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by david
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1262877
version 1.of a story, about doing whatever it takes to protect someone,2.0 will be better
The Test VERSION 1.0 (title of assinament only temporary)
this was a school assinament,it was write a story about a type of test.2.0 will be much better and longer more plot twist,action,and twilight level of love
note to Emily,MS and any other readers some things are a little stupid sounding due to the limited time i had to think.To get it done faster I'm copying the wriiten one exactly.Also due to time not enough details yet or main plot line but Emily is wanting to read this and it helps with thought process,some things like passion were left out due to the teacher reading it.also ignore caplitazation for now.i really don't like the ending but the story needed to end.most will not be used again just the main concept,yes its boring but again time limit.

My name is Sam I just recently turned sixteen on March 23,2007.I live in Vicksburg,Maine an with a small population of 10,000.I alawys thought I was your normal everyday kid you know a girlfriend,two foster parents and an a and b student in school.that all changed a few weeks ago when some mysterious documents surfaced for me.the strange thing was i was the only one who could open it.many have alawys said they would risk there there lives or even give there lives to protect someone but few have been faced with that problem.
end prolgue

it all started as a normal day in april,rainy.i was in english talking back and forth between my girlfriend Hannah which i cared ever so much for and my best friend edward.hannah was pretty tall 5' 7'' standing over me by a few inches with her rich brown hair down to her shouders matching her eyes but her spin was pretty light.standing side by side we could almost have looked related with almost identical hair color(hers was slightly lighter), eyes and same pale skin.

she was saying to me ''do you want to go with me while i shop then we can go to the movies this weekend.''
naturally i was up for anything with her so i said yes.just then the phone rang.

ms kinnrick said''sam your foster parents said to get home right now and don't be slow about it.''

so many things were running through my mind.what if something happenned to them.if i were to get home quickly it must be important.sam i will call you later.it may be kind of late though because i have no idea what has happenned.

by the time i ran the half mile home home as fast as i could i was already panting.i walked into the house my foster parents were standing right inside the door.

mom said with a hint of panick''this just surfaced today its some documentabout your past most likely .the front of it sais it can only be opened by you.strangly no one else can get this open.you had better give it a try.''

i took the document and carefully tryed to open it.it opened quite easily in fact and right there at the top it said''you must first read this before you decide to show it to anyone else.most of what is contained in this document is pretty hard to believe but it is 100% true.i then rushed up to my room to read what it said.when i came back down my parents wanted to now what it said.mom and dad this document is pretty hard to believe.
please don't interupt until i finish.i am the final heir to an ancient power as old as time itself.once every 1000 years the next person in my family the power called red gem appears.the rest in time it remains undetectible.it allows the person to distort the planent in any way they choose.once the four year period has pasted since it was noticable which was on my sixteenth birthday.when i move my hand over this place on the paper it glows but doesn't for anyone else.Its reeally not a problem though in a few years i can get rid of the red gem.

dad spoke after a minute''if what you say is true then we will just ignore it.''

(i can't beleive i'm lying through my teeth right now and there actually beleiving i can get rid of it)i dashed upstairs as fast as i could to call hannah it was only 5 she may not be expecting my call yet.Of course she wanted to see what the thing said but like i was going to complain about seeing hannah i mean she made standing around while she shopped fun.I have a feeling this going to ruin her mood though.when she came over i handed her the document,

She read it than asked in her curiuos little voice'' is true or is it one of your little jokes but you look serious''

yes its all true and i showed her the glow.I thought she would be upset or freaked out but she was fine.

hannah responded sweetly''i believe and trust you and it won't change anything between us and i mean it.you didn't ask for this.

hannah only you could take this so well.this may test me to my limits but i can get through anything as long as i have you.you had better be getting home though its getting late.she slowly and unwilling left.

the next day saturday a letter came in the mail.this in no waycan be good i was thinking.the letter reads as follows

dear heir
i know all about you and the red gem you carry.i want that power for good you are the only living heir.i am giving you two choices.you can either live and let hannah die all thanks to you.optinion two go to a certain location which will be told depending on your response.you will then walk into the flames destroying you the final heir.send your answer today before its too late.

i really didn't have to think at all for my deision.there was no way i was going to let her die on my account.for that matter i wasn't going to lrt her die either way even if it wasn't my fault.i cared too deeply to let that happen to her.i quickly sent my reply that day.on monday i recieved a short responce.

dear heir,
you have made a wise choice.if you in anyway back out now i will kill anyone close to you.you must travel to a cave near the rocky mountains where two latidude and lonitude lines intersect.

the next day i didn't even bother with school i took a plane that landed as close as possible to my destination.from there it was a 2 mile hike.i reached the cave it wasn't hard to miss it was filled with flames.i walked quickly into the flames.the flames licked at my body slowly destroying me i said at least hannah is safe and thats all that matters.

most of you may be wondering how the last part was written since sam couldn't tell you.it was i edward and hannah who gathered all of this from the letter he left for hannah and a small camera with audio and visual feed attached to it.i knew what he was up to but didn't tell hannah till later.the last thing he said was not to tell hannah until after the camera was destroyed.hannah and i thought it best everyone know the story of sam.in his letter to hannah he told her how deeply he felt about her.unfortantly sam's plan didn't work as well as he thought it would have though.its been weeks and she 's still not even close to speaking in full sentences.sam was one of the few who threw his life away for someone.many may say asolider does the same but a soldier has a chance of returnning but sam didn't.sam knew he was never returnning from his trip.some might call him crazy but he is definatly a hero at least to me.the following is part of the letter sam sent to hannah.the rest was just what you already now know or personal.

dear hannah,
i just wanted you to know that none of this was in any way your fault.i may not have chosen to be the heir to ancient secret but i am.i refuse to let someone kill you because of it so i am doing the only thing i can to protect you and keep you alive.

end school crap version

congradulations if your reading this you finished 1.0,
here's a small taste of whats planned for 2.0,3 heirs and different gems and an epic battle but between who
i really appicate any feedback,i would prefer ypou be honest no matter how bad it is
© Copyright 2007 david (david4194 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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