk about it, let’s just drop it alright?” her monotone voice kicking in, her shell already beginning to consume her again.
         “Well maybe you need to talk about it, this could ruin your whole life, believe me…I know about this. Please just tell me?” He coaxed. This only angered her further.
         “I don’t need to talk about anything to anyone; I thought this was why we got along so good, because we didn’t talk about this kind of stuff! Now you’re no different than any other loser that thinks they can change the world! Well I got news for ya Curty boy, ya can’t. the world don’t work that way, we’re all dealt a hand, some have better ones than others, we just have to suck it up and live with it. That’s life.” She paused to catch her breath, Curtis standing dumbstruck behind her now, his chocolaty eyes melting like fudge. “And you don’t know anything about ruined lives, you don’t have a clue, so please, just stop with the questions. What’s done is done, can’t change that now. In fact, why don’t you just leave.” Her voice was beginning to get shaky and choppy from the tears that were starting to well up in her eyes. She hadn’t expected him to confront her like this, to put her on the spot, why did he care anyway? Curtis stared at the ground, deeply in thought. His eyes coated in pain. She knew he had a bad home life same as her, and she even felt a tad bit guilty for what she said, but she didn’t regret it. She heard him take in a deep breath and quicken his step to get in front her, blocking her path.
         “I just don’t want you ending up like me Nicole, that’s all…” His head hung on his shoulders and he turned to leave. She watched him walk back up to the sidewalk and progress down it. His shoulders slumped and his hands hung lazily in his pockets. She watched him until he disappeared from sight. A sudden feeling of aloneness crept inside her and soon she was overcome by it. She shrunk down to her knees and sobbed uncontrollably in her hands. She missed Curtis, even though he had only been gone a few seconds, she missed him with all her broken heart. He was the only one she had ever grown close too. All he did was care, that’s what she hated him for, for caring. She was scared to death of that, of someone caring for her. No one had ever cared about her or even taken the time of day to look at her much less. It was an alien custom to her, something she was self-taught to avoid. In her mind, you could never grow to close to anyone, because sooner or later, they would stab you in the back.
         Nicole lay on her small hard bed, fully awake. Her eyes scanned the ceiling, painting imaginary pictures with her mind. Her parent’s voices could be heard from the living room. They shouted and cursed back and forth at each other. She heard her name come up several times, but she was afraid to hear anything else. The occasional sound of broken glass penetrated her ears, making her pull her pillow over her face. Maybe if she tried hard enough, she could disappear into her bed, fat chance. Suddenly the door burst open, making Nicole jump up in reflex. There, standing in the threshold was her wobbling mother, vodka in one hand and a cigarette in the other. She stared at her with hateful eyes and pointed at her, condemning her. “Youuuuu…..youuu, I know what you done, I know what you done with my husband you…you little tramp!” Her voice held pure evil, making Nicole flinch. The way her mother stared at her sent shivers down her spine, this wasn’t her mother, this was someone else. Nicole was speechless for a second, she quickly thought of something to say to defend herself.
         “But…but I didn’t, he wanted, I didn’t want too!” She cried desperately as her mother began to make her way over to her, knocking things over in the process.
         “Yeah that’s what they all say and then before you know it, there half way to Las Vegas, a trail of dust behind them.” She said as she threw her vodka up against the wall. The shattering sound it made seemed to amplify her mother’s rage. She finally wobbled over to Nicole and grabbed her roughly by the arm, making her wince.
         “What are you doin? Momma, what are you gonna do?” She questioned frantically as they entered the hallway, the train station feeling visiting her again. She cried in pain as the cigarette burned her arm. Her mother turned to her and backhanded her across the face.
         “You don’t know the meanin of pain little girl, now you quit that fussin you hear me, or I’ll get your dad on you!” She threatened. That grabbed her attention more than anything else; she didn’t want to face her step father again today, she didn’t think her body nor her mind could bear it. She forced herself to tolerate the burning cigarette; every moment felt like pure hell.
         She dragged her into the living room where her father laid straddled on the couch, a beer in his hand. He looked her up and down and winked. Luckily, her mother didn’t notice this. “Where ya takin er?” He questioned carelessly without looking at her, instead he turned his attention back to the television.
         “I’m takin her where all little tramps belong, outside to sleep with the dawgs, cuz that what she is, a dirty dawg. And I better not catch you out there in the middle of the night with her Judd. Judd you hear me?”
         “Yeah woman! Quit your naggin, throw the girl out, it’s not like I came on to her, I told you she was a tramp, I told ya she was good for nothing, what you expect me to do?” Nicole took this opportunity to plead with her mother while her raged attention was on her step father.
