Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1262927-Order-Of-Blood-Zubins-Fate-Prologue
by Zubin
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1262927
Life's no bore when you're a vampire, about to be sacrificed by a cult, and you're just 16
Order of Blood - Zubin's Fate

Chapter One: Scars Of The Past

It was a full moon that lighted their path as they hurried to the Tower. Twelve figures, all with hooded robes, were walking with a sense of haste. The last two were carrying a bound and gagged woman who was late into her pregnancy. As they made their way closer to their goal the woods silenced in their presence, they could sense the evil.

"How much more time do we have" The robed figure in front said, her voice sounding like poisoned honey.

"Her contractions are five minutes apart" answered one of the men carrying the woman, "we have enough time."

"Perfect" whispered the woman as the Tower came into view.


The Tower was imposing, even if it was almost a ruin. Eight stories high with just two exits, the padlocked door at its base and the barred window at the top. The tower also had a certain power on those in its vicinity. In the towers area you could feel its previous owners rage, despair, and want of freedom. Candle would be blown out without wind and batteries would be drained. But the robed ones could see every blade of grass as if the sun was in the middle of the sky with the light of the moon.

As they neared the doors they showed no surprise as the padlock fell to the ground, unlocked without the key.


They climbed up the eight stories, silent except for the moans of the woman in labor. The stairs ended in a single room containing nothing but a woman's corpse. As the group entered the room the bound woman tried to break her bond and scream a name when she saw the corpse but was knocked unconscious with a syringe into her jugular. As was planned, her body was placed next to the corpse as the moonlight fell onto both of them. The twelve then pulled down their hoods and stood in a circle around the two women as the leader of the group started her speech.

"Four hundred years we have waited for this night. This night four hundred years ago our Countess said with her dieing breath that she would someday return. Today is that day. As the prophesy states, the first son of the Bathory clan will be born tonight. We will give his blood to the Countess and she will live again!" declared the woman, "Get the child." As one of the hooded ones pulled out a ceremonial dagger the mother worked the gag of and yelled out.


As her stomach was spilled open she fell silent.


"Hurry! The guards will have heard her scream!" The woman said with fear in her eyes.
The child covered with blood was handed to her. As she touched him, the child started crying loudly, almost drowning out the footsteps of the Tower guard running up the stairs with superhuman speed.

"GIVE ME THE KNIFE! NOW!" the woman yelled over the babies shriek, “TAKE THIS SACRIFICE, MY QUEEN! AND RETURN TO YOUR GLORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The knife swung toward the child's neck as a bullet blasted into the robed leader's skull, killing her instantly and making her drop the child. As one of the soldiers grabbed the child and comforted him, the rest shot the remaining robed ones with a single bullet between the eyes for each of them.

As the last one slumped to the ground, the child's mother, forgotten in the mayhem, called to the soldier holding her child.

With a small breath she whispered to the soldier

"Take care of my little Zubin."

As she closed her eyes with peace, sixeen year old Zubin woke in a cold sweat.

© Copyright 2007 Zubin (fullmoonpred at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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