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by d9
Rated: · Short Story · Comedy · #1254563
an average gal getting stuck in the lift with 2 popular guys
In The Lift

It was a busy Monday afternoon. Almost all the classes were over, students was everywhere, and I was rushing to get into the lift before it shuts me out. I reached just in time as the door shut close behind me. I press the Ground floor button and lean on one of the corner of the lift, catching my breath as I readjusted my silky shoulder length black hair. I peered hard at the dull reflection in the lift when I heard the lift door opened on the 5th floor. I looked out and waited then blinked like an idiot when realized there was nobody outside. Just as I was about to jam on the “close” button. I heard a faint call saying “hold the door”. I quickly pressed the “open” button and waited for the “person” to show up. To my surprise it was the pale lanky guy I once knew during my orientation week. He is now however one of the most popular guys in IT our collage, well almost.
He entered breathing hard and quickly leans on the opposite side of the lift with his eyes closed. I silently prayed that he would keep his eyes closed until I get off the lift but I can’t but look at his very handsome face. I had always admired his silky dark brown hair that keeps falling over his eyes, it gives him the sexy seductive kinda look. I was so lost and dazed by the site of him that, my heart skip a beat when he opened his eyes suddenly, looking shocked himself. I quickly tore my eyes from his and focused on the changing number. The lift open again on the 3rd floor and I heard a very faint but deep-throat frown from the back.
An athlete figure entered, as he was slipped in his hand phone in his jeans pocket. Whoa some formal attire I thought to myself. He looked up and I realized it was one of the cute boys from my class. Well at least a section or two, but hey he is still my classmate. He gave me a quick smirk and stood behind me. At this very moment I really wish I had never taken the lift, but then again two handsome guys in the lift me with all alone is not so bad after all, well at least I hope so. When the door closed, it made funny jerking movements. I must have made quite a show because when I turn around I saw both of them were looking at me. I just stare at my shoes and wished the lift would just go faster. The lift makes another sudden movement and I let out a faint yelp and held on to my books.
Then I heard the cute guy say:” I think it is best we get out of the lift before something goes wrong”. I was just about to reach for the stop button when the lift made another hard jerk and everything when pitch black. This time I heard both of them yelp with me. I heard myself said “I didn’t do it’ before I can stop myself. I really felt stupid and humiliated. Then a computerized voice came over the speaker. “Please stay calm as we repair the minor damage to our lift system. Thank You”.
I stood in the lift and crossed my fingers, hoped that the lift would not give way and crush to the ground. I open my eyes and realized that I could not see anything in the dark, not even my bare hands. I decided to stay put in my place until help comes. After about 40 minutes another announcement comes through the speaker. This time it was a man’s voice.

“We are very sorry to announce that the lift system have a major damage. It might take us maybe 3 to 4 hours to repair the damage due to the lack of staff assistances. Please stay calm and follow the instruction: Please make sure you do not slip to unconsciousness due to the lack of air lat-“the announcement was cut short and replaced by a circuit noises. We stood silently and wondered what we have gotten ourselves into. Then a current sound made us all jump as the faint blue emergency light came on. I looked up and saw that they were still standing exactly where they stood before. I glide down to the floor and placed my books next to me.
Both of them followed me to the floor. I sat opposite to the handsome guy and to my left was the cute guy, and he of course was sitting opposite to the door. As we sat in silent I looked at each of them trying to remember their names. You see, even though I can recognize a person’s face but I always have trouble remembering their names. So as I sat there I tried to recall the names in the attendance paper. Then DING ! I remembered, the cute guy’s name is Dave Catcher. The handsome guy’s name is Jason “something”, I can’t recall his last name, but hey that’s a little improvement, at least I remember the Dave guy. We sat on the same position until the compact room slowly became warm and dry. I heard rustle of clothing and saw both the guys had unbutton their color button and pull their ties loose. I was getting wet from the drench of sweat but still I refuse to take off my brown over coat.
Both the guys started to have small chats, completely ignoring the poor me. Soon I had trouble hearing, they suddenly seem so far away and the figure of them chatting seems to get dark and blurry. I felt my eye getting heavier and my mouth getting dryer. After awhile I felt my body swung forward. Suddenly I heard a unison yelp of my name. I jerk my eyes open and saw both of them looking at me, worried. The only reason I woke up is not because of embarrassment but because they called me by my name and they were worried for ME!. Whoa! That caught me by surprise. Then Dave said “You know her?” at Jason. He nodded and asked the same question back at him. They then both stare at me.
