Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1258402-Ichrin-saga-part-3
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fanfiction · #1258402
part 3 of 4 of a Touhou fanfic
Fire.......fire engulfed the village as the Ichrin looked upon the mountain of corpses that stood in front of him

"you reap what you sow" the voice called out to him and when he looked around to find the source the ground melted into a sea of blood, Ichrin looked down to find his reflection smiling back at him..........laughing

“NO I-…..oh only a nightmare-WHAT THE HELL!” Ichrin was tied up and strapped to a couch wrapped in bandages by someone obviously not skilled in wrapping bandages, linen wrappings covered him regardless of where he was cut and his torn bloody clothes haven’t even been removed the bandages just went over them crap it’s a wonder I haven’t died of blood loss yet…..where the hell am I?

Ichrin was in the most cluttered room he had ever seen in his life, everywhere he looked was piles of random trinkets and books, the only place without any junk on it was the couch he currently was lying on well, at least it isn’t that mansion, no maid would ever be caught dead in here

Suddenly footsteps were heard from the doorway and a little witch from the mansion library popped her head out “Good morning-ze!”

“”YOU!” Ichrin strained against his restraints to get up “YOU’RE THE ONE THAT LEFT ME THEIR WITH KILLER PSYCO BRAT!”

“Flander got up? Ouch, I feel sorry for you”


“Well, it was kinda hard to put on bandages while you were tossing around”


“Humph, not if you ask like that” Marisa folded her arms and turned her back childlike “you didn’t even say please”

Ichrin’s eye started twitching uncontrollably and he muttered through his teeth “why you little……..Pleeeeeeeeease untie me and I promise not to strangle you……yet”

“Their now was that so hard-ze” she smiled innocently and walked over to the couch and started to unto the straps

Ichrin watched the girl untie the straps on his arms “say, why did you come back for me?” he rubbed his wrists as Marisa started on his legs

“well I felt sorry because you made such a good distraction for me” Ichrin let out a sarcastic laugh “so I flew over to check if you were still alive, but you fell out of the sky and hit me in the head-ze” she removed her hat to show a nasty bump on top of her head “so I brought you back to my place and tried to patch you up but you kept tossing around so I tied you up and then you slept through the night”

“Great” Ichrin got up and looked around “did anything else hit you in the head with me?”

“Uh, no ……nothing, just you nothing else he-he” she looked shyly as she slowly inched her way to a large pile of stuff

“Really” Ichrin snapped his fingers and the pile started rumbling and exploded as his black staff came flying out of it and nearly took off Ichrin’s head again but he swung around and grabbed it “and I’m guessing all this other stuff isn’t yours”

Marisa looked offended “I don’t steal if that’s what you mean……I only borrow”

“Suuuuuuuuuuuure you do” Ichrin picked at his bloody and torn clothes and bandages “well, have you ever liberated any clothes I can wear?”

“Yea, they should be in a dresser in here.......somewhere"

"Never mind, I will find them" they both heard a ring coming from somewhere else in the house "I think that's for you"

"That must be Alice, ok I’m leaving now.........don’t steal anything-ze" Marisa left the room leaving Ichrin by himself and now I'm the thief, takes one to know one

Ichrin rummaged through the junk searching for the missing dresser "Sheesh, sooner I get out of here the better, but where do I go now? Scarlet Mansion got me nowhere but a new meaning for the word pain, what even possessed me to go their in the first pla-Yukari! Damn her she knew this would happen......oh, when I find her I'm going to firkin-ah found it"

Ichrin stumbled onto the dresser hidden behind a ornately painted sarcophagus "now if I could only find something not in a dress" he finally found a solid red Kimono and a black ankle length Hakama that was in his size "great, a robe and a skirt, at least they look good enough for me"

Ichrin undid his bandages and took off his shirt but noticed something odd sticking out of the dresser "now what do we have here.............riiiiiiiight" Ichrin held up a pair of pink panties with puppies and kittens plastered all over it "tch, cute"


"Wait a sec it's not what it looks like!" Ichrin reflexively responded to the shriek caused by the girl standing in the doorway, she looked only slightly older than Marisa and she was wearing a light blue and white dress and holding a red fairy like doll in one hand and her chest in the other

"My heart" she squeaked out before she went completely stiff and fell over backwards great, just what I needed

"Alice!......Alice I found your book-Whaa!" Marisa came in and nearly tripped over Alice's body "well their you are.......Alice?"

