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by Nana
Rated: ASR · Sample · Fantasy · #1257500
This is not of Vampires, but of Magicians and how they came to be.

There lays a box under some questionable rubbish, a small brown box to be exact. And perhaps even in its own lifetime was known to be more priceless then the rarest of gems. But surely it wasn’t so grand, I mean to think, a box of but two inches tall and wide couldn’t possibly carry something so valuable. Maybe that is just it, perhaps there wasn’t anything particularly special about this wee possession, but then again its first and only owner does rise up some suspicion.

Gregory Samuels was perhaps the clumsiest and most unsuspecting man you could possibly meet. Though he held such high respect he was so careless in all his doings it was a wonder how he possibly found a job that would keep him. Though respected he was, no man was without enemies, and sure enough poor Gregory had a few, his perhaps a bit more fearsome then yours. His enemies were... well, to say it simply his were completely unrealistic, some even refuse to believe in their existence. But yes, Gregory believed, he would have to for they are the ones who haunt and persecute him (though he is still thinking upon the reason why). Now you are probably trying to imagine the most ferocious and nonrealistic creature you could think of. But try to consider this, a undiscovered disease perhaps?

Yes, oh yes, poor dear Gregory had a disease of unknown linage and cure. It was without name or reason, only its side effects are known because of Gregory himself. And to go even further it was known that he had more than just one unknown sickness but a few! A few! A few of some the most mind stretching diseases known; it first begins with a small unreasonable cold, which turns to a feverish death, though that is what you hope but you don’t die there. Then you begin to shake uncontrollably, your skin soon turning the eerie color of a moon less night. A few breath taking heart attacks then begin to appear, your hair suddenly would be stained gray as if old age had come early. Yes, it is painful but Gregory was a lighthearted man who tried to cover his aliment with an unreasonable amount of clothing. Few actually knew of his disease for he was sly with his excuse, and his job as a chimney sweeper was an alibi for his startling skin.

Thus Gregory lived on, not knowing his disease had only begun, and that it wouldn’t let him die so soon. But as mentioned before Gregory was careless, though perhaps just once it was his most fortunate traits. For one day when gregory went out into a cool spring afternoon (though his clothing never became any lighter), he strolled along the main avenue, waving to a few friends. His blue eyes constantly flickered to his feet, for he was so clumsy it was only a natural precaution. Though despite his attempts he went sailing to the floor, and to his surprise a women fell with him, though she did do so with grace that Gregory only dreamed of.

“My pardons Miss I wasn’t looking to wear I was going, and........” Gregory stopped for the expression on the young women’s face wasn’t anger or fear, but it seemed as if she was calculating him by some sorts.

“Names Gregory, Gregory Samuels” He whispered with a moments hesitation, then awkwardly stuck his hand out, though he hardly expected her to shake it, being so improper and all. But all to his surprise her delicate hand grasped his and she shook it slowly as she studied every line and crack on his hand, her green eyes widened with excitement.

She looked up only for a brief moment and then spontaneously grabbed a lock of Gregory’s hair between her fingers, though just a moment ago he was certain it was secure safely under his hat. “My name is..... well you may call me Alice, though use it sparingly” She chastised without looking up, she seemed so absorbed, looking at his hair so intently. So felt it his duty to stay to still so that she could study on, though his kind heart began to twist with irritation after a few moments.

Gregory raised one of his gruff fingers, pointing it directly at Alice, but before he could utter a single word she was gone, out of sight, but one single pearl button laid where she had knelt. Gregory almost burst into hysteria, but before he had the chance he convinced himself that surely it was just another side effect from his aliment, just a small figment from of his imagination. But is it really, I mean how could he explain the physical evidence of the white pearl, that was now gripped tightly between his palms. With a glance over his shoulders Gregory shoved the button into his pocket, only keeping it for a part of him was screaming that the pearl was the truth, what truth he wasn’t sure.

Later that afternoon Gregory was called to his job, to sweep out the chimney of a Miss. Nolen, though he didn’t know anyone by that name Gregory’s obligations urged him to take the job. With a bit of hesitation Gregory strolled across town, his mind on the matter that what had happened earlier today, though his mind was so preoccupied he was able to trip several times on what seemed to be a flat surface. But with no longer then twenty minutes Gregory was at the door step to the house of what he assumed to be Miss. Nolens, for there was a rather large sign that proclaimed it on her brightly colored door.

With a few light raps on the door a women of early years opens it, though strangely enough she looked rather familiar to Gregory, as if she had visited his dreams one night. “I’m..... ah...... Sam.... Mr. Samuels, the chim..... chimney sweeper” Gregory stuttered in an impolite manner but the women hardly cared for her attention was elsewhere, specifically on Mr. Samuel’s attire. Then the most insulting thing happened she smirked, no, she laughed at him as she absorbed him her eyes. Gregory was so red with embarrassment and anger that his black skin couldn’t even conceal its blush.

“My pardons......” She gasped through laughs, trying to calm herself he presumed. But this went on for far too long and suddenly Gregory’s kind heart burst with anger, though his words were still glazed with formality and manners, “Miss I am but here to sweep your chimneys and if the Miss is done I would like to do so” He whispered, though it was in a stern forbidding sort of tone.