         “But momma, it’s raining outside, please, please don’t make me stay out there!” She pleaded with little hope. Her mother didn’t reply, instead she opened the back door and threw her out into the cold pouring night. She regained her bearings and looked at her mother with pain stricken eyes, pleading eyes.
         “You stay out here and think about what you done, pray to Jesus and ask for forgiveness and repent, you pray to him long and hard you hear? God don’t take little tramps like you into the kingdom of heaven.” And with that she slammed the door shut and locked it. Tears poured freely from Nicole’s eyes, mixing in with the rain which stabbed at her bruised back. She dug her nails into the muddy ground and clenched the moist dirt, squeezing it harshly. She tried to scream but the loud clashes of thunder drowned her out. She wanted Curtis, she needed him. He was the only one who would comfort her, hold her and tell her that everything would be ok even though it wouldn’t be, but she didn’t care, a lie was better than nothing. Her vision was blinded by her tears and her mind clouded with sadness. She wanted to move, to go back to her bedroom and cuddle in her bed, but she couldn’t, she was glued to the spot, afraid to move. Her body curled into a ball on the wet earthly floor where she cried herself into a restless sleep full of nightmares.

         Nicole awakened in a small pond of mud. It had rained so hard that the backyard was flooded. Her joints were aching and stiff from sleeping awkwardly on the hard ground, and when she tried to breathe through her nose she couldn’t because it was full of mucus. Her body felt cold and worn and she shivered all over. She glanced around her and concluded that it was early in the morning, for the air still smelled fresh and young. She forced her self up and tried to work the kinks out of her back. She looked at her house and then at the cyclone fence surrounding the yard, she could climb this. Her pajama pants were soiled with mud but she didn’t care, all she wanted to do was get out of here, she couldn’t go back into that house, not just yet. She walked over to the fence and climbed over it, a sense of freedom overcoming her for a short period of time. She glanced back at her house which was ever so still, she wondered how anything bad could even happen somewhere so quiet, and then she treaded over to the sidewalk and began walking whilst her arms hugged her tightly.
         The beach was silent in the morning; only the birds could be heard singing their songs. The sand was still wet but she didn’t mind, she rather liked looking at the prints her feet made. It wasn’t enough though, she longed for someone, she was missing someone.  “Bad night huh?” an all too familiar voice sounded behind her making her dart around to see Curtis standing before her, his eyes held a pain, a pain that she had noticed for the first time, he had always had. His face had grown more tired since she last saw him. Or had his face always looked like this.
         “You could say that.” She replied quietly, a short silence following. “I thought, well, I hoped I would find you here.” She said shyly.
         “You can find me anywhere Nicole, I’m everywhere.” This confused her but she didn’t say anything. There was an awkward silence between them. Curtis looked out into the ocean, unvoiced thoughts raced across his face.
         “Look, Curtis, I wanna apologize, for yesterday, I didn’t mean what I said, I was just angry, and I shouldn’t have taken it out on you like that. I know that-”
         “Do you like running Nicole?” He questioned, cutting her off without leaving room for an answer. “Because we’re gonna run today, you’re gonna run.” Nicole didn’t know who respond to this.
         “What-why? I hate running, they make me run all the time at school and I hate it.” She argued.
         “Well you’re not gonna run because someone’s making you, you’re gonna run because you want too.”
         “But I hate running! Besides, what the hell does this have to do with anything?” She retorted.
         “It has to do with everything, everything you know, everything you feel. I know you hate it, but you’re gonna use that hate to fuel your self.” Nicole shot him a confused look
         “You’re gonna run on pure emotion until you can’t run no more. You gotta free yourself. You gotta take that hate and fear that you have bottled up inside you and let it out, just let it go.” His voice possessed the utmost sincerity. She knew then that he wasn’t going to back down until she obliged him. She gave him one last look before nodding her head. 
         “Alright, fine, let’s do it.” Curtis smiled, and this time it wasn’t a small one, it was his warmest biggest one yet. She glanced at him one more time before getting her self ready to take off, she couldn’t help but feel stupid, but Curtis wanted her to do this, and she owed it him.
         “Think of your step dad, the things he’s done to you, the hate you feel for him, you wished he was dead didn’t you. You’re angry at him for causing you so much hurt, for turning your mother against you. You hate him so much you could kill him right now…” Curtis drilled into her.
         Nicole’s face reddened in fury, she did hate him, she did wish him dead, she wanted him gone from her life. Anger started to spill through her veins, an anger she didn’t know she possessed. It felt good.
