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Rated: 13+ · Other · Cultural · #1255987
racism is a real and thriving still today.
Are All Men Created Equal?
The definition of equal according to Webster’s Dictionary is—of the same measurement, quantity, or value as another, having the same privilege or rights. When the statement All Men Are Created Equal is viewed, racism automatically comes to mind.
Racism is wrong, but racism is real and still strong today. Racism, too often today is used for a crutch or an excuse. When in reality bad decisions are the culprits of the position people have put themselves in. Accusations of racism are thrown around at the discretion of the accuser. So many times the racial accusations go unchallenged by the accused for fear of a bad reputation or retribution.
A good example of racism is, my grandparents are some of the most racial people. My grandmother sits on the front pew at church every Sunday and is a Holy Roller. Her professed faith has not made a change in her feeling on other races, mostly blacks and Mexicans. She acts as if these races carry a disease of some kind or that they are all rapists, thieves, and killers. My grandmother’s actions imply that she thinks heaven will be segregated.
My parents do not have the same point of view as she does on this subject because these ideas are foolish and horrid ideas. My grandmother’s parents planted a seed of hate in all of their children. My parents did not plant this same seed and tried to break the chain of hate. The majority of the populations are not so foolish to think or be persuaded in the same direction as my grandparents.
God creates us all equal. God gives us free will to make our own decisions; He judges us all by the same standards. He also gives us all the chance to get to heaven. Through God’s eyes we are all equal, which is all that really matters. Here on earth we are not all equal for whatever reason: race, sexuality, income level, religion, gender. In America today, racism is a reality and probably always will be.
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