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Rated: 18+ · Other · Other · #1254462
Hannibal pays Clarice a visit and follows her to one of her hobbies.
You were meant for me

" Finally Othello." Clarice said closing the door to her new apartment. She had been sharing a place with her best friend Ardelia. But thought that after Delia got married it might be a good idea to move into a place of her own. Tom (Delia's new husband) had just finished helping her move the last of her stuff in. Othello her black German Shepard was now checking the apartment. She had only had him for about a year and already he thought that Clarice was his to protect.

He looked and sniffed around the apartment for about an hour while Clarice started to put stuff away. It was Somewhere around 6 when she decided to go for a run with Othello. Quickly changing into her running shorts and baggy T-shirt she put a leash on Othello and left. She got the park and let Othello off the leash. He always ran beside her and if he did get away he knew to come back when she called.

Clarice and Othello ran their three miles then stopped and watched the sun set. She didn't want to go home. She didn't want to spend the night alone again. Sure she had Othello but it wasn't the same as having a warm body next to you. Shrugging it off she smiled to her furry friend and made her way back to her car. Never realizing that someone was watching her.

Dr. Hannibal Lecter sat at the top of the hill where he had watched Clarice from 2 years ago. He had been watching her for almost 2 months now. Waiting for her to realize that she belong with him. He sat and watched as her and her dog Othello made their way back to her car. She was upset about something he could smell the disappointment flowing off her.

Making his way back to his own car Hannibal thought of the night to come. He had been waiting almost 2 years for Clarice to be alone, and finally thanks to her roommates marriage. Clarice was living in an apartment all on her own. Sure their was the dog but Othello and Hannibal had come to an understanding quite sometime ago. You don't bite me I won't bite you. He chuckled at the thought. Tonight he was going to make Clarice his in every sense of the word.

Clarice made it in to her apartment turned on the radio and walked to the bathroom. Jumping in the shower as soon as the water turned on. A song started to play that Clarice always seemed compelled to sing.

" And here it is the number one requested song of the night Sugarland 'Settlin'

" 15 minutes left to throw me together
For miser right now, not mister forever
Don't know why I even try when I know how it ends
Lookin' like another maybe we could be friends
I've been leavin' it up to fate
It's my life so it's mine to make

I ain't settlin just gettin' by
I've had enough so so for the rest of my life
Tired of shootin' to low so raise the bar high.
So, I'm just not waiting up this time
I ain't settlin' for anything less than everything "

Clarice was so lost in the song she didn't hear the front door open. Or the door to the bathroom.

With some good red wine and my brand new shoes
Gonna dance a blue streak around my livin' room
Take a chance on on love and try how it feels
WIth my heart wide open now you know I will
Find what it means to be the girl
Change her mind and change her world

I ain't settlin' just gettin' by
I've had enough so so for the rest of my life
Tired of shootin' too low so raise the bar high.
So, I'm just not waiting up this time
I ain't settlin' for anything less than everything

I ain't settlin' just getting by
I've had enough so so for the rest of my life
Tired of shootin' too low so raise the bar high.
I'm just not waiting up this time

I ain't settin' just gettin' by
I've had enough so so for the rest of my life
Tired of shootin' too low so raise the bar high.
I ain't settlin' no, no, no, no, no, no,....
So raise the bar high."

Clarice listened as the next song started to play another song that she just couldn't help but sing. "Once a country girl always a country girl." She said aloud to no one... she thought.

You feel like a candle in a hurricane
Just like a picture with a broken frame
Alone and helpless
Like you've lost your fight
But you'll be alright

'Cause when push comes to shove
You taste what you're made of
You might bend, till you break
'Cause its all you can take

On your knees you look up
Decided you've had enough
You get mad you get strong
Wipe your hands shake it off

Then you Stand, Then you Stand

Life's like a novel
With the end ripped out
The edge of a canyon
With only one way down
Take what you're given before its gone
Start holding on, keep holing on

Clarice rinsed off and got out of the shower keeping her eyes closed. She didn't see Dr. Lecter sitting on her toilet listening to her singing. She continued to sing as she dried her body off.