“I think I’m gonna faint if you guys don’t keep me awake” I heard myself said, wondering how the hell I got the courage to speak to either of them. Again they answer in unison “ok”. Then Dave suggested we talk about ourselves, but both Jason and I decline. So we ended up talking about the most annoying lecturers. For once we had the same opinion; we all get annoyed by our ASSF lecturer. As we chat I noticed that Dave pierced his left ear. There hung a very cool looking sliver ear ring. It glittered every time he moves his cute face and a matching silver bracelet that had this very cool design. A very unique design if u asks me, I don’t think you find anywhere. I found myself staring at him and hoped there was no drool leaking from the corner of my mouth. Every time Dave smiled there was a dimple that made him even cuter. Dave smug when he noticed me staring at him. I blushed and looked away. I was even more surprise when Jason and Dave thought my presentation was very good. Honestly I didn’t even think any of them noticed me standing on the stage during my presentation. Wow you never know, somebody cool like them actually notices you after all. I gave them my famous grin along with “Thanks”.
Two hours pass and we started to get very dizzy and uncomfortable. Dave said “I think you guys have to slap me, if I leave for Pluto” then he gave a small chuckle. I stretch both my legs and said “Sure, I thought you never ask” then we all burst into a laughter. My right leg was getting numb and I can hardly feel my thigh, my cloths were now clinging on my body but I thank god it did not smell. When I saw both the boys unbutton 3 more buttons I felt frustrated. I was even starting to wish that I was a boy then perhaps I could strip off my shirt and cool off. At that thought, I giggle to myself .I caught both the guys by surprised. Jason said “I think Viki has gone crazy”. I gave him a I’m-going-to-choke-u kind of stare but he just gave a tiny but teasing kind of smile and fan himself with his leather file.
Soon we started to talk less and move very little. I could feel my eyes open half way more like lazily. I looked at Dave and he was midway lying on the lift floor. Then I glance over to see Jason who was also in the same shoe as Dave. I put my body a bit lower on the floor and felt my eyes getting heavier and my vision getting very blurriest.
I walked out of the BW and saw my friends Shafinas and Yuwina making faces. “Hey its not like I choose to get stuck in the lift u know”. I said casually as I looked at Shafinas who made face at me. Yuwina came closer looking pissed and shook me hard. ”Because of you we missed both the buss and now we have to walk all the way to LImu” I was shocked to hear Yuwina’s voice. It sounded like a man and Shafinas’s hands were rough and the grip was getting painful. I yanked my body away and my head hit on the lift wall. I open my eyes and started straight at a pair of ocean blue eyes. Then heard another voice said “Man… I thought she was a goner!”. I turn around and saw a pair of green eyes looking back at me. The colorful eyes jolt me back to reality. “I when to dream land again huh?” I said in a horse voice. “Well more like a nightmare land to be precise” garbled Dave as he sat opposite me.
I felt myself blush and I tried to pull away from Jason’s powerful grip on my fore arms. “Thanks guys” I mumbled. As I try to stand up I felt both my hands being pulled down and towards the boys. I yelped as I fell in the middle between the most handsome and cutest guys in the UNITEN. “You stay put here…so we can keep an eye on you” Dave said as he smiled at me. I felt my heart melt down to my abdomen. So as I sat in between them I asked about their family and friends. It took me aback to know that Dave father is actually his step father and that he never seen his real father even though he is still alive. It was also astonishing to know that none of them had a girlfriend, ok more like a real girlfriend that last more then 2 months. When it was my turn to spill about my roots. I heard low grumbling noise from Dave’s stomach. I looked up and saw his face lit up with embarrassment. “You want something to deal with that”. I asked almost laughing. He nodded and I lean forward and dragged my bag. I silently thank god for the interruption because I was not ready to tell anyone about my family or my life. I unzip my bag and pulled out the world most delicious and healthy food. Jacob’s Biscuit milk flavor in cube packet. When I looked from the corner of my eyes I sworn I saw a tiny drool from the very corner of Dave’s mouth. I giggled and hand over the packet. He hungrily pulls apart the seal and munched on the biscuits. I looked at Jason and asked if would like one too. He nodded and licked his lips as I dug in my bag for more. I didn’t feel like eating so I gave the last packet to both of them to share.
