Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1262511-Minus-One-part-One
Rated: ASR · Fiction · Religious · #1262511
First installment of Minus One. It was formatted in Word please ignore formatting issues.
Minus One  i

Minus One

Chad Simons

Minus One  ii

A Prayer to the Lord

    Lord, I write this book for You, and only with Your approval, do I write this book. I ask for Your guidance in the creation of these characters, the plot, the storyline, the backdrop, the places, and I ask that You let this book help and inspire those in need of help, inspiration, or both.
    I ask that this book serve Your purposes and only Your purposes. Let this book bring joy and happiness into the lives of others, and let this book be written in Your praise.

In Your Holy Name, Amen.

    At the time I am writing this, I have no idea what this book is going to be about. I just know that this book will Praise the Lord, our God, and it is something that He wants done. I am writing under a pseudonym, not in fear of others finding out that I'm a Christian (the people that are close to me, and some not-so-close already know that I am), but because I do not feel that I deserve the credit for writing this book, the credit goes to God, and also because I have two young children and a wife. If this book gets published, I do not want my children to be exposed to the frenzy that is the media. Maybe once they get older, I will reveal my true identity, and only if God wants me too. I do hope you will enjoy this story as much as I know I will enjoy writing it. As for the title, write now, I have no clue what it means, it was the title that popped into my head. I guess we'll find out together.

Yours Truly,
Chad Simons

Minus One  1

    Chapter One
    Welcome to the town of Jade, Arizona. Jade is a small town south of the Grand Canyon and a small population of 900 people, approximately. When a tourist occasionally drives through Jade, the don't stop. It's not because anything is wrong with the town, they just don't think anybody lives here. Jade has the appearance of an old western ghost town with most of the houses boarded up, and the few children at the school in the next town over, tourists don't really have much to go on.
    One of those children is my son, 12-year-old, Gabriel Michaels. Gabriel is an exceptionally bright boy, with short, brown hair, and sky-blue eyes. He looks older than 12, and almost every year at school, I have to provide his birth certificate to proves that he's not too old for school and he's in the right grade. Although, as I mentioned before, Gabe is a very intelligent boy, he has never been skipped ahead a grade. They did offer to skip him ahead once, but he absolutely refused the idea, saying that he would like to stay with his friends and be treated as their equals. I told him that was a very noble thing and to this day, I'm extremely proud of what he did.
    I'm on my way to the school today, actually, to provide the birth certificate I'm routinely asked for to a new teacher. She couldn't believe that my son was really only twelve, and thought he was playing some sort of prank on her. I pretended that I didn't really want to drive all of the way to Eden to handle such a silly matter, however I was overjoyed to meet the new teacher who was going to have to handle my bundle-of-joy.

  Minus One  2
    Having a highly-intelligent twelve year old in your class would seem like a blessing to some teachers, but once they start the class, they find out that it can actually be a curse or a burden. I've had quite a few letters from teachers politely asking that I tell my son to not speak up so much in class, and even one asking that he not keep proving the teacher wrong in the class.
    I had to laugh at that one, but I explained to my son that instead of embarrassing his teacher during class, it would be more proper to explain the teacher's misinterpretations after class when nobody else was around to see him fluster. Gabe agreed and felt bad that he really embarrassed his teacher, and that was the last I ever received a letter from that certain teacher.
    That's why I was surprised to hear the name again over the phone again. Although what really caught me by surprise was the female voice. Gabe's previous teacher had been a male, Mr. Benjamin Wiley, however, his new teacher's name was Ms. Sabrina Wiley. Although, Eden is a little bit bigger than Jade and has a school, it isn't that much bigger. In fact, there is only one school for grades Kindergarten through 12. Ms. Wiley most certainly had to be related or at least knew Gabe's previous teacher, Mr. Wiley. My curiosity got the better of me, and that is the main reason I am looking forward to meeting Ms. Wiley today.

Minus One  3
Chapter 2
Eden Premier Academy
    Welcome to Eden Premier Academy, for grades Kindergarten through Twelve. Although the name sounds like a private school, Eden Premier is a public school with public funding, sports teams, a marching band, and a choir. While the marching band only has 50 members and the sports teams 10-20, they're still considered the best in the state of Arizona.
    None of that matters to me, though, I'm not into that kind of thing. Most people would consider me a geek, knowing things that a normal 12-year-old shouldn't know. Heck, even my teachers get annoyed with me sometimes, when I end up proving them wrong at something they believed and taught for so many years. I try not to embarrass them in class anymore, though, but sometimes it's so hard not to.
    Although, today, it was a little bit different than the other first day's at school. My dad refuses to understand why a bright boy like myself absolutely hates the first day of school every year. It's probably because everywhere I go, somebody always asks "Aren't you too old to be here?" or "Are you positive you're in the right grade?" And it always ends with the same result: my teacher not believe me and thinking I'm playing a prank, getting sent to the Principle's office and waiting for my father to bring my birth certificate all of the way from Jade. Only this year I thought it was going to be different.
    My teacher's name is Ms. Wiley, and I'm pretty sure she's related to Mr. Wiley, my third grade teacher. That's why I thought today would go off without a hitch and didn't put up a good fight going to school today. I was positive Mr. Wiley would have told is relative about me and about

