Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1251237-Twisted-FateChapter-FourFive
by LauraK
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Death · #1251237
The first to know....


While Brandon has only the sound of snakes in the dark to keep him company, Missy has the smell of animals and dirt. She awakens to find herself outside, no longer gagged and her wrists are free. Her body is weak but she manages to lift herself up off the ground. As she clears her throat of dust Missy takes a look around. The area she is in is some sort of fenced-in yard; there is no grass; no trees. She is still clad in the bunny costume, its hood pulled over her head so the ears flap loosely about her face.

Tears trail down her cheeks and through the smears of dirt on her skin. Missy happens to look down, possibly hoping to hide from her own despair but finds some hope instead. Attached to her chest with a safey pin is an envelope with the words
READ ME printed across the center. She pulls it free and begins tearing into it, unaware of the danger that lingers behind her. The words she reads inside make no sense to her.

"What?" Missy whispers aloud. Her mind is too tired to focus and confusion is swimming all around inside. As she reads over the note one last time, a deep growl comes from behind. Missy freezes. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. Another deep growl. Knowing that she shouldn't move, Missy does exactly that; she turns her head slowly to the right to see what sort of friendly thing might be there.

Standing before her are two monstrous rotweilers, teeth snarling and ready to go to work. Without much thought Missy turns back around and frantically searches for a place to run. Bunny hole. What hole? Her eyes continue to frantically search the yard. Just when she is about to give up, she spots her hole: a tin shed/hut with a small opening at the bottom, like a doggy door. It looks too small to squeeze through but what other options are there? Once again closing her eyes, Missy breathes in deep. Without much hesitation, she leaps forward.

The dogs are on her heels and it seems as if the hut is moving further away instead of drawing nearer. Missy's screams echo in the cool air. The dogs are so close now that she can almost feel their hot breath on her bare feet. Can she make it to the other side? If so, will she be able to squeeze her way into the tiny hole before she runs out of breath and her body gives out?


When the lights came on once again, John, Jason and Steven found themselves lying on their backs, hands bound not behind their backs but behind their necks. The three mens' legs are up in the air and tethered together by the ankles. Their mouths, fortunately, are free of the gags. It is Jason who speaks first.

"Are you guys okay?" The other two reply that they are and start questioning where they might be and why this was happening to them. John lies still and hears something or someone shuffling around. Looking out of the corner of his eye, John can see a tall, lean female standing in the doorway.

"Who in the hell...." His phrase is finished for him.

"Am I? You can call me Lacie and that's all you need to really know. How're you boys doing? Good I hope." She strolls over to a nearby counter. The men watch as Lacie slips her hands into a pair of heavy duty gloves, the kind used to handle hazardous materials. She then turns to face them but before she can proceed with any of the sick games, a loud knock at the door distracts her. Someone else has entered the room but the men can't see who it is. This new person is still clad in the black robe and mask. The voice is also still in disguise.

"What now? I was just about to start my session."

The masked figure replies. "Jen says you are to check on the dogs."

Lacie rolls her eyes in response. Jen is always telling her what to do and trying to be the big shot of the plans. Yet she never does any of the really dirty work herself.
"Why can't Sadie? She's the one that threw that lil bunny bitch out there for them. And why are you still wearing that shit?"

The masked figure appears to be annoyed by Lacie's questions.
"Jen wants me to finish the boys in here and she wants you to check on the dogs. Now go!"

Lacie removes her gloves and throws them onto the counter top.

"You've been a real bitch, Neely. First, you refuse to drive up here with us and now you think you can take over everything. Typical. You were always more like Jen; lazy."
Lacie shoves Neely as she walks away. Now the three guys are left with the masked figure now known as Neely. She uses Lacie's gloves and grabs a steel bucket. Steven tries to make nervous conversation in hopes that some valuable information will slip her lips.
"Ummm...may I ask what you're doing?" At first Neely is quiet. When she does answer, it's quick and to the point.

"Yes, you may and it's none of your business just yet."

This one is going to be harder to get to and for some reason, her mask is still hiding her identity. That is really starting to bother Steven. The other two are discouraged by the brief answers and Steven soon decides it's a waste of breath asking Neely anything. Instead, he focuses on what Neely is doing. A glass jug is removed from under the counter and it's contents are poured into the bucket. Another jug with the same contents is also emptied into the bucket. It is then carried over to the boys with care. So far this game isn't looking so hot.

"If you gentlemen don't mind, I need you to lower your legs." No one moves. The fright is builing up inside them. Slowly, they lower their legs together. "Thank you. This is where things are going to get difficult, boys. I'm going to place this bucket on the soles of your feet which you will then raise back into the air."

The men listen intently. Neely continues. "I will untie your ankles and you will all be free."

There has to be a catch to this act. Isn't there always? Jason seems to think so.

"Here's the deal: this bucket contains a very potent acid. So if I were you, I wouldn't get too shifty. It's possible only one of you will make it with only minor injuries. My advice to you now would be for one of you to save yourself, kill the rest. You'll see that it's not so bad and in the end you'll find relief."

Neely places the bucket onto their feet and just as she promised, their ankles are untethered. The weight of the bucket is already bearing down on them. Just as Neely is about to walk out of the room, she calls back to them.

"This doesn't have to be the ending for any of you. Enjoy this. Get wet, laugh. Whatever may make you feel better later."

Now the men are left in the room with their uncomfortable game. An hour passes and Steven's legs are beginning to shake.

STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER....Who gives in to the pressure first?
© Copyright 2007 LauraK (laurak13 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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