As we sat in the humid room I hummed myself a song and my fingers played along by my side, imitating a piano. As I was drifting in to the world of Humming I felt a warm touch on my hand. I jerk away my hand in surprise and realized that Jason has fallen asleep. I looked to my right for help but realized that Dave too has fallen asleep. I panicked and started to pace in front of them. “Shit what the hell am I gonna do? “I said to myself. I looked at them for a minute and realized that they were not moving much. I plop down next to Jason and poked him hard on the shoulder, when he did not respond I jumped over to Dave and did the same. He too did not respond. I stood in front of them and was about to kick them in the guts, when the lift made a hard jolt. I was thrown forward towards them. I fell on top of them and heard them yelp in surprise. I looked up and saw that I had my upper body on Dave and my lower part on Jason. They both blinked in surprise and burst in to laughter. I frown and tried to get off them. As I straighten up my cloths, I heard Jason said: “Hey I’m not trying to pervert or something but you have a very nice body you know” looking at his shoes as he specks. I was stunned and speechless for the whole 1 second and murmured “Thanks I guess”. “Nope Jason is right you do have a very nice body” said Dave in defensive kinda way but when I looked at him he too looked way shyly. “Gee thanks guys ..really “I said looking away and feeling all happy. I was so happy I though I was going to float in the air. Then after another torturing 30 minutes pass we sat in silent and minded over own business. Suddenly Dave said “Hey Viki do you have a boyfriend?”, I jumped at the call of my name. I looked up and saw both the boys waiting for my answer. “No …I don’t ..why?” I asked as I raised an eyebrow. ”Why not you are cute..!” Dave said and smirk sexily. Then he continued “Nothing is just we were wondering if we could bring you out for a dinner. Well since you don’t have a boyfriend is it possible for you to make it?” I stare at them and blinked. Whoa did he just said I am cute and shit did they just asked me out?..ok calm down, deep breaths now, Ok Viki now ask what for. “What for?...i mean what is the dinner for?” I asked. “Well you DID saved us from starving to death …so you get the idea” Jason said still looking at his somewhat seems very interesting shoes. “Ok..i guess.but .no catch ok “ I said sounding very much unsure. I really wanted to smack myself on the face. What a stupid thing to say thought to myself.
“Ok cool we will think of a date to date …I mean to um ah…u know” Dave said as he looked over at Jason for help. “Yeah like on a date ...oops I mean as a treat” .Jason now looked like a red light bulb as he runs his hand through his smooth brown hair. I watched as the strain of hair drop back in place gracefully. Wow he really looked like the “Boss” model you watch in TV. I felt myself melt in to a hot larva at site of him. After 1 hour we heard a sound from the speaker. The same voice announcing: “We are happy to announce that the lift system is now stabilized. Thank you for your patients”
After that announcement all three of us jump up in unison and hugged each other. Dave had his hands around my waist from behind and Jason’s arm was around my shoulders. I could feel their hot breaths on my face and neck. We stood in that awkward position until I realized that I was sandwiched between Jason and Dave. As I quickly pulled away I accidentally touched Dave’s well built abdomen. They felt so WOW !! and I jumped back in surprise. I did not look up at any of them and quickly started to pack my things. The boys too got ready for the “freedom”. We watched as the word “Emergency” faded and the number reappearing. Then the lift made a sudden jolt and moved down. As I stood in the middle I pinched myself on my arm just to make sure I was not dreaming. Suddenly I felt my left hand being stuffed with something. I glanced over my shoulder and saw Dave smirk and then looked up at the changing number. I looked down and saw a small piece of note folded neatly in my palm. I quickly slip the note in my pants and took a deep breath. My heart was pumping so fast that I thought I was gonna faint. In my head I was screaming “OH MY GOD HE GAVE ME A NOTE!!”. The screen flashed the capital “G” and that gave me a jiggle of joy.
The lift door slide open and the compact room were quickly filled in fresh air. I smile and took a step out of the lift. Dave quickly gave me a smirk as his emerald eyes flashed with joy. I watched him jog over to his friends. As I looked around for my friends and I felt a hand on my shoulder. I shudder and turn around and found myself staring at the same ocean blue eyes. He lean in and hand me a pale blue note. He then flashed me the same teasing yet a very boyish smile. He then turn around and walked towards the exit casually with his hands on in pocket I stood there blinking and astonished until I felt a very gentle tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see my friends wide-mouthed. “Ok ..what the hell just happen?” Yuwina asked as looked after Jason. “You are so gonna elaborate very single thing that happened in there, even if it takes all day” Shafinas said as she looked at the lift and then back at me. I smiled and shrugged my shoulders. As I said “Come on guys time to get going” I slipped the note in my pocket and drag them along to the exit.

THE END ……???
p/s be gentle .......feed back needed
© Copyright 2007 d9 (deviki99 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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