Minus One  4
my real age. He must have forgot, because, like always, I'm sitting here in Principle McGavin's office waiting for my father, again.
    "Son, I don't know why you're being so stubborn." Mr. McGavin said, "Just tell us you're real age and we'll get you in the right class."
    "I'm telling you the truth. I'm only twelve. I'm supposed to be in the seventh grade. Ask any of my previous teachers, they'll tell you. I go through this same thing each year at this school. Ask the previous principal, she'll tell you as well." I politely told the Principle.
    "Alright, I guess we'll just have to wait until your father shows up to settle this matter. I just can't understand why you have to be so stubborn." McGavin said as he walked into his office and closed the door.
    You would think with this being the only school I've attended since Kindergarten, the teachers and principles would have realized that I'm not lying about my age by now. However, I know the principles change here every year, and after their year, they're never seen from or heard from again.
    "Probably to keep things interesting." That's what my friend Jamie said one time. Yes, it definitely kept things interesting, and annoying, at least, for me, that is.
    I've only tried to locate one of my previous teachers once, though. I was going to have her to come to the Principle's office on the first day of school and politely tell the new Principle that I was the age I claimed to be. When I reached her classroom, it was arranged differently, and there was a man teaching the class. There went that idea and I spent the rest of the day in the Principle's office waiting for my father.

Minus One  5

    Chapter Three
Terribly Wrong
    A tall, older man sat tied to a chair in the corner. There was a rope gag in his mouth preventing him from talking or making any noises to alert the students upstairs. His hands were tied behind his back to the chair and his feet, each tied to the legs of the chair.
    A short, dumpy man that looked like an Oompa-Loompa walked up to the man an removed the gag from his mouth. Surprisingly, the man didn't try and scream this time. Maybe he was getting the idea, the short one thought.
    "What's she doing here?" he asked the man tied to the chair.
    "How am I supposed to know? We cut all family ties when we agree to come here, remember?" the tall man replied.
    "You didn't write her or anything?"
    "No, how could I? The overseers monitor everything we do. If I did, surely they would've found out. I have no idea what my niece is doing here. At first, I thought the overseers sent her the invitation." the tall man said.
    "Why would we do that? We'd never invite a family member here." the dumpy fellow said, quite sternly. He wasn't sure whether to believe this subject or not.
    "I realized that after you tied me to the chair and starting asking me these questions." the tall man said.
Minus One 6
    Just then, another shadow walked into the room. He stayed in the shadows to avoid being seen and asked "What have you learned, Gren?"
    The short, dumpy man replied "He know's nothing and is telling us the truth. Something's wrong, Gallen, something's terribly wrong."
    The shadow hissed "Keep him here. We'll deal with her."
      "Noooooo!" the tall man screamed before he was gagged and sedated again.

Minus One  7
Chapter Four
Practical Jokes
      I walked into the Principle's Office and found Gabe sitting on the couch, looking bored and frustrated. I can't imagine how it feels to go through this every year at school. Unlike Gabe, I attended schools in El Paso, Texas before I graduated and moved out here. I wasn't as bright or as mature-looking as Gabe when I was twelve either.
    "Another new Principle?" I asked him. He nodded silently and pointed towards the closed door. "I'm sorry, Gabe. I don't know why they can't keep a Principle around here."
    I walked up to the door and was about to knock when the door came open and a tall, tall man stepped out. This man had to be at least 6'3" tall, had a crew-cut hairstyle, and was probably Mr. Muscle Man last year. Did I mention he was tall?
    "Ahh, Mr. Johnson, I presume?" the tall man said in a deep voice that made me shiver all the way down to the bone. He stuck out his hand to shake mine and reluctantly I agreed.
    "It's nice to meet you, Mr, umm.." I said, remembering that I forgot to read the new name on the door."
    "McGavin. Mr. McGavin" he said sternly as he gripped my hand for the most painful handshake I've ever endured. I think I almost passed out from the pain that went shooting all of the way up my arm and into my shoulder.
    "You're son's quite the prankster, Mr. Johnson. He refuses to tell us his real age and grade, and even has his friends in on the game. He insists that he is twelve years old and belongs in the seventh grade." McGavin once again said sternly, as if disciplining me, instead of Gabe.

