Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1259973-Night-Music
Rated: GC · Fiction · Adult · #1259973
Nothing too deep and meaningful, just a bit of heat during a night at the symphony.
The lights dim and the murmur of the crowd silences as the conductor steps onto his podium, baton raised. As the strings of Mozart’s Symphony No. 40 swell through the theatre you take my hand and hold it on your thigh. What madness possessed us to come to the concert tonight instead of going straight to the hotel? Sure, anticipation will build and the tension will make for more explosive love-making, but we’ve been apart for so long that delaying the moment is pure torture.

I steal a sideways glance at you and squeeze my legs together in a futile attempt to stop the growing need to have you touch where the dampness is seeping into my panties.

I feel the heat of your thigh through the fabric of your trousers and my fingers itch to feel the skin underneath. You look so good wearing the dinner suit that is so sexy on you. I want to slide my hand under the soft white shirt and feel if your nipples are as hard as mine, but your face gives nothing away as you concentrate on the orchestra. I know you well enough now to know that the same desire to feel each other naked, pressed against each other in the heat of unrestrained fucking is burning in your veins. Your restraint is under more control than mine.

My fingers begin to draw lazy circles and you make no move to stop me when my hand moves to your inner thigh, nor when I move my hand higher. You merely draw one side of your coat over to conceal your lap. Under cover of the coat you lower the zip and I need no encouragement to slide my fingers inside.

Free now to explore, I quickly find your cock, hard and hot, and am rewarded by your sudden intake of breath when I close my fingers over it. I stroke you. Slow, lazy strokes, relishing the feel of the soft, smooth head in my palm before sliding my fingers back down again, and again. The music plays on, our eyes never moving from the stage.

Interval approaches and I reluctantly withdraw my hand so you can make yourself respectable before the house lights come up. We stand, pressed together by the row of patrons eager to get to the bar but stopped by the backlog of people in front of us. Your arms snake around my waist from behind, pulling me against you and I feel your hard cock against my arse. 'Can't wait to be inside you’ you whisper in my ear and I wriggle my behind against you in silent agreement.

We mingle with the crowd and make small talk with whoever happens to be nearby. Our eyes meet and you run the tip of your tongue around the rim of your champagne glass, a none too subtle reminder how you have promised to lick champagne from me when we're finally alone. My pussy tightens at the very thought of your warm tongue on my wet, swollen flesh.

'Meet you back inside,' I tell you as the warning bell rings. 'The queue in the ladies room is probably gone now,' and I push thru the crowd in the foyer.

The lights are dimming as I make my way back to the empty seat beside you. I unbutton my coat and make myself comfortable as the conductor reappears. Opening my handbag, I pass you something from inside it. I watch your face as you look at the small black item in your hand and realise it is my panties. You quickly stuff them into your coat pocket before I take your hand and place it on my thigh.

I have no idea what piece the orchestra is playing, nor do I care. Slipped between the edges of my coat your hand pushes my black lace dress up my thighs and your fingers ease their way into me. I move my knees apart just enough to allow you slide two fingers in all the way and close my eyes , clamping my teeth together when your fingertips find that spot that drives all rational thought from my mind.

You are relentless, teasing me until I arch my hips against your hand then stopping, only to begin again. The second half of the program seems interminable. I don't want to be here. I want to be in a bed, on the floor, in an elevator. Anywhere where you can cover my lips with yours, thrust your tongue into my mouth and fill my wet, wanting pussy with your cock.

I close my eyes and am only vaguely aware of the music as my body is enveloped in the exquisite pleasure your fingers are creating. I moan in protest when you eventually remove your hand and realise that the audience is clapping. But you're not clapping. You have two fingers in your mouth, tasting my juices with a look in your eyes that I know is reflected in my own.

If I didn't know better I'd swear every person in the crowded theatre lobby was a sadist, relishing every second they kept us trapped there, unable to escape to be alone. Finally we're out on the pavement, the chill evening air refreshingly cool on our heated skin. Your grip on my hand tightens and we walk briskly towards the car parked two blocks away. We walk in silence. There is no need to voice the desire that passes between us like an electric current.

We're going to have to fuck in the car, right there on the street. Our hot breath will quickly fog up the windows. I won’t wait till we drive to the hotel.

Our minds inevitably run on the same track and I know you're thinking the same thing when you increase your strides and I almost have to run to keep up with you, wisps of white puffing from our lips and into the cool night.

But before we reach the corner of the first block you turn into a laneway, pulling me with you into the darkness. There's a car parked just inside and you guide me past it. The lights from the main street don't reach into the laneway and we blend into the shadows of the surrounding walls, almost invisible from the pavement.

I wrap my arms around your neck as you back me up against the wall and close your mouth over mine. This is what I’ve been craving. The warmth of your lips, the sensual dance of your tongue over mine.

Your hands push my dress up my legs until it is bunched around my waist and the rough material of your trousers rubs against the bare skin above my stocking tops. It only takes another few seconds for you to unzip your pants.

Our mouths pull apart, breath warm on each other's faces as your hand slides between my thighs to lift my leg to curl around your hip. 'Oh God, I need you inside me,' I groan as the smooth head of your cock teases against my wetness. You thrust gently, your cock sliding against my pussy lips.

'Want me to fuck you?' you ask as I arch my hips and feel the tip of your cock ready to slide into me.

'No,' I whisper, leaning my head back against the uneven brick wall and looking into your eyes. 'I want you to fuck me hard.'

With one, deep thrust you push into me, your mouth closing over mine, swallowing our groans of pleasure.

Your cock, so hard, so deep, fills me completely and you don't move while you take my hands from around your neck and hold them against the wall, either side of my head.

Then you begin to thrust, long, hard stokes that almost lift me off my feet and force the breath from my lungs. 'This hard?' you ask after one more thrust. 'Yes,' I reply. 'Yes,' after another thrust. 'Yes,' after another and continue until my voice echoes down the dark alleyway and changes from affirmation to exultation as I feel your cock harden even more and any my pussy begin to tighten.

'Come for me, baby,' you urge as you fuck me faster, pinning me against the wall as your cock buries itself in me repeatedly and our fingers tighten their grip. 'Oh, God, yessss,' I cry as intense pleasure begins to spiral thru my entire body and I feel the first spasm of your cock, the first hot spurt of your cum.

Your movements slow to a few hard, long thrusts and your cries of release join mine as my muscles contract around your cock and you empty yourself into me.

You slump against me momentarily, our hands dropping but staying joined, then our lips meet in a deep, slow kiss, our breathing slowing, our hear rates not so quick to calm. You finally take your weight off me and pull my dress back down to below my hips while I zip up your trousers. You reach in to your coat pocket and bring out my panties.

'Want to put these back on?' you ask. 'That would be a pointless exercise,' I shake my head and smile. 'You'll need them to unfog the car windows.'

© Copyright 2007 chrystalweb (chrystalweb at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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