         “Tell him you hate him! Let him know how you feel Nicole!”
         “I don’t understand, why?”
         “TELL HIM RIGHT NOW NICOLE!” He commanded.
         “He’s not even here!”
         “You’re not doing it for him; you’re doing it for you!” Suddenly it all made sense, she didn’t know how but it did.
“I HATE YOU!” She screamed at the top of her lungs. Curtis took this as his cue and began running across the beach at top speed
         “SHE HATES YOU!” He screamed after her. Nicole felt herself propel from the ground and begin running as fast as she could after Curtis.
         “I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU!” She screamed over and over, a feeling of ecstasy washing over her 
         “I’M NOT AFRAID OF YOU! DO YOU HEAR ME? IM NOT AFRAID OF YOU ANYMORE!” she suddenly felt the empty hole in her heart begin to fill itself. Bravery replaced fear, and sudden reality cancelled out her timid mind, making her feel like a lion. She didn’t quit running though, she needed to run, and she wanted to run. The running was her drug, it was transforming her, and Curtis was transforming her, something inside her told her that this was his plan all along.
         Curtis had finally stopped but Nicole kept running, memories flooded through her mind one after the other like a freight train. It only gave her more energy. She knew what she wanted out of life now; she had finally realized that this world had not consumed her.
         Finally she stopped, a big smile plastered on her small delicate face, and turned back around to shout something to Curtis but he was no where in sight. Her head whipped in every direction but still no sign of him, he was gone. Her first instinct was to go and look for him, to thank him and throw her self in his arms, but somehow she knew he was ok, if not better. In his quest for rescuing her, a little bit of him had been rescued too. She smiled to her self and walked towards home, sure she would see him again.
         Her house looked different when she returned, it didn’t look so scary, and the apprehension she almost all the time felt, was gone. “Have to do it sooner or later.” She said to herself as she stood up straight and took a deep breath, but she didn’t move, fear began to leak back into her heart. Now that she was finally here, at this stage, she didn’t know if she could go through with it. Her hands began to shake with consternation and she felt herself backing away. Suddenly a rough wind blew through her hair and scooted her closer to the house, a sudden warm feeling overcame her, it spoke to her, urging her to go forward. She didn’t know if she could though, she didn’t know if she was brave enough, if she was strong enough. The wind blew again, harder this time, and she immediately got the feeling that someone was here with her, helping her. She was not alone. She took in another deep breath and slowly edged forward, straightening her straggly hair in the process. “Come on Nikki, you can do this, you have too.” She coaxed herself.
         It seemed like forever when she finally reached the door and placed her hands on the knob. She hesitated a minute before entering the all too familiar hell she had resided in for so many years.

         It wasn’t long before her step father tried his usual stuff on her, but she was ready for it, even though she didn’t know it. “Don’t you EVER touch me again you sick freak, you have no right to touch me!” He was a bit taken aback by this but soon had raised his hand to strike her. She ducked out of the way, letting the staggering drunk fall into the wall and down onto the floor. Nicole had left him there, and ran all the way down to the police station, her heart in a frenzy all the way there. She burst through the doors and began crying. The looks she received from police officers reminded her that this was not a dream, this was really happening. One of the police officers, a middle aged woman ran over to her and placed her arm delicately on her shoulder. Nicole looked at her, she studied her face, here was the next step, speaking.
She spilled everything, about her mother, about her step father and the things he had done to her. She was embarrassed at first but the attitudes she got from the various police officers warmed her and made her feel like she was worth something. She had never seen so much kindness, nor had she ever been offered something to eat so many times in her life. They let her know that she had taken a very brave step with coming forward, and that maybe, other girls would follow in my footsteps. That lit Nicole’s heart up, she had actually done something good in her life, and it made her feel like a super hero she had read about in the comic books. Sure she knew things wouldn’t happen over night and that a hard road was a head of her, but for the first time in her life, she felt real. She had been born again, and it felt great. There was one day though that she would remember clearly for the rest of her life.
         A few weeks had passed since the police station, and now she resided in a shelter for now. Every week she would meet with a social worker. Today she had a meeting with her social worker, Nancy Craigs. Her chubby build and button nose added to her sweet character. Nicole liked her. Nancy always asked her questions about her home life and the things her step father did to her. Nicole always felt weird about answering these questions but Miss Craigs insisted that the information was vital for court. She made an effort to tell her that these things would help put her step father away.
