Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1253752-The-Divine-Dragon-Lord-Meets-Naruto
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1253752
This Story is about a character I made up meeting Naruto Chapter 1
Chapter 1

The Dragon Lord VS Ninja

Are story begins with a boy at the age of fifteen he wears a brown robe with a dragon crest on the chest area he has a medium build.
He has dirty blond hair white caucasian he doesn't use a wand he dose hand movement and even thought.
On his right shoulder is a seal that starts with the symbol of fire inside a circle then it cuts to another.
Circle with a water symbol then another line drops down to another circle with the air symbol in it.
Then another line go's to another circle with the symbol of air inside it then another line connects.

To the fire circle making a elemental square then lines from each circle go to a circle in the center and inside that circle.
Was the symbol for the dragon. Now this boy is walking down a dirt road to the left of it was a river and to the right.
Was a forest he is looking for a nearby village that was suppose to be near by village he was just.
Enjoying the scenery when a man jumped out a near by bush he was dressed in blue pants blue shirt with a gray vest.
His face was hidden behind a mask and he had a head band with sound note on it.

"Who are you?"asked the boy

"I'm none of your business just stay away from that village." said the ninja

"I don't want to fight I just want to get by and have no trouble said the boy

"Well unfortunately for you we want to fight" said the strange ninja suddenly the boy was surrounded by five more ninja.

"You obviously don't know what your getting yourselves into!" said the boy

He started glowing green then he created an orb that was glowing white.

"What is that" said one of the ninja

"this is one of my spells I call it the none-elemental orb it is a orb made of none-elemental magical energy" said the boy.

He then threw the orb at the ninja that was standing behind him it hit the ninja and it incinerated him all that was left was ash.

"So your pretty good with your jutsu" said the ninja in front of the bush.

Everyone around the boy started to do the same hand signs then pricked their fingers and touched the ground.

He heard "Summoning Jutsu"and he was surrounded by giant snakes the looked to see the boys.

Reaction and they looked at his eyes and saw them change to yellow the pupils narrowed so that they.

Looked like that of a rattlesnakes "so you want to fight with monsters well you haven't seen a monster until you've become one" said the boy.

Then he started glowing white as a the sun then the boys skin turned snow white and scales started to protrude.
From his skin he then fell on all fours like a lizard he then grew to thirty times his normal size his arms.
Became front legs and his legs became hind legs he the legs looked like that of a horses he then grew a tail.
His robes tor off his body his neck elongated and his face grew a snout and his teeth sharpened like that.
Of a Komodo dragons he then grew wings from his back like that of a flying lizards the boy had transformed.

Into a dragon the king of the dragons the Divine Dragon this dragon in its day was as strong as the ancient gods.
It is the oldest of all and strongest of all dragons

"What jutsu is this"said the leader

the Divine Dragon blasted every single.

Snake with none-elemental energy the snakes disappeared in a puff of smoke then he tail whipped the ninja.
Into the forest as they attempted to do more jutsu then he flew over the river for a few miles until the village.
Came into sight then the dragon changed back into the boy and he fell passed out from shear exhaustion.
He then fell into the river and was washed up on a bank where he was found by a boy with long raven black.

Hair white eyes no visible pupils and he had veins popping out of the sides of his
eyes the boy.
Then picked the dragon lord up and carried him to the hospital.

Chapter 2

The Dragon Lords Name

The boy came to he found he was lying in a bed

"Oh where am I" he said

"Your in the village of Konoha" said a girl.

With pink hair red half shirt and skirt with the slit up to her hip and blue shorts under neath that.

"Who are you and what are you doing to me?" said the boy

"I am Haruno Sakura I'm a medical ninja and I'm using chakra to heal you" said the pink haired girl.

"Now you know who I am who are you?" said Sakura

"I am Coty the Divine Dragon Lord" said the boy

"Wait did you say ninja ?"said Coty.

"Yeah" said Sakura

Coty magicand on some robes and jumped to his feet.

"You going to try and kill me to well lets see you handle a-" he then collapsed.

He awoke a few minutes later

"uh what did you do to me"said Coty

"Your body was weakened to the point that you nearly died" said Sakura.

"Why help someone you wanted dead" said Coty

two men heaved Coty back into his bed then left

"I don't know what you're talking about"said Sakura.

"You mean your not the ninja that attacked me before I got hear" said Coty

"No" said Sakura.

Coty then passed out as it had appeared to Sakura

"Hey dragon what happened" said Coty.