    Minus One  7
    "Actually, Mr. McGavin, sir. He is twelve and does indeed belong in the seventh grade. Although, he is exceptionally bright, he's never been skipped ahead, and refuses to be skipped ahead when asked."
    Mr. McGavin's face grew extremely red with anger, as if he thought I was playing the same prank that Gabe was. 'Wow,' I thought, 'they've never gotten this angry before. Most of them just laughed and felt sheepish after Gabe proved them wrong.'
    "MR. JOHNSON!" the stern Principle yelled. "I have no time for these games. Please take your son home and come back when you two are through with them."
    I was in shock, to say the last, at this guy's audacity to yell at me, and then tell me to take my son home. If this hadn't been the only school in the area, I would have withdrawn my son right then and there. But I didn't, I politely handed the birth certificate to Mr. McGavin, and stood there with my hands behind my back.
    McGavin grabbed the certificate from me angrily and began to look at it intensively, as if searching for some sign that it was fraudulent. I imagine he couldn't find one because of the astonished look on his face, and because he quietly said "You may go now, Mr. Johnson. I'll make sure your son is escorted back to his class. I'm sorry for any inconvenience."
    I gave Gabe a hug, and I noticed that he was chuckling quietly, so I whispered "Behave" into his ear and left the school.

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Chapter Five
A New Teacher
    As I was walking down the hallway, being escorted by the new secretary, Mrs. Graham, I thought I heard a faint scream. When I turned around to look, Mrs. Graham just pulled me forward to my new class, as if trying to hide something from me. I know strange things happen, and sure they've happened here before, but this day just takes the cake.
    As we reached the classroom, I noticed two things were different. First, the name on the door has been changed to Mr. Marison, and secondly, Ms. Wiley was no longer in the classroom and had been replaced by a tall, skinny man, presumably Mr. Marison.
    "Where's Ms. Wiley?" I asked Mrs. Graham. Mrs. Graham just stared straight ahead and ignored me. When she finally spoke, it wasn't to me, it was to the new teacher.
    "Mr. Marison, this is Gabriel Johnson. He is indeed twelve years old, and he belongs in your class for the rest of the year."
    Mr. Marison looked at me so sternly and his eyes just had this look to them that made me shiver. His pupils were so black that it looked like he didn't have pupils at all, just holes.
    "I trust we won't be late again, Mr. Johnson." the new teacher said coldly, as if everything was my fault.
      I was too scared to mount a defense, or to say anything at all. I just nodded and took a seat at the back of the classroom. Normally, I sit at the front of the classroom, but this time, I sat in the furthest seat back. I wanted to be the furthest away from this new teacher as possible, for some reason.

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    The rest of the day went by like a blur, and I don't remember too much about it, only that I was glad it was over, and was even happier when my dad arrived to pick me up from school. Dad pulled up in his 1998 Chevy Cavalier. It's not the best car around, but it gets us around.
    "Hey, dad, glad you're here." I exclaimed without thinking.
    "Really? Usually I have to pry you away from school. Something up?" Dad asked.
    "No, it's just a weird day I guess. I'm glad it's over. My new teacher, Mr. Marison is a real doozy." I blurted out again without thinking.
    "I thought the card we got in the mail said your teacher was Mrs. Wiley. She's the one who called me earlier today, too, asking that I come in to verify your age." Dad asked me, sounding confused.
    "I don't know what happened. When I got back to class, Mr. Marison was there, and Mrs. Wiley was gone. Mr. Marison really creeps me out though.
    "I'm sure everything will be fine. They have to do background checks and everything now on everyone they hire for public positions." Dad replied calmly.
    "Yeah, you're right." I said as we pulled away and drove home.

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Chapter Six
Not Monsters
    In the same dark corner as the tall, older man sat tied to the chair sat another figure tied to a chair. This one was a female with shoulder-length blonde hair, probably in her twenties. Except for the bruises on her face, her facial features were well-kept and beautiful.
    "Why are you here?" the small, dumpy man named Gren asked the female.
    "I came to put a stop to the evil here." the female replied.
    "That's going to be quite hard when you're dead." Gren replied.
    "Others like me will come if you kill me. My uncle used to be like me until he was transformed by your evil ways." the blonde replied.
    "Yeah, right. Gamble was never like you. He came to us willingly. You'll come to us too, eventually. You just have a stronger will than your uncle." Gren stated blandly.
      The looming shadowy figured entered again and even Gren trembled at the sight of Gallen.
"What have you learned, Gren?" Gallen bellowed.
    "She's a strong one, this one. She actually thought she could stop us. But she will be transformed by morning." Gren replied.
    "Just make sure nothing else goes wrong, and please dispose of Wiley's body, his stench is starting to make its way upstairs. We don't want the students questioning the smell. That could become another issue that we don't need." Gallen said.
    "Gamble?" the blonde cried. "What have you done with him? You monsters!"
    "Not monsters, my dear..." Gren replied softly and caressed the blonde's hair as she cringed at his touch. "No, not monsters, but...."
© Copyright 2007 Chad Simons (leftconcerned at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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