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by Kayt
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1259185
The 1st chapter of a story of that i wrote ages ago. This is my first story on here, LOL
<-<-xxx//Hey ya ppl. A really old story of mine, i've probably mucked up my oldy language but oh well, you can probably guess what they'r on about. Yeh, maybe i shouldn't of put it as a 13 but i WAS 13 when i wrote itxxx->->  

              "Dragon’s Child, Dragon’s Child, Where art thee?
                      Moon’s Offspring Divine, answer me!
                  Upon this coming hour, thee alone can quell,
            The disaster that will banish Earth unto the depths of hell,
                  Thee was small and insignificant ‘till this day,
                Forth now ‘tis thou fate, to banish ragnorok away,
                Beforth thou age coming, so hurry make haste,
              Lest thee doth not saveth us, death thee must face,
            For alas the amulet upon thee breast, jewel so fiery red,
          ‘Tis a gift and curse for it is it that shalt make thee dead,”

The waters of the stone basin churned and boiled as the Witch-Queen chanted.
“’Tis made, the spell ‘tis made,” the witch said to the cloaked figure.
“Thank you,”
“Thou husband shalt not approve,”
“Why does he have to approve?” the cloaked woman sighed.
“Alas he is King Almighty, Father of the Gods,” The witch stated simply.
“But I created the mortals! I refuse to let them die! I-I am their mother,”
“Then thee hath fooleth me, mother...” The witch said sarcastically.
“Stop mocking me,” the cloaked woman demanded, “I mean I created every one of them from clay, I breathed every soul in existence, I-I!”
“Alas, you did create them but to his land,” the witch said, “And he choose that there shalt be an end to the world and it shalt be so,”
“Thee art breaking thou oath,”
“Not really…”
“Excuse me?”
“I have merely installed a power in one who has the power to prevent it. The mortals can now defend themselves. And that one justs happens to be my sister’s daughter, one shouldn’t be,”
“I still a-think…”
“Do I care what you think!” the woman yelled, “I’m the one who has chosen this. And beside you have already cast the spell,”
“Yes I hath and I probably am no longer welcome in thee land?”
“Thou husband shalt forbid me entering Asgard now,”
“No he won’t know,”
“The all father will always know,”
“Well…I’ll confess…I’ll say it was my idea and I threatened you into it or something,”
“Fine then, as long as I cannot be blamed,”
“Yes, Yes, go now before anyone spots us,”
“Good bye,”

<-<-xxx//Ok, yep it sounds a lil rubbishio but the propr story starts in chapter 1xxx->-> 