One day they were sitting across from each other and eating a great lunch of sub sandwiches when Nicole blurted out what had been on the tip of her tongue for quite a long time now.
         “Ummmm Miss Craigs?”
         “Yes Dear.”
         “I was just wondering about a certain boy, he’d be about my age now and I was kind of worried for him.”
         “Oh, and why would you be worried for him?” Miss Craigs raised her eyebrows at this.
         “Well he helped me, he helped me a lot and I know that he goes home the same thing I do, I kinda wanted to…to help him, like he helped me. I thought I would have seen him again, but I haven’t, and now I don’t know if I’ll ever see him again.”
         “Well what’s his name dear?” She hesitated slightly before revealing his name.
         “Curtis, I don’t know his last name though, he never gave it.” Miss Craigs eyes looked curiously at her before she began rummaging through her files. Nicole was confused by this. “What’s wrong?” She asked. The social worker continued searching through the file cabinet until she found what she was looking for. She pulled out a piece of paper with a picture of someone on it. She then held it up for Nicole to see.
         “Is this the boy you’re talking about?” She asked skeptically. Sure enough, there was Curtis looking blankly through the picture, pain eroding from his eyes.
         “Oh! That’s him! Is he here, can I see him?” She was practically jumping up and down in her seat. She half expected Nancy tp share her joy, but she had gotten very quiet.
         “Nicole, now be honest with me, when was the last time you saw this boy?” She questioned seriously.
         “…umm…just a few weeks ago, he saved my life….is there something wrong?”
         “Baby, I hate to be one to tell you this, but the boy in this picture died six years ago, we weren’t able to save him.” She looked deep into Nicole’s eyes which were starting to tear up.
         “What, how?” She questioned angrily in disbelief.
         “It was a suicide, he wasn’t lucky enough to get help like you did. I’m sorry sweety, maybe you have him confused with someone else. I’m quite certain you do.”
         Nicole shook her head slowly, she knew it was him, and now everything made sense. The warm feeling she got from him, the strong wind outside her house urging her to move forward, to change her life. Yes, she understood now. She looked at the floor, trying to conceal the tears which had begun form. Why did he have to be dead? Why couldn’t he have escaped like she had? He had been so strong for her! A sudden feeling of guilt overcame her. If she had only been there for him like he had been there for her, he would be here, sitting next to her. Her clenched her fists tightly and felt her face screw up with anger. Nancy caught on to what was about to happen and she tried to comfort Nicole.
         “Honey, it’s going to be ok. We’ll get through this.” She said kindly.
         “How do you know? You didn’t know him! You could’ve helped him but you didn’t! DON’T TOUCH ME!” She screamed as the social worker reached out to comfort her. And before she knew it, she was running out of the office at top speed, sobbing uncontrollably. She heard people shouting for her but she didn’t care, she just wanted to get out of here, and she knew exactly where to go.

         The beach had never been so beautiful then it was now. Nicole had already removed her shoes and let the sand caress her small feet. Her tear droplets running off her cheeks and hitting the ground like bombs. She felt her knees go weak and soon she had fallen, the sand getting all over her hands and knees. “Why did you leave me? WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME?” She began shouting. Silence, wind, then more silence.
         “ANSWER ME!” She screamed once more before sprinting through the sand. She ran as fast and as hard as she could, running on pure emotion, like he had told her to do. “I’M DOING IT! CURTIS I’M RUNNING!” she shouted at the sky.
         “Of course you are…” A familiar boyish voice sounded beside her. She abruptly turned to see Curtis there running beside her, his face lit up with joy and a magnificent smile on his face. Nicole immediately forgot herself and tumbled to the ground, her gaze never leaving him. He stopped and held his hand out to her which she hesitantly grasped in hers. A calm force brought her to her feet. She studied Curtis’s face, and noticed how it had changed. His eyes were no longer eroding with pain, they were calm and loving and full of hope. Then before she knew it, she had thrown herself in his warm arms where he cradled her and held her close. They didn’t say anything to each other, they just held on.
         She felt him pull away from her, and found herself staring into his chocolaty eyes. She knew this was goodbye and he was doing it in his own way, she felt herself crying again and fell back into his arms. 
         “Thank you Nicole.” He said in her ear.
         “Thank you for what?” She asked, wiping her tears on his shoulder.
         “For saving me.” And with that he was gone. A strong wind blew through her hair once more and she knew it was him, she looked out at the ocean and then back towards the shelter, she would see him again, but not now.
         “I love you Curtis…”she whispered.

© Copyright 2007 ElizabethStrange (xanadu at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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