Ichrin calmly walked over to the girl's stiff corpse "wow, I've never seen rigor mortis happen so quickly *thunk* hey! What was that for?"

"Idiot! She’s not dead yet" Marisa was going to hit Ichrin a second time when she noticed he was holding onto something "hey what's that?"

Ichrin didn’t even noticed he was still holding onto the panties "uh, well.....you see they were uh-"

"I've been looking everywhere for those!" what? Marisa grabbed the panties from Ichrin "thank you for finding them, I thought I lost them"

"Uh yea............s,shoudent we help her" Ichrin pointed to Alice and her doll witch was now franticly pulling at her collar

"oh yea she does that all the time, just drag her outside and dump some water on her" Marisa stuffed the panties in her pocket and walk off clearly disinterested in the current situation "I’m gona make some tea want some"

"Wait a second you’re just going to leave me with her" but she already left without waiting for a answer sigh, of course she is......well I can’t just leave her like this

Several minutes later Ichrin was fully dressed and was dragging Alice's stiff corpse under a tree just outside Marisa’s house "ok, now what" the doll from before came up behind him struggling with a pale of water "ah, thanks little doll...fairy thing"

Ichrin dumped the contents of the bucket onto Alice's face which woke her up immediately "MARISA DONT LEAVE ME I, I,......why am I all wet?"

she got up and looked around her "what am I doing out here?" her doll automatically landed on her shoulder and proceeded to dry off her master using her glowing red hands "ah thank you Shanghai I don't understand wh- who is that?"

"ouch, sheash cant you give me some warning ahead of time if your going to surprise me like that" Ichrin got up after hitting his head on a tree when he jumped back in shock "hey, how much do you remember before you fainted?" hopefully not much

"Last thing I remember? Well I was heading to Marisa's to pick up my doll when............" her eyes widened and her face was griped in terror oh shit, this is going to be hard to explain "YOU HAD MARISA'S*thunk*"

the doll fluttered angrily around Ichrin’s head as he put his staff back down "hey I had to do that, it might of gotten ugly if I didn’t do something" Shanghai sighed in agreement and went back to get some more water that went well.....second time should be the charm

Several minutes later

"Last thing I remember?" Ichrin griped his staff tightly anticipating the answer "I was heading to Marisa's for..........something I can’t remember what, ah why does my head hurt so much"

"Sigh, fifth times the charm"

"What was that?"

"nothing" the doll returned to her master and proceeded to dry her off again as Ichrin helped Alice up off the ground "sorry for the late introduction, my name is Ichrin and your?"

"Alice Margatroid, what exactly are you doing here Ichrin?"

"Tea is ready!" Marisa opened the front door of her house to stick her head out "hurry up before it gets cold you two lovebirds-ze!"

Alice stuttered to respond but Ichrin interrupted her "come on I'll explain everything inside"

they were soon all situated at a fairly cluttered table and Ichrin was going through the details of his journey "well then next thing I remember after being sent flying into low orbit Marisa had me tied up to her couch"

Alice nearly choked on her tea "W-What!?"

"I was only trying to help so I could bandage you up-ze"

"Well it helps if you actually know how to bandage someone up before you attempt that, I could have bled to death no thanks to you"

"Well at least I saved you from that Mansion ungrateful jerk!"

"After you left me their with those psychos, I was already on my way out when you picked me up!"

Marisa stood up and reached into her pocket "oh yea lets see how much rescuing you need after I'm done with you!"

"Marisa maybe you shou-"

Alice was interrupted by Ichrin as he stood up and reached for his staff "oh really? Let me first teach you a little something about first aid!"

"Wait a second don't-"


"ALRIGHT ENOUGH!" Alice's doll stood on the table holding a huge broadsword between the two adversaries immediately stopping the fight "thank you shanghai, now if you two settle down already theirs something I want to ask you"

The two grudgingly agreed and sat down as Alice went on with her question "Ichrin, why did you go to scarlet mansion in the first place, it seems like you went on the cryptic advice of Yukari"

"Hey......yea, everyone knows that place is bad news" Marisa joined in on suspecting Ichrin "even a way-out village like yours had to hear some of the stuff of that place"

"Well, uh..............." Ichrin studied his teacup trying to think of a answer "let’s just say I have a special relationship with Yukari"

"What you took her special thing?" Marisa chirped in and Alice gave her a dirty look

"No! God no, sheash........ok let me say it a different way" unconsciously he grabbed his staff and ran his fingers through the engravings "me and her.......go back awhile, a long long while"

"But she must of knew that that would get you nowhere-"

"Except for a quick death.......sigh, she still hasten forgotten about all that stuff"

"What are you talking about?"

