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by angie
Rated: E · Chapter · Children's · #1256541
In this chapter you will read about the friendship and how friends pull together.
The Birth of Bunnie’s Puppies

It's a nice day in Cuddle Ville - the sun is shining and there is no sign of rain at all today.

“Hey dad! Would it be okay if I go outside and play for a while?”

“Sure, but you need to go check with your mom to see when lunch is going to be ready,” says his dad.

So Donald goes into the kitchen where his mom is cleaning to find. “Hey mom, when is lunch going to be ready?” asks Donald.

“Oh, here pretty soon,” replies his mom.

“Can I go outside and play for awhile till it's ready?” asks Donald.

“Okay, but stay close by, so you can hear me call for you , cause it will not be long before lunch will be ready,” instructs his mom.

Off Donald goes to find a few of his friends to play with, since Michael and Kyle are back from camp and vacation.

First, Donald runs into Cynthia and Brittney who are sitting on the steps in front of Cynthia's house and he asks them if they would like to play at the park with him. 

“Not right now. I don't feel like playing. I am to upset right now,” replied Cynthia.

“Me too,” replied Brittney.

“Why? What is wrong?” enquired Donald.

“We can not find Bunnie,” reported Cynthia.

“We have been looking every where for her all morning, and we just can't find her,” says Brittney.

“Okay, don't worry we will find her Cynthia! First we need to go and get everyone else together at the park so we can form a search for her,” Donald said trying to cheer up Cynthia.

So off they go to see if they can get all of the rest of their friends together to help. First, they stop at Brittney's two brother's Timothy and Conner. Next, they go get Annie, Lori, and Connie.

“Now we need to go see if we can get Joseph, Jamie, Michael, and Kyle to help,” said Conner.

“We will surely be able to find her then with all of us looking for her,” said Donald.

“We can even bring the puppies along to try to help find her,” suggested Timothy.

Now that everyone is together at the park they can begin their search to find Bunnie. They split up into teams and start searching. The girls search the park again and around the neighborhood.

While the boys are searching for Bunnie, Conner and Timothy spot an empty building.

“Let’s go and check it out. She could have possibly gone in there,” suggested Jamie. 

“Boy this building looks like it has been empty for a while. I don't recall what use to be here,” observed Joseph.

Once they are inside through an open side door, they start looking around and calling out for Bunnie.

“Look! See what I found! Looks like some kind of machine”, called out Timothy.

The other boys walk over to where Timothy is.

“So what did you find?” asks Joseph.

“There are some letters on top of this machine, and here on this cart is paper, ink and different kind of tools”, Conner described what he saw.

“I think this might have been that old printing company,” remarked Joseph.

“Let's look around some more and see what else we can find. We can also keep looking for Bunnie,” suggested Kyle.

“It sounds like a cool idea,” said Joseph.

While they are searching around the building for Bunnie, they hear something that sounds like a door opening and closing.

“Who is there?” yells Michael.

“It's just us girls coming back from searching the neighborhood and the park we spotted the door cracked so we thought we would check it out,” replied Brittney.

“Over here, said Kyle.

“I see you girls had no luck finding Bunnie at the park,” observed Donald.

“Sadly, no luck at the park. We just got to find her,” said Cynthia.

“We have not had any luck either in finding her in here yet. We are still searching for her,” reported Jamie.

“We will not give up until we do,” added Kyle.

“Hey everyone, sh sh for a minute! I hear something,” said Conner.

“Yeah, listen it sounds like a whimpering sound coming from over there somewhere,” remarked Donald pointing over to the left of where they are standing.

“Let's all split up and see if we can find where exactly over to the left of us it is coming from,” suggested Michael.

While looking around, Cynthia cries out, “Over Here! I found her!”

They all rush over to where Cynthia was crying out from and they see Bunnie lying on a bunch of old newspaper with 5 puppies lying beside her whimpering.

“Wow! She has given birth to some puppies,” says Brittney.

“Oh look at them, they are so cute”, shouted Cynthia and Connie.

“Yes, they sure are, all 5 of them”, Annie expressed her agreement and joy.

“We better go and get my mom. She will know what to do about Bunnie and her puppies. They need to get warm,” said Cynthia.

“We will stay here with Bunnie and her puppies while you girls go and get your mom,” said Donald.

