Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1261552-Dogs-Life-a-Harrow-house-tale-inprogres
by rickw
Rated: 18+ · Script/Play · Ghost · #1261552
script for a proposed tv show called Harrow House
Sceen 1 shot 1 : Ext of a house this is it looks like any OLD house

shot 2 : INT: longshot of an office theres one person there sitting at a desk CARETAKER: (writing as he speaks) Today a new family is coming to buy the house, I hope they like dogs. (off in the distance a dog barks) yes, yes, you damned dog maybe today you will find your masters .

shot 3 EXT: A Couple with a young girl pull up to frount door.
MR.Thompson: kinda outa the way, but so far I like it what do you think hun?

MRS. Thompson: I don't know steve but we're here now.
A child of about 10 gets out of the car they go up to the frount door and knock.
Shot 4 EXT med shot of door as it opens:
CARETAKER: Ah MR&MRS Thompson & and young Mrs Thompson,please come in welcome to Harrow House
MR&MRS Thompson: thank you

shot 5 :long shot as caretaker takes them to the office

SCEEN 2: med shot of them in the office

CARETAKER:can I offer you some tea before I show you around and we sign the papper work?

MRS,THOMSON: yes thank you

MR THOMPSON :no thanks lets get down to bussness mr? I don't think I cought your name.

close up CARETAKER: yes lets get on with it than and your right mr. thompson I did not I'am the caretaker you may call me anything you wish if you'd rather call me other than that. I under stand your both artists. we've had many artists here as a matter of fact we have a galerey of thier work.

KAT: mommy,daddy can I go outside and play?

a dogs bark is heard from outside

Cut to :EXT: the dog going up to car sniffing at the doors

Cut to INT: MR. THOMPSON: kat stop your whining we're talking now

CARETAKER: kat if you wish you can play in the back yard of your house have fun

Shot 6 : fallows her out the door

Cut to: Kat playing in back near woods Close up of dog watching her

KAT : come here boy come here

dogcomes up sniffs kat. sits and moves frount legs and paws up and down.

KAT: what a good dog. wonder if momand dad will let me keep you, doubt it

Sceen 3 The CARETAKER and MR&MRS.THOMPSON are in the Galery

they're by a painting of a girl in a dog house with a rope around her neck like a leach
CARETAKER: no one knows who the artist was what is sure is he or she stayed here

MRS THOMPSON: who would do that to a child ? and why paint such a thing?

CARETAKER: well they say humans are cruel to each other why wouldn't they do that ?

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1261552-Dogs-Life-a-Harrow-house-tale-inprogres