"Your magical energy ran out as I was about to land in front of the village" said the Divine Dragon

Threw a pen that had the seal for bars that was on Coty's shoulder

"I really need to quit doing that one day its going to get me killed" said Coty.

"What are you saying that you wish I where gone" said The Dragon

"No, nothing like I'm glad that your here if it wasn't for you I'd be dead right now" said Coty.

"You should be grateful"said The Dragon

"Yeah,yeah I've heard it all before but lets not forget your in my body and if I die you die."said Coty.

"Yeah,yeah ,yeah I know did you just come here to argue or did you want something" said the dragon.

"Yeah are these the same ninja that attacked us" said Coty

"Well from what I can tell from your memory that these aren't the same" said the Dragon.
"Oh and could you please heal me" said Coty

"Yes I'll heal you"said the Dragon.

Coty awoke in the real world fully healed

"How did you heal so fast" said Sakura

"Magic" said Coty.

He then got up and was getting ready to leave when Sakura grabbed his arm

"I'm sorry but I can't let you leave until you've been given a full examination"she said.

"Lady if you don't release my arm you'll end up in that bed" said Coty
his eyes had once again gone dragon.

"What are you" said Sakura

"I'm a Dragon lord" said Coty

he started glowing green then he pulled his hand free and calmed down and walked away.

"That was close" he thought

"Hey whats with the false alarm said the dragon

"Nothing"thought Coty.

He then walked down the hall to the entrance

"Stop him!"yelled Sakura Coty said a quick spell and he was surrounded by a sphere of magical energy.
There was a sudden burst of needles where blocked by the shield Coty then saw a guy dressed in orange.
Run straight at him yelling rasengan he then touched the shield with a orb of swirling energy the boy.
Was then thrown backwards in a spinning motion. He did a back flip and landed on his feet his eyes where as red a firetruck.

"Your another one" said Coty

"I don't know who you are or what your talking about but you need to return to your bed" said the blond boy.

"I'm fine" said Coty

"Naruto there is something different about this guy" said the boy with the white eyes

"Hey your the one who saved me" said Coty.

"Yes my name is Neji Hyuga said the boy

Coty then continued on toward the exit he noticed that Neji's eyes had vein's around them then they disappeared.

"Can't let him see my byakuugan" thought Neji

Coty didn't take much notice to either of them. He was about to leave when he was stopped by a blond haired.
Woman in green robes and gray shirt and pants

"are you going to try and stop me?" said Coty.

"No I'm the one that sent you the scroll"said the woman

"Your Tsunade" said Coty

"Yes"said the woman

"Oh then I'm here to fill any position you want filled"said Coty.

"I want you to fill the job as a ninja" said Tsunade

"Uh ok then tell me where I need to sign up" said Coty

"Well if you'll come with me to my office I'll give you the test and we'll see if you fit the position" said Tsunade.

Chapter 3

Coty's Test

Coty was sitting in Tsunade's office and finished the test she quickly graded it

"Well Coty you've passed with flying colors"she said.

Then the door behind them opened a girl with the same pale eyes as Neji and the same raven black hair.
Walked in she was wearing a tan parka and blue pants

"You wanted to see me Hokage sama" said the girl.

"Ah Hinata yes I did want to see you"said Tsunade

"I was wondering could you check Cotys chakra network"said Tsunade.

"Say what"said Coty

"Hold still please"said Hinata

"Byaakugan" thought Hinata the veins near her temples popped out.

"Could you please make some chakra" said Hinata

"I don't know how" said Coty suddenly the door burst open and needles.

Flew into the air and hit Coty in the back as they where meant for Tsunade Coty the started.
Glowing white his eyes had gone dragon then the needles popped out of his back his hands became.
Claws his skin scaly he then spouted wings but didn't finish the transformation. He then created the.
None-elemental orb in both hands he then saw the same symbol on his head band as every one else's.
He moved his hands to both walls around the the door. Then the orbs blasted from his hands like beams and destroyed.

The entire side of the top floor of the building Coty calmed down and returned to normal

"Who huh are you huh" said Coty

"I thought the Hokage sama was in trouble and I was right" said the ninja he was wearing blue pants, and shirt and a green.

Vest his head band was over his right eye he then pulled out a knife.

"No Kakashi I called him hear" said Tsunade snapping out of her fright

"Hi-Hinata did he" she stammered a frightened Hinata shook her head.

"No, your telling me he didn't use any chakra" said Tsunade

"She wouldn't find any chakra because that wasn't chakra it was magic and if that was the end of the test then I'm leaving" said Coty.

"No there is one more thing you have to do and that is the jutsu part of the test" said Tsunade.

