Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1251030-Pendant-of-FairenthREEDITED
Rated: ASR · Fiction · Fantasy · #1251030
about young boy learning the way of his extinct race and what he has a quest to find.
Chapter 1

It all started in a small woodland area clearing where a huge fire blazed in a giant mesh wrought iron cage. There were small impish people dancing and rejoicing round it. This was not a usual occurrence, since the dark mage had been destroyed. They had been doing this for a long time; from the early hours of the morning the news had spread like wild fire around Ganthorick.

Meanwhile back in the magically built up areas there was were still followers of the dark mages causing havoc. From houses fled scared and angry people.

Upon the hill outside the woods there was an almighty crack and in the ground appeared an enormous crevasse from which a short well built man by the name of Krug materialized from. He had a large scar that curved down through his bushy eyebrow and down to his lip on his angular war hardened face. He had scorch marks on his face and clothing. On his richly embroidered, now blackened, cloak, were the markings of a dwarf clan, it had a large sapphire embroidered on it surrounded by curved pickaxes. He was clutching something small and round in a bundle of rags. Krug's hands loosened on the bundle which made it tilt a fraction, just enough to see a baby's face. It had Celtic markings all the way down the right side of its face and although not visible, the marking carried on down its right arm. The crevasse which the man was hovering on started to recede back to its normal state.

There were three more almighty cracks and a few meters from the man Krug and the baby where three hooded, very imposing people who had begun materializing. One of the men said in a deep voice, clearly annoyed "Why do we always do the aesdler spell, it hurts my ears when we get to our destination."
Another man replied with a bit of order about him, "We still have to do this because there is still a lot of danger around, when we are certain that there is no more threat we can just do what we used to without any fear. I still think that this is the best way by far anyways."

Krug re-tightened his grip on the baby as the intruders advanced, he wasn't about to give the baby up easily. He grasped his staff that hung loosely by his axes and swung it in an arc high above his head. The tip of the staff started to produce multiple strands of gold that weaved in and out of each other soon forming a globe round Krug and the baby. But the intruders were starting to advance, the hairs on the back of Krug's neck began to bristle, as sweat beads started to run down his scarred face. The intruders were up against the globe. One of the intruders swept his hood back to reveal pointed ears and sleek black hair. His cloak brushed the wild grass and at his waist hung a long green staff, beside that a telescope and on his back there was a long white bow with engraved golden inscriptions, Runes in Elvish. He then reached out with one long and spindly finger and touched the globe.
Suddenly the gold globe shook and a vivid green leaf appeared on the globe, then the black haired intruder walked through the globe as if it wasn't there. The other intruders proceeded through the globe the same as the first one; soon all of them were in the globe though very cramped. Krug backed away hitting the edge of the globe, it wasn't until the dark haired man walked into the light did Krug recognize him. He then said apologetically in a deep rumbling voice "I'm sorry milord I didn't recognize you."
The sleek haired elven intruder replied, "Its ok Krug, but you really should have waited for my guards to help you."

"I know, but, Veritius, your guard were late, I thought elves had a good sense of time," replied Krug.

As soon as he had finished speaking his sentence there was an explosion from the forest which sent violent shockwaves out, these brought dust, bushes and rocks up off the ground hitting the sphere. Veritius raised a hand as Krug shielded the baby with his strong muscular arms even in the protection of the globe. Once the dust had settled the globe had disappeared and there was a small impish person lying, wheezing on the ground by Krug's feet. Krug handed the baby to Veritius, and knelt beside the imp like creature and carefully helped him up. Once he was on his feet Krug noticed something on his arm, a look of fear filled his face, he then whispered to Veritius; "It's the mark, they're here ... how did they find us ..." As soon as Veritius saw the mark on the creatures arm he handed the baby back to Krug and got straight to work on ordering some of his guard to scout the area. He then murmured an incantation; and fifty more elves materialized from nowhere. Half of them surrounded the baby and Krug. As this was happening about one hundred people came running out of the nearby encircling forest. They wore sliver masks on which were looks of torture, pain and misery. They had black torn cloaks and large curved swords and they seemed to run effortlessly across the uneven, marshy ground.

Krug's eyes widened with fear and concern at the large glinting crescent swords. He looked at the ground and saw the grass slowly turning a shade of grey. Whispering so only the closest of the elves surrounding him could hear " It's the Garudion . He then glanced at the formation of the steadily advancing Garudion and marvelled at their speed and grace.

