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Savior's Day Chapter 1 The Fall
The Fall

“And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.  And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth... (Revelation 12:3-4).”

         Michael moved swiftly away from the Throne Room of the Almighty, his brilliant white linen gown flowing from his neck down to his feet.  Once in the outer hall, he lifted his two great wings and darted away like a lightning streak across the sky.  He landed at the outer gate near the place where Joatham stood guard.  Joatham was one of Michael’s closest lieutenants and a fellow member of the Guild of the Sword.
         Michael commanded the Guild of the Sword and had given its name to describe the portion of the heavenly host under his command.  He was one of the Lord’s three archangels, a specially created angel who was entrusted with a particular anointing.  This anointing gave Michael intelligence that allowed him to serve as Counselor to the Almighty.  The Lord referred to his three archangels as His Witnesses, or Anointed Ones.
         Each archangel had a specific duty to perform.  Michael was an archangel of incredible strength and a warrior’s heart.  He was given command over the Armies of God, and it was his charge to guard the Lord’s dominion.  This mighty archangel wielded a single broad sword that he kept in a golden sheath until such time as needed.
         Michael approached Joatham and lifted his mighty wings.  “Come with me.  Lucifer has once again missed his appointed time with the Almighty.  This time, the Almighty has sent us to bring him in.”
         “Do you know where he is?”
         “You have to ask?  Probably at his amphitheater bragging of his beauty once again.”
         Joatham checked his sword, and then flew upward after Michael.  Both of them had been expecting this.  Lucifer, as of late, had been acting very strangely.  Although he had become increasingly arrogant, he now seemed completely preoccupied with himself, missing more and more of his scheduled symphonies for the Lord.
         And now it had come to this.
         Since time and distance have no measure -- no real meaning in the dominion of the Lord -- it would be impossible to explain the duration of Michael and Joatham’s trip.  Suffice it to say that they landed near Lucifer’s amphitheater, the place provided by the Almighty for Lucifer and his angels to meet regularly for practice.
         “...I say we don’t belong here!”  Lucifer’s voice boomed throughout the amphitheater.  As Michael stepped into the amphitheater, Lucifer stopped, his eyes narrowing.
         “Look around at each other,” he demanded, his eyes never leaving Michael.
         If Michael felt any fear, he disguised it well.  He strode confidently down the center aisle up to the raised platform.  The amphitheater’s transparent crystalline structure sparkled, reflecting the Glory of the Almighty on every side.
         “Consider our beauty, our music!  We are special beings!  We are not destined for servitude as others that have no comeliness!”  Again, Lucifer stared directly at Michael, but Michael seemed unmoved.
         “The Almighty desires our presence around Him continuously, for even He is incapable of the melodies we weave!”
         At last, Michael stepped onto the stage.  A single glare from his piercing eyes sent the nearby angels scattering in all directions.  No one wanted to be on the wrong side of Michael’s sword.
         Even though Michael had faced Lucifer countless times before, he never ceased to be awestruck at Lucifer’s beauty.  Like Michael, he was an archangel. But Lucifer had his own special anointing from God: he was the Captain of Lord’s Symphonic Orchestra.
         Lucifer’s spectacular garment flowed from one brilliant color into another and glittered with a myriad of precious stones.  A variety of wondrous instruments were fastened to it:  horns, bells, cymbals, drums, and numerous stringed instruments.  As he moved, the most exquisite melodies followed him.  He was truly worthy of admiration.  His angels were likewise adorned with beautiful garments and wondrous instruments.
         But Michael threw off his admiration.  He drew himself up into his most intimidating stance.  “The Almighty requires your presence.”
         “Well, of course He does,” Lucifer jingled sarcastically.  “He invariably wants me before Him.  But does He really think that I will continue to submit myself to His every whim?”
         Lucifer turned to the assembly before him.  “What did I tell you?  The Almighty has sent Michael with a special invitation for me.  Do you see?  This is just as I told you!  No other beings are as gifted or as desirable as we are.  Our presence is always in demand.  Yet we are mistreated!  We are treated like slaves!  We deserve better!  The tyranny must end!”
