Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1254829-Listen-to-your-Soul
by Anyeot
Rated: E · Poetry · Spiritual · #1254829
As you move consciously into the inner realm, you are unveiling that which...
As you move consciously into the inner realm, you are unveiling that
which, from the outer perspective, clouds the vision and, to a measure,
hides the radiance of soul energy.  So you see, as the soul speaks,
there is an outward movement of radiant energy of creation.  There is a
movement of Love and Light into manifestation.  However, as this
movement of energy moves from the inner infinite realm of soul
consciousness into the realm of three-dimensional existence, there are
many filters, many clouds that cover that inner vision and confuse and
dilute the inner statement of soul reality.  So the result is a
diminished perception, although the search continues for the clarity of
vision of that which is being offered from the inner depths of soul

It is important to recognize that there are indeed these
self-constructed barriers or veils that hide and cover the flow of
energy coming from the center of soul awareness.  For as there is
awareness of these boundaries and limitations that have been
self-imposed on consciousness, they can then be removed.  They can be
erased.  They can be seen for what they are.  The mind can be seen for
its controlling tendency, the emotions can be seen for their reactive
tendencies, and the physical can be seen for its appetite for satisfying

So you see, each of these veils of perception can indeed be raised,
diluted, and eventually diminished.  It must be known that the soul is
always speaking.  The soul is always radiating the pure Love and Light
of creation.  The soul is always manifesting that which is the pure
intention of being.  It is only in the dilution of the understanding of
that intention that the outer veils are put in place and the mind, the
emotions, and the physical become the apparent and assumed realities
that cloud the vision of that which is the pure statement of soul
consciousness emerging from within.

The soul speaks.  The soul speaks loudly.  The soul reveals all that
is.  Listen and heed that which is being offered.  Let that which binds
the consciousness simply dissolve and disappear for it has no power; it
has no substance.  The only power and the only pure substance of
existence emanates from the consciousness of the soul.  That is the
eternal and infinite statement of who you are.  That is the eternal and
infinite statement of the Consciousness of Creation in motion.  Feel
deeply who you are and listen carefully as the soul speaks.

Welcome into the depths of the inner sanctuary, the sanctuary of
silence, the sanctuary where all that has been created, externalized,
and attached to is set aside, the inner sanctuary where there is only
the infinite consciousness of oneness present.  Within this inner
sanctuary there is the Source of all that is.  It is the process of
awakening to the truth of that Source, the only Source that exists.  It
is knowing the identity of that Source as the identity of all that

Within the inner sanctuary, there is a melding, a blending, a merging, a
unifying.  It is within the silence that everything is known.  There is
an emanation of Light that is rather intense, rather profound and in
fact infinite, emanating from this inner sanctuary.  You feel it in
every moment of your present activities as you move through the
manifested world.  You feel this impulse of Light becoming brighter and
brighter and more intense.  You feel it radiating from the nucleus, the
center of this inner sanctuary. 

The meaning of holy is most profound.  Right where you are is holy
ground.  Feel the meaning of what is being presented and know that right
where you are is the center, is the apex, is the fulcrum, is the radiant
Source of all that is.  Those who know the truth that is being offered
are being activated as true beacons or channels or radiant carriers, or
extensions of that one infinite Light that is pulsing and moving in and
through creation.  This is a time to merge with and become one with that
Light, to set aside all that would be an attachment in the world, all
that would be an outer focus, all that would be a deterrent to awakening
to soul consciousness. It is a time to merge and to activate the process
of radiating and beaming that Light into all that is on your pathway and

The pathway of expression is the pathway of application.  It is the
pathway of creation being the Light that it is.  This is a time to move
beyond that which has been spoken of, to move beyond that which has been
outwardly expressed or felt.  It is a time to move into the full
expression of the Light that you are.  There are no boundaries.  There
are no side routes.  There is only the singular path that lies before
you, that lies within you.  Move, act, and be the Light you are with
full and uncompromising focus and intention.
© Copyright 2007 Anyeot (gracewatcher at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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