'Cause when push comes to shove
You taste what you're made of
You might bend, till you break
'Cause its all you can take

On your knees you look up
Decided you've had enough
You get mad you get strong
Wipe your hands shake it off

Then you Stand, Then you Stand

Everytime you get up
And get back in the race
One small peice of you
Starts to fall into place

'Cause when push comes to shove
You taste what you're made of
You might bend,till you break
'Cause its all you can take

On your knees you look up
Decided you've had enough
You get mad you get strong
Wipe your hands shake it off

Then you Stand, Then you OH MY GOD!!!!!"

Clarice opened her eyes to see Othello drinking out of the open toilet. Funny I didn't think it was open when I went in. She shrugged it off and shooed Othello out of the bathroom. The radio still playing she put a robe on and decided to get Othello some food. " You hungry Othello?" She asked wrapping her hair in a towel and walking to her new kitchen.

Othello danced around his mistress as she started to mix his dinner. Clarice couldn't help but laugh at the pup. She started to move to the music along with the dog at her feet. This was one of those we play everything kinds of stations. So now it went for country to Shakira

Whenever, wherever,
We're meant to be together
I'll be there and you'll be near
And that's the deal my dear
There over, here under
You'll never have to wonder
We can always play by ear
And that's the deal my deal

Clarice nearly passed out when she felt some one's hands wrap around her waist. She could feel his hot breathe on her neck and knew who it was. She was both upset and happy to know that he was behind her. She mentally smacked herself for being happy to have a serial killer in her home.

He couldn't help but wrap himself around her. She smells wonderful. he thought. He could tell that she was getting ready to make a move. He smiled this was going to be an interesting evening.

" Dr. Lecter would you care to tell me what your doing in my home?" She asked trying to remember where she left her gun.

" I came to see you Clarice I thought that would be obvious." He smirked at the groaning sound she made.

" Forgive me Dr. but don't you think it a little rude to come into a person's house without their permission or even knowing?"

" Touche, little Starling." He let her pull out of his grasp. He wanted to see the look in her eyes, the light on her face, her mind while it worked.

" Dr. Lecter..."

" We've known each other long enough Clarice to drop the formalities. Hannibal please."

Clarice nodded her head and started again. " Hannibal please tell me what your doing in my home? And don't say your here to visit. You have another reason. If you just wanted to see me you've already done that. What else do you want Hannibal?" It was to easy for her to say his name. Probably because she had spent some many night dreaming of him.

" Very good Clarice right to the point. Oky docky then. I came to talk to you about your life, your feelings, where your going." He watched as she processed the new information. Her brow furrowed in confusion.

" What do you care about my life Hannibal?" She asked trying to upset him. Yeah good idea Starling piss off a cannibalistic serial killer. Smart REAL SMART!!

Hannibal acted just as Clarice though he would. Calm and cool. " Clarice you should know just how much I care after saving your life that night at Verger's barn." He gave her a devilish smile. " And what I said at Krendler's dinner party." He smiled as he saw the memory flash in her eyes.

{c: black} She was tired and not really in the mood for his mind games. She slumped and gave a heavy sigh. Looking back at him she asked " What do you want Hannibal?" As soon as the words left her mouth she was sorry she said anything at all.

He took a step closer to her smiling the entire time. " What do I want. Well I would think that quite obvious." He smiled at her and took another step. Pleased that she didn't back away from him. " I want you Clarice. I have always wanted YOU." Clarice's eye went wide but she stood her ground. " I've wanted you since the moment my finger brushed against yours in Memphis. I've been waiting Clarice. Waiting for you to understand that you feel the same way." He smiled at her taking the last step towards her. " You thought about where your gun was correct? Did you ever remember where it was? Did you ever try to make a plan to get to it? Have you once thought of calling for the police?" He shook his head and leaned down. His mouth beside her ear. " You don't want me to leave do you Clarice?" He pulled away to look her in the face.

