Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1252766-Calchis
Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #1252766
more added about the refugees

50'000 years ago, a small planet in the Andromeda galaxy was facing doom.
Their planets' orbit around their sun, had begun to decay. The last chance the people of Calchis had, was to send some of their people to the closest planet in the universe. One called Earth. Bigger than their own, it boasted a lush atmosphere
and a population not much bigger than theirs. the in habitants were thought to be simple and unaware of much more than food and sleep. The trick was timing. The spin of the galaxies was such that they were only in line with each other every 17000 years. If their calculations were off by so much as 150 miles, their refugees would never find a home.

Seven were selected to go; A husband and his wife, Kadreil and Patmya, scientists specializing in the planets greatest achievement: cordical tranfer. Also on board were two of the planets greatest warriors, T'grart and Leinat. Two teachers Jonado and Seriert, versed in all 23 languages and history of their planet. And finally, K'ralc, the elder of the Calchis relgion S'enwit Hojav.

The ship that they traveled in, was one of a unique nature. The laws of physics wouldn't allow actual bodies to travel at the necessary speeds, so the ship carried their conciousness rather than their bodies, through space. This was the planets' great achievment: cordical transfer.

The journey would have literally driven the occupants insane, seeing that it would take thousand life times to traverse the distance. The minds of these last souls of Calchis would be asleep until implanted in their new bodies.

Kadreil awoke to the ships proximity alarms beeping, letting him know that they were approaching the planet. He tried to open his eyes but they wouldn't move. Knowing that he may still be connected to the ship through the cordical link, he lifted his hand to reactivate the sight subroutines of the ships sensors. Instead his hands fell on to something soft, almost like skin. He again tried to open his eyes, this time with success. It took a few moments for his eyes to adjust. When they did he was looking in to the eyes of a women who was holding him in her arms, and a man looking over her shoulder. They were smiling at him. With tears in their eyes, they smiled simply looking into his eyes. He felt an inexplicable, feeling of joy and pride sweeping over him. He tried to ask them what had happend to him, but all he could manage was to cry out. he lifted his hand again. He lifted it towards the man and saw his tiny fingers and the soft skin. Try as he might he could manage no words. it was then he realized the truth; he was a newborn child.


Patmya opened her eyes to see a light. A bright light, that came from an odd , thin cylinder that was held by a man in dressed in white. She reached up to him and noticed her small fingers and light, soft skin. She too realized that she was an infant, yet she wasn't a newborn. She looked around, noticing every detail of the room with an odd, photographic clarity. She looked back at the man in white, and trying to talk she managed only a slight coo. He looked at her and smiled. Then brought a section of odd material to her, layed it across her small body and, gently tucked it in around her. He layed his hand on her stomach and gently rubbed it. She soon felt drowsy, and before long she was asleep once more.


more to come if any one likes it

© Copyright 2007 Clark Henry Goren (lycanus at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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