"eh, just some bad blood.......which is why I need to find her and pay her back for my troubles" Ichrin started to get but he stopped himself "but....I have no idea where she lives, and I doubt she’s going to try and look for me..."

Alice and Marisa look at each other for a second and Marisa blurted out "well no one knows really where she lives but she hangs out at Reimu's a lot-ze"

"Who?" Ichrin's mood heightened significantly as he got up and looked to the girls

"Reimu, the shrine maiden at the Hakurei Shrine" Alice answered

"Ha-ha, finally......now I can get her back for all of this" Ichrin downed the rest of his tea and skipped out the front door leaving the two girls alone for a second before Ichrin walked back in and said "uh.......how do you get to Reimu's?"

later the three of them were in front of Marisa's house preparing to leave for the shrine "it’ll only take a ten minutes if we head straight north of here, though I could make it in five-ze" Marisa shot a cocky look to Ichrin

"Really? I never figured a shrine to be in this forest" Ichrin turned to Alice who was busy preparing her doll

"No, actually its beyond the hills we need to fly their or the journey on foot takes all day"

"Shoot that might be a problem"

"Please tell me you can fly!" Marisa swooped in already on her broom and hovering a few feet off the ground

"No I can fly, it's just I might be a little rusty that’s all" Marisa sighed and landed next to Alice waiting for Ichrin to prove it "great, now how did this thing go?" Ichrin Mumbled as he awkwardly straddled his staff

"I think that I need to-AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...." Ichrin and his staff shot straight upwards out of view leaving Marisa and Alice staring at the sky

"Ya know, this guy is kinda weird-ze"

"Yea, he really is.................watch out he’s coming back down"

"You stupid freaking piece of crap!" Ichrin was falling rapidly as he was struggling with the staff "fly damit! PIECE OF JUNK FLY!" he started to spin rapidly and nearly fell off but held onto it with one hand "OK, OK NOT JUNK!" I had a way to use this thing what was it! Damit I cant think with all this spinning he pulled himself back onto the pole and braced it under his right arm and the staff immediately stopped spinning hm, I think I found it

Ichrin started to slow down and drifted to the ground "ha-ha, see that I still got it!" he shouted down to the girls who lifted off and passed him in the air "hey wait a second don’t leave me behind!"

The three of them were flying in formation over the forest with Marisa in the lead Alice trailing close behind her and Ichrin struggling to keep up a ways behind "Marisa slow down I don’t think he can keep up"

"Of course he cant keep up with the fastest human in Gensokyo-ze"

"Sigh, fine I'm going to head back and talk with him" Alice slowed enough to let Ichrin catch up to her as Marisa shrugged her off

"Now what do you want?" Ichrin muttered as Alice came up next to him

"Theirs something else I wanted to ask you"

"Really now, why couldn’t you ask me when we were on the ground"

"I was afraid I would not like the answer" Ichrin looked unusually at Alice now that she had his full attention "you were really battered in the Scarlet Mansion, however you survived all that and healed fully in one day..................no human not even youkai should be able to recover that fast"

A dark look came over Ichrin's face "then what do you think I am?"

"I can usually tell if someone's a youkai or not" she looked over to Marisa "you aren’t a youkai, but.......... you don’t feel entirely human"

"Ha, I’m surprised its still noticeable" no form of expression came over his face as he spoke "well you right that you would probably not like the answer, you still want to know?"

Alice could feel a chill come up her spine but something in her mind was begging for the truth "I want to know what, who you are" she looked at Ichrin with a resolution set in her eyes

"hm, very well then how should I explain this........you should know that their are ways a human can become a youkai, ether through study of magic or becoming one with magic...." Ichrin looked ahead to Marisa who was randomly blasting fairies as she crossed them "usually this takes decades to accomplish but if you take that power from where it's already developed"

"What do you mean?" Alice could feel a cold encompassing her body as Ichrin turned back to her, the sun seamed lost on him encasing his face in shadow and making it look grim as death

"Youkai eat humans all the time..........what would happen if a human ate Youkai?"

