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Rated: 13+ · Novel · Fantasy · #1258565
The first chapter in my story about a young man swept up in a world of murder and mystery.
Chapter 1 - Beginnings

Eighteen years later. A lot can happen in eighteen years, and a lot did happen in eighteen years. A civil war broke out in the once mighty Militia Continent and split the entire continent into two cities, constantly at war. The royals at Clandestine Castle had a child, a young girl called Abigail. And of course, a young baby grew up amongst pirates, not knowing where he came from, living in mystery for the rest of his life. But he never let this bother him, he lived life as a pirate, loyal to his captain, who was also his adoptive father. In eighteen years, anything can change, and it did, for the worst.

“Flint! Get up!” Only one of Flint’s eyes opened. “Did you check that leak?”
“I told you Cap’n,” Flint sat up, trying to maintain his balance on his hammock, “No one can fix that leak.”
“Well, I guess we ‘ave ta mix with royalty.” The captain waddled to his wheel and squinted.
“Anything interesting?” Flint climbed onto the railings facing the captain.
“Move boy! I can’t see Clandestine Castle!” The captain kicked Flint off of the railing.
“Come on Cap’n, cant we head home?” Flint stared puppy dog eyed at the captain.
“Do you want ta drown?” The captain’s eyes darted from Flint to the sea and back again, several times.
“They’ll probably arrest us and execute us and all that!” Flint kept darting around, bored, or maybe nervous.
“Tough luck, I is gonna swoon them and we’ll be there for as long as we please, I can do that, I have that skill.” The captain stared smugly, hoping the sea air would acknowledge him.
“That’s not called skill, its called rum!” Flint bit his tongue cheekily and ran off.
“Oh well, either way they’ll have to deal with me, Cap’n Toby.” Captain Toby took a swig of his rum, wiped his mouth on his sleeve and took another swig of rum.

“Harold. No!” A desperate queen trailed behind a tomato coloured King.
“Harold, listen!” The queen grabbed at his shoulder, trying to hold him back, failing to hold him back.
“Harold! Stop!” She herself stopped and sighed, and cried, cried for her daughter.
The King threw open his daughters doors and swept his eyes around the room. His daughter looked at him and he in return pointed back.
“Daddy, what now.” The young princess edged towards her wall.
“You god damn know what!” The King approached her and hit her to the floor.
“Why do you refuse to listen to me!” He lifted her up and let her feet swing inches off the ground.
“Harold stop.” The Queen marched towards the King and squeezed his chubby shoulder.
King Harold let her go, but never left.
“Listen now, and listen good. You will never, I repeat never, leave the castle again.”
“Why, daddy, why?”
“It’s dangerous!”
“It’s more dangerous with you than it is out there.” She started to walk out, but King Harold got to her first.
“Who knows what might attack you out there. It might be thieves, or bandits, or, or…” King Harold looked around for an answer.
“Or…” Everyone waited for an answer.
“Pirates.” King Harold swept around to the window.
Everyone outside seemed to be running somewhere and surely enough, a pirate ship was docking in the port.
“Just my god damn luck.” King Harold threw his daughter to the floor and left without a word, the Queen in tow.
The Princess got up, teary eyed, and went over to her dressing table. She got out her secret diary and started adding a new entry.
“This shall be my last entry for I am leaving soon, my father shall soon have no control over me…” She looked up, she looked at the future and saw nothing but good things, but fate had different plans.

“Sweet Jesus, what the hells happening.” The King trotted towards the pirates, his wife struggling to keep up.
“Hello, the names Cap’n Toby!” Captain Toby held out a firm hand. King Harold’s eyes darted from the hand to the captain and back again. Captain Toby watched puzzled.
“Your supposed to shake it.” Captain Toby made a shaking motion.
“Don’t patronise me.” King Harold’s voice had risen in pitch. He slapped Captain Toby’s hand away.
“Anyway, our ship has broken and we request a spot in your dock so we can fix it.” King Harold could only watch, he could only let his eyes widen more and more.
“You’re making this somewhat awkward.” Captain Toby took his eyes off King Harold.
“Well…” Captain Toby was about to give the all clear when…
“Mine!” King Harold’s words spluttered out.
“Mine, it mine!” He now started to gesture towards the ship.
“No, we would like to keep the ship…” Captain Toby now started to edge away.
“Dock, mine, mine, dock!” King Harold’s voice continued to rise.
“GO!!” His voice was almost ultrasonic when he ushered Captain Toby away.
“Fine. We’ll leave, and we’ll drown, and die, let sharktopuses eat us.” Captain Toby waited for an answer.
“Don’t blackmail me, boy, I’m a king!” King Harold now started to get physical.
“Harold! That is it.” The Queen pulled him backwards by his cape “You can stay, sir.”
“Thank you, ma’am.” Captain Toby bowed to her and turned away, making celebration motions with his hands.
“Why, Margaret, why?” Harold started to moan and groan, he was now fully under his wife’s control.

It had fast approached evening and was now fast approaching night. The pirates had used their time wisely and decided to party threw the night. Only Flint had decided not to party. Everyone in the castle was having a feast but only the princess was not eating. She was busy. She had only some money and a cloak to hide her face. She started to exit her room, she ran down the stairs and threw the unguarded main door, but before she left, she looked at herself in a mirror and saw her life behind her. She took a wooden rod that was on display and took it with her, she thought it rather suited her. Flint had decided to take in the scenery and had gone for a walk. He looked in awe at the marvellous gardens and the fountain that rained gold on the ground. He looked at his life, at what he had, and for the first time in his life he felt jealousy. He turned around only to run into a young girl, who just happened to be the princess.
“Sorry.” She headed onwards.
“Wait a minute…” he grabbed her arm. “You’re…”
“I’m not anyone…” She tried to pull away.
“You’re the princess!” He started to tighten his grip.
“No I’m not!” She tried to pull away, but was unsuccessful.
“Yes you are, what are you doing!” There was a sense of urgency in his voice. His grip continued to tighten.
“Get off me.” She tugged free, “Okay, I am the princess. So what.”
“Why, what, why are doing this.” He was puzzled beyond belief.
“What’s the matter, nothing bad can happen!” Suddenly, an alarm rang at the castle.
“Oops.” She looked around and saw the forest ahead of them. “Come on!” She dragged him towards the forest.
“There they are!” Guards had started to notice them and they weren’t pleased.
“What the hell, woman!” Flint wanted to fight back, but something kept him in the Princess’s grip. All of a sudden, arrows started to fly towards them with alarming speed.
“Arrows!” Flint started to dodge the arrows. Not long into the arrow firing, they started to become flaming arrows.
“Princess!” Flint’s voice started to become whiny and scared.
“Just call me Abigail.” Flint couldn’t help but notice that there was no urgency in her voice.
“Right. And the arrows?” Before she could answer back, Flint was hit in the leg.
He tumbled forward and fell onto the grass. He sat up, but before he could gather his senses, an arrow hit him in his chest. All of a sudden, he felt dizzy, his vision blurred and all he could hear were the screams of the guards and as he fell backwards, he was sure he felt Abigail drag him to safety, but he knew they weren’t safe, and they never would be.
© Copyright 2007 krazyfool (krazy_fool_x at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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