Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1256396-War-Is-Hell
Rated: 18+ · Other · War · #1256396
First time writing anyting. A squad in WW2 runs into a sniper. Please review! More coming
"Alls I'm sayin' is that when I get my hands on that slimey sonuvah bitch Hitler'll wish he'd-," were the official last words of Private Timmothy Rogers. While Pvt. Roger's attempted to inform his fellow soldiers of his intended actions againt Adolf Hitler, a German sniper using Karabiner 98k, more commonly known as Kar98k, modified with a scope unleashed it's fury in the form of a 7.92 x 57 mm. round. The round proceeded to travel through the air at a remarkable speed until coming into contact with it's intended target, Pvt. Roger's head (which was foolishly devoid of the protection of his helmet). The bullet shattered Pvt. Roger's skull causing the implosion of his head, spraying bits of bone, blood, and brian. The particular cells that contained whatever Pvt. Rogers intended to add to complete his sentence was splattered, along with a majority of his crainial contents, upon Pvt. "Allie" Allison. Though such a death would seem inexpressably agonizing, it is actually a relativly painless method of demise. In most cases the victem does not hear the crack of the rifle. The part of the brain that would register pain is despersed across the immediate surroundings of the victem before messages can be sent to register the explosion of the head, ensuring no pain is felt. Compared to the myriad paths to the ending of one's life this particular trail would be known as "quick and painless". Though this was the truth, it was not what was racing through Allie's mind. In Allie's mind the world had just ended is a fiery explosion of dark red. Allie stumpled, tripping over his own feet to the ground. Before he knew what had actually happened, whether the Earth did actually explode, or just Pvt. Roger's head, the sniper unleashed his fury once more, though the only cry of rage echoed from the rifle. Any thoughts Allie had about recent events were expelled from his mind as a tsuinami of pain decimated him. His knee eruppted as 14.6 grams of metal tore it's path of destruction through flesh, tendon, and bone. Allie uttered a pathetic whimper of pain before passing out due to the immensity of it. While the remaining men of Sargent "Evret" Evretson's squad took cover behind the crumbling remains of the ruined French city.
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