"So do I take that part here or somewhere else said Coty

"You will go with Kakashi to training area thirteen"said Tsunade.

"Wheres that" said Coty

"Its the open area far to the left" said Tsunade pointing out the window.

"Hey Kakashi I bet you ten points on my test that I can get there before you" said Coty.

"O.K." said Kakashi

They shook on it and Kakashi took off Coty just stood in the office pulled the sleeves.
Of his robes back and stretched out his arms then electricity started to generate from his hands.
He then forced his arms forward and the electricity turned into a sphere or a portal

"I win" he said.

Then he stepped threw and him and the portal disappeared

"Tsunade sama are you all- what happened to the wall!" said Kakashi.

"If your here then who is testing Coty" said Tsunade

"I came to tell you Mizuke broke out of the prison again and is planning to assassinate a dragon lord what is a dragon lord" said Kakashi.

"That is what are new recruit is" said Tsunade

"Quick get Naruto and Sakura and get down to training ground thirteen" said Tsunade.
"Yes maim" and Kakashi disappeared mean while Coty was standing at the gate of the training grounds.

"Where is this guy" thought Coty

he looked down the road and saw a man with arm as big as a small trees he was.

Dressed in gray and had purple hair chains on his wrists

"Who are you" said Coty.

"I'm going to Kill you Dragon Lord" said the Man

"Bring it on" said Coty.

He created the none-elemental orb and threw it at the mystery person who dodged it and disappeared.

"Come out you cowered" said Coty

"I thought a dragon lord would have been a challenge but I guess not" said the man.

Coty ducked a kick from behind

"Time shield" said Coty

Casting the shield spell he used earlier when he fought Naruto.

"H mm the indestructible magic shield I thought only Time master's could use that"said the man.

"I was taught by one" said Coty the fight when on for an hour

"Starting to get tired yet dragon lord" said the man.

Suddenly Kakashi,Naruto,and Sakura appeared from the

"Your late" said Coty.

"Coty that man is not your ordinary man thats a killer named Mizuke" yelled Naruto

"Don't worry I can handle him" said Coty.

"Sensie there is something wrong with Coty"said Sakura

"Hows so looks O.k. to me" said Kakashi.

"Look at his eyes their glowing yellow and his pupils have become slits" said Sakura

Coty then breathed fire and missed Mizuke by a hair.

"Your good dragon lord but how long are you going to be able to hold off the transformation" said Mizuke.

"How do you know about that" said Coty

"I disguised my self as Kakashi I saw what Tsunade saw" said Mizuke.

He then made a hand sign and disappeared

"Nice try Mizuke but these eyes aren't fooled by false images" said Coty

He then cast a spell that made Images of himself appear

"Which one is me Mizuke" said Coty.

He was hiding in a tree to calm down and keep from either transforming into the Divine Dragon or the half dragon.

"Hey they're gonna find out sooner or later that you've got a monster in you" said Mizuke.

"He's right Coty and do you think that woman or that girl will keep that a secret" said the Divine Dragon.

"I suppose not" said Coty

He stood up to jump off the tree When he heard a scream, and Sakura being held.

With a knife at her throat

"I didn't even see him" said Kakashi

His head band was off that covered eye to reveal a red eye.

With three colored in black sixes

"Naruto, Kakashi some one help me" said Sakura.

"They won't do anything without worrying about you said Mizuke

Coty dispelled the illusion spell and ran directly in front of Mizuke and Sakura.

"let her go Mizuke your fight is with me" said Coty

"You want her come and get her" said Mizuke.

Coty opened a small portal and it sucked Sakura inside and she was then sent beside Kakashi

"You wanted to meat my dragon well I guess the dragon was right you three where going to find out sooner or later" said Coty.

He started glowing white then he transformed into the Divine Dragon Mizuke backed up.

"What's the matter you wanted to meet me well die" said the Dragon

he blew none-elemental energy on Mizuke and obliterated him the dragon then.

Powered down and Coty changed back

"Huh you Huh all right he said

"Yeah I'm fine said Sakura.

"Thats good" he said

then he passed out Sakura ran over and did a hand sign and her hand started.
Glowing green she then ran them over Coty he then awoke and magicand his robes on.

"Thank you"said Coty

"Well as your proctor I must say you passed with flying colors you're now a ninja" said Kakashi.

"Thank you Kakashi I hope to do the village proud" said Coty

he then fell asleep and awoke the next day in the hospital.

"I'm here again" he thought

"Well what did you expect said The Dragon

"True enough" said Coty.
© Copyright 2007 The Divine Dragon lord (bull at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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