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Rated: E · Novella · Romance/Love · #1259936
Destiny vs.True Love?Mark and Kate love each other too much to be a couple.Can this happen
The water rippled softly onto my bare feet. Fishing with bare feet was something that had become a traditional, just like fishing with Mark. I glanced over to where he was standing. He was staring intently into the dark blue water that seemed like it spread out forever. His right hand was grasping the pole as the other hand was resting in his pocket. The hat he wore was the same hat he had worn since I had given it to him in the fourth grade. It was tan with a blue stripe on its bill and had accumulated a fair share of dirt.

“Fishing isn’t that great this morning,” He commented as he reeled in his line.

“Nope,” I paused as I did the same with my line, “I’ve been told no one has had much luck the past few months.”

Mark nodded and looked over at me, “I know,” He smiled, “My dad told you that, didn’t he?”

I laughed, “Yes, yes he did.”

“You can try to act like you know more about fishing than me, but it will never work,” He chuckled as he walked up to me and put his arm around my neck, “Let’s get out of here. You have a tennis meet today, right?”

“Yeah, unfortunately I do,” I replied as we started walking up a hill and away from the lake.

“I thought you loved tennis?”

“Things change I guess,” I responded and smirked at Mark, “Maybe I won’t be the next Serena Williams.”

“Yeah, maybe you won’t. I mean look at these arms; they’re all flab! Serena is built,” He said while grabbing my arm.

“Thanks, you always know the right thing to say,” I said sarcastically.

“Well, I have been told that I’m pretty good with words,” He laughed to himself, “So, do you want to go to breakfast or just to the meet?”

My response was halted by a red convertible pulling into the parking lot of the lake. The woman in the car had brown hair and eyes. Her hair was blown off her shoulders by the light breeze. She wore a huge smile with her friendly eyes. She was very pretty yet completely approachable. She had the look of someone who could be friends with anyone.

“Hey guys!” she yelled out her window as she slowed her car.

“Hey Meg, I didn’t know you were meeting us here,” Mark spoke back to her while walking towards the convertible.

“I didn’t know either until about fifteen minutes ago. I was bored and knew you two were down here fishing, so I decided to join you,” She responded with another smile.

“Sorry Meg, we just finished. Kate has a meet today that she has to get to,” He answered while touching her car.

“Oh, are you excited for it, Kate?” she asked as she got out of her car and circled around it to stand next to Mark.

“Not really, I guess after four years of meets I don’t really get the jitters anymore,” I responded and smiled back at her.

“Well, that’s good,” she smiled back as she grabbed Mark’s hand and looked up at him, “So, are looking forward to your eighteenth birthday bash?”

“Yes, I’m truly looking forward to the party. Kate, you’re free that day aren’t you?”

“Well actually I have a meet on Monday, but I can come after. I hope the meet won’t last long so I can get to your party and hit the piñata,” I joked as I started backing up.

“There’s going to be a piñata?” Mark asked animatedly as he looked at Meg.

“Yes honey, there is going to be a piñata at the party. Kate, are you going to tell him all of the surprises?”

“I swear that was the only one,” I laughed, “Well I have to go, you two. I don’t want to be late. I’ll see you later!”

“See you later, Kate. Good luck!” They said together before giving each other a small kiss.

I looked at them as I drove out of the parking lot. They were the best couple I had seen in reality. They weren’t perfect people separately, but somehow when they were together they just fit together so perfectly. If they were in a movie, they would be the couple the viewers would root for. Ever since they became a couple, I always wanted the best for them.

I arrived at the high school tennis courts earlier than most of the other players. After changing into my uniform, I took a quick lap around the courts to energize myself for my first match. When I finished the lap I spotted a fellow teammate on the bleachers watching me. Her name was Hannah; she was a senior also and a fairly good friend with Meg. Her eyes were quite angered as she stared at me.

I tried to avoid her as I jogged over to my tennis bag to retrieve a bottle of water. I could hear the noise of her getting off the bench as I zipped shut my bag. Without turning towards her, I walked over to another set of bleachers and sat down. I somehow knew she wasn’t going to let me get away without talking to her. The rage in her eyes was too strong to just past by without any actions. As I fake tied my shoes I saw her feet stop in front of me. I dreaded what she was about to say, but still glanced up to see her.

“You are quite stupid, aren’t you?” She asked as she snared at me.

“Well, to define stupid is extremely difficult. I mean stupid is really just based on someone’s own opinion. You could say that someone is stupid if they can’t read any more than a few words, but someone else could say that the same person who only read a few words is simply a genius. And for me to judge myself so deeply just to answer your questions may make my little stupid brain blow up. And you wouldn’t want that, right?” I replied as I looked into her eyes.

“Well aren’t you witty,” she paused and sat down next to me, “So when is Mark coming to watch you?”

“I don’t know if he’s coming at. In fact, he’s with Meg at the moment.”

“Do you honestly think that being with Meg will stop him from coming here to see you?”

“Look, Hannah, I’m getting a little tired of these remarks about Mark and me. I know you think that we have a thing for each other, but I can assure you that we don’t and will never have that sort of relationship,” I said rather irritated as I stood up.

“What kind of relationship are you talking about, a boyfriend and girlfriend sort of relationship?” She asked as she stood also.

“Yes, that is what I mean. I promise you that we have never crossed the friend-line,” I guaranteed her as I started walking.

“But you love him?”

I knew this question would come up; it has before. I think just about every relationship of mine has ended because the answer to this question.
I loved Mark without a doubt. He was the guy that I would run to if I was in any danger and I would know he would protect me. I never doubted anything he ever said and I knew he would always be there whenever I needed him. The biggest reason why I knew I loved him was that I would rather spend fourteen hours of fishing in the pouring rain not catching a single fish with him than doing anything with anyone else.

Of course I didn’t see myself dating him. We didn’t fit together like him and Meg. We argued a lot and never seem to agree on anything. I guess one could say that our pride got in the way of our relationship. The greatest cause of why we never became a couple was because we never wanted to hurt what he had. Our love and admiration for each other had grown to such an unbelievable level that if we somehow messed something up, both us would become incredibly depressed. And with Mark’s past history of depression, a simple kiss would risk his downfall. To be brief, we loved each other too much to try to make anything work.
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