Veritius held his staff with two hands and shouted in a booming voice, "Goidelic!". In front of the charging army a giant rupture appeared in the ground stretching out into the distance for as far as the eye could see; about five meters across and 100 deep there was no way the enemies could make it across. The eyes of the advancing army glowed a vivid red and one after another they ran, but they did not fall in, instead they glided effortlessly over it.
Veritius's eyes widened in horror he then thought after all our effort to save this boy and we've lost at the first hurdle. He gave the elves, which had positioned themselves in front of him, the order to take aim. The elves almost systematically pulled their bows out one after the other with lightening speed. Veritius, seeing the elves getting impatient gave the order to fire. Krug then started forward, forgetting that he still carried the baby, drew his small hand axe, his face filled with anger. All the elves released their grasps on their bowstrings and 50 arrows flew into the advancing army of Garudion. A rank of the soldiers fell back; though this hardly made a dent in the vast numbers. The Garudion advanced still, looks of determination flaring in their eyes. The elves kept firing into the ever-moving army but still they did not stop. The elves, though getting anxious, did not break ranks.

Suddenly from behind the army came 300 men in shining silver plate-mail with gold trim to match, mounted on strangely imposing stallions. Armed with spears, war hammers and swords. Hacking, slashing, stabbing and bashing at the army from behind. In front, the elves, masterfully skilled with their bows, who, were running on the pure adrenaline of the cross-fire; aiming, firing and knocking their bows within seconds each time. Soon the remaining few of the enemy army who were left scattered and disappeared into the inky black folds of their torn and battered robes. Veritius, walked towards the now two-hundred cavalry and started to talk to the exhausted captain. After a brief conversation between the two, Veritius walked back to the group of adrenaline pumped elves still surrounding Krug and the baby. These elves parted, kneeling one after the other as Veritius continued to walk towards the baby and its four-and-a-half foot guardian. He stopped, crouching, whispered into Krug's right ear, "We can't leave him here with the impish folk, this is the first place they'll look, we'll take him to the province of Atheriea, he should be safe there".

Krug then wondered to himself ... who will watch the boy as he grows up, dare I ask one of the greatest mages, strategists and warriors of all time if, I, a dwarven imperial guardsman, can watch over him ...?

Just as Krug picked up the courage to ask Veritius, the elf began to talk " You Krug will be Fenricks watcher," gesturing to the baby Krug held, "if you wish and when he comes of age I will expect you to teach him most things while you bring him to Sacareth. Do you understand?"
With this piece of news Krugs eyes welled with tears which ran through the deep scars and his face softened and he merely nodded as he was to overwhelmed to talk. So he took his staff lightly in his hand and spun it three times in a small circle and disappeared in a wisp of smoke with the baby.

Chapter 2

Fifteen years had past since that fate filled night. A boy lay in his bed sleeping peacefully, until the familiar nightmare came back to him of flashing blue, red and orange lights and, screaming, dozens of people screaming in terror. Then the scene changed into one where he was held by a firm but gentle arm. He then woke up he was back in his bed with a smooth embroidered blanket covering him. He stared at the ceiling for about ten minutes listening to the loud rumbling snore of his old guardian.
He then busied him self with his chores he wanted to impress Krug as it was near his coming of age ceremony.
This ceremony is carried out in Atheriea to show the passing through the age barrier, which give the people in it their full powers for a certain element whether it be earth fire water or air.
Walking into the forge workshop, that Krug owned, he picked up a broom and began sweeping the steel and bronze shards into a pile, as he swept past the furnace he knocked a leather bound something, it clanged as it hit the ground. As Fenrick picked it up the leather fell off at the top and there was the most beautifully crafted hilt of a sword he had ever laid his eyes on, it was pure gold carved into a dragon and in its mouth was a large perfectly cut red ruby, each scale of the dragons neck and body had been perfectly and carefully shaped. A bang at the door made Fenrick jump hastily he put the sword where he had found it wrapping the leather back round it. He ran to the door and opened it; standing in front of him was an average height, stocky built teenager, the boy was Jarelod son of Ethrolod, he and Fenrick were the same age. Jarelod said “What took you so long? Not doing anything you’re not supposed to be, without me?”
“N… nothing” replied Fenrick “ what makes you think I was doing anything?”
“ HA. You thought you could lie to me about practicing your swordsmanship to try and beat me, did you?” Jarelod said as he rolled towards a stack of poles, grasping one of them and swinging round to catch Fenrick in the ankle. Fenrick caught off guard fell to the ground, attacking again jarelod swung down in an arc to hit him in the ribs. Fenrick rolled grabbed an iron stoker. They parried dove swung and jumped around the forge for 15 minutes, with one particularly strong blow to jarelod’s defenses he was knocked backwards into a large barrel of water. At this point Krug, Fenrick’s guardian, walked in grabbing fenrick’s ear as he passed, over to the barrel taking both fenrick and jarelods heads and thrusting them into the barrel of water

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