She didn't know what to say. She wanted to both smack him and kiss him. She wanted to call the police and then again she never wanted him to leave her again. She through all caution to the wind and pulled on the front of his shirt catching his mouth with hers she was sure she was making the right decision. She wanted this, wanted him.

Hannibal was so please with her response he thought his heart would explode. He wrapped his arms around her waist, ever more please when she wrapped her arms around his neck. Both feeling as though close enough was NEVER close enough.

He pulled away and looked into her eyes. He expected to see regret or confusion, not what he actually saw. He saw lust, love, and pure need. He didn't question her at first. Wanting to pretend that she wasn't going to through his heart in his face. " Clarice. I have to ask you, are you sure? Are you sure that you want to spend your life with me. For if we do this there is NO going back."

She looked at him. He was right if she did this she could never go back to her old life. She could never see Ardelia again. She would never be as she was before. But she couldn't think of anything better. She didn't want to be as she was before Hannibal. She loved him. He understood her sometimes more than she did herself. He loved her for who she was not what she looked like. He was here and he was asking for her to come with him. She'd made up her mind.

Hannibal watched her as she thought. He saw as fear and remorse flowed into her eyes. But then couldn't ( and wasn't happy about it) read anything in her eyes. For a few moments his heart stopped when he saw her smile at him.

" Hannibal I want you." She kissed him lightly on the lips. " I want you right now." Hannibal gave her a flash of white teeth and picked her up bridal style. Carrying her to her room. Where they made love all night.

A few months later....

" In other news, the search for former FBI agent Clarice Starling has been called off. After a note was sent to the director from Dr. Hannibal Lecter saying that Ms. Starling was never going to be seen alive again by the FBI. Dr. Lecter..." The TV was shut off. Clarice smiling at her husband.

" Hannibal did you really send them a note saying that I would never be seen alive again?" Hannibal smiled and kissed his wife on the forehead.

" Yes. They will never see her alive again. Because you are no longer Ms. Clarice Starling, you are now and forever will be Mrs. Clarice Lecter." He smiled and kissed her again. She smiled back at him. And place a hand over her slightly distended stomach.

" I think we both like the sound of that." Hannibal smiled and kissed his wife again. Putting his hand on top of Clarice's over their unborn child.

Hannibal got up and turned on the radio. It was playing their song. Asking his wife for a dance he starts to sway to the music.

I hear the clock, it's six a.m.
I feel so far from where I've been
Got my eggs and my pancakes too
Got my maple syrup, everything but you

Break the yolks, make a smiley face
I kinda like it in my brand new place
I wipe the spots off of the mirror
Don't leave the keys in the door
Never put wet towels on the floor anymore 'cause

Dreams last so long
Even after you're gone
I know you love me
And soon you will see
You were meant for me
And I was meant for you

Called my momma, she was out for a walk
Consoled a cup of coffee but it didn't wanna talk
Picked up a paper, it was more bad news
More hearts being broken or people being used

Put on my coat in the pouring rain
Saw a movie it just wasn't the same
'Cause it was happy and I was sad
It made me miss you oh so bad

Dreams last so long
Even after you're gone
I know you love me
And soon you will see
You were meant for me
And I was meant for you

Go about my business, I'm doing fine
Besides, what would I say if I had you on the line
Same old story, not much to say
Hearts are broken every day

Brush my teeth and put the cap back on
I know you hate it when I leave the light on
I pick a book up
Turn the sheets down
Take a deep breath and a good look around

Put on my pj's and hop into bed
I'm half alive but I feel mostly dead
I try and tell myself it'll be all right
I just shouldn't think anymore tonight

Dreams last so long
Even after you're gone
I know you love me
And soon you will see
You were meant for me
And I was meant for you

© Copyright 2007 DarkRose praying 4 Renna (darklady26 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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