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Rated: E · Novel · Fanfiction · #1250773
Another Superboy Jamie Story
The Secret of the Myst – Part 10

Jamie gently touched down at the Kent house. He stepped through the doors of the balcony and laid Robby softly on his own bed, careful to not wake him. He went to his closet and opened the door. In a flash he was out of the Superboy attire, standing in a pair of shorts and a tank top holding a sleeping bag.

Jamie stepped over to the foot of Maddie’s bed, unfolded the sleeping bag, and slid into it. "Robby, you are a true guardian angel." he thought to himself as he just relaxed and, with his x-ray vision, peered up through the ceiling at the stars overhead as he has done so many times before. He was proud that his new friend had come to grips with who, and what, he is. He was honored to call him his “teammate.”

* * * * *

Several hours had passed. The boys had a chance to rest up, when a news bulletin flashed across the TV screen in the Kent’s living room! A large fire had broken out in a warehouse in the city!

The fire raged out of control at what was thought to be an abandoned building in the warehouse district of Metropolis. Superboy, Speed Demon, Stormboy, and their new super friend, Myst had just arrived on the scene to help out.

"The Firefighters have their hands full guys; we need to help them out” exclaimed Superboy with alarm.

"I am gonna just call up a major rain storm to help put this fire out, I think I can center it right over the building." said Stormboy as he raised his hands to the heavens and concentrated. As he did a massive rain cloud began to form and pour out its payload onto the burning building.

"That's the ticket....ARRRRGGGGGHHHHH!" Myst stopped in mid sentence and doubled over in agony. As he did, he lost his concentration notwithstanding his power ring. He plummeted earthward.

Superboy streaked towards his falling friend and snatched him out of the sky. The moment he came into contact with Myst, he "saw" what was happening.

"Jamie! Oh my God, Jamie!!!!! There is a firefighter trapped in that building! He is hurting, so... so… m-much pain." Robby cried out.

Jamie scanned the building with his X-ray vision and saw that another battalion of Firefighters was about to reach their fallen comrade. He relayed this news to Robby as he set him on the ground.

Stormboy continued to inundate the burning building with rainwater as Speed Demon rapidly intercepted falling debris before it could land on firefighters and rescue workers on the ground.

Superboy again took to the sky above the building and using his super cold breath assisted in fighting the fire. Once the fire had been extinguished, he, his brother and Stormboy entered the smoldering ruin and initiated a scan of the building to ensure that all the firefighters were safely clear of the building.

Their scan complete, the three super-boys exited the building. Jamie searched the area for Robby, whom they had left outside because he had been severely weakened by the empathic onslaught from the critically injured firefighter. Robby was nowhere to be found.

Superboy and the others knew where to find the "Guardian Angel" known simply as Myst. “Look for the Ambulances,” Jamie muttered. They strolled around the corner and found Robby kneeling over the fallen firefighter. He was glowing bright yellow. All three super-boys realized that something was wrong the split second before it happened.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Oh God in Heaven NO!!!!! Wake Up!!!! Wake Up!!!!!" Robby clenched his fists and screamed at the top of his lungs. His eyes changed from glowing yellow to their natural emerald green, tears streaming down his face,

"I can't wake him up. I’ve lost him! He's gone. I didn’t get to him in time! WHY!!!! WHY!!! WHY!!!" Robby wailed in pain and anguish. He had sagged to his knees. Nearby objects as well as the super trio levitated off the ground.

Robby’s powerful telekinesis had involuntarily manifested with irresistible force, displacing even the phenomenally strong young Zyrtonian hero!

With his telepathic mind, Wes scanned Robby’s mind. He explained to Jamie and Greggy.

“He’s weirded out pretty bad, guys. This telekinetic reaction is totally involuntary.”

He addressed Robby, who was still badly dazed from the trauma

"Robby! Hey Robby! Could you please put us down?" asked the black clad youngster.

Robby snapped out of his daze, looked around and realized he must have lashed out somehow.

"Ohhh, sorry guys." he apologized. Robby then closed his eyes and relaxed a bit. The floating objects and his three super friends settled back to the ground.

Jamie, Wes and Greggy ran over to Robby and kneeled down beside their stricken friend.

"What happened?" Greg asked, concerned.

"I tried so hard to get to him. I felt his life force slipping away." Robby started to explain through his sobs. "I got to him, started trying to heal him, and nothing happened, NOTHING HAPPENED GUYS! I failed!!!!!!" Robby sobbed.

Jamie moved to face Robby, laid his palms on his friend’s shoulders and spoke to him gently but firmly.

“Bro, I know how this hurts. Believe me, I’ve been where you are now and I know and Speedy and Stormy know how bad it hurts when this happens. And I’m not gonna lie to you. It never gets any easier. Never! It will AWAYS hurt when you lose someone. But you did your best. That’s all you can do, Bro is just do your best. It’s not like you were home jellin’ out in front of the TV or playing a video game. You’re out here in the trenches with us doing your best to make a difference.”

“Now, Rob, if you ever need someone to talk to about this, or if you ever just need to vent or whatever, we’re here for yah, bro, Speedy, Stormy and me; all three of us! And there’ll be times when one of us will hafta lean on you for support. But when it’s all said and done, we just gotta press on and do the best we can by the people we CAN help!” Jamie added.

Still sniffling and hitching, Robby nodded. "I guess this goes with the territory sometimes, huh?" He responded.

Wes interjected. "Sometimes, but not all the time, bro. I know that doesn’t make it any easier, but you did give it your all" he reassured his friend.

"You are still just starting to learn how to use and control your abilities bro” said Jamie

"Yeah even Mr. Clark did not know that you were tele-connected." Greg said

"That's telekinetic, you goof ball” retorted Wes.

Robby reached out with his telepathic mind to Jamie. “Bro, I love you guys. Can you and your dad help me through this?” He asked with his mind. Jamie nodded yes to his friend.

With that he slid the power-ring back onto his right hand and all four leapt into the sky. They aimed themselves for the Fortress of Solitude. Jamie had called his dad and asked him to meet them there after he got off work. Clark agreed and the boys were off.

© Copyright 2007 SuperboyShinzon (shinzon911 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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