“Why yes of course how rude of me” But she never stopped smiling, she merely moved aside indicating where the fireplace was set. Gregory glowered at her from the corner of his eye as he entered her tidy house. For some reason he felt at peace in this house though it was by far the fanciest he had ever been in.

“You might want to put out the fire first” She suggested with one dainty finger pointing to a bucket of sand. Gregory swerved around, only to back away for the heat of the fire was so intense, but he could have sworn the fireplace was only full of ash not fire a moment ago. But he was through talking to this impossible women, for no matter how many times he glowered at her she would merely smile bigger, thus making him angrier then before.

But Miss. Nolen spoke before he was able to reach the sand, “Gregory Samuels do you know how special you are? Haha.... I bet you think it’s a disease, how perfect! Well no worries dear Alice will help you!” She purred as she stepped forward, her upper lip curling back to show a pair of large fangs, their ivory color reflecting Gregory’s horrified features.

“No fear Mr. Samuels I am no Vampire” She laughed, and oh that laugh, that was the last thing Gregory heard until it went black. That was the last memory of his life as a man.

A small pillar of light illuminated a section of an unseemly abyss, it’s gruesome detail too immense for Gregory to consume. There were four towering walls surrounding a large expanse of space. The ceilings leaked of dark dreams and the spider webs curled around the bones of the deceased, their small skulls twisted in anger, eyes bleeding with spiders. There was not furniture to decorate, but instead a few unanimous rocks, jagged and ferocious. They were covered with a dark sheet of blood, blood that told the story of warriors, and shone eery in the dim lightening from the candles.

He tried to advert his gaze upon other things, but he could not for he was unable to move, but it wouldn’t make the slightest difference seeing how all of his surroundings were the same. Gregory then tried to look down with great effort, when he did he let out a few shuttering breaths before turning his gaze. For Gregory sat upon an alter of sorts, one with a deep red paint covering it’s body, Gregory only hazard a guess as to what the paint truly was.

There was a sudden sound in the distance, the sound resembling careful foot steps of someone who was in no hurry. Against his better judgment Gregory lifted his head to meet the eyes of a puzzling being. Gregory could almost swear that he knew this person, so delicate, but masculine, for a moment he wasn’t even sure of the gender. Then the being dropped, no, a mirror dropped. As its flying pieces covered the space, cutting the sides of his cheeks, but no pain, just surprise. Gregory stalled for a moment than burst into a hysteria of laughter, “Oh this has to be a dream, for that was such a beautiful person. No, I am not such a person, that is why this a is a dream” Gregory said out loud without perhaps meaning to. And with those words came a ripple, a ripple through the scene before him, and then it was gone and he was left in the dark.

Gregory awoke, gasping for air he tried to pry himself from where he sat, still believing that he was still on that cold alter. Hesitantly he opened his eyes, but instead of seeing the horrid surroundings he had expected he stared straight into the eyes of Alice, bright and mocking as they were.

“Ah, I see that you are finally awake. Oh, don’t look so frightened” She laughed as she stood back, allowing him to catch his breath a moment before she went on. Gregory not only took this moment to breathe but to glare intently at Alice, with such fear and doubt Alice hardly cared.

“If I may say so, and yes, I think I shall, you do look quite handsome Mr. Samuels. Who would have thought behind all that ‘ash’ such a man could live. Ah, but you could say that you are ‘clean’ now, all is well.” Alice actually said this in a serious tone, one that made Gregory look up half believing in what she said. But surely no, for she couldn’t possibly know of his aliment, and it wasn’t like it could be washed away. But he watched as Alice ran into a far off room, then she came back into the room producing a finely crafted hand mirror.

“Ah! What sorcery is this?!” Gregory exclaimed as he stared at the person he saw in the mirror, which couldn’t possibly be himself. It was the man from the dream, with soft blue eyes, and golden brown hair in which seemed to whisper as he shook his head in disbelief. But one thing who could not possibly accept was the ivory skin that covered his body, so soft and white, how could such a change take place.

“Not Sorcery, just magic. And no I did not do this to you. You could almost say this is who you are meant to be, the man beneath the mask, all is well, and all is natural, no need to fear” She cooed in a soft tone, trying to calm him with her gentle words. But here words had no effected for beads of sweat began to form around hi brow and his breaths became short and choppy. Then, while holding the mirror, he collapsed onto the ground, trembling and unconscious.

“How could it possibly be this weak man?” She asked, with a puzzling but quite mocking expression on her face. “Ah, but it is you dear, and you will come to terms, of that I am sure” She whispered, touching the soft hollow of his shoulder, her fingers tracing a black design upon his skin, its patterns resembled that of a small pearl with delicate vines swarming about it in unison. It was very peculiar, since Gregory didn’t even know of its existence, but Alice seemed to know exactly where it was, very peculiar indeed. And with those last words Alice grabbed Gregory by the feet and dragged him into one of many rooms in the household, still pale and unaware.
© Copyright 2007 Nana (a-lama at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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