Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1258480-Burning-In-Water-And-Drowning-In-Flame
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Romance/Love · #1258480
Story of two lovers trying to make it through hardship, changes, lies, & deceit
It was a cool mid-February afternoon. The sun was shining in the clear, bright blue sky. A mild wind was blowing a light breeze. Leaves on the trees had begun to change to magnificent shades of oranges, reds, and golds. Christy and three of her close friends were on their way to a Wiccan festival in a local city park. She had been looking forward to this for several days. They arrived just in time to catch the drummers playing. This had always fascinated her, how so many people could simultaneously make such beautiful music with only drums. The small group walked around taking everything in, from the smell of the slow-cooking food, to the beauty of the park around them, to the feeling of their surroundings. It was a most peaceful place, even if there were hundreds of people there. Having been walking around for several hours, they decided it was time to go home.

As they were driving home, she noticed the beautiful orange-red sunset. As she was marveling at the breath-taking sunset, her phone began to ring. The sound of Beethoven's Fur Elise filled the car. She noticed he had begun calling her more than usual the past two weeks. She couldn't figure out why, though, he was with one of her friends, or so she thought. So why was he calling her? Once she heard his voice, she didn't much care why. They had been talking for a while when he confided in her that their friend Molly told him she had feelings for him. This was quite a shock to her (especially since even SHE didn't know how she really felt about him at that point). She had to smile, though, when he told her he had feelings for her too. Continuing their conversation, they agreed to meet at her house, since that was where everyone was going anyway. She hung up the phone and smiled to herself. He was gorgeous. She couldn't deny that!

Once the small group arrived back at her medium sized apartment, she made sure her guests were comfortable. Someone put on a movie, more for background noise, and everyone began talking about the festival. She stayed in the kitchen "to prepare dinner", but she really just wanted to be alone with her thoughts. There was something in his voice that made her shiver. Knowing he was coming over made her nervous. There was really no reason to be nervous as this wasn't the first time he had been to her house, wasn't the first time they had seen one another. What was so different about this encounter?

Before she knew it, there was a knock at the door. She wasn't sure who answered the door, but she suddenly heard his voice. He was bidding everyone hello and asking how their day was (she thought this was kind of endearing). Everyone described to him all they had seen, smelled, and tasted at the festival. She stayed in the kitchen, still trying to prepare dinner for her guests. He finally wandered into where she was. Giving her a big hug and kiss on the cheek, he said "Hello". They made small talk as he watched her finish dinner. She set the dinnerware and silverware out on the table and filled the glasses with ice. She let everyone get their food before she went for hers. To her, it was all part of being a good hostess.

They all found a seat either on the dark blue couch and love seat or on the floor in the living room. The group of six were talking, laughing and just having a good time over dinner. Everytime she would look over at him, she caught his eye. This small interaction made a smile reach her full, pink lips. As the evening progressed, everyone got "comfy". She decided she wanted to stretch out on the floor on her favorite blanket. As she settled down, he crawled up next to her. Wrapping his muscular arms around her tiny waist, she settled into his arms. Soon, one by one, her guests started falling asleep. He started softly kissing her shoulder, then her neck, and soon after her cheek. She rolled over so she could look at him before he kissed her lightly on the lips.

He deepened their kiss. His tongue grazed her bottom lip. She let her right hand slip under his t-shirt. She felt the soft skin of his stomach. His hand made it's way around her neck, pulling her closer to him. Before long there were arms and hands roaming to wherever they hungrily desired. Pulling away from him, she found herself looking into the gorgeous grey eyes of a man she felt she could easily fall in love with. He quietly asked her if she wanted to relocate into her bedroom. She blushed as she nodded her head yes.

© Copyright 2007 Raven_Sixx (raven_sixx at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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