         Michael stepped closer to Lucifer, speaking firmly in a low voice that only Lucifer and those closest to him could hear.  “Come now, or I’ll end it for you.  I’ll see to it that you’ll have sung your last tune.”
         Lucifer wheeled around, and his musical instruments sounded in dissonant chords. Then he scoffed in Michael’s face.  “You threaten me with your sword?  Should I shiver with fear before you now?  You and I both know that you cannot so much as lift your nose in my direction without answering to your Lord.”
         Haughtily, he turned back to the crowd.  “Yes, I will go.  I will go to the Almighty and present Him with a test that He cannot answer.  For us, it will mean freedom.  Come! Follow me!”
         With that, he lifted his glorious wings upward and vanished in a brilliant flash of white.  Michael raced ahead to catch up with him, and ultimately landed in near-perfect unison with him.
         Their feet touched down in the gallery outside the Throne Room which was known as the Great Hall.  The pillars on each side of the room seemed to extend upward forever.  All along the walkway to the throne, Michael’s angels stood guard, each one armed with a tremendous sword at his side and a javelin in his hand.
         Before them lay the Throne Room of the Almighty.  Brilliance unmatched by any other shone forth from the throne.  Michael immediately dropped to one knee, inclining his head in reverence.
         Lucifer, unmoved by the glory around him, strutted arrogantly forward toward the Almighty’s throne as if it were his own.  If he had any respect for the Lord, it was overshadowed by his defiant demeanor.
         The Almighty’s voice boomed from the glowing cloud of glory centered around the throne.  The glory of the Most High pulsated with each word spoken. “Why hast thou ignored My summons?”
         Lucifer remained unmoved by the spectacle.  He stood boldly before the Almighty, his head held high and his hands clasped behind his back.  Michael’s presence, on the other hand, gave deference to the Lord.  Still holding his head low, Michael slowly stepped forward and knelt near where Lucifer stood.
         Lucifer glanced at Michael with disdain, and then turned his gaze toward the throne.  “Yes, well, I was busy,” Lucifer replied curtly.
         “What is it, My child?  Why dost thou try My patience?”
         “Your patience?  It is my patience that You should be concerned about.”
         “Explain thyself.”
         Lucifer turned to pace the floor, still holding his hands behind his back.  “I am tired of being at Your beck and call, as if my time is Yours to consume as You please. I’ve had quite enough of Your demands.”  He stopped and again fixed his gaze on the Almighty.  “It must end if You want to continue receiving music from me or any of my legions.”
         “You seek to negotiate terms of service to Me?”
         Lucifer stopped as if considering the matter, then nodded. “Yes...”  Then he continued to pace.  “That is exactly what I want.  I want to negotiate terms: when and how often we will make music for You.”
         Michael stood up to block Lucifer’s path, stopping him in mid-stride.  His right hand was laced firmly around his great sword, ready to use it if necessary. “That is quite enough!  I will not allow you to mock the Almighty!”
         Lucifer grimaced and turned toward the Lord.  He gestured disgustedly toward Michael with one hand.  “Is this really what You want of me?  To be just another slave like this one?  Is that what You’re looking for?”
         A brilliant flash of light split the Throne Room as Michael drew his sword high into the air.
         “No, Michael, not in My Throne Room.  Not here.” 
         As Michael grudgingly returned his great sword to its sheath, the Lord turned His attention back to Lucifer.  “It is clear that there is no place here in My kingdom for thee.”
         “Then what will You do with me?  My essence is eternal, just like Yours.  I cannot be made simply to disappear.”
         “That is true, My child. So, behold, I create a pit of darkness as bleak as thine own arrogant heart.  It is a kingdom for thee to forever rule.  There will I place thee and those who follow thee, and from thence thou shalt make thy music for each other.  Thy pride hast defiled thy strains and contaminated thy beauty.  Thy darkened hearts have deceived thee into believing that thou art equal unto Me.”
