Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1254005-vampire-sonya
Rated: E · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #1254005
sonya is a new vampire about to get in some trouble
         Foot steps..the running of small feet across a floor...the image not so clear...repeating and renewing. Footsteps..a child running off skiny legs covered with a white night gown. Curtains dark blue heavy and thick by the childs touch. A good hiding place for one so small. Eyes big and innocent green like plains of ireland...flash back to the running feet..bare and free...

         Sasha woke up with a start. Sweat beaded her brow. Night had already fallen and the air about her was cold. She shifted in her bed swinging her feet to the edge. Sighing she got up and walked to the window. Pushing the curtain aside and turning her face to the full moon... as many years as she lived on this earth she was still not used to the sight. Always it took her breath. Still as much as the moon was a wonder of itself she missed the warmth of the sun. No fire could replace and no blanket can substitute for it. But that is what she was prone to. Long nights where warmth is giving by the magic of fire dancing and taunting her, or by a quilt holding her like a child would a doll. Still she missed the sun. Walking away from her window she goes to her dresser. There she picks out a nice dress. One that would not hold her back should she desire to run. She got dressed fast and was soon out the door. The night welcomed her warm air caressing her face, leaves dancing around her. She smiled at the greeting. Seeing as the village was not so far she left the horse in the stables and began to walk.
         The world around her was peaceful no noise of the day to bother. Shadows hide the creatures within sleeping, maybe even dreaming. Reaching the village there were some people awake and walking about. Mostly prostitutes and drunken men. No one would pay attention to her presence. Even as she knew this she kept to the shadows. Old habits die hard. Even at night the villiage had a lively feel to it. There was music every where, it filled her and brought her joy. Inside the houses she could hear the people. How they talked of their day. Shamelessly she listened. Today she looked for a certain house. A blue one with golden lineings and red curtains. She had passed the house the other day on the way home. She was very far out walking upon farm land. Where she had to be careful. people there were very superstitious. They were weary of her being near. That night she was hurrying to get home when she saw the house. There was a very big barn behind it. She had stopped to look but only for a second. She didn't want to burn in the sun. The curtains were to dark to see inside, but the feeling she got from inside was warm, loving. Her mind searched for others but she didn't find any. It had been a while since sasha had had contact with humans.
         So she decided to come back hoping to meet the people inside and become friends. She felt a little silly peeking in through the windows. But she wanted to see the people inside first. She walked around the house but it seemed all the windowes were coverd. Just when sasha was about to give up she finally saw a window uncovered. Cautiously she peeked inside. She saw into a long hallway, it was dark and she could see some paint peeling off the walls. Further on more in she could see what seemed like a living room. A fire burnt around the silhouette of a small child. He wore a jester's uniform, the fabric of it shimmering blue and silver in the firelight. The cloth hung loosely on him, hiding his true figure beneath. Atop his pale blond hair, a deep blue crown wilted at the points with the weight of silver bells. In the costume, he resembled a small porcelain doll. Sasha was astonished to see the child in such a fashion. She had not seen such since she was a child. It was when her father took her a court at a Chinese emperor's palace. Such things were foreign here at such an age in time. A hand reached from a large chair in front of the fireplace and took the child's limp and bloodied hand from his lap. She spoke soothingly to him:
         "what unfortunate event has befallen you my dear." The child did not say anything but winced in pain as the woman cared to his wound. Sasha found a small smile coming to her. She had never seen such kindness. She inched closer hoping to get a better look, but a twig snapped under her foot. She froze in her spot wondering if they heard her. The women stood up with a sudden jolt, grabbing the boy and shoving him behind her. She looked around a wild look in her eyes. Spotting sonya the women began to scream.
         "No one will take the children away from me! They are mine! no adult will take me children!" the women lifted her hand and a ball of lighting formed in the center the child behind cringed and ran away. The women did not notice this, their in her the electric ball grew until it was at a great mass. Then the women flung it at sonya. Sonya scrambled away from the window, getting up she began to run home. even when she was about 4 miles away she could still feel the heat at her back and the women words ringing in her ears No adult shall come near my children
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