The words seemed to slow time as Alice watched Ichrin slowly fade away into the distance, she was reminded of a story she had read long ago. it was a collection of fairy tales told to youkai children but one tale stood out vividly in her mind, it was about a monster that stalked the forests to hunt and eat other youkai, but the book had been written over a hundred years ago theirs no way that he could be

"Alice" the words seemed distant to her but they repeated themselves and seemed to be coming closer "Alice" she looked up and saw a figure cloaked in shadow and blood looming in front of her, fear overcame Alice and her hands started to shake uncontrollably, she felt weak almost like a child cowering in fear of this beast

"Please......don’t eat me" she whispered the words, barley audible to anyone listening

"Alice" the words came again but they sounded different this time they almost sounded sad, she had to look up into the face of the figure, but it didn’t look like a monster or a animal like she was expecting it looked human his expression looked like he was in mourning, was the light playing tricks on her?

"Hey you two, why’d you stopped?" Marisa swooped in beside Alice and Ichrin "we could of been their by now if you guys hadn’t been so slow-ze" time returned to its normal pace and the world came alive again

"ah, it's nothing" Ichrin turned and smiled to Marisa "how far is it to their now?" he sounded relaxed and joyful as if he was taking a stroll in a sunny spring day

"Not far, just over those hills" she looked over to Alice who had her back turned "hey Alice, something wrong?"

"Ha-ha no nothing ha-ha" she smiled awkwardly and let out an extremely fake sounding laugh

"uh......okay then" Marisa swooped off with a half mumbled "weirdoes" in her wake, the rest of the trip was spent flying in silence as they flew in formation this time Alice stuck evenly between Marisa in the front and Ichrin in the back It didn’t last long as they soon landed on the outskirts of a small shrine nestled onto of a hill

"Hey Marisa, why don’t you go ahead and warn Reimu.......I'll just wait here with Alice" Ichrin calmly suggested

"Ugh, fine I need to talk to someone normal anyways" Marisa stopped off, Alice tried to tell her to wait but Ichrin put his hand on her shoulder to silence her

"theirs something I want to tell you, I don’t want you to misunderstand me" Ichrin whispered to Alice as Marisa walked out of earshot and as soon as she was clear Ichrin released her and apologized "I'm sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you"

Alice turned on Ichrin and gave him a look that threatened to kill "Is this some kind of joke! What is wrong with you!" she only received a cold stare from Ichrin "Just!.........just tell me why!"

"sigh, that’s what I was getting to" Ichrin took out his staff and walked over to a nearby tree "I'm a lot older than I look.......probably somewhere over one hundred years last time I kept track" he ran his hand along the base of the tree as he continued talking "I was originally a full human fighting to protect other humans way back when Gensokyo was first formed" he took his hand off the tree and stepped back from it "but my power wasn’t enough to protect everyone........I had to become stronger and I figured out a way to do so" he held his staff to the base of the tree "I hunted and preyed on youkai to gain power.......seemed like such a noble goal at the time" the tip of the staff touching the tree started to glow red "I finally had the power to protect the people I loved......" red slowly inched its way up the staff but it stopped halfway up and growled under the strain "but.....all power comes with sacrifice and I never understood what mine was until it was too late" the red dissipated and it returned to its normal dull black

"Why are you telling me this?" Alice crossed her arms and looked defiantly at Ichrin

"Ha, because you asked" Ichrin smiled and turned to Alice "but not just because you asked........you asked because you wanted to protect someone"

"I-I wanted to know because..........." words failed Alice, she knew that was exactly why she waited until she could ask without Marisa hearing them, that’s why she let Marisa go on ahead without her, was it really that obvious? "I thought that-"

Ichrin put his hand on her shoulder "it's natural to protect those you care about, just remember that you don’t have to handle it alone"

Marisa ran in to meet them "bad news, Reimu's in a bad mood today, she must still be mad about the hole I sparked in her roof-ze" she was plastered in paper seals and the tip of her broom was on fire "any of you two got any cash?"

"Money?" Ichrin questioned and he put his hand into his pocket and pulled out a handful of cash "well lets see, I got 40, 80- hey!"

