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Rated: E · Fiction · Educational · #1254711
I started to pen this during the holidays, when I had a depleted amount of creative juice.
Amelia Beckhurst the Third was a normal teenager. Or as normal as she could be, under the circumstances. Her parents were in the midst of a rather childish, and pricey, divorce. And, of course, she just HAD to be an only child. So, naturally, her parents were piling on the pressure for an answer to the ever-baffling question of 'Who do you want to live with?'
She felt that, in answering the question, she would let either one or the other of her parents down, so thought it best not to answer.

This wasn't Amelia's only problem, though. Not by a long shot.
Amelia was 15. That's bad enough in itself, but it gets worse. Amelia had been enrolled in a school where being 15 meant that you simply HAD to have a boyfriend, wear make-up, and cry for hours if your hairdresser applied the wrong dye on your bi-weekly visit. This school, this hellhole of fashion worship and Applied Etiquette courses was called Madam Elaine's Preporatory School for Girls.
Ugh. It even SOUNDS private. And Amelia's going to this school because her parents are rich. Not Amelia's father is rich, therefore making Amelia's mother rich. Singularly, in themselves, they were RICH. Meaning that when her mother suggested it, and her father refused, she ended up being enrolled anyway!

'OK.' You might be thinking. 'Snobby private school, with horrible sounding people, but you're rich. I don't see the problem.'

I'll tell you. You see, Amelia didn't like fashion, or make-up, and, quite frankly, thought boys were idiotic, immature, and a waste of time, to say the least.

Do you see the dilemma?

***End of Chapter 1***
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