         Lucifer seemed unmoved by the Lord’s proclamation.  He stood erect and unwavering by the terrible judgment declared against him.
         He pointed an accusatory long slender finger at the Almighty.  “So it’s true, then!  All You want are mindless slaves!”
         “My servant Michael is not a mindless slave.”
         “Then You must punish him, too!”
         Michael was visibly shaken by Lucifer’s assertion.  The challenge to his impeccable character was inconceivable.  That this belligerent fool dared to drag him into this rebellion was more than he could contain.  “My Lord, I beseech You!  Do not allow this vanity to continue!  Let me end this charade with one mighty turn of my sword.”
         “Be patient, My child, Michael, for Lucifer’s accusations must be answered.  Go on, Lucifer.  Explain thyself.  Why must I punish Michael for your actions?”
         “Look at these pathetic creatures!  The only difference between me and them is that I tell You my thoughts and feelings.  They are just holding it in!  I am expressing what every being here feels.  We are sick of forced servitude!”
         Lucifer took a step forward.  “They’re afraid of You.  See what happened when I told You my thoughts?  You have created a sort of... of... hell... for me and my legion.  You threatened to banish me.  You spoke condemnation to us.  They know they’ll be in for the same judgment, so don’t expect them ever to speak their minds.”
         Michael could no longer hold back.  “He does not speak for my Guild and I, my Lord.” 
         “I believe You, Michael, but the accusation must be addressed.”
         “I demand a trial!”  Lucifer laughed derisively.  “If You are indeed to be my judge, condemning me to this Outer Darkness, then I demand a righteous verity!  I demand righteous judgment!  I contend that, since I am no different from any other of your slaves, this discriminative judgment against me is unfair, unrighteous.  Furthermore, I contend that there is no being here qualified to prosecute me, since all these beings have similar hearts, including Yourself.  You cannot sit in judgment over me since You would have done the same as I if You were put in my place.  If it were not for fear of You, every one of Your slaves would follow me from this room.  Yes, I refuse servitude to You, but so would they if it were not for Your intimidation.  Prove that I am wrong if You can!”
         “You have My attention now, Lucifer.  Continue,” the Lord prodded.
         “Well,” Lucifer sniggered as he glanced back at his legions flowing into the room behind him, “I am afraid that what I have asked cannot be proven, so I guess we will have to suspend this trial.”
         “Yes!”  Lucifer snapped.  “I demand proof!  Simple proof that I am any different from the rest of Your slaves, and justification that You are fit to sit in judgment of me.”  Lucifer gave a smug smile.  “But since they cannot show me their hearts, I am afraid we are at an impasse.”
         Having said what he came to say, Lucifer turned to leave.  Michael stood near, one hand still clutching his sword, angrily watching Lucifer walk away.
         “Lucifer, I have not dismissed thee,” the Lord’s voice rumbled.
         A worried look took the place of Lucifer’s former impudence, and he slowly turned back to face the Lord. The cloud surrounding the throne darkened and churned.
         “I am not about to allow such accusations concerning My servants to go unchallenged. Thou hast proposed a test.  A test to show the true hearts of My servants.  A test to show which of My servants is worthy to be a part of My kingdom, or more.”
         Lucifer spread his arms wide apart.  “Yes, of course, but such a test is impossible.  How can you show me their hearts?”
         “I am not without cunning.  I have marvels thou cannot begin to understand.  Thy guile is designed to trap Me in an unsolvable maze, but thy craftiness shall be thine own undoing.  For what thou hast meant to use for evil, I will use for good.”
         “Behold!” the Almighty’s voice boomed.  A single formless orb appeared in the heavens.  The Spirit of the Lord rose from the throne and moved upon the shapeless mass.  Slowly, it began to spin upon its axis.
         Michael, Lucifer, and the other angels drew near to the spectacle.  What were the Lord’s reasons for such a creation?  What was His interest in such an insignificant shapeless object?  No one seemed to know.
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