Chapter 1 
  Agony. Pure agony. Ayri forced herself onto her burning feet.She could feel her blood drooling down her semi-naked back, mixing with her sweat. But she couldn't show she was weak, it would make him more angry.
  She felt the sharp blade of the bloody knife streak down her cheek bone, deep and hating. But she stayed calm, stern, stubbornly standing her ground although inside she wanted to scream in pain. Her red-brown eyes stared scornfully into his green ones. Into the green eyes of the man who was meant to love her.
  He forced her against the wall and she knew what was coming. But no, she couldn't act tough on this a let him carry on like she didn't care. As he roughly fumbled around in the darkness she could hear the terrified screams of her three year old daughter. She couldn't bring another child into this world, a world when all they know is the four walls of the house and their abusive drunk father.
  In a spur of unexplainable hateful energy, her bruised knee shot upwards and he yelled out in pain. She stumbled past him, barely able to walk in her injured state let alone run. She slammed the door shut once she came into Fay's nursery, flicking the lock. Fay carried on screaming and she could hear Jon's drunken footsteps coming nearer.
  The door shuddered as the crazed man slammed into the door. But the strong timberes stayed firm. Ayri clung to the lock. If he got in, she was dead.
  But then who would care?
  The door banged again but the huge burly man could not move it. Swearing viciously, he went away. To waste another weeks wages in the ale house.
  Ayri tried to staunch the heavy flow of ruby red blood streaming from her broken nose with her sleeve. It was her fathers fault. It was all his fault. He was the one who forced Ayri to marry Jon son of Lord Harold. Why did he do it? Because he needed a few bob to start his business of trade up. Who had money? Lord Harold. But what can he sell which is of any value? Oh of course his daughter! They could get married and she would be looked after and he would have a bed of gold! They would all be happy!
  Or so he thought.
  Ayri had married Jon when she was fourteen. He was sweet for about a year –the honey moon period-but then her started the violence.
  He would roll in late, after getting drunk and Ayri would have to obey his every wish. She would back, refusing but she eventually he would truimph. She would be beaten for burning thr meat slightly or not silencing Fay instantly. Fight ups were an every day occurence, Ayri ws strictly forbidden to leave the house so she didn't know any different. Besides, Ayri couldn’t leave him, divorce was forbidden. She couldn't get the law on him, they disbelieved women and told them to cope and go back to their humble lives. She could cope…just.
  She had blood smeared across her face, her nose crooked. Her pale left shoulder was covered in bruises while her right in cuts.Her legs were weak, numb and torn. Her black hair was cruelly hacked and pulled.
She limped to Fay’s crib. Fay was still wailing, but coughing through pain of the length of her cries.. Ayri soon found out why she was screeching.
A gash had been struck across her forehead. It wasn’t deep, it was obviously half-hearted but it was a blow.
“Mama! Mama! Dada hursy Fee!” the poor child wept, “Fee Sared Sared!”
“I am too Fay,” Ayri said, hugging her daughter, “I can’t let you be hurt. I can cope with him hurting me but that bloody pig isn’t hurting you, babe,”
“Dada hursy Fee!”
“I know babe, that’s why we’re going,”
“Where!? Where? Where goey mama?”
“I don’t know but away from your father,”
Ayri quickly gathered a bag full of essentials. She didn’t need to rush; she knew he would be throwing their money away at the Ale house. But still…
She packed a few blankets, a couple of pairs of clothes each, some nappies for Fay. She packed food, mostly for Fay as she herself was used to not eating much. She took some of her hidden gold coins and a cloak. Then she grabbed a meat knife for a weapon.
She strapped Fay into her baby-carrier and put the bag on her back.
“Ready Fay?”
“Yep, Yep mama,”
Ayri took a deep breath; she hadn’t stepped through the front door for about two years. She stepped. She was out.
She hurried into the rainy twilight of the streets, shushing Fay as the went. She found it hard navigating the alleys-much had changed in two years.
She eventually came to the great gate of the south. It was locked.
“Guards! Guards! Open up,”
“Who calls?”
“A women, a citizen”
“To go in our out my darling?” the guard asked, changing his tone, coming out of the tower house into the torrential rain.
“Out, sir,”
“Why, we could do with a few pretty birds in this city?”
He had obviously had a couple of drinks. But Meyla could see he wasn’t the sort to get violent like Jon. Hopefully
“I’ll return,” she called up to him but she had no intention to.
“I’m not supposed to open the gate m’ lovie”
“Please Mister?”
“OK, but on one condition,”
“And what would that be,”
“Oh, I don’t know, a kiss perhaps?”
‘Perv’ thought Ayri, feeling thoroughly sick. But she had to get away, how else could she leave before Jon finds out.
“Two seconds,” she called back, in the most confident-seductive voice she could muster. Fay stared confused at her as she put her and the bags in the bushes near by, "Be ready for me,"
“Ooo, You betcha!”
‘Horrid Perverted Git,’ Ayri thought viciously. She turned to Fay.
“Mama’s going for a couple of minutes, I’ve got to leave you here,”
“Because I must,” Ayri kissed her daughters forehead, “Please be quiet so no one can hear you,”
“Okeys mama,”
“OK then babe, see you,”
“Bye byes,”
  Ayri then went into the tower, her stomach convulsing as she trailed up the winding stairs.
  She came to the top to find a man old enough to be her grandfather waiting for her.
“One kiss then,” she said uncertainly, trying not to show her fear, offering him her cheek.
  He leapt at her forcing his wrinkly purple lips one hers. She tried not to choke on his hideous breath. She felt him try to take off her top…
“That’s enough,” she said, wriggling away.
“Aaah come on,”
“No, that wasn’t part of the deal, it was a kiss not that,” Ayri said trying to compose herself, “Open the gates,”
“Not until you’ve done what I want,”
“No, not until you’ve opened the gates,”
“You will?”
“Open the gates, Guard,”
  At the promise of his wishes being met he obeyed, winding the gates open.
“Now then,” he grinned, revealing yellow, crooked teeth.
  She let him kiss her. She let him try and take off her top with his gnarled hands. But he was too caught up in his perverted passion to realize she was forcing them backwards to the balcony over looking the gates.
  She pulled away.
“Lovie?” the man asked, “Why have you stopped?”
“Because you’re about to die,”
    She pushed him backwards sending him over the balcony fencing. His blood curdling scream was softened by the fury of the rain and his blood washed away in the puddles. She stared down for a minute or so. How unheartless had she been? She...killed. But she couldn't stay, she had to escape.
  Ayri picked Fay and the bags up and walked neatly passed the man’s dead body. The rain was still relentless and it was now fully night. They passed through the gates. They were free.
“Mama when we goey sop?”
“I don’t know, go to sleep,”
“Don Wanu, Fee wetty wet”
“Please, Babe,”
    Ayri sighed and carried on down the cracked stone road. It wasn’t long until she found a small burrow on the edge of the road. It was sheltered by some fallen oaks.
  Ayri put Fay and the bag inside the burrow before following herself. It was small but big enough for them and quite dry as the Oaks sheltered it.
She wrapped two blankets around her daughter who had now drifted off to dream land and one round herself.
“Goodnight, muffin,” she whispered to the snoring three-year old.
  She wondered whether Jon had realized she was missing yet. What would he do when he found out? Would he seek her? Would he set the law upon her? Or would he simply remarry and abuse that unfortunate girl the way he had her.
  Ayri yawned. She was so tired. She lay down and hugged the warm bundle of baby next to her. Then closed her eyes….

<-<-xxx//Did u like it? ^^ I'll get crackin on chapter 2 now!xxx->->  
© Copyright 2007 Kayt (krazikayti at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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