Marisa reached out and took the entire lot "desperate times call for desperate measures-ze" she ran back up the stairs leaving Alice and Ichrin alone again

"Sigh, that was all I had" Ichrin moaned out loud

"ha-ha, come-on lets see what she’s up to" Alice smiled and set out to follow the witch with Ichrin in tow that wasn’t so hard, it looks like I’m finally making some allies........oh what the crap

As soon as Ichrin reached the top of the stairs he ducked a couple of seals flying in his direction and Alice pulled him into cover behind a tree before another volley passed him "Just how big of a hole did she make!" Alice shouted as she peaked out to see Marisa zooming around a girl in a red white dress with detached sleeves only remotely similar to a shrine maiden’s outfit

"MARISA THAT’S THE THIRD TIME THIS MONTH YOU DESTROYED MY HOUSE!" the miko screamed out to the black white bullet zooming around her

"At least stop shooting me so I can explain!" Marisa yelled back to Reimu but she only threw out more blue seals that started to home in on the witch

"So you can escape again? not this time!" one of the seals hit Marisa’s broom and exploded engulfing the tail in fire and sent black smoke spewing as Marisa corkscrewed out of control and was flung off her broom and collided upside-down onto the wall of the shrine

"Ouch, that AH!*thunk*" her broom impaled itself into her skirt causing her to swing upside-down suspended by the broom "he he, hi Reimu-ze"

Reimu approached her helpless captive knelt down and grabbed her shirt and in a sweat voice she said "hey Marisa" she violently shook the girl making her drop all her cash along a whole array of random items including her pink puppy panties she forgot to put away earlier "hm, cute.........but this is still not enough for the repair bill"

"consider it a down payment-ze" Reimu smiled and jerked the broom out of the wall causing it Marisa to fall to the floor in a heap, but she just as quickly got up and dusted herself off "crisis avoided, Its safe to come out now!" Marisa shouted off in the direction Alice and Ichrin were hiding

"Is this kind of stuff normal for you people?" Ichrin questioned Alice as they stepped out from hiding and approached the miko and witch

"Eh, about every other day they get in a fight like this" Alice shrugged off the question and greeted the miko as she got close "hello Reimu"

"Hey Alice, who’s that guy" she pointed to Ichrin with a confused look sheash I’m right here, you could at least ask me

"Ichrin" he answered for himself "nice to meet you, have you seen Yukari around?" he wasted no time in getting to the question and he started to look around for sings of the boundary youkai

"hmpf, kind of upfront isn’t he?" what the hell I’m right in front of you "no, I haven’t seen Yukari for a while, but now that I think about it she has been kind of skittish lately" she said out loud but most of it was directed to herself "she seemed worried about someone looking for her"

"Great, if she comes by again tell her I said hi" Ichrin turned to leave but Remiu stopped him

"Where do you think your going?" Ichrin turned back and looked questionably at Remiu "since you came with these two you share the responsibility of cleaning up after them" she waved her hand over the scene of her shrine, covered in potholes and paper seals

Marisa and Alice moaned at the same time
"But your the one that did all this-ze"
"Why are you including me with her, I didn’t even do anything"

"What was that?" Remiu turned to the two while taking out a stack of seals

"Nothing" the girls said in unison before grumbling off the fix the tattered shrine

several hours had passed as Marisa and Alice were busy in the courtyard of the shrine repairing some of the damage inflicted to it "why do I always get dragged into this kind of stuff with you" Alice complained as she scraped seals off the ground with the help of her doll "sigh, where is Ichrin anyways, wasn’t he suppose to suffer as well?"

"He said he was going to fix up the roof, but I haven’t seen him for a long time either" Marisa was repainting the shrine as she said this

"He already left" Remiu said from her seat overlooking her slaves as she sipped tea "he finished up about an hour ago and disappeared after that"

"THAT JERK!" Marisa stomped the ground in anger "We came all this way because of him and now he ditches us!.......and just to find that dim witted Yukari of all people!"

"Hey I resent that!" Yukari's head popped out of the air next to Remiu who was not phased in the least

"Sigh, don’t you ever knock or something before you but in?" Remiu asked Yukari as the gap around her head opened wide enough so the rest of her could walk out "anyways, why is their someone looking for you?"

"Oh that’s just Ichy.......he is gone right?" Yukari looked around nervously to double check her surroundings, she continued once she was sure it was clear "he's just a little mad over nothing really, do you have any tea?"