“Hey, why don't we go and finish searching around this building for a few minutes, and see what else we can find?” suggested Michael.

“We might be able to find some more stuff to use with those letters and stuff for that machine,” said Jamie.

While searching the old newspaper factory, they come to a door marked “supply closet”.

“I wonder what is in there, Kyle thought aloud.

“Look in there”, encouraged Michael.

Michael opens the door.

“There is a whole lot of a supply that was left behind,” observed Timothy.
“Why don't we take some of this stuff and the stuff from over at that machine and make our own one page newsletter?” suggested Donald.

“That sounds like a great idea,” commented Joseph.

“That would be fun and so cool,” agreed Kyle.

“We can write about Cynthia loosing Bunnie and how we found her and her 5 new little ones,” added Donald.

“I think Cynthia would like that idea,” remarked Timothy.

“Yeah that sounds like something kids here would like to read about,” commented Conner.

“What are we going to call it?” asked Conner.

“We can call it the Kids Gazette of Cuddle Ville,” suggested Donald.

“Yeah that sounds cool, since it's only for us kids,” said Jamie.

“We can tell the girls about it when they get back here with Cynthia's mom,” said Donald.

“We can get started just as soon as Cynthia's mom gets here to take care of Bunnie and her cute puppies,” added Conner.

The girls arrive back with Mrs. Watkins to take care of Bunnie and her puppies.

“Hello there boys, what are you doing over there at that machine,” asked Mrs. Watkins.

“We are going to use the ink and letters and print on this paper our own newspaper,” revealed Joseph.

“Well, okay show me where Bunnie and her puppies are and you boys be careful around that machine,” warned Mrs. Watkins.
“We need to get Bunnie and her puppies into a nice warm place at home, so she can get to taking care of them,” said Mrs. Watkins. “You can go ahead and go play with your friends for awhile if you want to,” she added.

The boys show the girls the neat machine they found and tell them about their idea of making there own newspaper their own newspaper and writing the little story about Bunnie and her 5 cute little puppies.

So they begin printing the story step by step and they have just enough to pass around to their friends.

“How about after lunch we all meet at my house and take a look in at Bunnie's puppies?” suggested Cynthia.

“Sure, we would like that!” everyone shouted in unison.

After lunch they all meet at Cynthia's house to get a closer look at Bunnies puppies.

“She had 3 boy puppies and 2 girl puppies,” said Mrs. Watkins to the children.

“Wonder what we can name them”, asked Cynthia. “I don't know yet, I thought we would name them together”.

“I thought we could name this one Bruno,” she said handing over one of the puppies to Donald to hold.

“You should name this one Spud, he reminds me of Sparky,” suggested Conner. So Cynthia hands this one to Conner to hold. “It sure does,” replied Conner.

“We have 3 more puppies to name,” says Brittney.

“Well this cute one right here looks like Sam, so his name is Samson,” says Cynthia as she hands the puppy to Joseph to hold.

“The other 2 puppies are girls so they need cute little names for them,” said Annie.

“I think we should name this one Cuddles - she looks so cuddly and so soft, just like Bunnie,” said Lori.

“Why don't we name this one Star - she has a mark around her right eye that looks like the shape of a star to me,” suggested Annie.

“Okay, Cuddles, and Star are good names for them,” agreed Cynthia.

She gives Cuddles to Annie to hold and she picks up Star to hold.

“And now that they are all named I just have to find homes for them all,” said Cynthia, “My mom said that I can only keep one and I am keeping Star, so that means I have to find good homes for the rest. Any suggestions?”

“Well I can take Bruno,” said Donald. 

“I would like to have Spud,” said Conner.

“If it would be alright, I would like to have Samson,” said Joseph.

“There is only one more to find a home for and that is Cuddles,” said Cynthia.

“I am sure our mom will let us have her,” said Annie.

“Well come along children. Bunnie needs her rest”, said Mrs. Watkins.

“We were just naming them and I found good home for the rest of her puppies,” reports Cynthia.

“That is great news, you will just have to wait a few weeks before you can take them home”, said Mrs. Watkins.

So the children all go outside to play for awhile longer before supper, while Bunnie and her puppies are all nice and warm and being cared for.

© Copyright 2007 angie (afawns at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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