Remiu pored another cup of tea and reached over to Yukari to hand it to her but it exploded in her hand as a black staff landed between the two nearly on top of Remiu's hand

"FOUND YOU SUKIMA!" Ichrin burst out of his hiding in a treetop and sprinted across the courtyard to the shocked Yukari

"Uh-oh, gota run Remiu" she spurt out as she escaped into one of her gaps but not before Ichrin dived in after her "AH! Wa-wait! I didn’t mean to- what is that? no-NO YOU CANT!" Remiu Marisa and Alice watched as gaps opened and closed around them and objects came flying out of them

"and I just cleaned up!" Marisa dodged a falling recliner and blasted a air conditioner out of the sky with a few green bolts shot out of her hand "at least I get to finally blow some stuff up-ze!"

"oh, of course you would have fun in something as stupid as this!" Alice was underneath a shield held by her doll against a downpour of rubber chickens

"this kind of stuff always have to happen at my shrine doesn’t it!?" Remiu threw up a barrier to block a life sized bronze statue of a yak "hey, I think its stopping"

the torrent of falling objects suddenly stopped and a gap opened by the ground and Ichrin walked out dragging Yukari, with her hands and feet bound with rope, by her collar "I'm going to need some alone time to have a little chat with her" Ichrin said to Remiu as he dragged Yukari to the far end of the shrine

Remiu turned back to Marisa and Alice and the mess of her shrine "well, what do two think your doing? get back to work"

the sun was setting as Reimu waved goodbye to Alice and Marisa, who was lugging a huge sack of the items that fell, "bye Marisa, bye Alice, see you two tomorrow" they only answered back in weary moans as they disappeared over the horizon "well I should be turning in soon anyways, its been a taxing day for me as well" she yawned out and headed back inside her shrine but not before overhearing Yukari and Ichrin's conversation

"I mean really, what kind of vampire dresses up in a pink dress and poofy hat and expects herself to be taken seriously?" Ichrin laughed as he reminisced about his journey

"ha-ha, especially when she looks likes she’s seven" Yukari doubled over laughing along with Ichrin

"oh, I see you two are getting along fine now" Remiu interrupted them as she took a seat next to Yukari

"he-he ah you know, just catching up on old times" Remiu noticed that Yukari’s bounds had been untied as they were lying on the ground in front of her "this guy is real funny once you get to know him ha-ha"

"bah, you’ll laugh at anything Sukima" Ichrin turned to the sky and watched the stars slowly fade into view "ah beautiful...............you know what’s next night right Yukari?"

"not like I could forget, the red moon............so your planning to awaken it?" Yukaris expression turned serious as she looked to Ichrin’s staff "so I'm assuming you already figured out who’s behind it"

"yea, theirs no one else it could be, I already killed off every other one like her" Ichrin sighed and took out his staff and rolled it in his hands "I should be enough to stop her again if she hasn’t changed at all........ have you had the chance to face her yet?

"sigh, yes she just as powerful as before.....my Shikigami is still in serious condition after we faced her"

"sheash, how many times do I have to tell you this, power alone doesn’t decide battles, if you knew that you would of killed me long ago ha-ha" Remiu couldn’t believe what she was hearing, what about red moon and awaking power?, what kind of creature is strong enough to face Yukari and Ran and defeat them both, and what exactly kind of twisted relationship is between these two?

"well its getting late and I should be going now" Ichrin got up and walked off but was stopped by Yukari who was reaching through a gap and held her hand centimeters away from Ichrin's neck, her fingers glowing and ready to pierce it

"why should I trade off one monster for another?" Yukari asked Ichrin in a cold steeled voice "why should I let you live?

"Yukari.........I have changed, the monster has already drowned itself to death" Ichrin answered unmoved by her threat "theirs only one monster leftover and I am going to kill it, so.............please" Yukari sighed and withdrew her hand

"she's hiding in the bamboo forest" Yukari said solemnly and Ichrin took to the air without another word leaving Yukari and a very confused Remiu still sitting looking at the stars, Yukari got up and started to walk through a gap back to her home but Remiu stopped her with a question

"what is it between you two?" Yukari smiled and turned to the miko

"he very nearly destroyed Gensokyo" Yukari turned back to her portal and disappeared into the night

"...................I need to get some sleep" Remiu rubbed her forehead as a heavy headache overcame her "ugh, maybe some sake as well" she stepped into her shrine to turn in for the night as high above the forest Ichrin flew into the cold night air

great, a relic from my past has finally come up to chew my face off, and the only way to kill it is to revive this damned power, just keeps getting better and better
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